WA - Joshua Delacruz, 1, dies in hot car, Lynnwood, 6 April 2009

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This is OT but it is driving me crazy. Half of the time when I come into a forum the messages on it are so long from the right to the left that I have to move the space bar to read the whole message. The message doesn't us fit inside the box. It drives me crazy and takes twice the time to read. Why does it do that. I have looked and looked to see if there is something somewhere that I need to change like margins or something. Anyone know how to fix that....please.
Yes, I would call and check on my baby but then we aren't all alike and if this mom knew that the relative would take good care of her baby and if mom was really busy she might have figured that the baby was fine and if it wasn't the relative would call her...I don't know.

If a mom leaves her child in a car all day on purpose that is one thing but if she wasn't aware the baby was in the car it is a different thing altogether. We don't have enough info to know which it was. If it was an accident then by all means the mother shouldn't be charged. She will live a long sentence for the rest of her life without going to jail for an accident.

The case with this child is confusing to me in the way that it sounds like she did know the baby was in the car and was waiting for someone to pick him up from the car. The article says she didn't see the person(s) responsible for childcare and then found the tot at 2 PM unresponsive in the car. She then (according to the article) rushed him into the place she worked and paramedics couldn't revive him.

So what I'm getting is that she fully expected someone to pick up the baby, but didn't check on him through the day. (The article says the police report is confusing or something along those lines.)

Most of us know not to leave our child in the car for many reasons, most of us know a tot with a fever dehydrates much quicker than an adult and possibly most of us would quit a job to stay home with a sick toddler.

It sounds accidental, IMO, but there seem to be a few bad choices that the mother made beginning with leaving him in the car for someone to pick up. This case is so much different from so many of the child deaths we read about here, so many involve straight up abuse and the abusers end up with a slap on the hand. The article says that 2nd degree manslaughter is a possibility in this case and truthfully this is the one case that gives me pause.

On Monday, April 6, 2009 our beloved precious little angel Joshua Michael Delacruz left our loving arms and was received into the loving arms of our loving Father Jesus Christ. Our little Joshie was loved so much; he brought so much joy to everyone who knew him. Although Joshie was only with us for a short time he will always be in our hearts. His smile of sunshine will never be forgotten.

He is survived by his parents, Alex and Sofia; sister, Alysa; paternal grandparents, Christina and Alex Ibarra; grandfather, Michael Delacruz; maternal grandmother, Lucy Guzman; great-grandparents, Martha and Julio Castillo and Yolanda Felix and Tim Garcia; great-grandmothers, Conceptcion Reyna, Janie Felix and Roberta Garcia; aunts, Cassandra, Alicia, Jennifer and Marina; uncles, Mark, Adrian and Nicolas; numerous great-aunts, great-uncles and cousins.
Basically, women with children should not have to go out to work, then this kind of thing could not happen. Let's be clear, rich women don't have their babies die in the back of their car, because they are not struggling to make a living. It's the world we live in today--women are often alone or their partner's wages aren't enough--so that working women are stressed out, trying to hold down a job, care for their kids and look after a house. This is what is making these things happen. I know women are supposed to be good at multi-tasking but there's a limit to it.
Basically, women with children should not have to go out to work, then this kind of thing could not happen. Let's be clear, rich women don't have their babies die in the back of their car, because they are not struggling to make a living. It's the world we live in today--women are often alone or their partner's wages aren't enough--so that working women are stressed out, trying to hold down a job, care for their kids and look after a house. This is what is making these things happen. I know women are supposed to be good at multi-tasking but there's a limit to it.

I do understand your point of view and wish that more women could or would stay home with their children. I don't think wealthy people are exempt from making mistakes like this but their money can afford them more resources.

It's really sad.
There but for the grace of God go I.

All my love for this woman and her child and her family. I can't imagine having to live what she now has to live with. I am grateful every day that I have not had to walk a mile in those shoes.
found this update


Family Speaks To Q13 FOX: The Tragedy Of What Happened To Their Little Boy

that article makes it sound like a complete accident... who knows really.
there are too many rumors to know what's really going on here.

but all I kept thinking as I was reading the comments here is that if someone was supposed to pick that precious baby up from the car, that is just so wrong. any number of things could have happened... what if the relative was in an accident, and who knowingly leaves their kid in a car to be picked up? I don't even leave my Oakleys in the car for someone to steal, let alone my daughter! I feel bad when I forget the garage door opener and have to leave her (locked in) for 20 seconds to run in and open the door.

RIP Joshua, sweet little angel. xoxo
couldn't agree more... and I think if someone's employer doesn't understand the responsibility that comes with being a parent, then perhaps they should find a new job.

that poor little guy, sick with a fever and locked in a stuffy car all day to suffer, tragic end to a life cut way too short :(

ITA, IMD. I remember back in the day when I was first divorced and my son was 10. My boss, who is a doctor, husband and father of two did NOT understand if I had to call off because my son was sick. I was a singler mother, no friends or family near by and of course a day care wouldn't (shouldn't) allow a sick child to attend (understandably). I would be called on the carpet and told that I should "make plans" for just such an occurrence. How do you make plans? If you child wakes up sick, how do you plan for that a day in advance? If you have no friends, family, a dead beat dad and no child care, what do you do? I would have to either call off or leave my son at home. Thankfully he was old enough to take care of himself and I would call every hour to talk do him, and come home at lunch (which was a half hour away!). Thankfully, he was never seriously ill, just colds and fever. Sure made me feel like a horrible mother, but I couldn't afford to quit and other than this, its an awesome job (which I still have). I'm just glad we made it through!
There was something I heard a few weeks ago, some expert was talking about how babies are left in a car and die and how people can just not understand how anybody who loves and cares about their child can ever do this. They said that our minds do not selectivly remember/forget things due to how important something is to us. If you have ever forgotten simple everyday things then you also could forget about a baby. Now I have forgotten things at times, I've left the house without my cell phone, forgotten where my keys are or leave papers behind that I need and once when I was travelling I even checked out of my hotel room and left my wallet behind, I was a good hour away before I figured it out and had to drive back to get it.
I don't know this woman and I don't know all the details of how this was set up to happen, I'm hoping this beautiful baby was not left on purpose and I thank the heavens that I have never had this happen with the many times I have ever been in charge of a small child.


I don't know VB. I can't agree with that. Unless you have a memory disorder or something. You always know, in the back of your mind, where your child is. Always. My son is now grown and I'm the same way with my dogs. Always know where they are. I can "feel" them. Right now as I'm on the computer, which faces a corner with the rest of the house behind me, I can tell, probably within a few feet, where each of my FOUR dogs are! Without looking. Same as I could with my child. Same as any mother can. Especially if your child is in the car! Dear god. I can't understand that.
This is truly a sad story. My kids are older now, but I would have never left them in a car alone.

Yesterday as I was going to a drug store, I noticed the car I parked beside had a young child and a baby in it, but NO adult. This really bothered me. Even when I walked inside the store, I looked around hoping to see a young mom in sight. But I didn't. Thank goodness, but the time I made my purchase and got back to my car, the car with the children had already left. But this always weighs heavily on my mind whenever I see it. I can never understand why people leave their children in a car alone no matter how long it takes to do an errand, etc. It doesn't take but a second for something terrible to happen.

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