WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #15

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I just stopped in to thank the searchers, and I guess maybe send some positive vibes to Lindsey, if she's still out there. I haven't been posting because I simply have nothing productive to put in.
I haven't forgotten, and I'm glad that others haven't either.
Happy Birthday, Amber!

Love you, girl!
I would like to thank all the searchers that came out and searched for Lindsey. You guys are pretty wonderful to keep trying to help locate Lindsey especially with the cold, rain and hunting season upon you. I also would like to thank, LE and all those who researched information, putting many hours of their time to help in locating LB.

I often wonder if there is a reason this happen to this young girl in the small town in Mccleary, where everyone, knows everyone. I have always believed that GOD does things for a reason, although sometimes don't understand the reason till later down the road. Maybe, some of the reason is that this town is dysfunctional, because they are self absorbed in there own lives. Sometimes, you have to try to put yourself into the other person's role of the missing person and family. How they feel and how you might feel if the role was reversed and it was your loved one. Strange thing of it all, is this small town of Mccleary doesn't seem to realize that it happened to LB then it could also happen to your own children, and family members. Lindsey hasn't been found nor the person or person's involved. I would of thought as a community you would be encouraged more to help out, since this also affects your own loved ones. What happens if your love one disappears you would want the community to help locate your loved ones especially with the winter months upon us. I am hoping and praying that soon Lindsey will be found with everyone's help. Thank you to all that have helped. GOD bless Lindsey and all the searchers
Would like to wish Amber Dublois a Happy birthday.. I am also hoping that soon you will be reunited with your family and loved ones. You are very much loved and missed. GOD Bless you Amber come home safely.
Happy Bday Amber! we are still searchin! LIndsey, Stay strong girl! we are still looking girl! hope you guys come home soon!
Amber, we all wish you home on your special day. We are thinking of you and your loving family.
Rough day today with searches - very small turn out. That is ok though because all of our core members are avid searchers so area still got covered and we will be back at it tomorrow.

Heads up for all you W/Sers - Tomorrow is Amber Dubois' B-day! and Monday marks 4 months for Lindsey please light a candle for them both.

Have a good night all!
I will shout out to Don O'Neill at KIRO to mention the searches to get the huge listening audience (about 200,000 listen daily) back out to volunteer. Are there going to be anymore of the grid searches? Or are they all that way now?

I just want to thank you all in the core group at the Lindsey center for making Amber's birthday special for me today at the center. We have the best group ever. I love each and everyone one of you. Although I cried then and have been off and on most of the day it was so worth the tears to know that even though we are out searching for Lindsey you still found it in your hearts to make Amber's birthday day special thank you for thinking of her. I so pray all the time that we find both of the girls one day I know we will, then we are going to have a huge party for both!

Love each and everyone of your!
Does any one know if they are passing out Lindsey fliers to the Hunters this hunting season ?
mysticrose: We've passed them out to active hunters & dropped them off @ sporting goods stores.

Thanks to those who showed up today. For the last couple of weeks Sundays have been a better turn out than Saturday.

We had a small group of real troopers today. Put in 2.5/3+ Hours in one area.

Others Also did road/side searches.

On Saturday ~8 mostly closer-nit members hit a specific area... - i fell .. maybe 5 times on Saturday.. (kinda steep/tough terrain)

We had a member take a nail to the foot today and head off to the hospital :/ - they are OK
Happy Birthday Amber! My Prayers are that you are Home soon.
Thoughts and Prayers going out to all those Searching this weekend and every weekend to bring Lindsey Home!
wow.. i think the person who took the nail should get the "best nail finder" award! no seriously, i have gone thru two socks since the incident. But ya know what, we cleared the area didnt we! WHOO HOO to the kick booty search teams!
Just stopping by to let everyone know I have not forgotten Lindsey. I pray for her throughout the day and continue to sleuth certain individuals behind the scenes. I pray that lab results from items seized in the search will be in soon.

Also want to wish Amber a Happy Birthday

And say thank you to all the searchers on the ground in McCleary. You are all awesome!
wow.. i think the person who took the nail should get the "best nail finder" award! no seriously, i have gone thru two socks since the incident. But ya know what, we cleared the area didnt we! WHOO HOO to the kick booty search teams!

That depends... did "bag it & tag it" or did you leave it at the scene?

BTW.... do you miss me yet???
Thinking of Lindsey......and Amber

havent been here.....little one sick with h1n1....hubby and i are battling it as welll...

hope for news soon....where are these sweet girls?

(((hugs))) for Lindsey and Amber
Just stopping by to let everyone know I have not forgotten Lindsey. I pray for her throughout the day and continue to sleuth certain individuals behind the scenes. I pray that lab results from items seized in the search will be in soon.

Also want to wish Amber a Happy Birthday

And say thank you to all the searchers on the ground in McCleary. You are all awesome!

Me too Mom, I keep checking back every couple of hours hoping for good news. Any news. Lindsey is right here in my thoughts. And I was happy to hear there was a wonderful celebration for Amber on her birthday. xoxoxo
WASHINGTON (October 26, 2009)—The FBI has rescued 52 children in a series of child prostitution raids around the country, FBI officials said Monday.

Authorities say the youngest victim was just 10 years old.

The bureau and local police officials also arrested 60 pimps during the three-day enforcement effort in 36 cities.

The raids are the latest in a long-running Operation Cross Country aimed at child prostitution rings around the country.

Almost 1,600 agents and officers took part in the raids, which led to federal and state charges against a total of 691 suspects.

The investigations typically target places where minors are likely to be sold for sex, including truck stops, casinos, public streets, and Internet Web sites.

“Child prostitution continues to be a significant problem in our country, as evidenced by the number of children rescued through the continued efforts of our crimes against children task forces,” said Kevin Perkins, Assistant Director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division.

“There is no work more important than protecting America’s children and freeing them from the cycle of victimization. Through our strategic partnerships with state and local law enforcement agencies, we are able to make a difference, he said.
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