WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #17

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Good Morning,

I just got off the phone with a Mrs Toyera in the Prosecutor's office of GHC. She is the gal in charge of documents put out by that office and was very helpful.

I told her that last July I had been told the procedure for reviewing SW's and wanted to make sure it is still the same. I told her since I live in Portland I wanted to make an arrangement ahead of time so I can have an appt set up to just walk into.

She told me to go to www.co.grays-harbor.wa.us where I will find the form to fill out showing my request. I told her I wanted to review the brand new SW's which have been issued in the Lindsey Baum case, and she said that was enough to narrow it down. She said to either submit the form online or fax it in {360 249-6064 fax #} and she will search out the warrants and check to see if they are restricted from the public or not.

I mentioned to her that SW's are of public record unless they have been sealed by a judge and she agreed. She said offhand she didn't know if they were sealed. So I asked her if they are, would she please provide me with the document orders signed by the judge. She said yes, she would do that.

If you guys want me to go ahead and submit the request I will do that this evening. I don't know if I'll be able to go to McCleary on a week day, but if they grant me an appt they would do the same for anyone else.

At least we would find out if these SW's are sealed which would be very interesting in itself, don't you think? xox

thank you so much for doing this!!

if a SW is sealed....could that be because it was for a minor?
thank you so much for doing this!!

if a SW is sealed....could that be because it was for a minor?

Hi TakeNote, That could be a possibility. From the way the article was worded I assumed :crazy: it meant more than one new SW and that seems to suggest to me they might be interconnected, focusing on something in particular. So I have something else on my mind :angel:

I am thinking a 'place', maybe where Lindsey was initially taken and held until she was moved. A SW for that location, for the residence associated with it, maybe another rental on the property and then of course another 'place' which is similar and not that far away. It might even lead back to a place we have worked our socks off of on, right downtown at the center of the investigation and a place Lindsey could have walked past on her way home. Maybe not. But who knows!

I say that because what caught my eye in that article mentioning the new SW's is that the FEDS are now involved again which might mean something is being given a fresh look-see into information. I know they received this early on and it was brushed off by the local LE as SS to , Ah, that is hardly likely as we have known these people for years. Nah, couldn't be. :snooty:

I don't want to say anymore except this could be Da BOMB that was never given the proper attention. Because of that I believe it has recently been resubmitted to the FBI laison officer and it could be THE reason. I have no other knowledge, going on a gut here. Because after all I have learned, I would have raced there as fast as my long legs would have taken me the minute I heard about it.

I hate it when posters write cryptic messages. In this case I have given enough info out that any local will know exactly what I'm referring to. Other than that, if I am right on in my thinking, I want LE to have full advantage in what they're doing without a lot of discussion about it on a public forum. It has been a week or so now since we learned of the new SW's. Hopefully their work is all done and being processed.

I say, :croc: Go get 'em so we can hopefully find Lindsey and bring her home. xox

ETA: What I forgot to say TakeNote is if these SW's are sensitive to 'a place' where Lindsey might have been at one point, they might want to keep that location under wraps. The last thing they would want is a lot of people wanting to go there to get a look-see for themselves!
Hi TakeNote, That could be a possibility. From the way the article was worded I assumed :crazy: it meant more than one new SW and that seems to suggest to me they might be interconnected, focusing on something in particular. So I have something else on my mind :angel:

I am thinking a 'place', maybe where Lindsey was initially taken and held until she was moved. A SW for that location, for the residence associated with it, maybe another rental on the property and then of course another 'place' which is similar and not that far away. It might even lead back to a place we have worked our socks off of on, right downtown at the center of the investigation and a place Lindsey could have walked past on her way home. Maybe not. But who knows!

I say that because what caught my eye in that article mentioning the new SW's is that the FEDS are now involved again which might mean something is being given a fresh look-see into information. I know they received this early on and it was brushed off by the local LE as SS to , Ah, that is hardly likely as we have known these people for years. Nah, couldn't be. :snooty:

I don't want to say anymore except this could be Da BOMB that was never given the proper attention. Because of that I believe it has recently been resubmitted to the FBI laison officer and it could be THE reason. I have no other knowledge, going on a gut here. Because after all I have learned, I would have raced there as fast as my long legs would have taken me the minute I heard about it.

