WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #15

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Hey all...haven't been around much, I've been sick like everyone else.

I don't really know what's going on with all the rumors and stuff being posted on other forums. I'm just glad it doesn't happen here! Thank You Tricia and WS mods!

I'm here for one reason, and one reason only. To help MB find her missing daughter, Lindsey. That's why I came to begin with. I work part-time and figured I could volunteer and help. Nothing has changed. And as far as I know, nothing has changed with our group at the center.

We don't give up our weekends and free time to screw around.

I worry that some of our members aren't here because they read negative stuff being posted about them. I'm sure it's demorialzing to say the least.

Please guys....know this group is a good group, and we're trying. We may make mistakes along the way. It's a work in progress ok?

The reason we started the LB Search Center is because LE quit doing ground searches. That wasn't acceptable to MB. So we started our own center. It's really that simple. We learned and got trained by Klaaskids and the Laura Recovery Center. Then we went on our own.

While it may seem to some that it's ridiculous to have LB's own Mom being at the search center, look at it this way. If we didn't all volunteer and start our own center, WHO exactly would be out there looking for Lindsey?
You got it. Nobody.

We have no desire to interfere with LE and the investigation. We want their support and help.

Don't ever doubt that we all want only one thing...that is to find Lindsey.

Thanks again to all who post and give the searchers pats on the back. It means alot.

sorry to hear the flu hit your family as well.....:hug:

i have been really, really sick....but doing much better :)

i havent heard or seen any rumors about anyone....but...i also dont post on other sites :).....i do though how ever snoop once in awhile.....LOL

keep your chin up! you guys are doing great!! and i appreciate all you do :woohoo:
Hi friends. Any new information yet about Lindsey? I've been over at the Somer Thompson threads.

I don't know how people can divide their attention between cases, and some people sleuth multiple at one time.
Extremely sorry to hear that Animal will no longer be a Mod. I'm sure that she has extremely good reasons for making this biting decision (biting to me because I will miss her direction) and has taken a whole lot of time to actually make that final draft. Her qualifications as a super MOD clearly shows in her past decisions and methods of getting things back on track. I have personally been extremely inspired by about 6 or 8 individuals (not all MODS) in WS over the months that I have been here, persons who have been able to direct, redirect, compose, and make extremely lucid decisions that have mitigated off-beat posts and strange directions taken by various individuals, including myself, over many months. Animal was my first savior and I will miss her direction and wise ways.

Thanks Animal, are you "sure" you want to lay down the torch?

Our loss at WS will definitely be felt. Thanks for what you do so well.
just stopping in to say hello. let everyone know that we are still praying LIndsey makes it home safe. i miss everyone fromthe center! i cant wait for this weeknd! sad i know!!
WE will all be lost when Lindsey comes home. Anyway.. just wanted to bump Lindsey and let everyone know that im looking forward to this weekend of searching.
Hi friends. Any new information yet about Lindsey? I've been over at the Somer Thompson threads.

I don't know how people can divide their attention between cases, and some people sleuth multiple at one time.

I hear ya Concentric. I can't even keep up with Lindsey's case let alone multiple other ones.

My hat's off to all the WS posters who can do that. You rock!

O/T but I'm teared up this morning reading about baby Shannon being found alive. :woohoo:

Thank god some good news. Thank you Lord.

I'm doing the dance :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
Checking in..
I should have my laptop in a few days.

Prayers for Lindsey continue!
I hear ya Concentric. I can't even keep up with Lindsey's case let alone multiple other ones.

My hat's off to all the WS posters who can do that. You rock!

O/T but I'm teared up this morning reading about baby Shannon being found alive. :woohoo:

Thank god some good news. Thank you Lord.

I'm doing the dance :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

Hi Breanna and Jennifer, I just came to give a BUMP for Lindsey too. With the miracle of little Shannon being found alive, I wish the same for Lindsey.

:wave: Thank you for that Scandi my friend...that is my wish too.

thinking of you Lindsey!!!
I don't post much as i am far from local, but, I pray that Lindsey is found soon.

I saw this in the Elizabeth Olten thread (3) here on WS and thought I would bring this here.

