WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #17

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From www.satsop.com, the retired nuclear plant near Elma....

SATSOP DEVELOPMENT PARK isn’t entirely unused. About 20 companies have an office in the site’s business park, according to Ratcliff.

In what was supposed to be a security building for the nuclear plant, rows of mini-lockers store computer servers for various companies.

“All the Internet traffic in Grays Harbor County goes through that building,” Ratcliff said of the site’s extensive fiber optic cable network.

Maybe their servers can trace internet use in McCleary around the disappearance timeline ?

Another question : Is this the Nelson household Lindsey may have been swimming at ? Would the person with a protection order be a threat to children ? Just another angle to ponder.....

Grays Harbor County Assessor's Office
Online Parcel Database
Assessment Information
Parcel 060501600700
Try our new
GeoData Mapping
Tool Situs Address 00221SMAIN
Legal Description PLT OF MCCLEARY LOT 7 BLK 16

Owner NELSON LIBBY File Updated 1/29/2010 10:05
Address 221 S MAIN Location T 18 R 05 Sec 14

Superior Court Case Summary

Court: G H Co Superior
Case Number: 10-2-00013-1

Sub Docket Date Docket Code Docket Description Misc Info
1 01-06-2010 PTORPRT Pet Ord For Protection
2 01-06-2010 TMORPRT
ACTION Temp Ord For Protection
Order For Protection 01-19-2010H3
JDG0003 Judge F. Mark Mccauley
3 01-19-2010 HCNTPA Continued: Plaintiff/pros Requested
4 01-19-2010 ORRTPO
ACTION Ord Reissuing Temp Protection Order
Order For Protection * 02-01-2010H3
JDG0003 Judge F. Mark Mccauley
5 01-21-2010 RTS Return Of Service
6 01-27-2010 RTS
RSP0001 Return Of Service
Nelson, Kenneth Wesley


Kenneth W Nelson

221 S Main St

McCleary, WA 98557-9692


Can a Protection Order be Obtained against a Minor (Under Eighteen)?
Only if the minor is at least sixteen (16) years old and involved in a dating relationship with the Petitioner, or if the minor is a spouse, former spouse, or the parent of a child you have in common. If you are seeking relief from abuse by a minor, you will probably be referred to the police to make a report of the abusive incident.

Can adults seeking protection ask that this protection extend to their minor children?
Yes. The Domestic Violence Protection Act states that "a person may petition for relief on behalf of himself or herself and (emphasis added) on behalf of minor family or household members."

What if a minor child is being abused, but the parent is not?
While a minor may not file a petition, an adult may file a petition on the minor's behalf. Often Child Protection Services (CPS) uses the Order for Protection as a referral for adults seeking protection for minor children. A parent alleging that a child has been abused by another family or household member must be prepared to substantiate these allegations. Hospital reports, affidavits or names of witnesses, the name of the CPS caseworker, etc., should be included in the petition, or presented at the full hearing.

Generally the court will reissue a Temporary Order for Protection when the Respondent is not served prior to the hearing on the full Order. The hearing is reset and the Temporary Order is reissued to permit more time for service on the Respondent.

A Petitioner who has a full Order for a fixed time period can ask the court to renew that Order. This is done by filing a Petition for Renewal at any time within three months before the Order expires.

This is interesting to me. I remember wondering and asking if Lindsey was swimming at this home. From a satellite picture, or maybe it was one of mikeb's fly over pics, I did see an above ground pool in the back yard. We wondered early on if Lindsey may have stopped by to see her friend at this home on her way home. IIRC MK even checked here first once Lindsey was missing. Also IIRC Libby had to work that evening, but the husband was thought to be home. I think the other girls who were swimming planned to have a slumber party there, or at another house. I am not sure why LB and MK would have been excluded. We also at one time speculated that maybe if LB was allowed to stay over night at MK's - they might have wanted to sneak out and go swimming later on (hence Lindsey putting her swim suit on after having bathed earlier).

