WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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I was with Jen today when we made some records requests & spoke with Polly.

Pretty sure Polly had never heard of me.

Well you are the shy quiet type ;)
Hi, JennO,

There absolutely are quite a few LB's on the planet ... but the timing of the account creation together with no typical 'eBay' activity makes it more suspect.

I agree.

Did you call or email it in?
True, but i think hiding under a rock helps. You know me..

Under rocks, in alleys behind the bar.. we never know where we are going to find you.
Thanks, scandi,

Yes, the Affidavit content ... and I believe that sometimes affidavits are worded as such to more likely facilitate sign-off for a go-ahead.

At that point in the case LE believed they knew what occurred and DG was the 'POI / potential suspect', hence the elimination of the 'runaway theory'.

Since the DG trail led nowhere, I believe the runaway scenario is back on the table.

Is it possible LB was in contact with someone [not necessarily living in McCleary] in whom she confided her concern and fear?

There are indications that LB is not runaway, such as her demeanor earlier that day in the video store, described as being chatty and laughing but we must consider all what might have occurred over time, involving LB:

There is report of LB putting her long fingernails to use [as per MB] .. I will not expand that point, we know what that might be about.

There is report of an alleged 911 call made from a friend's house and how LB ultimately was forced to return to a bad situation. We might know the who, but not the why.

LB expressed a certain glee on one of her MySpace pages where she referenced 'juvi' .. I will not expand that point, we know what that might be about.

On May 29, on one of her MySpace pages LB expressed being fearful of something, 'a lot of nightmares lately' and 'something bads gonna happen'. What, where and how was this 'bad' to occur, and to whom? What did LB experience during the slightly longer than 2 1/2 hours duration from when she created the 'Twilight Freak' MySpace page to when she posted the 'something bad' message? To whom did she speak with, or what did she read, or did she suddenly feel an[other?] overwhelming dread or foreboding?

There is a photo of LB wearing what appears to be a Christmas present, a 'Mommy's Little Trouble Maker' shirt. Why not a 'Mommys Little Angel' shirt? What might that dynamic imply?

Infomation has been made available that portrays certain town-folk as thinking unkindly or not accepting of the B family and in some cases, of LB in particular. The WS-labeled 'town drunk' rhetoric is a most immediate example.

That evening, LB and JB [once again?] get into it, reportedly this time over a bike. MK reveals she and LB teased JB and off he went. But there is also the report of a witness that sent JB home from arguing with LB. Why does MK state JB left because she and LB were teasing him and why does the witness state she sent JB home? Something else occurred during that interaction and / or witness 'intervention'.

Also that evening, LB was denied a sleep over.

Are there additional events from days past of which we are not aware?

Your thoughts ring quite a bit of truth and may just explain somethings. One of my thoughts last night had to do with MB sending JB with the girls b/c she felt the girls shouldn't be walking alone. Yet when JB was sent home MB didn't become concerned about the girls walking back alone. Why? What happened that took away MB's concern for the girls who she thought were coming back to spend the night at the B. house?

IIRC in one of the first articles that came out when Lindsey went missing MB commented that Lindsey may have been hiding and afraid to come home b/c she would be in trouble. MB spoke to Lindsey thru the article letting her know she wouldn't be in trouble. That has bothered me since I read that. What would Lindsey be afraid of that would get her in trouble? Because she ran away? According to MB, Lindsey had never run away before.

Why did MB and KK BOTH believe there was a chance that Lindsey had run away? Could it be that others may know the explaination?

Novice Seeker
No one appreciates my humor.

Other than the camera time stamp at the video store, most all the other points on the time line are approximate. But... it did stand out that MB said Lindsey had put her cell phone on it's charger "5 minutes before she left" - that's pretty specific.

(wish I could find a link, I've seen that quote in several places)

Now, when twirling that around in my head a little bit, logic tells me there is some reason why MB remembered that part so specifically. Could MB have checked to make sure Lindsey had her phone, but the decision was made that 5 minutes on the charger was not sufficient, so it's ok to go without it this time - or something to that effect?

Or could the cell phone have been left behind as part of a plan?

It's common knowledge cells can be tracked by pings, isn't it?

(just food for thought - I'm thinking about the old days when our parents told us they could track us down by the strenth of our CB radio signal in the car if we didn't report into home base at a particular time, haha)

MB was quoted in a news article as stating [link?], LB 'never leaves without her phone'. Of course, that might be an exaggeration as many of us typically exaggerate reality in this degree. LB might have left behind her cell phone on more than one occasion but probably carried it with her more often than not, hence the perception that she 'never leaves without' it.

As for a 'plan'? The report from MB regarding LB and 'her friend' [assumed to mean MK] is LB and her friend were expected to return to the B house in short order therefore, I would not expect leaving behind the cell phone a significant issue given that expectation.

