WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #12

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I'm thinking about "Muddy when it rains, & lonely" from Tubas impression after working on Lindsey's chart. Maybe this bit of rain from last night was to help in the search for Lindsey. Yuky moist stuff to tromp through for all the searches. I'm curious as to the ratio of men and women who volunteered for the search and if there were out of towners who came as well. While traveling to Yakima and all the pit stops inbetween I enquired if Lindsey's story reached east of the mountains and most had know idea. It is always interesting to hear what touched those that traveled from other counties to help and if they take the info back to their communities. The Karen Carperter song, "Bless the Beast & the Children" (and all who protect them) keeps playing in my head. The anticipation of positive news to report keeps us on pins and needles so everyone return safe.

I did not do an actual head count on men vs women in attendance, what I saw was just a group of caring people, however from what I can remember, it was a pretty even split. Yes there were people from neighboring cities, Tumwater, Olympia, Elma, Montesano and Aberdeen that I heard of. Jen would probably be able to give you more cities though as she is in the command center helping to coordinate and brief the teams. Breanna would be another good source for that info as she is helping to coordinate and brief/debrief teams too. Everyone there from the KlassKids, Laura Recovery Center and the local searchers were all great people.

I was also personally thanked by MB for taking the time to search for Lindsey. I expressed to her how sorry we all were that this had to happen. She mentioned that one of the reasons they moved here was because it felt like such a safe little area. She said for the longest time, she wouldn't let Lindsey just walk around town, but over time, especially the last few months, she felt this was a very safe place and relaxed her guard. Trust me, she kicks herself for that now, as any parent would that is reflecting on what they did or didn't do in similar situations.

I spoke with a retired policeman and he said there has never been such a thing in McCleary happen before. He said as a matter of fact, not in all of Grays Harbor County, so why wouldn't MB feel Lindsey was safe here?

For anyone that judges MB to be a bad mother, because she let Lindsey walk home alone that night, you are being a hypocrite because no matter how closely you watch your children, there comes that one moment in your life, that one unguarded moment, where you can't find your child. Then that panic feeling hits you. You start yelling for your child and luckily for most of us, they answer back. Then you pause, your heart beating and you think to yourself, "Whew". You push away the thoughts that someone grabbed your child and you might never have seen them again, reserving that for a bad dream.

To be personally involved in that search yesterday, was to realize the enormity of this all. We are literally looking for a needle in the haystack, but with enough searching and ongoing efforts, we can reduce it to a blade of hay and locate that needle.

To all my fellow WSers here on the boards and especially to the ones that can search, thanks so much for giving your time and effort. Together we can find Lindsey.

Sorry Kagey, I got a little off from your question.
8/28 on website for Don & Ron KIRO Radio Show
Calling the Ron and Don Nation...Help find Lindsey Baum!!!

There is going to be a search party happening this weekend at the Search Center and Don will be there Saturday to help out Calling all the Ron and Don Nation...if you can help please check out the website and show up this weekend...the more man power the more ground covered during the search. - snipped

Awww...I guess this means Mike didn't get to fly today. :(

Any reports from the field today? If it is raining...it will be miserable searching. My heart truly goes out to them. Keeping them all in my thoughts and prayers.

Lindsay, where are you? I pray that someone is led directly to you and will bring you home today where you belong.

Hi SS. I was not able to participate today, but as far as the weather goes, it was wet this morning. Now this afternoon it has warmed up and the sun has been breaking through. Currently as I look out the window, it is starting to cloud up again, although I can see some patches of blue sky. Let's just hope it doesn't rain anymore. Yesterday I searched through a lot of tall grass, which would have been pretty miserable had it been wet. It was as tall as me and I am 5' 9". We used large sticks to push it back so we could see into it.
8/28 on website for Don & Ron KIRO Radio Show
Calling the Ron and Don Nation...Help find Lindsey Baum!!!

There is going to be a search party happening this weekend at the Search Center and Don will be there Saturday to help out Calling all the Ron and Don Nation...if you can help please check out the website and show up this weekend...the more man power the more ground covered during the search. - snipped

Thats what were talk'in about! Cyber that was so sweet.<3 Yes many of us parents have felt those feelings when your child disappears at a mall (that happened to me) and your frantic, not making sense because of the fear and shock that starts settleing in. Moms as we know threw the centuries are reveered and then when there is a crisis were the first to blame. It certainly doesn't give us such a good name with all these mothers of murdering are getting arrested with their faces all over the news. I can't imagine and when I do it is a paralizing thought. I was just making conversation about women vs. men as we are such mother tigresses. No offense to the males who searched.
Hi ya'll! Hugs and kisses to all who searched/helped/fed/worried/hoped for Lindsey today and yesterday! You are all amazing!


Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, Dear JenniferO!
Happy Birthday to you!
Hey all~Just got back from McCleary. I left early tonight as I have a birthday party to go to. When I left, JenniferO, JVK and MikeB were still there.

It was wet and icky this morning but got nice later. The turnout today was better than yesterday. I think we had 80-90 volunteers and they covered a lot of ground! The last team to go out today was Amber Dubois's mom and aunt and some others. They are good people.