So am I reading the above correctly that an order of protection against Kenneth Nelson was requested on 1/6/10 and issued on 1/19/10, and then it looks like it was reissued and extended thru 2/1/10? What does Return of Service mean? This is very suspicious to me and gave me the chills when I read it.
A definition from Definitions.uslegal.com..........

Return of Service Law & Legal Definition

Return of service is a written acknowledgment by a process server stating that there was service of legal documents, such as a summons and complaint. Process is the legal term for the delivery of copies of legal documents such as summons, complaints, subpoenae, orders to show cause, writs, notices to quit the premises and certain other documents. Delivery is usually made by personal delivery to the defendant or other person to whom the documents are directed. "Substituted service" can be made by leaving the documents with an adult resident of a home, with an employee with management duties at a business office or with a designated "agent for acceptance of service" (usually identified by a filing with the state's Secretary of State), or, in some cases, by posting in a prominent place followed by mailing copies by certified mail to the opposing party. In certain cases of absent or unknown defendants, the court will allow service by publication in a newspaper. After service , the original document, along with the "return of service" proving the same were served, is filed with the court to show that each party was served.
Hi guyz. Any of the locals see an ice cream truck driving through the area during the summer? Just wondering. I remember a case, where an ice cream truck driver would offer treats to girls and to drive the truck in order to kidnap and rape.

Do you recall which case?

Another question : Is this the Nelson household Lindsey may have been swimming at ? Would the person with a protection order be a threat to children ? Just another angle to ponder.....

Grays Harbor County Assessor's Office
Online Parcel Database
Assessment Information
Parcel 060501600700
Try our new
GeoData Mapping
Tool Situs Address 00221SMAIN
Legal Description PLT OF MCCLEARY LOT 7 BLK 16

Owner NELSON LIBBY File Updated 1/29/2010 10:05
Address 221 S MAIN Location T 18 R 05 Sec 14

Superior Court Case Summary

Court: G H Co Superior
Case Number: 10-2-00013-1


If you look at the on-line docket, you will see an 'et al' after LN's name. I believe that means the petition is to include all resident relatives therefore, the order of protection applies to any children living in the residence.
Thanks for that beautiful post, Scandi.

The map makes it look like it would have been quicker to take the bike back to the house at that point.

Hi Carbuff, On a map it might seem like a short distance but I think it would be uphill and so a bit of a task. They were already in mode for a destination, KK's house, so it would be time lost for them to walk it back home. Small town, the bike would be safe they would think, right. Broken, a helpless situation to them at the time, leave it there for now, possibly, yea?

Now, I remember our Dear Astros believe Lindsey made it as far back towards home as the Shell station. Hmmmmm. . . . There has to be a reason they believe this as they are so 'on it', amazingly.

I have major thoughts there, knowing the man there closing up shop that night lived at a certain property way up the road and over where the local dogs barked loudly, surprising their owners at the possibility something was askew up towards the woods the night Lindsey went missing . . . . and at the correct hour it would have been . . . . a man who lived in a pink trailer house there . . . a man who must have known Lindsey well . . . a cellar, what possibilities could it hold in the case ??? ???

I do hope the FBI are examining this thoroughly with their BAU as we speak. I just can't seem to dismiss it from my inquisitive mind. xox
This is interesting to me. I remember wondering and asking if Lindsey was swimming at this home. From a satellite picture, or maybe it was one of mikeb's fly over pics, I did see an above ground pool in the back yard. We wondered early on if Lindsey may have stopped by to see her friend at this home on her way home. IIRC MK even checked here first once Lindsey was missing. Also IIRC Libby had to work that evening, but the husband was thought to be home. I think the other girls who were swimming planned to have a slumber party there, or at another house. I am not sure why LB and MK would have been excluded. We also at one time speculated that maybe if LB was allowed to stay over night at MK's - they might have wanted to sneak out and go swimming later on (hence Lindsey putting her swim suit on after having bathed earlier).

