WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #15

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I think the poster was just referring to the fact that the perp -- whoever that may be -- knows where she is...not implying that anyone else knows!!! Not to worry about that!

That's not how I took it - nosylla said:

What about the mention about this person at the search center early on ....that said they knew about where LB is?

Who was at the search center saying he/she knew where Lindsey was? Sorry, unless the perp was there this doesn't make sense. I'm not saying the perp couldn't have been there, because we all know that some stay on the periphery of the crime, but I haven't read that. TIA
Scandi, now you've added a new -- and valuable --idea to those that were started by Jules 71: Lindsey might have seen her predator, recognized him as a danger or at least someone who made her uncomfortable, and didn't want to have to keep walking past him. I didn't know until this week that the dogs had picked up her scent going up the hill on 6th Street, and what you've added makes me wonder if she turned around and headed up the hill on 6th when she saw him in order to avoid him...and he followed her.

We just don't know where DG was from 9-ish, when the neighbor said he left the BBQ, and ~10, when his car was reportedly back in town. MOO.

I hope LE keeps an eye on him tomorrow during the search!


Collectively, I think we are painting a different picture... it's a good possibility she did see him and turned the other way. Why wouldn't she go back to KK's then?
Scandi, now you've added a new -- and valuable --idea to those that were started by Jules 71: Lindsey might have seen her predator, recognized him as a danger or at least someone who made her uncomfortable, and didn't want to have to keep walking past him. I didn't know until this week that the dogs had picked up her scent going up the hill on 6th Street, and what you've added makes me wonder if she turned around and headed up the hill on 6th when she saw him in order to avoid him...and he followed her.

We just don't know where DG was from 9-ish, when the neighbor said he left the BBQ, and ~10, when his car was reportedly back in town. MOO.

I hope LE keeps an eye on him tomorrow during the search!


Which direction is up the hill on 6th st?
Collectively, I think we are painting a different picture... it's a good possibility she did see him and turned the other way. Why wouldn't she go back to KK's then?

She was near the Shell Gas station - why didn't she run there? And why don't they arrest the perp at the search center...my gosh, if he knows where she is - arrest him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA - I just saw on another thread that the info about the perp being at the search center came from the Astro Thread. Please, for the sake of myself, who doesn't understand the Astro terminology, and for the sake of those reading these threads for info - please identify the source of the information. I love hearing about what the Astros are saying - it just needs to be identified as such. and if there is a rule or law saying it doesn't need to be - I apologize and please let me know. I find it confusing enough to figure out where information is coming from TIA
That's not how I took it - nosylla said:

What about the mention about this person at the search center early on ....that said they knew about where LB is?

Who was at the search center saying he/she knew where Lindsey was?

Where did you read/hear this?
Seems like I'm always missing an important fact - sorry! You say someone knows where Lindsey is???? Have the police talked to that person?

I'm sure LE checked pay stubs but DG already said he didn't work the night of the 26th, it was his scheduled day off. He was laid off from the Youth camp for poor behavior. He lied about both places. If someone knows where Lindsey is - why on earth haven't they told police? This isn't a game, that person should be arrested if he/she refuses to tell? mho Yikes, I just can't keep up. Sorry everyone.
I too can't keep up. Especially being new to this. This is what I read... (quoted)
It was posted by someone ...

"One of the posts on the Astro thread by Tuba mentioned the possibility of someone who was at the command center on 8/23 knowing where Lindsey is.
I'm sorry I can't find the post now, but do we know who was at the command center on 8/23? Specifically was TG or her son? "

I get confused. But what I do see are those darn pieces of that puzzle that need to get sorted and put together. Hopefully LE reads and sees and gets things sorted enough to take some action.

Again... not sure about rules. If I can use other threads for info. Ugh.. :(
I too can't keep up. Especially being new to this. This is what I read... (quoted)
It was posted by someone ...

"One of the posts on the Astro thread by Tuba mentioned the possibility of someone who was at the command center on 8/23 knowing where Lindsey is.
I'm sorry I can't find the post now, but do we know who was at the command center on 8/23? Specifically was TG or her son? "

I posted this. It was in the Astro thread, not fact but rather their "reading" of what could be.
I took it from Nosylla's post #57...

Sorry I meant to ask Nosylla that. I posted it in another thread (see above). I was reading lots of different threads tonight and came across something in the astro thread that I wanted to ask questions about.
Sorry I meant to ask Nosylla that. I posted it in another thread (see above). I was reading lots of different threads tonight and came across something in the astro thread that I wanted to ask questions about.

No problem! I love hearing what the Astros have to say - for the guests who come on these threads for information, and for me, who does not have the time nor the inclination to learn the Astro terminology right now - please, please identify information that they have found as theirs...just put in (Astsro Thread). Thanks. As I said above, if this is not correct and this is a ridiculous request, please let me know and I will appologize to all. TIA
Gotcha... Ok.. sorry Astro thread... it was a "reading".
Which direction is up the hill on 6th st?

The reason I ask is because lets just say she was walking home and got to somewhere between 6th and 5th on Maple - then maybe she sees someone who makes her feel uneasy and turns around and then which way does she go - if the dogs tracked her scent "up the hill on 6th"? Beehive is right there according to the map I am looking at.