Yesterday, 04:09 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Washington
Posts: 10
Sorry if this is a repeat..
I apologize if this is info that was previously posted... i haven't had time to keep up lately!
This comment was posted on true crime report . com to the story "15-year old girl charged with Elizabeth Olten's murder" I wasn't able to verify "kevin"'s comment about the friends. Maybe another sleuther can...

Kevin said:
I hope that the authorities in Washington will begin to look seriously at Alyssa's freakish myspace friends from that region of the country.
Investigators might begin to look at the disapperance of 10 year old Lindsey Baum from Washington in an entirely different light. Who would of thought of 15 to 17 year old girls as potential culprits in this disappearance?
Alyssa's "dark" and "emo" freaks live in Forks, WA and Lacey, WA. Is this a mere coincidence?

Posted 11/04/2009 at 04:34:56 PM"
WholeLottaRosie, thank you for posting that info! Just when it seemed there was nothing left on which to follow up, at least this is something that now may either be ruled in or out after a bit of sleuthing.

I don't post much as i am far from local, but, I pray that Lindsey is found soon.

I saw this in the Elizabeth Olten thread (3) here on WS and thought I would bring this here.

Yesterday, 04:09 PM
Registered User

Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Washington
Posts: 10
Sorry if this is a repeat..
I apologize if this is info that was previously posted... i haven't had time to keep up lately!
This comment was posted on true crime report . com to the story "15-year old girl charged with Elizabeth Olten's murder" I wasn't able to verify "kevin"'s comment about the friends. Maybe another sleuther can...

Kevin said:
I hope that the authorities in Washington will begin to look seriously at Alyssa's freakish myspace friends from that region of the country.
Investigators might begin to look at the disapperance of 10 year old Lindsey Baum from Washington in an entirely different light. Who would of thought of 15 to 17 year old girls as potential culprits in this disappearance?
Alyssa's "dark" and "emo" freaks live in Forks, WA and Lacey, WA. Is this a mere coincidence?

Posted 11/04/2009 at 04:34:56 PM"

One wonders. Also, since LB's MySpace page was accessed by LE (and / or others?), we do not know what commentary may have been deleted. Given that we know LE typically witholds case information / clues ... is it possible there were communications between LB and the Forks and Lacey individuals, or perhaps others involved in that "dark" and "emo" world?

Is anyone here in immediate contact with McCleary LE? If there was communication, did LE already investigtate / dismiss any connection?

At this point, no potential lead should be ignored no matter how remote the possibility but the more I think on this though, the more it seems unlikely.

I live closer to the opposite coast, but even I feel no 'Goth' presence in McCleary, at least not how it's played out in larger towns.

Durn-it, I must ramble now ...

What is the liklihood:

Is this a 'local' crime ... someone living in the nieghborhood?
  • Near-by SO?
  • Planned?
  • Random?
  • Of opportunity?
If it was a local, we might think by now someone would have made note of how it seemed any particular someone was overly friendly to LB or JB or MB.

If it was a SO, no one would really know unless that SO appeared frequently in the small town and might continue to do so as not to draw suspicion after the disappearance.

If it was random, well, do you blame the Bear Festival for drawing visitors / tourists into the small town, to entice a sick individual into becoming attached to one particular girl who happened to fit that individuals desire?

Opportunity? ... applies to any of the above, I suppose.

Did LB receive any gifts from anyone in the weeks previous to the disappearance? The gift giving does not have to be unusual, could be during a holiday, as well.

What is in LB's room that LE wants to preserve? Scent? Ok. But there must be something else in her room ... clothing, nic-nac, toy (odd toy?)?

Someone covered their tracks very well ... left no cause for concern if it was a local, and if it was a drive-through what would be left to connect them to the scene?

What of satellite imaging ... were there any overhead on 6/26/2009 that might have captured something ... well, very unlikely.

Cell phone records of all that hit McCleary tower(s)? I mean *all* records ... which are from drive-throughs, which are local?

