WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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I've looked at pics of every level 2 & 3 SO in Pierce, Thurston, Pacific, and Mason Counties and ironically I didn't find ANY of the 904 in Pierce County that resembled the sketch. Sure, adding facial hair or an ear ring or a cap could make anyone look like the sketch, but I seriously didn't find many that were close. Not Pacific County either. But from Mason County I found 17 who "could" be a close match, and 7 from Grays Harbor, and 13 from Mason County who are awful close. Haven't got to Lewis County yet. But then again, I really think the guy lives in Olympia. It's just too bad NOBODY in McCleary recognized the sketch as someone they knew or saw in town a time or two. THAT would maybe be a huge help. I'm also thinking maybe the guy lives in another town but since so many people in his own town would know him, he might just travel to another city like Olympia. Hey, anything is possible. I have no doubt in my mind that IF that guy's ear ring was a gauge, someone in Olympia would recognize him. I'm thinking he lives somewhere else. Maybe a really, really small town. I'm just wondering when this guy is going to make his next move. And maybe slip-up and get himself caught or leave some evidence behind.

Again, just another of my hair-brained ideas because I can't seem to come up with the winning clue to solve the case.
I know this sounds really perverse, but they make cosmetic ear-gauges. Fake earlobes, basically. For guys who are into the scene but hold down real jobs. They're quite realistic.

If the guy is balding and normally doesn't wear a hat, and doesn't have real ear work done, it's quite possible nobody recognizes him from these sketches.
That's what I keep thinking! I think it might have been just an ear ring that LOOKS like a gauge or could have to a frightened child. If it was a gauge, he would no doubt be recognized by someone by now unless he's a transient with no job. But geez, regardless of his job or income source, the guy HAS to eat sometime so you would think SOMEONE would recognize him like from a mini-mart, gas station, fast food place, or even a homeless shelter. He may have worn a fake one in a premeditated attempt to disguise himself and alter his looks a bit.
After looking at each and every registered SO in Thurston, Mason, Pierce, Grays Harbor & Pacific Counties (yes, I have too much time on my hands; I'm out of work), I decided which ones I felt have a close resemblance to the sketch perp, or at least COULD look like him if you just imagine a slight change in appearance (it's a common fact that SO's like to change their appearance a lot so the community won't recognize them in public places). So anyway, I ran over 50 names/ages/last known residents info into MySpace and found 11 of them who are on MySpace. Found some pretty wierd stuff on a few of them.

Didn't someone mention that the perp in Olympia had reddish hair? If so, I did find a reg'd SO in Grays Harbor County who could easily pass for the sketch with just a slight trim of his facial hair. Has what looks like either a huge round ear ring or gauge, but in the left ear. Which I'm thinking it should have been in the sketch. We all know what an ear ring in only the right ear is meant to signify, and what would a "righty" find interesting girls? I'm thinking either he lost his left ear ring or had it ripped out or something, or else the sketch should have put it on the left ear.

Mine gold hoop is on my left ear, BTW! :angel:

I haven't checked Facebook yet because it's almost impossible to view personal stuff unless the accept your friend request on all but very few profiles.
Scandi, if you pop in, what do you remember about the ATV park? I think it was you that made the calls, way back when.
where is scandi?? i havent seen her for awhile....they did get some bad weather where she is at.....hope she is ok....i miss her :)

scandi did call the ATV park :)

i know it was said that someone seen a girl about lindsey's age ....only in a bathing suite coming out from behind a tree or brush....and then get back onto the AVT with a man.....that person reported it after reading about lindsey going missing....also at around the same time.....at a local costco.....i believe in tumwater wa, someone thought they had seen lindsey there with an older man....

this is from memory.....hope it helps......i really think we are all onto something....i hope you all are turning your tips into the local LE.....including Olympia and McCleary....i know some are frustrated with McCleary LE.....but so far i have found Olympia and McCleary as being very nice....and welcome any and all tips!!

you never know what little tib bit....will be a huge break in the case for them :)

so keep up the great work!!!!!!


also the care taker of the ATV park was *let go* around the same time as the searchs were going on there
FYI: I'm still trying to get * out of GHC - It's been a bumpy road.
Tips? So, TakeNote, you actually think we should let LE know when we come up with odd things that seem to fit together or make sense? How about when we find a SO who seems to match that sketch? I'd hate to seem like I'm pointing a finger at someone just because they look a bit like the sketch and has a crazy, sick history of molesting 6, 8, and 10 year old girls.

But seriously, anything I post out of my "theories and ideas" I'm pretty much waiting for one of YOU to tell me "that sounds like a very good lead, you should notify LE!", but so far I don't think I've come up with much more than LE has. I'm pretty sure OPD has looked at full-sized pics of every registered SO in the state by now.

