WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #2

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The number of stranger abductions per year given by the TV station was 115 not 115,000. If you watch again, you'll see.
This is a copy of the Department of Justice Study that they referenced: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/196467.pdf

Here's a quote from the study:

Gee Whiz I sure read that one wrong! Sorry about that and thanks for the correction.

That means Stranger abductions are about .01 % of all children who go missing. That is very, very rare! It also means that about 70% of all kids that go missing do so on their own volition, right? xox
Yes. I guess that doesn't mean though that the internet didn't have anything to do with this disappearance, just that her communications don't indicate this on her part.
You are right, Chico~ He did just say she didn't mention anything about running away, too.

Very interesting.
Gee Whiz I sure read that one wrong! Sorry about that and thanks for the correction.

That means Stranger abductions are about .01 % of all children who go missing. That is very, very rare! It also means that about 70% of all kids that go missing do so on their own volition, right? xox
I don't go by stats. ;) I go by what I see and hear here every day. I think the stats are incorrect.
Alright i reported it. (via phone)
SS, You're right, by my own description, I am now a suspect.
SS, You're right, by my own description, I am now a suspect.

You do make very good points tho. Anyone trying to insert themselves into the case should be looked into at the local levels (even if they are WSers...but we welcome them to check us out!). Also, the change in sleep patterns could indicate someone feeling nervous or guilty. Unusual changes in drug use or alcohol abuse can be a sign of behaviors of a suspicious nature.
Alright i reported it. (via phone)

I thanked you but felt that was not enough. It is important that people realize anything even if they think its not reliable they have to report. This "drunk" man could possably be the break in the case, and you reported it, so good for you. If not oh well one thing that more thing to eliminate..

Good for you I am proud of you!!:blowkiss:
There are two young men listed under Lindsey's friends page that seem a bit...angry. And homophobic. And into young blondes. But aren't all 18 YO males ticked off at the world?? Probably nothing...
(story time)​


Right after snapping this photo i was approached by 'Mark the (apparent) local drunk. He was quite intoxicated & slurry.

He asked what i was doing and i told him.

He was a bit 'chatty' and slurred out a few things.

Mark portrayed 'Peter' (iirc) (the owner or worker of the Jewelry shop ^, on Maple) as not having a 'great opinion of Lindsey &/or the Baum family. "~That girl was up to 'things'" (Lindsey)

Mark also didn't have such a great opinion. Mark mentioned being aware Lindsey was on the internet. He generally & repeatedly came off disliking Lindsey &/or the family.

Mark added one other thing. Mark said he believes 'Eric' (who lives (according to Marks pointing) in the North-Eastern part of town) 'probably did it' (as in abducting Lindsey) Mark said Eric had conversed with him (@ an unknown time) about 'young girls.

The conversation was strange.. but you couldn't expect much else. At one point he stopped talking almost like he'd just realized he's telling all this to a stranger & briefly thought twice.

If nothing else i'd suggest an interview with persons from this ^ Jewelry shop.

I hope you got a pic of "Mark" to give to LE.
Please say yes, tia.
FYI even w/out her computer etc LE can do fantastic things with technology...all computer stuff leaves a trail, whether it's "deleted" or not...

And yeah, just cause I can't sleep tonight...and de-lurking on the site...does that make me a suspect with other WS's??? ;-)
I thanked you but felt that was not enough. It is important that people realize anything even if they think its not reliable they have to report. This "drunk" man could possably be the break in the case, and you reported it, so good for you. If not oh well one thing that more thing to eliminate..

Good for you I am proud of you!!:blowkiss:
I second that! :blowkiss:

You could have been in the right place at the right time to gain that information to bring Lindsey home. You did the right thing by bringing their attention to the situation and allowing them to pursue a good lead that would have fallen off the face of the earth. Bravo! :clap::clap::clap:
A couple of things I noted on Wesley's page: There is a photo of a woman's lips in various colors with candy stuck to them. He made a weird comment about it. The other is a post from a guy of a van with Free Candy painted on the side of it.

Just those things alone mean nothing really, but when you are looking for a missing little girl...they stand out.

Btw~ Devon is from Idaho, but Wes is from WA.

FYI, Wes is KK's brother-in-law.
FYI even w/out her computer etc LE can do fantastic things with technology...all computer stuff leaves a trail, whether it's "deleted" or not...

And yeah, just cause I can't sleep tonight...and de-lurking on the site...does that make me a suspect with other WS's??? ;-)
Yes. Yes, it does.

You are right about the computer trail. Forensic teams are amazing with the technological advances they have to work with now. They can recover almost anything.

Around here with all the stuff we have on our computers with the research we do...they would have a field day! OMG! :eek:
This one just really bothers me since A) it's in my state, and B) on the surface doesn't appear to be as cut and dry as other recent cases (like a certain incarcerated mother in FL)...if LE can just get that first clue/tip I think it could be cracked (and hoping it happens soon!)
UPDATED: Expert: Missing girl likely went with someone she knew
09:58 PM PDT on Wednesday, July 1, 2009
"Based on the information I have, it&#8217;s someone she possibly knows or is in the area, not outside the area," said Henry Schmidt, with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

Schmidt, a retired sheriff from Wyoming, arrived in McCleary to assist with the search Sunday.

While police maintain Lindsey may have run away, for the first time officers are saying it's more likely she was kidnapped.

Schmidt said the majority of abducted children are taken by people they know.

Police say more than ever they need the public's help. They say odds are someone unknowingly knows the person who's responsible and has noticed a recent change in behavior.

"A change in appearance, wanting to get rid of the family car for no explainable reason, perhaps deciding without discussion to suddenly leave the area for a period of time," Undersheriff Rick Scott said.

Up until today, most of the searches occurred in the neighborhood where Lindsey was last seen, walking home from a friend's house. That's because most abducted children are found within a quarter mile of where they vanished. But experts worry time is working against them.

Video: Missing girl likely kidnapped


I apologize if this was posted already, but I know the video is a new one!

Rumor alert - I read somewhere today (oh where was it?) that there were four adults at KK's house that night. I wonder if he was one of them.
I also wonder if this was the reason Lindsey wasn't allowed to stay overnight with her friend? It would make sense if mom had company for the night.
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