Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #8 *Arrest*

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Gosh I was on another board and the crazy chick who was in love with Richard Ramirez was posting. It was some time ago and perhaps she even married him. Cant remember. Anyhoo she was as whack as they come. She would get all bent out of shape from some questions and leave. Then she would come back and we had to treat her with kid gloves. Again she was as whack as they come.

Who is Richard Ramirez?
Yes I agree it is interesting GG hung out with his Mom at the Vigil. Very telling. IMO.
I was just outside and some kids went by on bikes, a boy about 15ish, a girl 10ish and a little boy about 5ish. They were riding and laughing without a care in the world. They are unaffected by the fears that adults have to / choose to worry about . Why not? Our neighborhood is safe, quiet, very rural. They probably do not know there is one RSO at the end of the street and another RSO next door to me, about 300 yards away. They're just enjoying life and being kids. And I'm glad they can be. Of course, my mind is distracted and all I can think is they are roaming footloose and fancy free and what is really so wrong with that?

ON topic. When my now almost adult daughter was 4 she begged for a kitty and after some searching we found the winner. We brought him home and set him up in the house for housecat life . When he got older he wanted to go outside so bad . I would not let him. My daughter , in all of her wisdom at about 5 yrs of age, wanted him to go out. I reminded her of all the dangers, cars on the road, neighborhood dogs and the coyotes. We have coyotes nightly roaming around looking for a meal. I said he won't live if he goes out there. There are too many dangers. She said to me that if he did not live, at least he would have been free to life the cat's life he was born to live and that cats were not made to live inside and he clearly needed and longed to go out into the cat world. I tried really hard to talk her out of this thinking at her age she could not understand how badly his death would break her heart. She said she understood and it was a chance she would have to take because he needed to be happy more than she needed to be happy . So out he went and had a blast and roamed free and wild. He caught baby rabbits and birds and some times he 'd stay gone all night. We would wake up in the morning hoping he was at the door and he was. He always came back. That kitty is now pushing 13. He comes and goes as he pleases and comes in at least every day to nap and eat and visit us. On cold nights he stays in all night. Of course he could have been killed the first week ! If it had been up to me and all my fear and anxiety and paranoia of what might happen to a lone cat on the prowl, he would never have gone outside. If it was up to me he would have missed one heck of a fun life. The wisdom and naivety of my little 5 yr old gave him the life he was meant to live .
Beautiful story...thanks for sharing! I know I needed to hear this. I get so jaded as time goes by.
Here is the lost cat posting:

Kitty's name was Blue.
[removed photo of missing cat - it contained email address]
I believe GG and one other boy were the only 17 year old boys in the MHP.

Perhaps his other friends did not live there or attend the vigil. I don't think a lot of boys would be interested in a missing child unless they knew her

And yet we've heard time and again how all the kids in this MH park were always hanging together, regardless of age. I would think that if that was their daily ritual, they'd surely want to come together at a time like this?

ETA: Of course NOW we know why HE wasn't hanging with anyone and stuck close to his mom. HE knew what he'd done. He had to wonder if his friends knew it in their hearts too.
So their kitty went missing one month ago? Hmmmmmmm....
Can someone blackout the email address on that lost cat photo? Just concerned that people might directly email the family with harassing or threatening content.
:goodpost: Thank you for this.

So many of my same thoughts in one post.
Yes! Thank you. I have been so so sick of all the grusome speculation. GG is a child himself. Monster maybe, or a kid that made one mistake after another. Or he knew what he was doing. Thinking in a childs head, he would never get caught. So for me I want to wait and see what LE sheds light on. Sad a darling little girl was hurt and removed forever from this earth. Sad that it had to happen. Two young souls were set up to fail. I have to say the continued anatomy of the physical parts of this crime have reminded me of those that think CSI is reality.
IIRC there was a SMS post about Blue missing Jenise. The cat was found. There was even a post here with photo of the cat that someone retrieved from a social media page.

(I could be wrong but I'm fairly certain I saw this).
Yes!!! Found this earlier today.

Oh man the poor kid must have been so heartbroken and then.......It kills me to think her little heart was broken. Then the monster came along and..............Dammit it!!!!!
IIRC there was a SMS post about Blue missing Jenise. The cat was found. There was even a post here with photo of the cat that someone retrieved from a social media page.

(I could be wrong but I'm fairly certain I saw this).

Yes, that is what I was thinking. A friend of Jenise's was taking care of her cat for her. Not sure where I read it.
Hmmm missing animal. Any strange fires in the mobile home community in the last little while? Animal cruelty and setting fires are part of the triad of behaviors that lead to violent sexual and homicidal behavior. JMO
It seemed like ARS was not as well liked as the other boy of the father's.

And ARS had some really weird religious things in his background.

Human, :wave:, I'm just getting in and realized when I responded to your post earlier I totally misread it :blushing: How embarrassing, lol. I skimmed and thought you meant a comparison between ARS and GG--my bad! (Wait, ARS had a step brother? For some reason I'm forgetting this right now...been a long day...need a cold beer and a hot is really cutting into my WS time!)

Anyway, just wanted to say sorry I misread your post, my screen was cracked and I was on this small piece of junk, lol).

Going back to read...I'm so behind, don't know if I'll ever catch up.
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