WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #16

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I'm not sure what's been going on in here lately. Kind of deterring some folks (not just me) from hanging around. Sorry if that offends anyone, but the focus is not on LINDSEY, and that's very disappointing. Anyway, that wasn't the original intent of this post, so anyway...

Because I haven't read everything lately, I don't know if this was mentioned already or not. Forgive me if it was. But I just wanted to let everyone know that Lindsey was on AMW again tonight. I didn't get a chance to see it, so I'm not sure how detailed it was or what exactly was shown, but she was on.

ETA: I see Normcar beat me to it. Thanks!!! :)

Change Of Seasons Makes Search More Desperate

With Winter approaching, volunteers and independent funds are drying up in the search for 11-year-old Lindsey Baum, but her friends and family remain forever hopeful. Meanwhile, law enforcement continues its valiant efforts to uncover credible information despite a recent deluge of false tips.


Im still here :)......got my nose bent out of shape for a min :blushing:
that doesnt happen very often for me :innocent:
i usually can just...:razz:....and be good with it all and move on.....:boohoo:

im gonna see what i can do to help the thread more.....:D


there are some posters i havent seen for awhile....i sure miss them!!
Thank You AmandaReckonwith; I have your album bookmarked and have referred to it many times.
Does anyone have additional information about what Lindsey's day consisted of on the 26th? What did she do from the time she got up to the time she left KK's house to walk home? Was Mom home all day or did she work on Saturdays?
This is OT and if not appropriate to put here, please delete. A post by someone on another forum has directed people to pm me here at WS asking me to verify information. Since my mailbox is getting full, I just wanted to put my answer here for all to see.

This is regarding some information that was reportedly posted by someone publicly on the other forum which I was said to be witness to. This is NOT CORRECT, the posts were never public and to my knowledge nothing was, or ever has, been posted or publically shared with others that would compromise this investigation by this person.

As to why this individual on the other forum thought I would validate otherwise is a mystery.

It may be wise to take information posted on any of these forums with a grain of salt. Don't take everything you read as the gospel truth. Keep an open mind.

If I recall, the astros said something about someone trying to "mask the truth or deceive". IMO it is not the person/people that many of you are being led to believe.

Not sure exactly what you're referring to. Validate what? The communications involving some of the adults involved in this case and/or persons who were involved with sneaking out information during searches? If so hopefully LE can be notified that could help their investigation of those who may have committed a couple of crimes. It's about time adults with have so selfish motives step up and help LE deliver justice for Lindsey.

Novice Seeker
Many posts on this thread are becoming increasingly cryptic because people seem to be trying to indirectly bring conversations from other forums or maybe even real life over here. Most of us do not read other forums, and we have no idea what in the world people are referring to. IMO, if the subject hasn't been or cannot be spelled out here at WS, then it shouldn't be brought up here in a mysterious, indirect way. This isn't a message board for individuals from other forums.
Many posts on this thread are becoming increasingly cryptic because people seem to be trying to indirectly bring conversations from other forums or maybe even real life over here. Most of us do not read other forums, and we have no idea what in the world people are referring to. IMO, if the subject hasn't been or cannot be spelled out here at WS, then it shouldn't be brought up here in a mysterious, indirect way. This isn't a message board for individuals from other forums.

Thank You...this cryptic stuff does nothing but come across as confusing and sometimes rude, not to mention a headache from scratching the ol' noggin while trying to decipher what is actually being said.