If ANY of you EVER think one of my off-the-wall hunches or ideas seems worth reporting, just let me know. I'll drive personally to Olympia and talk IN PERSON to a detective. That way, I would be 100% sure my idea/tip/hunch was taken seriously and the info was in the correct person's hands.

It would not surprise me now to know that some RSO could have recruited a "friend" or several "friends" into participating in the abduction of Lindsey. Nothing will surprise me after reviewing charges these RSO's have and who may be "sympatico," (has connections, either in person or on-line with them, hint, hint).

Sorry, I'm going a bit cuckoo because nothing is being released in this case.
A friend's daughter was walking home along Evergreen Parkway/Kaiser Road the other day when a young dude in a white hatchback spun a u-turn and leaned out of the car to give her an unctuous hello. Luckily Dad was waiting outside for her to arrive and scared the guy off. They then called the police.
This report is on an Olympia community blog called OlyBlog - full post is Another luring, this time in W. Oly posted 12/16
I agree with you all here. I was just trying to think up something new to ponder. Someone on another forum had wondered if there was a race that weekend, and maybe a stranger was in town. That was my reasoning behind my new theory. Only because nothing else is working.

I do, however, stick to my original theory/opinion that it was someone she knew, more than likely someone who lives in her area.

And yes, I agree that the window-lurker is somehow connected. Could it be that he HAS Lindsey, and maybe he convinced her to give up a relative's name and address? Could it be that he convinced her of something like "I'm sorry you have to be here alone. If you tell me where your cousin lives I'll see if I can bring him/her here to be with you..." or something wild like that? He may have convinced Lindsey that he would let her go if she gave up some private family information. Anything is possible.

Her disappearance is a mystery that needs to be solved. And because of that, we all want to do whatever we can to bring her home. Part of this includes coming up with whatever off-the-wall, hair-brain ideas we can to shed new light on the case. Since LE isn't helping much, we all tend to use our imaginations and come up with whatever ideas we think might help or might produce an idea as to what happened to her.

So, my ORV park idea may have been without warrant, but has anyone else come up with anything better that has helped solve the case? Who knows, maybe by tomorrow I'll come up with something ever more far-fetched, like aliens swooped down and took her to mars. But until someone comes up with some good, solid ideas that bring her home, we all need to just use our vivid imaginations and think of ANYTHING we can that might be possible (or might not).

I'm with the majority of you on a few things here...
1. I believe window-lurker boy is connected to Lindsey's disappearance.
2. I believe a sex-offender is responsible.
3. I believe someone she knew from town is responsible.
4. I believe she is alive.

I also believe WE at WS are doing a better job of solving the case than LE has been! I think LE basically gave up. I highly doubt they have a detective or team of them working on the case around the clock like they would have it had been some high-profile child like maybe a Mayor or Judge's child who was missing. But it wasn't, so I truly feel they've put the case on the back burner. I can assure you that if Lindsey was the child of a County or City Government Official, they would have dogs out every day, helicopters overhead and the reward fund would be up in the 6-digit area.

WebSleuths is doing a much better job of helping bring Lindsey home than anyone in the LE community. So let's just keep our imaginations running wild and think of whatever possibilities we can come up with.

I agree with 1-3....but can you tell why you think she still alive (which would be great if se is)
Tips? So, TakeNote, you actually think we should let LE know when we come up with odd things that seem to fit together or make sense? How about when we find a SO who seems to match that sketch? I'd hate to seem like I'm pointing a finger at someone just because they look a bit like the sketch and has a crazy, sick history of molesting 6, 8, and 10 year old girls.

But seriously, anything I post out of my "theories and ideas" I'm pretty much waiting for one of YOU to tell me "that sounds like a very good lead, you should notify LE!", but so far I don't think I've come up with much more than LE has. I'm pretty sure OPD has looked at full-sized pics of every registered SO in the state by now.

If ANY of you EVER think one of my off-the-wall hunches or ideas seems worth reporting, just let me know. I'll drive personally to Olympia and talk IN PERSON to a detective. That way, I would be 100% sure my idea/tip/hunch was taken seriously and the info was in the correct person's hands.


i think there are times...when we all will say....
*hey that needs to be called in*....

then there are times.....that it just doesnt sit well with ya....and you call it in....or drive it in....:)....email it in....what ever you feel is the right way to get them the info....LE said...they want info....they need help finding this guy.....the oly guy...and who ever took lindsey....i dont want to send them on wild goose chases.....go with your gutt :)
This report is on an Olympia community blog called OlyBlog - full post is Another luring, this time in W. Oly posted 12/16

Thank you for posting that info SarahC -

The sheriff's office has hopefully had enough calls from concerned residents, they will release another statement or have a press conference to answer questions.

There seems to be so much going on in Washington state in recent months regarding sex-offender problems, it wouldn't surprise me if Governor Gregorie decides to get involved this time.

I hope so.
FYI: I'm still trying to get * out of GHC - It's been a bumpy road.

general FYI for document researchers:

(This is about information gathering by news media in ILLINOIS during pending criminal investigations, but might give some insight into ways to work with WA/County gov't officials.)