I did hear from Seriously Searching and she is ALIVE and GOOD! She is taking some much needed time off to get some things done and will be back once her life gets back on track! LOL


Just wanted y'all to know so you won't worry!

I did hear from Seriously Searching and she is ALIVE and GOOD! She is taking some much needed time off to get some things done and will be back once her life gets back on track! LOL


Just wanted y'all to know so you won't worry!

That's great!!! I thought maybe she took a vacation or was not feeling so well. Please give her my best! Anyone who wants to get their life on track has my support. Thanks Kimster!
Can't LE get pay stubs and hours worked for any reported job the perp has? To rule out working hours. Need to narrow down things.

What about the mention about this person at the search center early on ....that said they knew about where LB is?

Were names logged as they were when searchers searched last week? Names... and times had to be recorded.

Ugh... the answers are so close. The puzzle seems like a rubics cube. I know that all the colored squares fit into it's colored form...and someone knows how to do it.

You fill out a form and they take a photo copy of your driver's license, you must be at least 18 years old, to be able to participate in a search.
Scandi, now you've added a new -- and valuable --idea to those that were started by Jules 71: Lindsey might have seen her predator, recognized him as a danger or at least someone who made her uncomfortable, and didn't want to have to keep walking past him. I didn't know until this week that the dogs had picked up her scent going up the hill on 6th Street, and what you've added makes me wonder if she turned around and headed up the hill on 6th when she saw him in order to avoid him...and he followed her.

We just don't know where DG was from 9-ish, when the neighbor said he left the BBQ, and ~10, when his car was reportedly back in town. MOO.

I hope LE keeps an eye on him tomorrow during the search!


Hi Track, It is a corker, isn't it? Did Mr Oakes have 2 dogs, a tracker and a human recovery dog? The reason I ask is if she went S up 6th and was also scented off a logging rd from Beck St {where a death scent was alerted to}, that is going in two different directions. Maybe if she walked up 6th it was when she was alive and taken up off Beck when she wasn't. How far up 6th was she scented?

I think the whole mystery hinges on that area of Maple between 6th and 5th. She was witnessed right there walking past the Beehive. It takes up the whole block between 6th and 7th. From the area between 5th and 6th one can look up the street and see anything happening on Maple, looking W.

If you take a right on 6th from Maple, half way up the block is the entrance to the Center. It could have been where she was picked up. I think she got in the car of her own will as her shoes were not found. The perp would not think to see if she dropped a shoe outside the car, right?

It's real close in that area. You walk to the end of that block of 6th and kiddy corner across the street {or the next house down from it}, is where Jim Mullins lives, and where Fir St on the other side of his house doesn't go thru. We saw that on one of the first TV spots in the case. Why would she walk up 6th? That is a big question.

Could she have seen someone inbetween KK 's house and the Center and got scared, turned up 6th walking fast and stopped at the Beehive to ask Libby N if she could spend the night at her house and was told no, walked back out to the street and back to Maple when she saw a car coming she recognized and was put on the spot when he nicely asked if she wanted a ride home?

I also think the witness who saw her walk down Maple holds the key to what Lindsey saw that might have frightened her. We have read that alluded to and by her own words she was afraid somethng bad was going to happen to her.

I feel so positive that LE knows the answer to this puzzle, who that witness was, where she was when she saw Lindsey and what she noticed that she doesn't want to make public for fear of reprisal. I think the only thing LE doesn't have at this point is Lindsey. And I would think that death scent alerted to up off Beck would be easy to nail down. I mean how many dead people have there been taken up that logging rd? LE would know of all the deaths in the area going way back and be able to place anyone who was missing and never found going back the last 7 years. That is the life of a death scent that can be sniffed by a cadaver dog.

I so hope this weekend will bring answers for LE. I think they are playing a strategy like I've said before. Announce who they feel killed Lindsey so he is in the eyes of the public, then take him off the hook by renouncing his POI status so he is relaxed and might make a dumb comment or move. And also they will sit in wait for some dear soal who now realizes what and who it was they did see that night, and will go to LE. Maybe someone up on Beck rd heard the engine of a motorcycle or ATV for instance when it shouldn't have been there. Who bikes or ATV's after dark? xox

Sorry this post is a bit unfocused. It just grew legs ;}
We keep talking about the dog tracking her up 6th Street, but I have seen no confirmation of that. Has anyone else? And if so, could you/would you share, please?

The idea about the paycheck is a very good one for placing DG in the area at the right time. It should be easy for LE to check out.

Also the thought that maybe DG enlisted Lindsey's help for some reason that led her to leave Maple Street is very good.

We need to confirm if Lindsey was wanting someone to stay the night with her (which is the way I think it was) or if Lindsey was trying to stay with someone. We have heard the story both ways but if I remember correctly, Lindsey did not take her phone, a change of clothes, etc. which leads me to think she wanted someone to stay with her.

And the bathing suit is a HUGE red flag to me. Either Lindsey took a shower and changed or she didn't. But at 10 years of age and being a girl, I have a hard time believing she showered and put her dirty suit back on. What is up with that?

You fill out a form and they take a photo copy of your driver's license, you must be at least 18 years old, to be able to participate in a search.

Thanks Cyber, That means TG's younger son is not a minor then if he had to be 18. He did go on one search we've been told. He is probably 19 as we have read here.

What that means yet I have no idea, just parking it away as periphery knowledge right now. lol
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