I hate it when posters write cryptic messages. In this case I have given enough info out that any local will know exactly what I'm referring to. Other than that, if I am right on in my thinking, I want LE to have full advantage in what they're doing without a lot of discussion about it on a public forum. It has been a week or so now since we learned of the new SW's. Hopefully their work is all done and being processed.

I say, :croc: Go get 'em so we can hopefully find Lindsey and bring her home. xox

ETA: What I forgot to say TakeNote is if these SW's are sensitive to 'a place' where Lindsey might have been at one point, they might want to keep that location under wraps. The last thing they would want is a lot of people wanting to go there to get a look-see for themselves!

Given LB's last witness-confirmed location (between 6th & 5th) I expect the current SW focus to be very close to that.

Why now am I sensing LB's 'disappearance' is the result of someone's spur-of-the-moment .. unpropitious action .. that led to an 'accident' that could not easily be 'explained'? That 'evidence' was 'whisked' away immediately after 'eyes' moved on?.

Let's hope *something* was left behind, missed by the perps.
I sure hope you are right scandi.....i hope they found something ....that leads them on a straight path!

what i found interesting is that LE said they havent been able to focus on just one scenario of what could have happend to Lindsey.....so they have to look at everything in a broad way.....

i feel this has been LE's frustration from the start!
Hi TakeNote, That could be a possibility. From the way the article was worded I assumed :crazy: it meant more than one new SW and that seems to suggest to me they might be interconnected, focusing on something in particular. So I have something else on my mind :angel:

I am thinking a 'place', maybe where Lindsey was initially taken and held until she was moved. A SW for that location, for the residence associated with it, maybe another rental on the property and then of course another 'place' which is similar and not that far away. It might even lead back to a place we have worked our socks off of on, right downtown at the center of the investigation and a place Lindsey could have walked past on her way home. Maybe not. But who knows!

I say that because what caught my eye in that article mentioning the new SW's is that the FEDS are now involved again which might mean something is being given a fresh look-see into information. I know they received this early on and it was brushed off by the local LE as SS to , Ah, that is hardly likely as we have known these people for years. Nah, couldn't be. :snooty:

I don't want to say anymore except this could be Da BOMB that was never given the proper attention. Because of that I believe it has recently been resubmitted to the FBI laison officer and it could be THE reason. I have no other knowledge, going on a gut here. Because after all I have learned, I would have raced there as fast as my long legs would have taken me the minute I heard about it.

I hate it when posters write cryptic messages. In this case I have given enough info out that any local will know exactly what I'm referring to. Other than that, if I am right on in my thinking, I want LE to have full advantage in what they're doing without a lot of discussion about it on a public forum. It has been a week or so now since we learned of the new SW's. Hopefully their work is all done and being processed.

I say, :croc: Go get 'em so we can hopefully find Lindsey and bring her home. xox

ETA: What I forgot to say TakeNote is if these SW's are sensitive to 'a place' where Lindsey might have been at one point, they might want to keep that location under wraps. The last thing they would want is a lot of people wanting to go there to get a look-see for themselves!

Are you talking about the search warrants that the News Tribune reported about on 12/24?

Those weren't new SWs. JVK was correct when he said that it was a mistake/reprint.

The News Tribune corrected their mistake on 12/28.
Earlier this afternoon I had the pleasure of discussing some of the case with a local female reporter. One of the subjects was discovery of possible current SW. The reporter is friends with the Under Sheriff and had not heard of this, but will check for her own knowledge. The reporter did state the awareness of additional trained agents of high regard will be taking a closer look into Lindsey's case. Maybe search warrants are in the not so far future as items are still being tested. Easy mistake made with excitement of more LE comming to town for Lindsey and a misprint in media added to this. IMO it's all good no matter when new SW may be issued. Being patient while agents do their work is a vurture I find difficult to do, but what else are ya gonna do? One way is to stay on top of the media reports to keep info accurate until the next pressor.

