WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #17

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Could this Nelson be related?...maybe at the pool party?...



1 Nelson, Donn Edward
Judgment Debtor Mason Co Superior Ct 03-9-00016-6 01-09-2003
2 Nelson, Donn Edward
Defendant Mason Co Superior Ct 02-1-00293-5 08-05-2002

Wife Georgina...
1 Nelson, Georgina
Plaintiff Mason District Court 99CV00949 09-14-1999
2 Nelson, Georgina D
Petitioner King Co Superior Ct 07-3-00220-4 05-03-2007

Possibly his son Aaron E. Nelson, 32 ...
Superior Court Case Summary

Court: Mason Co Superior Ct
Case Number: 02-9-00914-9

Sub Docket Date Docket Code Docket Description Misc Info
10-10-2002 JS
Judgment And Sentence Against The Defendant
Crime Victim Fund
Court Costs
Attorney Fees
10-14-2002 ARCR Account(s) Receivable Created
01-23-2003 ARCL Account(s) Receivable Closed
03-07-2003 SAT Satisfaction

Phonebook results for autumn nelson wa Autumn Throw-Nelson (360) 495-4242 221 E Pine St, Mccleary, WA 98557 Map

1 Throw, Autumn R
Defendant Thurston County Dist 61615 12-26-2002
2 Throw, Autumn Rae
Defendant Thurston County Dist I04852234 09-18-2006

Maybe a connection ?
The family that goes to court together stays together ???

Another Nelson sex offender, who used computers...

Also a reverse addy search on 221 E Pine comes up with an "Eddie" Throw-Nelson. Eddie, as in Edward - middle name of DEN (above), and possible middle name of AEN (above). For some reason this address sticks out to me - it seems like I researched it before or remember it from something. Not sure.
Also a reverse addy search on 221 E Pine comes up with an "Eddie" Throw-Nelson. Eddie, as in Edward - middle name of DEN (above), and possible middle name of AEN (above). For some reason this address sticks out to me - it seems like I researched it before or remember it from something. Not sure.

These people are connected to a "Josh Nelson". Where do I know that name from?
Here, and following:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA-10 y/o Lindsey Baum, missing since 6/26/09 Thread #8

Which is where some of us got the idea that Lindsay may have had an interest in boys or a boy.

(I just typed a bunch of stuff and then my pc went whacko and now it's all gone! Grrrrr!)

Thanks for tracking this back. I have been reading reading reading. I do remember now the young Josh Nelson being connected to Kylar, Michaela, and Lindsey via myspace. I think he might be one of the children of Eddie and Autumn Nelson on 221 Pine. The 221 Pine addy rang a bell with me only because it is the same house # (221 S Main) as the other Nelson home where the girls had the pool party (Kenneth & Libby Nelson). Do they have children living there? I recall discussions of a neice earlier on, but don't recall a name/initials. I don't know if there is a relation between the 2 Nelson family homes on Main and Pine.

Now I need to pop out of this reply window so I can re-read the previous posts to remember how I even started down this path to begin with. Sheeesh. Maybe I need some caffeine :coffeecup:
"Every Picture Tells a Story Don't it!" I found a guy who posted as ed8560 and it showed this exact website for EN! When I googled this hat name (now removed in the last 24hrs. to 48hrs from the net when googled) other sites with ed8560 better known as EN popped up in belonging to the sex arena of social sites. It will be interesting to look at the current sites photos and such to see if a changed occured. I only told 2 peeps about EN also being ed8560. Just trivia to the case but would be interesting to know if EN was at TN & LN house that evening. I had to edit to clarify the myspace spot I found for ed8560 only linked to photo site but not main site. When I found this I walked a member through the same steps so I do have back up to show that these sites did exist. This person had a myspace account to link to EN showing he was in fact ed8560. I couldn't understand why EN would join a site but put it off as EN was curious about the case. I'm about the psychology behind a crime of a child missing so I found it more interesting but not a bad thing as he is an adult so please no one take this post out of context. This was a simple find while sluethig.
On an interesting note I wonder if in the future laws will be made to fine parents for underage activity on a social site as we are responsible for any actions good or bad from our children until they are of age. Society I feel can't trust parents to monitor their own children even though society has let us know how dangerous these sites can be for someone underage with underage thinking that comes from adolescents trying to find a way to enter an adult world.
From the starting over thread:
Lindsey's MySpace entries prior to her disappearance:

Lindsey Baum is happy that her brother is going to juvi tomorrow.
Mood: happ at 2:10 PM Jun 17
Lindsey Baum is bored as hell
Mood: bored at 8:01 PM Jun 8
Lindsey Baum cabt wait to hang with kayla agian
Mood: anxious at 2:13 PM Jun 8
Lindsey Baum i've been getting a lot of nightmares latley and i have this bad feeling that something bads gonna happen
Mood: scared at 6:48 AM May 29
Lindsey Baum has joined MySpace!
Mood: good at 4:04 AM May 29


Memorial Day 2009 was on Monday, May 25th. What did Lindsey do over Memorial Day weekend?

4 days later on Friday, Lindsey joined myspace very early in the morning (before school I presume) and made her statement about having a feeling something bad was going to happen. What happened in or out of school that week?

Two weeks later on Monday, June 8th she wrote she can't wait to hang with Kayla again. The entry was at 2:13 pm. What time did school get out? Was she in school that day? Later that evening she wrote she was bored at hell.

June 17 was a Wednesday - when she said she was happy her brother was going to juvi the next day. What day did school get out for the summer? (The last day for 2010 is Fri. June 18th.) Her entry was at 2:10 pm.

If her joining myspace and making that statement about something "bads gonna happen" is about the kind of bad that did happen - then there has to be clues in those days or weeks leading up to her writing that. Were there ever any comments made by MB about Lindsey making that statement?
Jules71, Great:detective: :highfive: I felt at the time we were posting Lindsey had a fear/panic stemming from within the home due to her early morning entry. So many months later you have helped me to see an almost put together communication lindsey was forming. A local might be able to help with school times. We did hear Lindsey had missed alot of school during this time so it certaintly points to a young girl distressed leading up to someone causing her disappearence. It is encouraging to me to know the CARD team has at its disposal the Forensic Psychologist trained in the field of investigating crimes against children. This and other obvious issues won't be discounted by this group. You have reinforced to me the value of going back to all of are early posts. There was a good flow of sluething in the beginning so things might stick out more then than now.
From the starting over thread:

Memorial Day 2009 was on Monday, May 25th. What did Lindsey do over Memorial Day weekend?

4 days later on Friday, Lindsey joined myspace very early in the morning (before school I presume) and made her statement about having a feeling something bad was going to happen. What happened in or out of school that week?

Two weeks later on Monday, June 8th she wrote she can't wait to hang with Kayla again. The entry was at 2:13 pm. What time did school get out? Was she in school that day? Later that evening she wrote she was bored at hell.

June 17 was a Wednesday - when she said she was happy her brother was going to juvi the next day. What day did school get out for the summer? (The last day for 2010 is Fri. June 18th.) Her entry was at 2:10 pm.

If her joining myspace and making that statement about something "bads gonna happen" is about the kind of bad that did happen - then there has to be clues in those days or weeks leading up to her writing that. Were there ever any comments made by MB about Lindsey making that statement?

Maybe this is the juvi location...


Maybe WW helps at this one for Fish and Wildlife ?....

Naselle Youth Camp
Naselle Youth Camp serves is an unfenced facility that serves male and female offenders in a medium security setting in Southwest Washington. It provides an academic program as well as a forestry work program in collaboration with the Department of Natural Resources and an aquaculture program in collaboration with the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. Youth involved in the forestry programs assist with fighting fires during the height of the firefighting season. Naselle Youth Camp provides sex offender and outpatient chemical dependency treatment and collaborates with the University of Washington to meet the mental health needs of resident youth.
I have felt for a very long time that the "feeling something bad is going to happen" has to do with the bullying she was getting from the other girl. Being a parent of am 11 year old girl, let me tell you they (young girls) are horrific and I would never want to be a young girl in todays grade schools.

With that being said there is definitely so much that we don't know about. We have done as much sleuthing as legally possible for so many of the case players but I am wondering about the other people involved that we don't know much about. I am still very curious about the "neighbor" who sent JB home and the "witness" who seen LB while on the way to work. I see in many cases that whoever was the last to see the victim, is usually a POI. Why not in this case?
Whoever would have thought w/s sluethers would have a buffet of possibilities as to who may have had a twisted sick desire to offend or reoffend. I certainly didn't expect to see Lindsey's world unfolding into threatning in the beginning. All we have discovered was a surprise to me! Knowing different cases of offense by those that live locally how can you not focus on a local offender as the perp. There are just to many in town that could follow a profile of a perpetrater. It is impossible for many to ignore even when reassured it could not be this person or that person. Perfect crime if you commit it where there are so many others that can be looked into.
Time for more coffee to prepare for the next turn of events that might leak out of the commuity. At this point I can't help but think the perp/perps is living on borrowe time.

