WA - John, 43, & Christale Careaga, 37, & two 16yo sons slain, Bremerton, 28 Jan 2017

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This person's name has been openly revealed and discussed on Facebook but I don't think I'm allowed to cite Facebook here as a source of information-right?

Correct. Unless LE or MSM have publicly named the POI, it's considered rumor.
Through pounding the pavement over 2 months, I have the name of the person of interest in this case.
He's male 36-38 years old, tatoos up his neck approximately 6ft tall, hispanic or other decent that is similar.
Body builder, walks with shoulder back arms out to his side. Wears Carhart Jeans with Romeo type shoes, very common for the area. He's a current or former member of a local motorcycle gang based in Texas and Washington as well as worldwide.
One of his former addresses is 118 Gold Creek Road, the murders happened at 13417 Tenino Drive, both addresses are within 200 ft of each other. Having lived in that area, The Camp Union store is a few miles from the murders. the cameras spotted Mr Careaga at the store at 9pm, the murders according to reports happened at approx. 11.30 pm. If the killers intercepted him at the store, they would have to drive to a tree farm located some where in Mason county, and drive back.For a person or group to do this they would have to know the roads, they are dark and confusing at night . Mason County is over the Effendahl Pass Road. That would take an extensive amount of time. From photos posted of the person of interest by the Kitsap Sun, the person entered the Silverdale Target Store, at approx 7pm. A latex glove was found at the crime scene of the burned truck, we can only assume now, he was purchasing something found at one of the scenes, possible latex gloves. According to reports the bodies were found in separate bedrooms. For one person to accomplish this would be very difficult. Our assumption is there were more individuals assisting this person. The individuals first name is Danie. He has an extensive criminal record found from the dw.courts.wa.gov website. If you know of any individuals connected to this person, close friends or people he hung out with including motorcycle gang members in the Seabeck area, leave info here for us. We are not connected to any police department, we are researchers from the area, trying to solve this, we will post more info as we pound the streets and get it.

I think it is very strange that LE has admitted to knowing who the POI is and also probably knows where he is but is not arresting him. By posting his picture all over the internet, they are also letting him know that they are on to him-giving him plenty of time to flee. It actually makes me think that he has turned state's evidence and is in protective custody at this time. This makes a lot of sense to me especially if it is true that he is a current or former gang member who would never survive in the general prison population once the word got out that he was planning to testify as a witness for the state against his accomplices.
I think it is very strange that LE has admitted to knowing who the POI is and also probably knows where he is but is not arresting him. By posting his picture all over the internet, they are also letting him know that they are on to him-giving him plenty of time to flee. It actually makes me think that he has turned state's evidence and is in protective custody at this time. This makes a lot of sense to me especially if it is true that he is a current or former gang member who would never survive in the general prison population once the word got out that he was planning to testify as a witness for the state against his accomplices.

Interesting thanks for getting my mind ticking over.
I thought maybe to pressure him in full view of all. It's a shocking crime.
I don't much about gangs would they turn on a member before trusting them to keep their mouth shut if caught ? I guess they probably wouldn't take the chance. Answering myself now sorry.

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My hunch is that the person/people who did this had originally intended to find and take the money but then discovered one of the victims was on the phone with 911. at that point, he/they realized that they did not have time to look for the money so they killed everyone, lit the house on fire an fled as quickly as possible