So am I reading the above correctly that an order of protection against Kenneth Nelson was requested on 1/6/10 and issued on 1/19/10, and then it looks like it was reissued and extended thru 2/1/10? What does Return of Service mean? This is very suspicious to me and gave me the chills when I read it.

Hi Jules, It's great to see you again. Everything you say it what led me to be so suspicious of Mr Nelson ~ and the whole scenario over at his house that evening. Acc to KK the girls had been there swimming the previous day as well. That brings to mind that Lindsey had just been reunited into the clan of the Nelson niece the day before she went missing.

And with Mr Nelson and our learning that he had many male friends there on the night Lindsey vanished, many related, and all 'drink at home buds' per the usual for that small hamlet of McCleary, it seems to me to be a lot of opportunity for look-see's at these swimming and playful girls. IMO

I'm still tossed and torn as to whether she was singled out as a target or died accidentally, like from a truck backing up in a driveway and accidentally hitting her, unbeknownst to the fact she was coming back to seek safe refuge for the night from some other situation, maybe with her brother at home and not wanting to go there.

Right now I think she was A} hit by a truck or car backing out of a driveway that wasn't level, having a large rut running straight across it at the Nelson's, or B} targeted by some sicko at the gas station who took her up yonder as he had visualized in his mind for a long time.

Just me thinking out loud. I wish we would get something tangible to pounce on. Maybe this order against Mr Nelson takes the lead of the two possibilities I see after all these months of studying Lindsey's case. A drinker for sure with wild and wooly man friends. I shudder at the thought!

I need to go catch up on what I have missed. xox xox
Maybe she was offered a ride to the " pool party " by a person from the Nelson house ?

Maybe one of them has a " Noisy white car " ?
Scandi, I remember reading hearsay that stated the Nelsons had been questioned numorous times by FBI (so many I can't remember the amount but recall 30-40 times?) If true that might point to the Nelsons being high on the list of poi's being questioned. I'd love to see the three ring binder on this group and their brewed of bullying teens. Studies show female teen bully's appear to be more vicious than their male counterparts and LB was bullied by this group to the point of missing too much school. If one adds in the dysfunction of the Nelson family overall this home doesn't seem an innocent place of play for a child of 10. I'm sickened continually thinking about all the VSO, (because they are all violent/evil in my eyes) that Lindsey may have been around in the course of her everyday life. If Lindsey ever left KK's front porch she would have been walking into a danger zone of unsavory peeps within one minute. Lindseys abusers/abuser (and possible peeps covering up) must be along that stretch of Lindsey's walk causing the feds to look deeper into the crime that may have had led to Lindsey being out of the area at least by 4:00 am when local authorities called in the sheriffs office. Local PD had to know the kind of peeps within the communnity so they should have been beating down doors from at least midnight on. Has anyone ever reported what actually was going on between the mother & 1,2,3,4 local PD during those hours? Just how much talking is needed before you start knocking on doors. I would love to be privy to the initial incident report & the conversation that was shared between the mother and which cop?

Sorry I think I trailed off "yet again"! LOL! "yet again" is my new quote from URS he so poingantly used in the last media pressor.
After I posted this morning I was doing the scroll while drinking my :coffeecup: when I came upon :spit: a fellow :sleuth: post announcing that LN was arrested, booked at 1:00am charged with assaulting a :parrot:! She is being held on no bail!:behindbar I'll get the last name that LN used upon being booked as it wasn't Nelson and the case no. as well.

This was not my find so I take no credit in discovering this tidbit!

Libby Jo, Tanatchangsang
Booking no. 176658
Female age 47
I.D. 3817
1/31/2010 Assault Police
Arrest Type: PC
After I posted this morning I was doing the scroll while drinking my :coffeecup: when I came upon :spit: a fellow :sleuth: post announcing that LN was arrested, booked at 1:00am charged with assaulting a :parrot:! She is being held on no bail!:behindbar I'll get the last name that LN used upon being booked as it wasn't Nelson and the case no. as well.

This was not my find so I take no credit in discovering this tidbit!