On this New Years for meaning reasons I hear the choir of angels singing, "He's got the whole world in his hands". Let's hope this upcommig year we as a society will help to implicate laws to protect the children around the world.
Earlier this afternoon I had the pleasure of discussing some of the case with a local female reporter. One of the subjects was discovery of possible current SW. The reporter is friends with the Under Sheriff and had not heard of this, but will check for her own knowledge. The reporter did state the awareness of additional trained agents of high regard will be taking a closer look into Lindsey's case. Maybe search warrants are in the not so far future as items are still being tested. Easy mistake made with excitement of more LE comming to town for Lindsey and a misprint in media added to this. IMO it's all good no matter when new SW may be issued. Being patient while agents do their work is a vurture I find difficult to do, but what else are ya gonna do? One way is to stay on top of the media reports to keep info accurate until the next pressor.

On this New Years for meaning reasons I hear the choir of angels singing, "He's got the whole world in his hands". Let's hope this upcommig year we as a society will help to implicate laws to protect the children around the world.

All Good Kagey :dance: It's the Year of the Tiger now and hope that means good Karma will help that Tiger lead the way in fighting crimes against children. Think Rocky!

Thanks for talking to the reporter and sharing. Very interesting they are calling in agents of note. I hope that is a FBI behavior analysis team who are going to start at square one. xox
Are you talking about the search warrants that the News Tribune reported about on 12/24?

Those weren't new SWs. JVK was correct when he said that it was a mistake/reprint.

The News Tribune corrected their mistake on 12/28.

Hi Jennifer, That article of the 24th was updated on Dec 28th late morning and it doesn't say it was a mistaken report. When I mentioned the brand new SW to the gal in the P's office she said, Oh, that narrows it down. If there weren't new SW's you think she would have told me there weren't any, don't you think?

I just keep remembering what that Dear old timer here told me, that in Lindsey's case LE is using the media as a tool in their investigation :angel: I actually think that the GHSO is quite adept at that, I mean, uh, LOLOLOL {don't worry, I'll be good :innocent:}

Think I'll go down and get a bottle of some Bubbly. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO Y'ALL and Double KRAMS for our bright NEW YEAR
scandi: the update was the inserted line "Article originally published on September 25, 2009." (a correction) - As far as them also stating it was mistaken.. the article itself isn't mistaken .. the republishing & date was. Expecting them to mention error on their own part outside of the updated line ^ is pushing the envelope.
scandi: the update was the inserted line "Article originally published on September 25, 2009." (a correction) - As far as them also stating it was mistaken.. the article itself isn't mistaken .. the republishing & date was. Expecting them to mention error on their own part outside of the updated line ^ is pushing the envelope.

Hi Jvk, Articles are updated all the time. It is standard procedure. They even do in in England. I have never thought of that updating as a 'correction'. That implies an error. To me it has always meant ~ an addition to the article.

If this is a correction of the article from the 25th, did they mention the correction? Why correct something without giving the new info, which you are implying is that the SW's are old ones and not newly written?

I'm not being 'smart you know what' here. Just curious is all. xox
Happy New Year Miss Scandi {hugs} :)
Happy New Year Miss Scandi {hugs} :)

Ah, My Dear Friend, you brought a big wide smile to my face and I give you a HIGH SKOL in celebration of the New Year. xox
There are no new search warrants, as far as we can tell. The article was originally published in September, when the warrants were served at the Golder properties. It states at the end of it that it was originally published in September. I'm sure the Golder's wish the whole thing would go poof! :twocents:

At least the News Tribune stated at the end of the article that is was originally posted in September. In bold letters.

