WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #10

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OMGosh! I was referring to Jennifer Buchanan, JB, realized it might be mistaken for someone in this case, and immediately went in and edited my original post to reflect JB (Monroe Michigan). Unfortunately, it was quoted without the edit.

I'm sorry you think I would stoop so low as to try and befriend a child, however, I can understand the mistake.
P.S. My Haddie is 21 btw

That was easily mistaken by me. I was alittle leary when I saw your name attached to the post to say anything. It made my head spin because I'v never seen a post from you anywhere near what I thought I read. I would have lost all faith in this site had you have really stated that. Wiping sweat from my brow. I feel so much better now :blowkiss: Your one of my faves in posting. I just wouldn't be me if I didn't say something about about something so close to my heart. ~<3~
My son is active duty Army, not sure how NG works on deployments, I have always had his POA and was listed as 1st to notify so got all the FRG emails, calls. Just curious why someone is asking what his MOS is? Are you trying to look up his unit to see if he has been activated? If so, DOD website lists units which are on alert, see example link; http://www.defenselink.mil/releases/release.aspx?releaseid=12852

I think what you guys are doing is tremendous, keep up the good work! Sooner or later the who took her will get caught. Too many eyes are looking for him.
Knox, Yes that is exactly why I was asking about his MOS.

I have found where some NG unit in TN are on alert but I couldn't find where any have actually deployed.

I know when my son deployed they got notice in May, had to go to training in Washington State (home state) for a few weeks, then to Wisconsin for a few more weeks and then finally off to Iraq.

So I was trying to figure out if SB is still in the states (training or not) or if he is actually in Iraq now.

Thanks for the link. I'll see what I can find.

Do you know what his unit is?

OT; My son did three tours, was in 3/2 Stryker Brigade out of Lewis for two of them. I love your pic and am very familiar with that gym background, lol.

No, I can't find out his unit either. I thought maybe with an MOS I could kind of narrow it down some. lol Maybe not. I don't know.

My son just got back from his first (and only) deployment (his contract is up in May 2010 and as far as I know he isn't signing on for anymore) 2 weeks ago.
Thank you.. it was an amazing experience to be in that gym when he came home.
No, I can't find out his unit either. I thought maybe with an MOS I could kind of narrow it down some. lol Maybe not. I don't know.

My son just got back from his first (and only) deployment (his contract is up in May 2010 and as far as I know he isn't signing on for anymore) 2 weeks ago.
Thank you.. it was an amazing experience to be in that gym when he came home.

Hi, My nephew is in intelligence, stationed at Fort Campbell, part of the 101st and awaiting orders to go to Afghanistan. I know that doesn't help here at all, but he has been waiting some time now for his orders. Did OTS in the interim.

I got the feeling from Scott that it wasn's an immediate deploymen for him, that due fo Lindsey's gone missing they would put him out in the schedule a bit. Lord knows where I read that. lol

Jennifer, I think it is neat you signed up as a friend to Scott's new wife. xox

Knox, great to read your posts. Ya Ya
Scandi.. are you in touch with DD from SM? I seen that post, I'm curious what was said. LOL
Hi Normcar ~

Thanks to JenniferO's research, I think the answer to your question lies here: :http://www.myspace.com/472732577


I had no idea.

Thanks for the enlightenment Jennifer.

Indeed, that was a great find by Jen and it's refreshing to me to see a few people checking out this angle, even if it ultimately leads to a dead end, at least it's being worked. :woohoo:
respectfully snipped for space:

These points are definitely valid, but why would it have happened that night? She didn't have her cell phone with her so her dad would have had to go out looking for her. She had plans to have a sleepover, although it didn't pan out. Would he have just "appeared" that evening out of the blue? I don't know.

Since most child abductions are by the non-custodial parent, I'm sure the FBI completely and thoroughly checked him out.

What I wholeheartedly agree with you about is how alone MB and JB seem to be. It does seem weird that SB's family hasn't been in the picture; that is, that we know of.

Thanks for your response D, I was not impying that I thought dad actually came to McCleary to pick her up. I'm sure that never happened. My point simply related to the idea that Lindsey may have gotten in to her mind to go find dad because things were going bad that night and happened upon someone who may have offered her a ride. Clearly dad wouldn't have driven to McCleary, he apparently wasn't even willing to pay for a flight "after the fact" which indicates to me that he would never have been willing to pay the expenses for a long journey to McCleary by vehicle. :twocents:
Normcar21 According to MB Lindsey a 10yr.old didn't like to be out past dark. One of Lindsey's friends stated that Lindsey told her there was know place she would rather be than at home in McCleary. This says to me that Lindsey being told that it was time to head home is what she set out to do. I can't see Lindsey think on the spur of that moment wanting a ride to travel to her father. If one sticks with Lindsey knowing that she felt something bad was going to happen this seems an immediate attack on her .
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