Libby Jo, Tanatchangsang
Booking no. 176658
Female age 47
I.D. 3817
1/31/2010 Assault Police

WA State Law for charges by McCleary Police..........
SimpleRCW 9A.36.031
Assault in the third degree.

(1) A person is guilty of assault in the third degree if he or she, under circumstances not amounting to assault in the first or second degree:

(a) With intent to prevent or resist the execution of any lawful process or mandate of any court officer or the lawful apprehension or detention of himself or another person, assaults another; or

(b) Assaults a person employed as a transit operator or driver, the immediate supervisor of a transit operator or driver, a mechanic, or a security officer, by a public or private transit company or a contracted transit service provider, while that person is performing his or her official duties at the time of the assault; or

(c) Assaults a school bus driver, the immediate supervisor of a driver, a mechanic, or a security officer, employed by a school district transportation service or a private company under contract for transportation services with a school district, while the person is performing his or her official duties at the time of the assault; or

(d) With criminal negligence, causes bodily harm to another person by means of a weapon or other instrument or thing likely to produce bodily harm; or

(e) Assaults a firefighter or other employee of a fire department, county fire marshal's office, county fire prevention bureau, or fire protection district who was performing his or her official duties at the time of the assault; or

(f) With criminal negligence, causes bodily harm accompanied by substantial pain that extends for a period sufficient to cause considerable suffering; or

(g) Assaults a law enforcement officer or other employee of a law enforcement agency who was performing his or her official duties at the time of the assault; or

(h) Assaults a peace officer with a projectile stun gun; or

(i) Assaults a nurse, physician, or health care provider who was performing his or her nursing or health care duties at the time of the assault. For purposes of this subsection: "Nurse" means a person licensed under chapter 18.79 RCW; "physician" means a person licensed under chapter 18.57 or 18.71 RCW; and "health care provider" means a person certified under chapter 18.71 or 18.73 RCW who performs emergency medical services or a person regulated under Title 18 RCW and employed by, or contracting with, a hospital licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW.

(2) Assault in the third degree is a class C felony.

Arrest Type: PC
Felonies: Generally speaking, a felony is a crime for which the sentence may be more than one year in prison. In the state of Washington, there are three classes of felonies: Class A (maximum penalty of life in prison and $50,000 fine), Class B (maximum penalty 10 years in prison and $20,000 fine), and Class C (maximum penalty 5 years in prison and $10,000 fine). Sentencing in felony cases is governed by the Sentence Reform Act of 1981, which established determinate sentencing based on the seriousness level of the offense (levels I – XVI; level I being the least serious) and the defendant’s “offender score.” The offender score is determined by looking at the number and type of prior convictions.

From WA RCW Laws site...........

From toppeoplefinder.com......

Name Age Phone Address Relatives
View Details

And also.......

I have a nephew with Aspergers who is about the same age as Josh. I'm not saying it is impossible, but I think it is highly unlikely he did something that caused her death, therefore leading the family to cover it up in order to protect him. Does he have a history of violence or aggression? I don't remember what his court date or possibility of going to juvi were for?

To me, a more likely possibility (if Mom B was not home) is he did something to really irritate Lindsey and so she decided to leave for the time being. Where would she go to escape his harassment momentarily?

Hi Jules, Considering JB was only about 5+ or so min ahead of Lindsey when she left KK's house to walk home, if she was irritated by him {which the 'fighting' would suggest IMO}, it certainly wouldn't be to follow him down the road.

I think that's why she took an alternate route, last being spotted acc to the Affidavit at 6th and Maple I believe. From what KK has implied with her posts, the threesome left the bike at the Shell station and all proceeded up Maple towards KK's. When they were 3 or 4 houses from KK's Lindsey flagged Rena H who was standing in Mary's front yard and asked her to send JB home which she did and followed up with a text to MB. If it is true they were arguing that means they were arguing from the Shell station all the way up to within a few houses of KK's.