I just don't get why that much money was left and I also wonder why they had that much money lying around in drawers.
Through pounding the pavement over 2 months, I have the name of the person of interest in this case.
He's male 36-38 years old, tatoos up his neck approximately 6ft tall, hispanic or other decent that is similar.
Body builder, walks with shoulder back arms out to his side. Wears Carhart Jeans with Romeo type shoes, very common for the area. He's a current or former member of a local motorcycle gang based in Texas and Washington as well as worldwide.
One of his former addresses is 118 Gold Creek Road, the murders happened at 13417 Tenino Drive, both addresses are within 200 ft of each other. Having lived in that area, The Camp Union store is a few miles from the murders. the cameras spotted Mr Careaga at the store at 9pm, the murders according to reports happened at approx. 11.30 pm. If the killers intercepted him at the store, they would have to drive to a tree farm located some where in Mason county, and drive back.For a person or group to do this they would have to know the roads, they are dark and confusing at night . Mason County is over the Effendahl Pass Road. That would take an extensive amount of time. From photos posted of the person of interest by the Kitsap Sun, the person entered the Silverdale Target Store, at approx 7pm. A latex glove was found at the crime scene of the burned truck, we can only assume now, he was purchasing something found at one of the scenes, possible latex gloves. According to reports the bodies were found in separate bedrooms. For one person to accomplish this would be very difficult. Our assumption is there were more individuals assisting this person. The individuals first name is Danie. He has an extensive criminal record found from the dw.courts.wa.gov website. If you know of any individuals connected to this person, close friends or people he hung out with including motorcycle gang members in the Seabeck area, leave info here for us. We are not connected to any police department, we are researchers from the area, trying to solve this, we will post more info as we pound the streets and get it.

Thanks for putting all this together. How do you know that the bodies were found in separate bedrooms? Do you have the link? Also, the POI visited the target store 12 days before the murders so the timing of that visit (7:00pm) should not be incorporated into the timeline of the night of the murders that you are trying to construct.
Thanks for putting all this together. How do you know that the bodies were found in separate bedrooms? Do you have the link? Also, the POI visited the target store 12 days before the murders so the timing of that visit (7:00pm) should not be incorporated into the timeline of the night of the murders that you are trying to construct.

I'm so glad that "researchers" from the area are trying to solve this....since LE doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.
Through pounding the pavement over 2 months, I have the name of the person of interest in this case.
He's male 36-38 years old, tatoos up his neck approximately 6ft tall, hispanic or other decent that is similar.
Body builder, walks with shoulder back arms out to his side. Wears Carhart Jeans with Romeo type shoes, very common for the area. He's a current or former member of a local motorcycle gang based in Texas and Washington as well as worldwide.
One of his former addresses is 118 Gold Creek Road, the murders happened at 13417 Tenino Drive, both addresses are within 200 ft of each other. Having lived in that area, The Camp Union store is a few miles from the murders. the cameras spotted Mr Careaga at the store at 9pm, the murders according to reports happened at approx. 11.30 pm. If the killers intercepted him at the store, they would have to drive to a tree farm located some where in Mason county, and drive back. Mason County is over the Effendahl Pass Road. That would take an extensive amount of time. From photos posted of the person of interest by the Kitsap Sun, the person entered the Silverdale Target Store, at approx 7pm. A latex glove was found at the crime scene of the burned truck, we can only assume now, he was purchasing something found at one of the scenes, possible latex gloves. The bodies were found in separate bedrooms. For one person to accomplish this would be very difficult. Our assumption is there were more individuals assisting this person. The individuals first name is Danie. He has an extensive criminal record found from the dw.courts.wa.gov website. If you know of any individuals connected to this person, close friends or people he hung out with including motorcycle gang members in the Seabeck area, leave info here for us. We are not connected to any police department, we are researchers from the area, trying to solve this, we will post more info as we pound the streets and get it.

Most of this is from the local news. The guy is a white male, and is a prospect for said club. The POI and Johhny were friends at one time, but had a falling out. And if I remember correctly the house were the 3 murders happened is the childhood home of the POI. And Johnny was a pretty large player in the local drug game in the past.

And pretty sure that they (Police) knew who the POI was before they posted the video and pics. And IMO the reason for putting them up is to try to drum up info on the bike club, so they can turn if into a larger rico bust. Notice how no one has mentioned the club in any public forums.
Hi Btownative,
I agree with you that most of the information from SEABECKHUNTER's post has been previously published in local and national news reports. The one piece of information revealed by SEABECKHUNTER that has not been published anywhere (as far as I can tell) is that the bodies were found in separate bedrooms. I live in this area and have followed this story pretty closely and I can't find that information anywhere. I'll be the first to admit that I might have just missed it but other possibilities include:
1. SEABECKHUNTER just made it up or heard it from someone who just made it up
2. It is indeed true but unpublished and thus SEABECKHUNTER has inside information (either first hand or second hand)

I was hoping he/she (or someone else) could provide a link to where that information has been publicly reported

Most of this is from the local news. The guy is a white male, and is a prospect for said club. The POI and Johhny were friends at one time, but had a falling out. And if I remember correctly the house were the 3 murders happened is the childhood home of the POI. And Johnny was a pretty large player in the local drug game in the past.