Who else in town has the same favorite color, toy, clothing, movie, person or whatever, as has LB ... and really liked to flaunt that favorite whenever they were around LB?
  • Were all MB's visitors vetted?
  • JB's acquaintances?
  • Uniformed locals?
Also, just how intelligent is DG, regarding covering up a secret or perhaps a crime?

I'm exhausted.
hoping for an outcome soon. Children shouldn't vanish into thin air!!
hoping for an outcome soon. Children shouldn't vanish into thin air!!

Im hoping for her to be found to. We all are. Its been so hard coming here everyday to see if theres any news. Ya know after Melissa Huckabee being arrested and then a female in the Olten case maybe just maybe it could be a female involved. Hopefully we will get some break in the case and bring her home soon.
Im hoping for her to be found to. We all are. Its been so hard coming here everyday to see if theres any news. Ya know after Melissa Huckabee being arrested and then a female in the Olten case maybe just maybe it could be a female involved. Hopefully we will get some break in the case and bring her home soon.

I am keeping Lindsey in my thoughts too. I have been over on the Olten thread a lot lately and discovering more about the 15 yo female perp makes me also think we may need to look at the possibility this could be a female, and could also be a minor. Maybe we need to look more into the problems she was having with her friends - I remember reading it was keeping her from wanting to go to school. Also after reading the post from the forensic astro thread - it indicated one or two kids at school may know what happened.
Thinking of Lindsey today and wishing for some good luck and good news.
I am keeping Lindsey in my thoughts too. I have been over on the Olten thread a lot lately and discovering more about the 15 yo female perp makes me also think we may need to look at the possibility this could be a female, and could also be a minor. Maybe we need to look more into the problems she was having with her friends - I remember reading it was keeping her from wanting to go to school. Also after reading the post from the forensic astro thread - it indicated one or two kids at school may know what happened.

Hi Jules and Chuck, I agree looking into her friends is a must. I base that on two things I read in very early posts - one might have come from MleChester in a comment - that it wasn't only Lindsey that was disturbed by the white car she thought was following her around, but her friend was approached by the car and he stated to her he'd let her drive it if she wanted. I have often wondered if Kara's daughter MK was the one who had the incident with the guy in the white car.

Then I recently read at TC I believe, that the schoolmate that was giving Lindsey such a hard time at school to where she didn't even want to go was Libby's daughter. I got reading that it hadn't been very long since they had become good friends again and the group of girls Lindsey was swimming with that afternoon were the click of Libbly's daughter.

This clatch of pre-teen girls must have a lot of info about what was going on pre-abduction with Lindsey. If she had received gifts, had someone giving her the eye, verbal concerns Lindsey had told other of her fears about something bad to happen, etc.

We have known about these things since the first week of the case, so LE did too, right?

I would think digging into this would have been at the top of the list for LE to look into. I also read in some link that LE found no communications with others on Lindsey's MS accounts that raised a hair with them. Who knows, as they probably wouldn't tell the public if they had found something. xox
Hi Jules and Chuck, I agree looking into her friends is a must. I base that on two things I read in very early posts - one might have come from MleChester in a comment - that it wasn't only Lindsey that was disturbed by the white car she thought was following her around, but her friend was approached by the car and he stated to her he'd let her drive it if she wanted. I have often wondered if Kara's daughter MK was the one who had the incident with the guy in the white car.

Then I recently read at TC I believe, that the schoolmate that was giving Lindsey such a hard time at school to where she didn't even want to go was Libby's daughter. I got reading that it hadn't been very long since they had become good friends again and the group of girls Lindsey was swimming with that afternoon were the click of Libbly's daughter.

This clatch of pre-teen girls must have a lot of info about what was going on pre-abduction with Lindsey. If she had received gifts, had someone giving her the eye, verbal concerns Lindsey had told other of her fears about something bad to happen, etc.

We have known about these things since the first week of the case, so LE did too, right?

I would think digging into this would have been at the top of the list for LE to look into. I also read in some link that LE found no communications with others on Lindsey's MS accounts that raised a hair with them. Who knows, as they probably wouldn't tell the public if they had found something. xox

scandi, good points!