That is why I think the bike is somewhat important if this scenario is true. Because of the bike there was an argument, and that argument was lasting if they were still arguing when Lindsey spotted Rena, and that resulted in a witness placing Lindsey at a certain spot at a certain time. So then, who else was in the area at that moment? Karen has a grown son ~ was he there too? I read a long time ago he was friends with Dale. What about neighbors? Any possibilities among them? It could be if someone's attention was drawn to Lindsey and then they happened to see her walking back right away it could have been the opportunity.

Just saying, as there are so many possibilities rolling around in my head. I don't think Dale was involved himself but could have been friends with or known the perp.

PS: I think all of this info about the walk to KK's came from her so I wouldn't consider it verified at this point. I can't remember if we learned about these details from anyone else or the media. I wish she would join WS to join in the discussion.
I agree! The news pressor appeared serious, to the point, & revealing! I noticed the assistant agent's aloof confidence in wanting to get the message out to all citizens in McCleary and those surrounding the case. The feds within the behavioral science unit have studied psycholinguistics and know just how to make a presentation with meaning without saying anything that would be detrimental to the case. O/T but the new asst. agent reminds me of Max Hedron. Turn the sound off and watch this gentleman's mannerisms. This pressor seemed well planned to make an impact to who ever was listening. With all the LE who have been working Lindsey's case standing in solidarity also appeared to make a made a non-verbal statement. I was taken aback when this agent referred to Melissa as, "Lindsey's mother" instead of her proper name. My understanding is these agents word there media moments very carefully. The only people in the room that seemed to have some high anxiety appeared to be KK & the mother of Lindsey. Maybe their eyes looking more open than I'v ever seen in media interviews was from the adrenlin of being happy that a more extensive investigation will be provided.

Some of the direction of the case may be, "Confirming that all agencies, policies, & procedure are observed. The agent also must ensure that the rules & regulations of a professional LE organization are followed & adhered to. Agents must review this regularly to make sure all are in complience" The agent/agents make sure effective interviewing strategies were conducted prior to interviews with the family members of the missing child. "A verification process of all details developed during the preliminary investigation. Agent must be alert to facts or statements that conflict with those from the first investigation. It has been said that the agents do a, "brief history of recent family dynamics from neighbors, family members, classmates, employers, co-workers, doctors, social serv. agencies that provide records of family contact maintained by LE agencies, schools & other organizations." Agents will explore the basis for conflicting information. Last (there is more) Monitor Media relations. Investigators should review all notices prior to release to ensure that the investigations objectives are not unintentially compromised for Lindsey's safe recovery or return. "Media needs to be managed in a way that compliments the investigation rather than conflicting with the investigation." This is just a few avenues that take place.

I would say that the agents have their work cut out for them. Look at what has been sluthed all ready! Locals keep us sluthers informed! It will be interesting to hear the communities response to this firm pressor.

"Hope Floats" once again.:dance:

I wish I could double click 'Thanks' for that post Karen ;} Is the CARD team the same as the Behavioral Analysis Unit with the FBI - the profilers? xox
Maybe she was offered a ride to the " pool party " by a person from the Nelson house ?

Maybe one of them has a " Noisy white car " ?

There were 4 other men besides Mr Nelson at his house that night drinking where the girls were swimming. I won't name them, but with the info we are just getting now it seems curiouser and curiouser to me.

That is a 'certainly could be' Serandipity. LOL Things seem to get intertwined in this case because so many people in McCleary are inter-related or really good friends. I am thinking of the man at the Shell station now who lives on the property with the aforementioned cellar, and his place is within a stones throw to one of the men I believe who was over at the Nelson's drinking that evening when Lindsey vanished. Curiouser and Curiouser, almost a WOWSERS. I've been on a bursitis sabbatical for awhile so can't remember how much of this info has been discussed here.