"One catalyst, Craven said, was a 2007 opinion from Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, who said search warrants are public records unless ordered sealed by a judge. The opinion came after Sangamon County State’s Attorney John Schmidt resisted releasing warrants in response to requests from The State Journal-Register.

Since Madigan issued her opinion, dozens, if not hundreds, of search warrants have been made public in Sangamon County. Schmidt [State's Attorney] said making the warrants public has not hindered investigations, nor could he recall a case in which a local judge has ordered a warrant sealed since Madigan issued her opinion."

... "In addition to ordering the warrants opened, the judge ordered the clerk to treat court records in the future as public records unless the state’s attorney can show through “detailed affidavits” that there is a basis for sealing records."

As the article suggests, sometimes the resistance falls into the category of "We've always done it that way"

My guess, it's already part of the statute updates in WA. The courthouse or the bar association usually has a good law library open to the public - and also!! an on-staff reference librarian/paralegal to help find what you need. Then just show the citation or statute to the Circuit Clerk when requesting records. Little extra leg-work, but can eliminate some of the rigmarole.

Hope this helps with what you're specifically looking for, JVK.
I agree with 1-3....but can you tell why you think she still alive (which would be great if se is)

I just don't believe some perp just abducted her, did what he wanted, then killed her and dumped her. Sure, it could be possible, but if I remember correctly the landfill was searched early on. If this guy/gal is a TRUE serial killer or something, he might think to chop up a little girl and toss her body in the trash, but your average "snatch 'n kill" perp is most likely going to just dump a body in the woods somewhere. It happens more often than not. (Guess I watch to much News or read too many newspapers). And since we haven't stopped searching all the woods and abandoned properties and trails and a quadzillion other areas since she vanished, I truly believe she would have been found by now had she been killed.

That, and I'm a firm believer that if we keep a positive mind about what happened to her, we won't lose hope. I really think that if people start to tell themselves she's not alive, they may begin to lose hope of ever finding her or bringing her home. And of course nobody wants to actually FIND her body in some woods. The core searchers (and little ol' me) are hoping more for maybe a simple clue that could lead us to her, such as maybe a dumped trash bag with a shred of her clothing, or maybe a lock of her hair, or something. And hopefully a cig butt or cup or something containing a suspect's DNA or whatever else, like a piece of mail. Hey, a kidnapper/rapist/killer was already stupid enough to do what they did, so they might be stupid enough to dump something that could lead right to their door.

I believe she is still alive, just being held against her will and going through a living hell. I dread the thought of the latter. But I can think of at least a couple hundred people who would burst into tears of joy and excitement if she escaped her abductor and came limping and staggering into town in the middle of the night, naked and bruised and maybe bleeding...BUT ALIVE! It would be a blessing and huge answer to a million prayers to have her come home. Physically and/or psychologically damaged would be better than dead.

Yep, I think she is alive, and I'm not giving up hope she will come home!
There seems to be so much going on in Washington state in recent months regarding sex-offender problems...

Believe it or not, when I was in college, we read an FBI report showing Washington State as having one of the highest per-capita sex offenses like rape and all those other sick things sick people do. And their opinion was because of Washington State having so many mental hospitals, military bases, prisons/halfway houses, and colleges in a relatively small land area. Just keep in mind that this was in the mid-90s, so a lot may have changed since them as for statistics, but the reasons for it have not.

Sure, other states may have more sex offenses and/or RSO's, but then they have a much higher population and more land mass. If you take into consideration the population of Washington, we have an astronomical amount of child lurings, abductions, molestations, rapes, etc. but of course many of them go unreported.

I live in Tacoma, Pierce County. Pierce County's population is 197,180 as of last December 31st. Tacoma's population density is 3,937 people per square mile. Between January 1st 1999 and December 31st 2008, Tacoma had 2,773 reported rapes alone! This is only rapes, not child molestings, lurings, or sexual assauts. And since we all know how many rapes go unreported, that amount would blow us away!
BTW: the above Tacoma/Pierce County stats were found at:

So, basically, my response to your comment is that it's not just recently, but all the time! It's just that so many go unreported. In Tacoma, I hear about this kind of stuff happening all the time. I believe it stands out more in Olympia because it happens less, and because they are a much smaller town.

Find the perps and cut off their b*lls!!!:banghead:
Anyone have salt? Amma eay my computer now.....

I checked his ms page .. nothing unusual, no ear gauges ... just happy homelife in pics. Rehabilitated???
Do me a favor Chuck and check out some of his "friends" pages.
I kinda don't think that's the same guy. Not positive, but he just doesn't look the same to me.

Do me a favor, carbuff, and check out some of his "friends" pages. I want to know what you think of potential "likenesses" to the sketch. Thanks.
You mean the "do you like me" shots? Oh my. Yes.
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