WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #10

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How can she be 21 if the 16ish girl (step-daughter) is 16? That makes no sense. I think Ms. Ash.... is a liar or something???

Would someone with a myspace be willing to post a message to Ashley asking how the search for Lindsey is going?


Scott is older than his new wife, so it's not impossible for him to have a daughter who is 16. Ash is the step mom..
Hi, Lunar --

When Ashley (on MySpace) was commenting on how she missed her husband in June, he was not deployed! That was when he was in Washington state, helping in the search for Lindsey. No mention of that from Ashley, of course!

IIRC, Greg/Scott was to go for a few months' training in a Southern state (I think it was Louisiana) BEFORE his actual deployment, so my guess is he's still there.

Hey, Trak! Just a slight correction. Ashley's post was made in mid July, not mid June. Lindsey went missing June 26th, and Greg came to WA in mid July (during the same time Ashely made the posts). He was expected to be deployed (or sent to pre-deployment training) some weeks after that.
Scott is older than his new wife, so it's not impossible for him to have a daughter who is 16. Ash is the step mom..

Right - but she calls him step dad? Maybe he was married to someone else in between Lindsey's mom and this youngster?

How can she be 21 if the 16ish girl (step-daughter) is 16? That makes no sense. I think Ms. Ash.... is a liar or something???

Would someone with a myspace be willing to post a message to Ashley asking how the search for Lindsey is going?


You may be referring to the first wife's daughter here Salem, but I'm not sure? This little gal just has two small children.


P.S. They have to be your friend before you can ask them a question ~
Thanks, Jennifer....This MySpace page is incredible!!! For me, it certainly casts Lindsey's father in a new light.

From the MySpace page: Greg Scott Baum and his wife, Ashley (21 years old), were apparently just married in mid-June of this year. She has two young sons. Now they are planning to move. I saw no mention of Lindsey there....it is SO insensitive (to put it mildly). MOO.

Any thoughts?

All I can say is WOW! Just WOW! :eek:

Well, I do have this to say: It looks like this myspace really belongs to the new wife, and I know she is young, but she is a mother, too!!! How can there be absolutely no mention of Lindsey???
What's going on here?

It looks as though someone closed the brand-new thread, and left this one open.

Can someone explain, please? TIA.
I'm alittle freaked out at why some want to befriend children, young adults and children not related to the case except by marriage ending in divorce. Where will this go in finding Lindsey? If it helps I would be behind it totally. I just don't know how asking someone to befriend you will get that much closer to understanding the case. What is to gain as these folks weren't near McCleary. Maybe asking MB straight up about her marriage, divorce, ex spouses would be the more appropriate thing to do. You have my vote in turning in children who have my spaces as this could be an activity that could cause harm to themselves and others. This activety could be central in this investigation.
Why was thread 11 locked?
I'm alittle freaked out at why some want to befriend children, young adults and children not related to the case except by marriage ending in divorce. Where will this go in finding Lindsey? If it helps I would be behind it totally. I just don't know how asking someone to befriend you will get that much closer to understanding the case. What is to gain as these folks weren't near McCleary. Maybe asking MB straight up about her marriage, divorce, ex spouses would be the more appropriate thing to do. You have my vote in turning in children who have my spaces as this could be an activity that could cause harm to themselves and others. This activety could be central in this investigation.

Hi Karen ~ I don't think anyone is trying to befriend children. That would definitely be WAY OFF LIMITS and I don't know of a single person on this Forum that would do that! Did I misread something?

Thanks ~
Karen, I asked Scotts wife to be my friend on Facebook and Myspace. Not his or anyone elses children.
I put children in my comment as to why a mom would want to have their own child befriend a stranger boy connected to an abduction. No judgement call from one mother to another just looking to understand this would be necessary or even encouraged knowing what we know about child abductions and giving out a name not set to private or private. I asked my 27 yr. old to befriend one of two gals from the amscott in the Caylee case and he did. Difference is the age and the woman has direct connection to a case. Didn't find anything out except her young woman likes and dislikes. Kinda futile LOL! I hope you can understand my curiosty. I was a bit taken back by the encouraging someone to contact a minor. It is JB Lindsey's brother we are discussing? If not and it is adult to adult I can't say yea or ney. If we aren't talking about about encouraging a child to befriend someone she doesn't know please forgive. Those that know I'm an advocate in internet crimes against children no I'll preach a blue streak about anything related to these crimes, even safety. Thats why I say turn in all who abuse the privelage of internet social sights.
OMGosh! I was referring to Jennifer Buchanan, JB, realized it might be mistaken for someone in this case, and immediately went in and edited my original post to reflect JB (Monroe Michigan). Unfortunately, it was quoted without the edit.

I'm sorry you think I would stoop so low as to try and befriend a child, however, I can understand the mistake.
P.S. My Haddie is 21 btw

Karen, no one is talking about friending a child. SB (Lindseys father) is married to A. I asked A to be my friend. She's 21, an adult and married to a key player in this whole thing.

I'm not clear as to where you are getting we are adding children to our friends lists.
OMGosh! I was referring to Jennifer Buchanan, JB, realized it might be mistaken for someone in this case, and immediately went in and edited my original post to reflect JB (Monroe Michigan). Unfortunately, it was quoted without the edit.

I'm sorry you think I would stoop so low as to try and befriend a child, however, I can understand the mistake.


I'm so confused. What thread was this on?

Nevermind.. I found the post
Karen, I asked Scotts wife to be my friend on Facebook and Myspace. Not his or anyone elses children.

Jennifer, I didn't accuse you of any wrong doing involving children. As I said what adults choose to do is their own business. I am curious as to the possible connection between current wife and the abduction so we could slueth together. I guess I'm just not seeing this angle to slueth by befriending this 21 yr. old wife on a social site unless it is for straight up info to help find Lindsey. I'm just not sure this young wife could help in any direction. I guess I find trying to make a one on one connection with someone on FB that I have no connection with a little unsettling as I'v just given my full name out, business, education. The young 20 somethigs do it all the time so maybe it isn't so bad for some.
Jennifer, I didn't accuse you of any wrong doing involving children. As I said what adults choose to do is their own business. I am curious as to the possible connection between current wife and the abduction so we could slueth together. I guess I'm just not seeing this angle to slueth by befriending this 21 yr. old wife on a social site unless it is for straight up info to help find Lindsey. I'm just not sure this young wife could help in any direction. I guess I find trying to make a one on one connection with someone on FB that I have no connection with a little unsettling as I'v just given my full name out, business, education. The young 20 somethigs do it all the time so maybe it isn't so bad for some.

I actually wanted to find out if Scott had deployed or not.

I have never in my life given out any thing other than my "real" first name on the internet. I have no problem friending people on social networking sites as they are disposable. One click and they are gone. Or if worse comes to worse I can delete my account and start over. Even my email accounts aren't real. That's the cool thing about gmail.. disposable free email accounts. LOL
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