I just hope all of this is going to help ferret out Lindsey, and soon xox
Scandi, I remember reading hearsay that stated the Nelsons had been questioned numorous times by FBI (so many I can't remember the amount but recall 30-40 times?) If true that might point to the Nelsons being high on the list of poi's being questioned. I'd love to see the three ring binder on this group and their brewed of bullying teens. Studies show female teen bully's appear to be more vicious than their male counterparts and LB was bullied by this group to the point of missing too much school. If one adds in the dysfunction of the Nelson family overall this home doesn't seem an innocent place of play for a child of 10. I'm sickened continually thinking about all the VSO, (because they are all violent/evil in my eyes) that Lindsey may have been around in the course of her everyday life. If Lindsey ever left KK's front porch she would have been walking into a danger zone of unsavory peeps within one minute. Lindseys abusers/abuser (and possible peeps covering up) must be along that stretch of Lindsey's walk causing the feds to look deeper into the crime that may have had led to Lindsey being out of the area at least by 4:00 am when local authorities called in the sheriffs office. Local PD had to know the kind of peeps within the communnity so they should have been beating down doors from at least midnight on. Has anyone ever reported what actually was going on between the mother & 1,2,3,4 local PD during those hours? Just how much talking is needed before you start knocking on doors. I would love to be privy to the initial incident report & the conversation that was shared between the mother and which cop?

Sorry I think I trailed off "yet again"! LOL! "yet again" is my new quote from URS he so poingantly used in the last media pressor.

Yes Karen, I heard that too, that the Nelson's had been questioned by LE over 40 times. I could write a list of all the reasons why from what I've read. With Libby's arrest today it could certainly be all about the case. I don't think, should rather say I find it unbelievable she could be involved in Lindsey's demise. But if she knows what happened and doesn't give that info to LE she would be as guilty as though she did it herself, right?

I haven't read anymore about the Westport Connection to the case but it is always in the back of my mind if what it said was true, that she was hit by a car, put in the trunk and taken out to sea on a Westport fishing boat. That is just RUMOR, has been out there for months, don't know if it ever made it here.

That could create a scenario where there is an accident with an auto in a driveway that is perilous to back out of. All those people drinking there at the time, mom has to go to work and be there I think by 10:30 as she is called in at the last minute, even calling her daughter {I think that call was made at 10:30 and don't know really what time she left for work} for a change of clothes from work because she left in such a hurry. Curious, all of it. xox

quick question....since we are talking about a drinking party at the nelsons....does anyone know if anyone there was from olympia?....just a thought in the back of my mind...something that has been bugging me.....i dont think it means much....but if there is a connection, and anyone knows the name and address.....it could click to what has been bothering me.....just curious :)

i know we cant name ....names.....so just a general location would be great....like what street they live on :)

PS...im a bit slow.....still trying to figure out the nelson part :)

i think you guys are awesome....by the way :biggrin:
quick question....since we are talking about a drinking party at the nelsons....does anyone know if anyone there was from olympia?....just a thought in the back of my mind...something that has been bugging me.....i dont think it means much....but if there is a connection, and anyone knows the name and address.....it could click to what has been bothering me.....just curious :)

i know we cant name ....names.....so just a general location would be great....like what street they live on :)

PS...im a bit slow.....still trying to figure out the nelson part :)

i think you guys are awesome....by the way :biggrin:

You're awesome yourself TakeNote and am sorry you were sick. I don't know about anyone from Olympia. Jake is one of the guys and is Tag's friend, so am assuming he is from McCleary. One of the other guys lives up N a little ways on the outskirts of McCleary. I don't know about the other 2.

The Nelson part is basically that Libby Nelson's niece was a friend of Lindsey's from school and they had made up their friendship the day or so before Lindsey went missing. It is the home where the swimming party was, on Main St. I think it is because of the suspicious circumstances involving Lindsey's being there part of that day and the previous one, swimming with the girls, possibly having stopped by there on her walk home to see if she could spend the night as there was a slumber party going on, that she was fearful that last night, the men were drinking at the house, etc. And because the police paid so much attention to them right out of the box. There must have been a reason for that!