Novice Seeker
More random thoughts:
  • How did the perp(s?) know when it was 'safe' to spirit her away from that small town street during near-dusk? Familiarity? A look-out?
  • Does / did anyone in McCleary (or someone visiting the area that evening) have a puppy or small dog?
  • Has anyone been purchasing more food than usual since the event?
  • The park. Was he / were they hiding in the lavatory outbuilding and grabbed her when she walked by? He / they would have had to have seen her coming, known where she lived, ducked in to the small building at the right moment...
  • Were all line-of-site streets void of people and moving / parked cars at the time?
  • Are there EZPass toll-plazas leading into / away from McCleary? The plazas have surveillance cams.
  • Ticket cams? Any speeding / moving violation tickets issued in the broad vicinity that evening?
  • Were all attendees to the retirement party interviewed? Do they all live in McCleary? If not, did they drive or were they driven?
  • Did anyone call a cab that evening?
  • The current GoogleEarth street image (1-3 years old?) shows a limo leaving Gordon's Market parking lot in front of the Simpson door plant ... high-level exec or traveling Sheiks? (stretching a bit, I know)
  • Were Subway patrons interviewed? It's next door to McCleary Video.
  • Were Bear's Den patrons interviewed?
  • Was Simpson Alley searched / dog-traced?
  • Any neighbors sporting new trash bins in the days / weeks following?
  • Are late-day newspapers / sales fliers regularly delivered / tossed on driveways / porches? When?
  • Was Mullin's Creek dry that evening?
  • Which route did JB take on his way home? What did he pass? Who would have seen him walking home alone, without LB?
  • Were there any 911 calls (prowlers, noises, unruly crowd - distraction?) placed that evening from the broad vicinity?
  • Was the water treatment plant being serviced that day? Is it manned? When?
  • Local hardware store(s)? What was purchased in the days / weeks previous? Tape? Rope? Chemicals? Tools?
  • Might a perp have kept a souvenir? What did LB have on her person that might qualify it as souvenir fodder? Where would a perp hide such items?
  • Was luminol used during any outdoor or indoor searches?
More random thoughts:
  • How did the perp(s?) know when it was 'safe' to spirit her away from that small town street during near-dusk? Familiarity? A look-out?
  • Does / did anyone in McCleary (or someone visiting the area that evening) have a puppy or small dog?
  • Has anyone been purchasing more food than usual since the event?
  • The park. Was he / were they hiding in the lavatory outbuilding and grabbed her when she walked by? He / they would have had to have seen her coming, known where she lived, ducked in to the small building at the right moment...
  • Were all line-of-site streets void of people and moving / parked cars at the time?
  • Are there EZPass toll-plazas leading into / away from McCleary? The plazas have surveillance cams.
  • Ticket cams? Any speeding / moving violation tickets issued in the broad vicinity that evening?
  • Were all attendees to the retirement party interviewed? Do they all live in McCleary? If not, did they drive or were they driven?
  • Did anyone call a cab that evening?
  • The current GoogleEarth street image (1-3 years old?) shows a limo leaving Gordon's Market parking lot in front of the Simpson door plant ... high-level exec or traveling Sheiks? (stretching a bit, I know)
  • Were Subway patrons interviewed? It's next door to McCleary Video.
  • Were Bear's Den patrons interviewed?
  • Was Simpson Alley searched / dog-traced?
  • Any neighbors sporting new trash bins in the days / weeks following?
  • Are late-day newspapers / sales fliers regularly delivered / tossed on driveways / porches? When?
  • Was Mullin's Creek dry that evening?
  • Which route did JB take on his way home? What did he pass? Who would have seen him walking home alone, without LB?
  • Were there any 911 calls (prowlers, noises, unruly crowd - distraction?) placed that evening from the broad vicinity?
  • Was the water treatment plant being serviced that day? Is it manned? When?
  • Local hardware store(s)? What was purchased in the days / weeks previous? Tape? Rope? Chemicals? Tools?
  • Might a perp have kept a souvenir? What did LB have on her person that might qualify it as souvenir fodder? Where would a perp hide such items?
  • Was luminol used during any outdoor or indoor searches?

Always enjoy reading your thoughts. It does help give direction and pause to think about particular pieces.

From several articles LE has commented that no one heard or saw anything that night. No phone calls and no tips about seeing anything out of the usual that night. Matter of fact, in the same articles LE continued to emphasize they weren't convinced that Lindsey had been abducted by a stranger. It was around that time LE changed the timeframe of when something may have occured to 8:30 until 10:00 that night which is sort of strange b/c it conflicts with KK's statement that Lindsey was at her house at 9:00 although there's been descrepencies of what time Lindsey left the house and who told her to leave.

Could LE be giving clues?

Novice Seeker
Chuck, since traveling shieks, or foreigners in limos are a long-shot possibility on your list: I've also been wondering what Taemi, Inc. is. Apparently owned? Mike's Market that shut down after Lindsey disappeared. Heresay is she was told to stay out of there.
Always enjoy reading your thoughts. It does help give direction and pause to think about particular pieces.

From several articles LE has commented that no one heard or saw anything that night. No phone calls and no tips about seeing anything out of the usual that night. Matter of fact, in the same articles LE continued to emphasize they weren't convinced that Lindsey had been abducted by a stranger. It was around that time LE changed the timeframe of when something may have occured to 8:30 until 10:00 that night which is sort of strange b/c it conflicts with KK's statement that Lindsey was at her house at 9:00 although there's been descrepencies of what time Lindsey left the house and who told her to leave.

Could LE be giving clues?

Novice Seeker

Thanks, NS,

Regarding the 'time frame' .. the McCleary Video timestamp reveals the group was there between 8:10 pm and 8:30 pm, if I'm not mistaken. 10-15 min walk from there to the B house, 10-15 min chat and shower then off to the K / W house, arriving there approximately 9:00 pm.

LE expanded the time frame to include back to 8:30 pm because they most likely believe that is when the perp(s) first glimpsed LB (or anyone?) and possibly overheard conversation, i.e.: "We'll go back to my house to shower first then we'll go to your house to ///// then we'll go back to my house." Whether or not the 'glimpse / overheard' occurred at the video store / lot or somewhere along the way to / from the store is up for debate.

Although many WS'ers focus on the 'crime scene' as being between 6th and 5th, I believe the 'scene' includes from LN's house to McCleary Video to the B house and to the K / W house.
Thanks, NS,

Regarding the 'time frame' .. the McCleary Video timestamp reveals the group was there between 8:10 pm and 8:30 pm, if I'm not mistaken. 10-15 min walk from there to the B house, 10-15 min chat and shower then off to the K / W house, arriving there approximately 9:00 pm.

