WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #17

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I don't think so. The crime scene lab left Friday evening and all the vehicles down at city hall are gone. Let's hope they find out something soon. Praying for Lindsey!
:rose: where are you lindsey? :rose:
This is very encouraging news. IMHO I believe the FBI intensified Lindsey's search because they believe that this case is solvable and at the same time McCleary is a microcosm for training their agents as well. McCleary being a small town may ultimately be the saving grace for Lindsey. But if anything comes out of this investigation, good or bad, hopefully they will at least find the person(s) responsible and learn something from this.

On another point, in general, as far as cases like this go, it does seem that LE does interview the perp at one time or another but that one clue doesn't surface to immediately implecate that individual at that moment. Only after time has passed, something surfaces for LE to nail them.
First, the timeline doesn't add up.

Second. MB and KK's story or timeframe have never connected.

Third, those who went looking for her that night went to the home where the pool party had been. Why?

Fourth, LDT's were given. I can understand why MB would do so but the only other person we've heard about who took the LDT was the last man seen with Lindsay.

Fifth, Some who are directly involved with the events that happened that night have consistently went against the request of LE and started their own PR campaign.

Sixth, when the LDT's were administered some have done everything possible to keep from taking it. Why?

IMO, just don't see how LE could even began to go in the right direction to find Lindsay when they can't even put together all the pieces of information that took place that night. I'll be the first to admit I am wrong but I believe that what happened to Lindsay took place that night in that town.

But, that's just my opinion and thank you for the welcome.

Novice Seeker

Hi NS and Every Dear Poster here :blowkiss:

Last night I re-watched an older Criminal Minds show and it was so good to review the profiling pointers they used in their child abduction case.

Realizing we already know LE believes the perp is a local, what they said really hit me between the eyes as to Lindsey's case. For instance:

* An opportunistic abduction in the first stages of the perp's 'passion' is usually proceeded by using *advertiser censored*, and when his home is discovered they will find this.

* At first after the abduction he won't be worried about LE looking at him so he is at ease. He does however keep track of the news.

* He often can't perform normally with another adult w/ sex.

* LE need to have him believing they are way off the mark in finding him. Otherwise he might start getting nervous which they don't want.

BUT, the comment that made my eyes open wide was this:

* LE concentrates on who wasn't home or didn't answer the door in the immediate searches made after the abduction. Often the unsub is found this way.

It is just a simple thing, and we assume LE has done this, especially on the route Lindsey would have taken in her walk towards home that night.

I really wonder about how thorough the first searches were. We know 2 rooms at the Beehive were not searched. I think LE concentrated on a few 'hot' possibilities, the Nelson's property and that of the old man {:banghead: name Jim ???} living S and adjacent to the mayor on 6th. LE returned to the Nelson's approx 45 times within a short time of her going missing. And we read that by Sunday LE had already searched the old man's place 6 X's or SS.

After 3 days did LE go knock on those doors where no one answered or weren't home? Hmmmmmm In the CM show they did this, 3 days after the abduction.

Now it could be this latest re-investigating, re-searching and re-interviewing could have picked up on those who they missed before. Lets hope so.

And I still think about the dear poster here who told me that LE were using the media to let out the info they wanted out there. Makes me kind a think they've been baiting someone now for a very long time. Hopefully they are real close. Lindsey way overdue comin' home.

PS: I need to go back and read all the posts I've missed. xox
Thanks so much for that link, jvk!

I've been so discouraged since Chelsea King was murdered and Amber Dubois
was finally found - both girls lived, and died, right here in my own back yard. It's impossible not to compare Lindsey's disappearance with those awful crimes, in spite of my determination to keep hoping for the best for Lindsey.

But, I feel about a thousand times better about the effort to find Lindsey now that I've seen that story!

Since I happened to have pencil in hand, I found myself noting the names I saw of agencies involved in Lindsey's case. The list:

And that was just in this one video! Imagine the ones I didn't see, or who weren't filmed: FBI Profilers (Kagey's favs). McCleary Police. Undercover officers. CSIs. That's a lot of cops! A lot of computing power! A bunch of brains! Added to the dedication of the Search Center volunteers, the love of Lindsey's family and friends, and the highest hopes of so many strangers, like me, I'm downright hopeful again!
Thanks, JVK,
Since the site has been slow the last couple of weeks, I went back and reviewed some of the older threads. Wow, you did some amazing work - taking all those photos and your opinions - I cannot tell you how much that really helped people like me who have never set foot in Washington State a feel for McCleary. Now that some time has passed, and it is my understanding that you were active on the searches, have you any insight as to what you think happened to LB? Has your opinions changed?

BTW, I saw the show last night on Nightline and was impressed as to what capabilities the FBI has to offer. The sheriff need all the help he can get. I was not aware that they are able to correlate all that electronic data from cell phones, computers, etc. -pretty impressive. Me being an engineer I like that kind of stuff, but unless this is a conspiracy, I guess I missed the point of it.

I was especially gratified (and relieved) when the agents said that it still requires them to walk the beat and talk with people to really get a feel for Lindsey, the people, and the town.

I have to say that I did feel sympathy for that one young fella that was complaining about LE's constant interviewing. It must be a nightmare, like the whole town is under indictment. What concerned me is his statement that LE barged into his home without permission and without a warrant - not good precedent.
jgk10414, the McCleary towns folk haven't been 'questioned relentlessly since last July' (quite the opposite actually).. that guy (not going to share his name although I know it) is just a tad on the bizarre side and he'd probably act that way if you asked him for his ID to buy a beer.
jgk10414, the McCleary towns folk haven't been 'questioned relentlessly since last July' (quite the opposite actually).. that guy (not going to share his name although I know it) is just a tad on the bizarre side and he'd probably act that way if you asked him for his ID to buy a beer.

Wow, that's not encouraging. When I was reading some background I was under the impression that LE was issuing warrants on several occasions last fall. Thanks for correcting me but now I am really concerned if anyone is eyeing the door factory employees. I hope LE was not timid because of it being a small town and didn't want to offend locals...or employers. I grew up on the east coast but educated in a small southern town and the political dynamics were sometimes frightening.
Wow, that's not encouraging. When I was reading some background I was under the impression that LE was issuing warrants on several occasions last fall. Thanks for correcting me but now I am really concerned if anyone is eyeing the door factory employees. I hope LE was not timid because of it being a small town and didn't want to offend locals...or employers. I grew up on the east coast but educated in a small southern town and the political dynamics were sometimes frightening.

They did issue warrants and did question people.. but it wasn't 'relentlessly' like you said in your original post.

I can't say whether or not they questioned everyone at the door factory but the few I talked to were questioned.. so I'm assuming they did.
Encouraging news - thinking of dear Lindsey - it is time to come home.
I've missed you elepher, good to see you posting on Lindsey's thread.
Hoping this new-focused attention brings about a resolution and Lindsey is brought home. Every day I come to this thread wondering if today will be the day ...
They did issue warrants and did question people.. but it wasn't 'relentlessly' like you said in your original post.

I can't say whether or not they questioned everyone at the door factory but the few I talked to were questioned.. so I'm assuming they did.

Hi Jennifer, The feeling I got when speaking with the gal in the prosecutor's office about existing SW's was they were not all that formal. She made a comment to me that in some cases there was not an actual SW but rather that notes from searches were sent to their office and it would be difficult to pull those up. I chalked that up as the way a rural county works. If it had been Seattle or Tacoma, even Olympia, it could be nothing would be searched except by warrant.

I am thinking the investigators in Lindsey's case wanted all searches noted legally even if not done by warrant, say those done with permission. IMO

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