There was people from many areas yesterday and today. They came from Millcreek, Seattle, Gig Harbor, Aberdeen. It was great. Such caring and nice people who stayed all day and went out several times.

Talked a lot today with Melissa and Kara and got to meet Melissa's younger brother. They are such nice people, and just need some help.

I have to apologize to JVK again LOL. I was signing up a team of 10,11 searchers and nobody really wanted to be a team lead. Then I saw JVK at the door checking in and I ambushed him LOL. I said here....be team lead. He's calm, meticulous and likes to be organized. Sorry if I threw you off too bad JVK. How was that for a good morning wake-up call? :crazy: (he took it really well)

We had plenty of food. Simpson door donated sub sandwiches, chips and cookies.

Let's see...what else? Oh, I took care of JenniferO's bday. I stopped and got donuts and got her a card, some flowers and a candle. Everyone signed the card and then later Dawn from LCR went and got her a cake and we all sang Happy Birthday. Only other thing I can think of is Brad Dennis likes to dance :)

I'm sure others will be on later filling you in. I'll be back there tomorrow and hope to see some of you again.
I did not do an actual head count on men vs women in attendance, what I saw was just a group of caring people, however from what I can remember, it was a pretty even split. Yes there were people from neighboring cities, Tumwater, Olympia, Elma, Montesano and Aberdeen that I heard of. Jen would probably be able to give you more cities though as she is in the command center helping to coordinate and brief the teams. Breanna would be another good source for that info as she is helping to coordinate and brief/debrief teams too. Everyone there from the KlassKids, Laura Recovery Center and the local searchers were all great people.

I was also personally thanked by MB for taking the time to search for Lindsey. I expressed to her how sorry we all were that this had to happen. She mentioned that one of the reasons they moved here was because it felt like such a safe little area. She said for the longest time, she wouldn't let Lindsey just walk around town, but over time, especially the last few months, she felt this was a very safe place and relaxed her guard. Trust me, she kicks herself for that now, as any parent would that is reflecting on what they did or didn't do in similar situations.

I spoke with a retired policeman and he said there has never been such a thing in McCleary happen before. He said as a matter of fact, not in all of Grays Harbor County, so why wouldn't MB feel Lindsey was safe here?

For anyone that judges MB to be a bad mother, because she let Lindsey walk home alone that night, you are being a hypocrite because no matter how closely you watch your children, there comes that one moment in your life, that one unguarded moment, where you can't find your child. Then that panic feeling hits you. You start yelling for your child and luckily for most of us, they answer back. Then you pause, your heart beating and you think to yourself, "Whew". You push away the thoughts that someone grabbed your child and you might never have seen them again, reserving that for a bad dream.

To be personally involved in that search yesterday, was to realize the enormity of this all. We are literally looking for a needle in the haystack, but with enough searching and ongoing efforts, we can reduce it to a blade of hay and locate that needle.

To all my fellow WSers here on the boards and especially to the ones that can search, thanks so much for giving your time and effort. Together we can find Lindsey.

Sorry Kagey, I got a little off from your question.

Couldn't have said it better myself Cyber.
Hey all~Just got back from McCleary. I left early tonight as I have a birthday party to go to. When I left, JenniferO, JVK and MikeB were still there.

It was wet and icky this morning but got nice later. The turnout today was better than yesterday. I think we had 80-90 volunteers and they covered a lot of ground! The last team to go out today was Amber Dubois's mom and aunt and some others. They are good people.

There was people from many areas yesterday and today. They came from Millcreek, Seattle, Gig Harbor, Aberdeen. It was great. Such caring and nice people who stayed all day and went out several times.

Talked a lot today with Melissa and Kara and got to meet Melissa's younger brother. They are such nice people, and just need some help.

I have to apologize to JVK again LOL. I was signing up a team of 10,11 searchers and nobody really wanted to be a team lead. Then I saw JVK at the door checking in and I ambushed him LOL. I said here....be team lead. He's calm, meticulous and likes to be organized. Sorry if I threw you off too bad JVK. How was that for a good morning wake-up call? :crazy: (he took it really well)

We had plenty of food. Simpson door donated sub sandwiches, chips and cookies.

Let's see...what else? Oh, I took care of JenniferO's bday. I stopped and got donuts and got her a card, some flowers and a candle. Everyone signed the card and then later Dawn from LCR went and got her a cake and we all sang Happy Birthday. Only other thing I can think of is Brad Dennis likes to dance

I'm sure others will be on later filling you in. I'll be back there tomorrow and hope to see some of you again.

You're all awesome.. :clap:
Just a quicky before I head out the door (I need a mind release. I'm going out for a couple of drinks with my husband, son and daughter in law)

Thank you to everyone who have made this the best birthday ever. That's no lie. No party, no present NOTHING could ever top the day I've had. My fellow websleuthers (both in "real life" and "online") I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you to Breanna for getting my gifts. I've made so many amazing friends this weekend. As I was telling Sandy (from the LRC) I wish I would have met everyone under better circumstances but I'm really happy that I have gotten the chance to meet them.