And pretty sure that they (Police) knew who the POI was before they posted the video and pics. And IMO the reason for putting them up is to try to drum up info on the bike club, so they can turn if into a larger rico bust. Notice how no one has mentioned the club in any public forums.
Ah, never mind, I found the link with that information myself


Hi Btownative,
I agree with you that most of the information from SEABECKHUNTER's post has been previously published in local and national news reports. The one piece of information revealed by SEABECKHUNTER that has not been published anywhere (as far as I can tell) is that the bodies were found in separate bedrooms. I live in this area and have followed this story pretty closely and I can't find that information anywhere. I'll be the first to admit that I might have just missed it but other possibilities include:
1. SEABECKHUNTER just made it up or heard it from someone who just made it up
2. It is indeed true but unpublished and thus SEABECKHUNTER has inside information (either first hand or second hand)

I was hoping he/she (or someone else) could provide a link to where that information has been publicly reported
So the POI has not been officially named a suspect but it is certainly implied in the published news stories. He obviously must know that he is under suspicion and that his movements are undoubtedly being watched (by LE as well as any accomplices he might have had). It just seems so unlikely that he is walking around town as if everything is normal. Judging by the comments section in the news stories, it seems like everyone in central Kitsap knows him but does anyone know where he is? Is it standard operating procedure for LE to release a picture of the POI, admit to knowing who he is, admit to having evidence that connects him to the crime but not arrest him? This case is just bizarre.

It's sad, I've known both individuals for close to 20 years.
So the POI has not been officially named a suspect but it is certainly implied in the published news stories. He obviously must know that he is under suspicion and that his movements are undoubtedly being watched (by LE as well as any accomplices he might have had). It just seems so unlikely that he is walking around town as if everything is normal. Judging by the comments section in the news stories, it seems like everyone in central Kitsap knows him but does anyone know where he is? Is it standard operating procedure for LE to release a picture of the POI, admit to knowing who he is, admit to having evidence that connects him to the crime but not arrest him? This case is just bizarre.

LE can "know" who's responsible, but without physical evidence, their hands are tied, unfortunately. The pictures, etc., are meant to apply pressure in hopes he either will confess, or someone else will come forward.

Sometimes LE will make an arrest based on strong circumstantial evidence, but when it comes down to it, the prosecutor's office decides whether or not to bring charges if the evidence warrants. So don't blame LE. They've done their job. The prosecutors hold the cards now.
Following this case here I can't tell if this POI is currently in custody, being watched, or possibly at large. If it's the latter, I have seen a pattern over and over that people wanted for high profile crimes in Western WA and OR flee East (makes sense -West is the ocean, Canada is too hard to get into and anywhere on I-5 is too populous). Yet, East of the mountains our local news seems to fail to cover these stories. I really wish that out in the geographically large area making up the 509/208/541 we could be informed. The Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally in Baker City, OR starts this week. Just hoping for more updates and frustrated by the way the media works.
Even for those of us in the immediate vicinity of crime scene, it remains unclear if the POI is currently in custody, being watched or possibly at large. If he is at large, I agree with you that it makes the most sense for him to head east. I have a theory though that he is actually in protective custody because he plans to testify against his accomplices and that the video of him was only released to the public after he went into hiding. I have nothing to base this theory upon, it is just what makes the most sense to me.

Following this case here I can't tell if this POI is currently in custody, being watched, or possibly at large. If it's the latter, I have seen a pattern over and over that people wanted for high profile crimes in Western WA and OR flee East (makes sense -West is the ocean, Canada is too hard to get into and anywhere on I-5 is too populous). Yet, East of the mountains our local news seems to fail to cover these stories. I really wish that out in the geographically large area making up the 509/208/541 we could be informed. The Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally in Baker City, OR starts this week. Just hoping for more updates and frustrated by the way the media works.
He is not in KCJ, at least not listed. And knowing him there's no way he will talk to the law, but then again hard times...but I still don't think so.

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