I just read a quote from a dear w/s member named Lovejac and thought it also applies to this case, "Never say never"!
Posts by locals have diminished significantly, either because nothing new has been forthcoming except the recent LE presser .. or ...

... they are aware of something (LE-related) going on and are not able to reveal?

Weii, it seems to me this is a 'perfect' crime to date, as there were no reported screams that evening and no (publicly-revealed) evidence pointing to an individual.

That tells me the perp knows how to interrupt a victim without causing immediate panic and knows how to squelch any subsequent outburst once a victim realizes the dire situation ... in other words, this is an experienced perp.

As I have recently indicated, I believe this was a crime of opportunity. The perp was familiar with the area, since many children live in McCleary. It just happened that LB was made available to the perp who happened to be lurking the neighborhood that day.

I expect a 'local' perp would be better for leading to a resolution given how the pressure of a local investigation and friends can be overwhelming, but how many locals are experienced enough to know how to perform such a deed within their hometown stomping ground and not feel 'nervous' during execution of the crime and to remain calm and unrevealing during the aftermath?
In Oct.09 I remembered a tool used in the KC A. case but couldn't remember the name of the company and asked an astute member JWG if he remembered and then I took some time off from the case and forgot about it! I sure wish I would have stayed on top of it as the compay is currently helping in Haiti. I rememberd back to the Caylees case as this service being very expensive. Blink on crime has an articl about the company, 3 View Search Services.
"With the remote-controlled equipment you can
cover so much territory in alittle time and at a fraction of
the cost of using a full size plane or helicoptor. And it's not
like we're just flying over an area, hoping to see something.
We're capturing high quality images that we can review from
the ground & then study more in depth later."
Caylee/KC A. Case: State expert witness 3 View Search Services heading to Haiti.

This may be another "if only" worth emailing an inquery. What can you get but an answer no (were busy). This would be a good company to invest in!

http://www.3vss.org Full article can also be found on http://www.************.com/category/3-view-searchservices/
Has this person been sleuthed ? seems like an anger issue...


Search their name's here...

QUIMBY, TAMI K (360) 495-3005

QUIMBY, KEVIN B 45 (360) 495-3005
Map - 309 MAIN ST 169, MCCLEARY, WA

Court: G H Co Superior
Case Number: 09-9-20932-6
Sub Docket Date Docket Code Docket Description Misc Info
09-25-2009 JDSUM
Judgment Summary
Costs 250,000.00
Interest @ 2.28% Per A
JCR0001 Quimby, Tamara K
JDB0001 Mccleary, City Of
JDB0002 Graham, John
JDB0003 Graham, Suzanne
11-04-2009 STFJG Satisfaction Of Judgment .....I would leave McCleary with this $$ too....

Tool Situs Address 00309SMAIN
S & SUSAN File Updated 2/22/2010 10:05
Address PO BOX 234 Location T 18 R 05 Sec 14

Here is a good site to search newspaper legal notices....
I remember this well! This is why I was a bit perturbed when I heard local PD whineing about funds for Lindsey's recovery. Had LE behaved with appropriate protocal the town would be $250,000 richer. What was the punishment? Better re-read! How much of this garbage has gone on there? If LE dropped this major ball who's to say they didn't drop a ball in relation to Lindsey before & after disappearence?
This money could have been applied to, "Hold me closer tiny camera" program and a program that should be implemented. Check out PugetSound Blogs article by Josh Farley, media on the Kitsap Crime & Justice. http://www.PugetSoundBlogs.com/ this little camera placed on the ear would give accurate accounts of Police and how they handle a call. Sorry O/T
Go Josh Farley from the Kitsap Sun! They really need those cameras after I read another of Josh's story pointing to this need. :waitasec::snooty: You mean our state law makers had to actually instate a law (New Bill) requiring police to be, "Truthfull and Honest" . Yep you heard me right! At this late date of 2010 we actually have to make this law! I don't care what the reason it is still mind boggling! This article by Josh is in the Olympian. Link isn't working but Bill was passed Feb. 19th, 2010
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