I got a personal birthday dance (and later a hug) from Brad. He's hot when he dirty dances on table tops ;)

I have to be back there tomorrow morning bright and early. Hopefully we get more searchers. Progress was made today but we need to make even better progress.
We had searchers from Enumclaw, Port Orchard, Bremerton, Ft Lewis and various other areas.. very few from McCleary.

Again, thank you everyone!

Let's Bring Lindsey Home!
www.helpfindthemissing.org poster "Hairball" posted he found odd items on his search. States he wishes LE would look at the dump site where he located these items. Something positive must come out with all the good that is going into finding clues to return Lindsey home.

There is a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that the searchers never hear about. Trust me.. all viable "leads" and "findings" are looked at in great detail.

What is being done this weekend are called "hasty" searches. The searchers that are going out into the field are Brads extra set of eyes.. They see something that needs to be looked at.. the flag it, they note it, they tell the debriefer (and trust me, we write every little tiny minute detail down.. some of my reports today were multiple pages. It didn't matter if an odd gum wrapper was found.. I wrote it down. Wasn't my job to decide if it was important or not. That's Brads job) and it's passed onto Brad. From there he takes care of it. We never hear what was done after we pass the paperwork off to him.
Were the searchers today asked not to discuss what they found? I noticed the poster hairball who had posted the info yesterday apologized for posting it and his post was removed.
JenniferO - Hope when you got home from the search: you had a relaxing :bath: and a :rubberducky: to :partyguy:eek:n your :birthday:'cause you're the :gold_crown: today!

Thanks for all you do!
Happy Birthday Jennifer0! :woohoo:

Thank you to everyone else out there searching. You all rock!
Thanks so much for the detailed reports!! It sounds like today was very productive and our WSers were right there doing what they do best to make sure things were running smoothly. WTG!! You all sound like you are doing more than your share individually to keep the searches going and keep up the morale around headquarters! (Hey...Brad dancing sounds like a great morale boost to me! ;) Now...if you can just get JVK to dance for my birthday...)

Sorry..got sidetracked for a minute. LOL

Bravo to all those who left the cushions of their sofa behind to trudge through the wilderness!! Bravo to all the ones who made sure there was food and water for them when they came in tired, hot, and hungry!! Bravo to the people creating and sending out fliers all over in pizza boxes and other ways!! Bravo for our very own Pilot!! Bravo for our Geek Squad, too!!

Gosh...WSers are very fine people and I am proud of them all. :blowkiss: :clap::clap::clap::clap:

JenniferO~ Go party like a rock star!

Breanna~ Make sure she parties like a rock star and gets home safely!
Were the searchers today asked not to discuss what they found? I noticed the poster hairball who had posted the info yesterday apologized for posting it and his post was removed.

Yes. The searcher's are asked to not discuss what they found and to keep it to themselves. There was media there today and everyone has to be careful.

BUT...we are moving so fast and trying to get searchers out that it's most probable that some WS'ers didn't realize they couldn't get on-line and post where they searched and what they found. This issue was discussed Thurs nite at the community meeting with some of us but some missed it.

Anyway...no harm. Brad told me today he wasn't that worried about it and if it was a big deal he would have told Tricia and that would have been it.
The poster Boondock mentioned wasn't from WS. ;)

I'm cross eyed :) And I should also mention....nothing. I'm tired. LOL.
Got it.

I was mostly talking about last night and Cyber....which of course I missed cuz I'm not a midnight blogger...I'm a midnight sleeper :)
As many of us sit back with arms, legs, tied, eyes covered, like victims ourselves because we just don't know what we can do that we have not already done, with words, we all watch you in McCleary, you locals, driving the force and selflessly taking up the torch, sweating in the sun and being drenched by the rain, supporting mom MB and KK who have been trashed by many when all they wish is for Lindsey to be safe and come home, and do the movie thing with mum.

You locals are amazing, your commitment is amazing, from above (mike) and below (the foot soldiers), to the point of becoming intimate with those who have committed their lives to finding children who vanish. You could have just sat back, because in August everything seemed to be drying up, then something happened, and it is amazing!!

Y'all are amazing
I'm going to bed...but I did want to say SS...yes...to have JVK dance would be an awesome thing. I can see him turning beat red now. I think we could get him to do it...but it would take some work :)

And the jury is out on Brad. If he can dance to my song tomorrow...I'll videotape it and post it :)

See you all later :blowkiss:
I forget what time i left, i ran into some one i knew while driving into town and went out for a drink. I think i smelled like a river the whole time, i warned them.

The turn out seemed better today than yesterday. The weather was not bad really. It'd been nice if the terrain wasn't so wet but that wasn't a huge deal. Cool temps are good.

I was out from 9am-3+? - on one search.

I walked in the door this morning & Breanna was like 'LOOK A TEAM LEAD!' i was fine with that. Practice makes .... something.

I took the 'real' camera with me but only got off a few shots before being ambushed after walking inside :)

Thanks to Brad for his hard work on this case, i know he's put in a lot of hours & i know he's probly going to be putting more hours even after this post tonight.




Jennifer has obviously put a lot of time in too. Both girls working feverishly :p

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