I wish we knew the answers as they might lead to where Lindsey is tonight. xox
As is was quoted in MyNorthwest in the media link thread: " . . Investigators are re-doubling their efforts and throwing thousands of dollars at the public in hopes of finding a missing McLeary girl.", doesn't it make one wonder if someone has been squealed on? That article was from last Thursday, 3 days ago, so it would be perfect timing for someone to go to the authorities with a tip, right? That is just hopeful thinking on my part ;}

Gosh, they spelled McCleary wrong LOL, but I'll leave it.
You're awesome yourself TakeNote and am sorry you were sick. I don't know about anyone from Olympia. Jake is one of the guys and is Tag's friend, so am assuming he is from McCleary. One of the other guys lives up N a little ways on the outskirts of McCleary. I don't know about the other 2.

The Nelson part is basically that Libby Nelson's niece was a friend of Lindsey's from school and they had made up their friendship the day or so before Lindsey went missing. It is the home where the swimming party was, on Main St. I think it is because of the suspicious circumstances involving Lindsey's being there part of that day and the previous one, swimming with the girls, possibly having stopped by there on her walk home to see if she could spend the night as there was a slumber party going on, that she was fearful that last night, the men were drinking at the house, etc. And because the police paid so much attention to them right out of the box. There must have been a reason for that!

I wish we knew the answers as they might lead to where Lindsey is tonight. xox

Any chance the " drunk Mark " and the pool expert named Erick were there at the pool party ?................

Originally Posted by kageykaren
Thats interesting! Just when you think you can ex someone off a long list no can do! Such a bummer we can't narrow the list of poi's by now.
Sorry for the O/T, lost my head in thread!
Serendiptity do you know the Eric drunk Mark was talking about when JVK talked to him? What an accusing he made even if drunk. Sometimes peeps speak truths when liquored up. Did we just quit sluething him in the beginning?

Here is an Erick, is this MB address? Maybe a rental.

Parcel 060501200401
Try our new
GeoData Mapping
Tool Situs Address 319 E MOMMSEN
Legal Description PLT OF MCCLEARY E 65- OF W 70- OF LOT 4 BLK 12

Owner JOHANSON ERICK O & JODI K File Updated 1/11/2010 16:05
Address PO BOX 1425 Location T 18 R 05 Sec 13
MCCLEARY, WA 98557 Parcel 045001600700
Try our new
GeoData Mapping

Second address in Elma..

Tool Situs Address 1309 W YOUNG
Legal Description LEYBOLD & ASCHEBERGS LOTS 7-9 INC BLK 16

Owner JOHANSON ERICK O & JODI K File Updated 1/11/2010 16:05
Address PO BOX 1425 Location T 18 R 06 Sec 34
MCCLEARY , WA 98557 ........... the pictures show old hot tubs and pallets around the garage.

Right down the street from MM...another coincidence or does everyone know each other?

Parcel 043002300500
Try our new
GeoData Mapping
Tool Situs Address 614 W YOUNG
Legal Description ELMA COR LOT 5 BLK 23

Owner MCCANN MELISSA D File Updated 1/11/2010 16:05
Address PO BOX 223 Location T 18 R 06 Sec 35
ELMA, WA 98541

Longnecker, Inc. has very knowledgeable, efficient employees. Erick Johanson, the stores manager, has been with our company for 14 Years and is extremely knowledgeable in the pool and spa industry.
3703 Pacific Ave., Olympia, WA 98501-2124
(360) 459-3226 (800) 281-6679
Fax (360) 459-1315
Web www.longneckerpools.com
Estab. 1979 Employees 10 Contact: Erick
Johanson, V.P. Sls.
As is was quoted in MyNorthwest in the media link thread: " . . Investigators are re-doubling their efforts and throwing thousands of dollars at the public in hopes of finding a missing McLeary girl.", doesn't it make one wonder if someone has been squealed on? That article was from last Thursday, 3 days ago, so it would be perfect timing for someone to go to the authorities with a tip, right? That is just hopeful thinking on my part ;}

Gosh, they spelled McCleary wrong LOL, but I'll leave it.

Hi scandi - I think, rather than squealing, how about complaining? I have never understood how this case could be so low-profile - thank goodness for those who yell. :furious:
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