Happy New Year everyone and may this be the time to find Lindsey and bring her home.
I'm not quite understanding the on going pessimism due to a misprint and the need to have such debate over something that occurs daily by the media. My hopes remain high that the misprint some are debating will lead to a future accurate account of SW served. I'm not sadden by this possible misprint as that would mean I have no confidence or hope towards the integrity of the case. Some days I think we all get alittle melancoly & frustrated and forget some of the positives. The positive we can take to the bank is more experts have joined in. These Federal agents experieced in crimes against children don't mess around. It will be interesting staying with Lindsey's story to see how this case may take direction with the strenght of added trained abilities applied to the case. "It's a New Year, A New Day" :prayer::heart: Maybe we can be of help in some way if only to stay positive and keep Lindsey's name in the forefront of media minds. :grouphug:
"Harmony & me are pretty good company"

"Harmony, Harmony, Aaaaaaahaaaa"

~Elton John~
I'm not quite understanding the on going pessimism due to a misprint and the need to have such debate over something that occurs daily by the media. My hopes remain high that the misprint some are debating will lead to a future accurate account of SW served. I'm not sadden by this possible misprint as that would mean I have no confidence or hope towards the integrity of the case. Some days I think we all get alittle melancoly & frustrated and forget some of the positives. The positive we can take to the bank is more experts have joined in. These Federal agents experieced in crimes against children don't mess around. It will be interesting staying with Lindsey's story to see how this case may take direction with the strenght of added trained abilities applied to the case. "It's a New Year, A New Day" :prayer::heart: Maybe we can be of help in some way if only to stay positive and keep Lindsey's name in the forefront of media minds. :grouphug:

HNY and cheers to all! {{{{Krams all around}}}} I've borrowed scandi's trademark hug and passed it around... :innocent:

Hi, kageykaren,

I agree ....

After 6 months, with no new information brought forth, we might feel 'alittle melancoly & frustrated'.

.... and disagree .... :waitasec:

'The positive we can take to the bank is more experts have joined in.'

That also could be viewed as a 'negative'. Are GHCSO and MPD missing something under their collective noses? It's Possible, but I suspect it's not likely. No 'leaks' of POIs or "we're closing in on... "? Very telling.

Local LE kills two birds with one stone: bringing in 'experts' exposes the case to fresh eyes. That's fantastic! But it also has the effect of shifting focus: if those 'experts' also come up with nothing then local LE is given a pass (to a degree) for not having yet resolved this mysterious event.


As for MB and her family, a different lonliness will begin to set in now that the 'holidays' have passed. Even though MB has JB and probably some family and friends still visiting here and there, the deafening silence from LB will only become more apparent.

I hope MB is returning to at least some form of 'normalcy' in her life, i.e.: returning to work, companionship, continuing regular household chores, etc. Maintaining structure becomes more important as time progresses.

Of course, she must continue searching, working with LE and so forth but I hope she does not abandon that which keeps many functioning in their daily lives.

But still, no sign of 'Sissey' ....
"Harmony & me are pretty good company"

"Harmony, Harmony, Aaaaaaahaaaa"

~Elton John~

Wow .. I used to listen that EJ song playing on a '45'.
Wow .. I used to listen that EJ song playing on a '45'.

We sure our dating ourselves...hehehe! Don't you just love that cord as he sings Harmony? It always touches that sweet spot in the soul!

I totally hear what your saying as to what could become a negative. I just can't let my brain think anything but positive until there is concrete reason not to. That being said I have empathy/understanding how others can think the opposite. What I hold onto is the fact the FBI child sex crime unit has decided to come in and bump up the investigation. If they bring in agents of this caliber some of the open ended statements made by local LE may more sense. It has appeared to me that within every pressor given to date by LE that there is always alittle clue within. That is if media reports words verbatem.

This is all we got unless there is a person out there that wants to sing like a bird so we can set Lindsey free.
C&M, "Take my hand & we'll make it I swear, OhO Living on a prayer" :blushing:
There are no new search warrants, as far as we can tell. The article was originally published in September, when the warrants were served at the Golder properties. It states at the end of it that it was originally published in September. I'm sure the Golder's wish the whole thing would go poof! :twocents:

At least the News Tribune stated at the end of the article that is was originally posted in September. In bold letters.

Happy New Year everyone and may this be the time to find Lindsey and bring her home.


Thanks Breanna, Jen and Jvk. There ought to be a law, eh? Back to my corner. lol
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