LE expanded the time frame to include back to 8:30 pm because they most likely believe that is when the perp(s) first glimpsed LB (or anyone?) and possibly overheard conversation, i.e.: "We'll go back to my house to shower first then we'll go to your house to ///// then we'll go back to my house." Whether or not the 'glimpse / overheard' occurred at the video store / lot or somewhere along the way to / from the store is up for debate.

Although many WS'ers focus on the 'crime scene' as being between 6th and 5th, I believe the 'scene' includes from LN's house to McCleary Video to the B house and to the K / W house.
Hi Chuck, I thought the video store closed at 8pm. ???
Chuck, since traveling shieks, or foreigners in limos are a long-shot possibility on your list: I've also been wondering what Taemi, Inc. is. Apparently owned? Mike's Market that shut down after Lindsey disappeared. Heresay is she was told to stay out of there.

Hi, concentric,

Convenience store. As for that store shutting down, I have not a clue but I do know Gordon's is a much larger store ... competition.

As for whom might have instructed LB to 'stay out of there' ... again, I have not a clue but if it was a store owner / employee, one wonders if others (children) also were told to stay out, as perhaps they would be too disruptive or loud whilst there?

If a parent(s) provided that instruction, what prejudice led to that decision?
Chuck, since traveling shieks, or foreigners in limos are a long-shot possibility on your list: I've also been wondering what Taemi, Inc. is. Apparently owned? Mike's Market that shut down after Lindsey disappeared. Heresay is she was told to stay out of there.
Hi Concentric, Taemi is listed as a gas station: Taemi Inc360-495-4157. 205 W Simpson Ave, Mccleary, WA ...

It is probably the name of the oil or gas co that owns the station.
Thanks, NS,

Regarding the 'time frame' .. the McCleary Video timestamp reveals the group was there between 8:10 pm and 8:30 pm, if I'm not mistaken. 10-15 min walk from there to the B house, 10-15 min chat and shower then off to the K / W house, arriving there approximately 9:00 pm.

LE expanded the time frame to include back to 8:30 pm because they most likely believe that is when the perp(s) first glimpsed LB (or anyone?) and possibly overheard conversation, i.e.: "We'll go back to my house to shower first then we'll go to your house to ///// then we'll go back to my house." Whether or not the 'glimpse / overheard' occurred at the video store / lot or somewhere along the way to / from the store is up for debate.

Although many WS'ers focus on the 'crime scene' as being between 6th and 5th, I believe the 'scene' includes from LN's house to McCleary Video to the B house and to the K / W house.

Thank You Wise One.

Follow up b/c you always make things much clearer.

As to the crime scene...Could the actual crime scene be somewhere other than in the public streets? For example, Lindsey most likely was abducted but could it have taken place in an alternative environment? Would this explain why no one saw or heard anything out in the public?

Novice Seeker
Hi, concentric,

Convenience store. As for that store shutting down, I have not a clue but I do know Gordon's is a much larger store ... competition.

As for whom might have instructed LB to 'stay out of there' ... again, I have not a clue but if it was a store owner / employee, one wonders if others (children) also were told to stay out, as perhaps they would be too disruptive or loud whilst there?

If a parent(s) provided that instruction, what prejudice led to that decision?

Since the only answer we ever received from KK was so vague that it may mean it was nothing related to what may have happened to Lindsey. Wonder if the incident involved a child like criminal act such as stealing candy or something else that the manger of the store was kind enough to notify the mothers and give the mothers an opportunity to deal with the issue instead of bringing in the LE?

Novice Seeker
Hi Chuck, I thought the video store closed at 8pm. ???

I've read of an 8:20 pm video timestamp. If the store did close at 8:00 pm and if the referenced timestamp is accurate, then the specific camera is pointing to the outside of the store or is installed outside.

In fact, that scenario might imply extended outside exposure of the group in that area as they might have lingered a few minutes as they decided what to do next .. and also presented opportunity for their conversation to be overheard.

I am curious to know who[m] was parked close enough to the chatty group to overhear their chatter. I think we might assume that most / all of the group were wearing nothing but bathing suits so a perp might already have been eyeballing them before they entered the store.

After thinking on this I am convinced the perp was at the McCleary Video scene, or at least very close.
I've read of an 8:20 pm video timestamp. If the store did close at 8:00 pm and if the referenced timestamp is accurate, then the specific camera is pointing to the outside of the store or is installed outside.

In fact, that scenario might imply extended outside exposure of the group in that area as they might have lingered a few minutes as they decided what to do nextt .. and also presented opportunity for their conversation to be overheard.

I am curious to know who[m] was parked close enough to the chatty group to overhear their chatter. I think we might assume that most / all of the group were wearing nothing but bathing suits so a perp might already have been eyeballing them before they entered the store.

After thinking on this I am convinced the perp was as the McCleary Video scene, or at least very close.

If I'm not mistaken, the video store is directly next door to Mikes, which I am told, sold beer and wine. And it was a Friday night, after all.

That's always bugged me ~
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