And, of course, we have the sleep over issue. I'm now convinced it is as MB suggests, that KK misunderstood for when LB was asking to sleep over with MK, that is was for Saturday, not Friday.

Why, then, was MK not permitted to return with LB to the B house for the planned sleep over? I suspect it is the same reason why KK denied the request for LB to sleep over at the K house: KK wanted to go shell-gathering the following morning.

I can only guess that KK wanted MK to be with them [the K/W family] on their Saturday morning adventure and apparently KK did not invite LB to go with them.

Just an unfortunate sequence of events that ultimately provided a situation for a 10 year old girl to disappear from her once-considered-safe stomping ground.
Yes M (town drunk) lives on the corner of 4th and Pine Street. He takes care of an elderly woman.

Ah, yes ... but did LB forget her MySpace passwords? Were they changed? One expects they were not since LE would want that communication avenue to remain available should LB have an opportunity...

We have an eBay account but I do not recall what are the sign-up requirements. I'll check that.

Also, what might LB have with on her person that a perp might want to sell on eBay? I know only of clothes and stretchy shoes. Jewelry? It does not appear she regularly wears jewelry, as per photographs [I did not note her wearing such items].

A 'box of rocks' ... perfect!

Didn't KK comment at some point that she had figured out Lindsey's password along with some of Lindsey's friends? I wonder if the codes were changed. As to Ebay, I'm not that familiar with that site but in order to set up a "business" the person would need to provide particular information such as a credit card or business ID? If this Lindsey, wonder why she would choose Ebay? Did her mom shop on that site frequently?

Throw me some crumbs here, Please!!! I'm so :waitasec:

Novice Seeker
Again, we find ourselves at the beginning with questions about decisions and activity shortly before and shortly after Lindsey disappeared, before LE was notified.

1. Lindsey was known to run around town often without adult supervision. However, that night MB made JB walk with the girls for safety reasons according to MB. When JB was sent home did MB call to make sure the girls made it safely to KK's house?

2. Why was Lindsey wearing a bathing suit? Sorry, the theory she just threw it on and it doesn't mean anything makes room for something to be overlooked.

3. If the girls were going to grab some clothes for MK and then come back why didn't MB b/c concerned before close to 11:00 that night.

4. What time did MB make contact with KK and discovered LB hadn't been seen since shortly after 9:00?

5. Why did KK go to the house where the girls had been swimming when they first started searching for Lindsey? Is that why Lindsey was wearing her bathing suit?

6. During the first couple of days did both KK and MB along with LE believe Lindsey could have run away?

7. Why have we only heard about 2 polygraphs that were given to several who last saw Lindsey?

Ok, now my head hurts. Instead of crumbs could I have something stronger??

Novice Seeker
Didn't KK comment at some point that she had figured out Lindsey's password along with some of Lindsey's friends? I wonder if the codes were changed. As to Ebay, I'm not that familiar with that site but in order to set up a "business" the person would need to provide particular information such as a credit card or business ID? If this Lindsey, wonder why she would choose Ebay? Did her mom shop on that site frequently?

Throw me some crumbs here, Please!!! I'm so :waitasec:

Novice Seeker

Hi Novice,
I'm not convinced the Ebay account set-up is malicious in nature. But it does need to be checked out by LE. Chuck has forwarded the info ...
I've not seen this inquiry: how is JB holding up through this situation?

Now that I think of it, what about MK? Her BFF is missing. How is she managing the situation?
I've not seen this inquiry: how is JB holding up through this situation?

Is he still at home? I've only read one sentence from MB about him where she stated he was home with her from the time the witness sent him home and when LE was contacted. Could this be a reason LE has been so quiet? From the recent missing child cases this is the only case LE hasn't been in front of the cameras giving public announcements and asking for the public to keep an eye out for "x" behaviors.

Novice Seeker
I've not seen this inquiry: how is JB holding up through this situation?

Now that I think of it, what about MK? Her BFF is missing. How is she managing the situation?

IIRC KK commented that MK was doing fine b/c KK didn't think she really understood what has happened to Lindsey.

Novice Seeker
Hi, scandi,

The account was created Aug 20, 2009. No items are listed and no items were purchased. That is what leads me to runaway and trafficking scenarios.

If LB had access to a computer I expect she might attempt to contact her Mom but then, if she were runaway why would she contact those from whom she wanted to flee? That's out.

Also, I would not expect someone to be so bold as to risk such exposure so trafficking communication is out.

It might have been created by a wisey kid or perhaps a jokester in McCleary but regardless, LE should investigate.


--glad this is being reported to LE

it might just be a coincidence, but Aug 20 is the same day "strongtower" started posting the cryptic messages

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