.. and more of my ramblings:

I re-read the affadavit ... DG has a white Del Sol, he pointed out a silver Del Sol that was in the BH parking lot. DG followed MB's car because he thought the 'occupants' (plural?) were going to steal parts from his vehicle or that the occupants had something to do with LB's disappearance?

Why would DG think such a thing (steal parts) about unknown occupants? Did this happen to DG in the past where unknown occupants, driving around in an unknown vehicle, stole parts from his car?

Seems like a load of hokey horse-hockey, to me.

Of course, worst case might be that DG is simply paranoid and overly curious?

Also, as I stated in an earlier post ... who was watching the swimmers?
scandi, good points!

.. and more of my ramblings:

I re-read the affadavit ... DG has a white Del Sol, he pointed out a silver Del Sol that was in the BH parking lot. DG followed MB's car because he thought the 'occupants' (plural?) were going to steal parts from his vehicle or that the occupants had something to do with LB's disappearance?

Why would DG think such a thing (steal parts) about unknown occupants? Did this happen to DG in the past where unknown occupants, driving around in an unknown vehicle, stole parts from his car?

Seems like a load of hokey horse-hockey, to me.

Of course, worst case might be that DG is simply paranoid and overly curious?

Also, as I stated in an earlier post ... who was watching the swimmers?

Hi Chuck, I too have wondered if someone other that DG was driving his car. I stop short at that as LE came up with so much circumstantial evidence showing him as a POI at the time.

As to who was watching the swimmers we don't know. We did read the swimming affair was an evening one for Lindsey and the girls. After 9:30 or so that night, well there are rumors as to who was home in Libby's family at that time, and they only point out that no one was home at her house, if they are true. The only thing we have confirmed was that Libby was at work at the Beehive. The father was supposedly out drinking with a buddy who has been named and supposedly Libby's niece {Lindsey's friend} was at a sleepover.

If Lindsey got as far as Main St and Libby's house there is a good possibility it was dark. I wish we had a RUMOR thread as it is so hard to throw out possibilities with virgin facts in the case. Mind, even tho they supposedly come from someone close to the case. Could it be the hubby was home by then? Was he there earlier when they were swimming? I have thought about him but it has not clicked with anything, nada.

Now I'd love to know where someone goes drinking around 9pm or after in McCleary unless they are at the Roundup, and that is a restaurant that just has a bar. No taverns?

Also, is Libby's house in between Main St and 3rd? I saw a map with her address placed on the east side of Main St. If so, what is between their house and 3rd St? I'm thinking if Lindsey got that far or was even running, she could have ducked into their backyard and headed across 3rd to the parking lot or bridge area. Just thinking, but I don't know why I have this feeling that is where she was finally confronted by the perp in his car. xox

Last question. Is there no no way to get to Old Sand Creek Rd from the SW corner of McCleary in the area where Oak St is? No underpass going under Hwy 8? And so the only way to get there is go down 3rd to Mox Chehalis Rd, cut over on Foreman Rd to the juncture with Old Sand Creek Rd. If so that whole area is very rural with extremely limited access. It might even take a small miracle to have some one see someone going or coming in that whole area as darkness sets in. I'm thinking of Bobbcat who lives up off Old Sand Creek Rd on Overlake Lane who says Lindsey is buried in his backyard, 1/4 mile from the searches on Foreman Rd.

Guess I'm talking as I type as there seems to be not much happening on this dear thread. Trying to learn a bit more in this slow time.

OK, out to get a pint of chocolate Haagen Dazs :angel: LOL

Sorry this got so long.
Chuck, didn't the Affidavit say DG really left work twice to go following MB's car, on 2 occasions? That is really something, leaving work to do that, don't you think.

Tailing a car. Hmmmm Could be this was a normal activity for DG. And then way before this Lindsey said a white car was following her :waitasec: Maybe not so much COINKYDINK and goes to the profile of the perp, one who would stoop to follow people to find out what he wanted to know.

Oh, BTW, I was so tickled on Wed nite's Criminal Minds show. I guessed the perp was a taxidermist right out of the box. Yeppers, he was. Maybe it was too easy. :D:D:D
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