WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #2

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Oh good grief! I thought he was KK's boyfriend/husband.
What are we looking at his blog for?

ETA Wait a minute. He's KK's brother??

Steadfast, he was sleuthed because he fit the profile physically of the perp that Tuba gave us in a reading.

I and JnTexas researched him most of the day and presented our findings to Soulscape. She said that although he matches the physical description and the astrological description she could not put him on the short list because he has no history of sex crimes.

I agreed to look elsewhere for clues other than him because I trust Soulscapes judgement. So barring any unexpected surprises in criminal history, he's out of the question as a perp.

Yes he is from what I can determine her brother. That is why I looked at him. We are leaving no stone unturned as we do at WS. We look at everyone and one by one rule them out KWIM :wink: Because we don't trust what anyone has to say do we? LOL We are all from Missouri the "show me" state haha.

So that is why he was brought up. We don't know if he had access. We do know his sister's house was the last physical home that Lindsey was in and for that reason, plus his physical fitness matching the description, plus...but he's been all but ruled out. So there you have it :)
Oh and another thought...we WS have learned that we can't summarily dismiss anyone who may or may not have had contact with a victim...because after all how many of us would have named Melissa Huckaby before she started cutting up and acting a fool in the Sandra Cantu case...KWIM?
The Montesano School Board voted Thursday, March 19, to accept the resignation of the teacher. On Feb. 6, the teacher allegedly restrained a special education student who had reportedly hit a fellow student so that that student could hit the restrained student back.

Even though I think if she did this it was very wrong, it doesn't sound like it indicates that she would have anything to do with Lindsey's disappearance any more than anyone else would.

Thanks, I could only read so far on them, IE8 keeps kicking me off of certain sites, so I only had about 30 seconds to read before the page would close. All I saw was improper conduct, so I pasted it.
O/T but everytime my Husband has deployed, my children are afraid for him. I try to comfort them, assure them but bottom line they are scared that something may happen to their daddy during the deployment. So IMHO it's very possible that she was referring to the impending deployment of her father.

On another note, there was some discussion as to why her Father had not gone to WA as of yet and it was suggested that the Military might be lagging a bit...they have rules and regs that must be complied with...etc...this is true.

However, in all the years that I have been a military wife, I have yet to see emergency leave not immediately granted to a soldier with a red cross message that warranted it. This would definately warrant it. His chain of command would have been all over that, and they would have granted him Emergency Leave and worked up his paperwork and have it waiting in the wings in order to keep him out of the deployment. Even in the NG he can remain in the rear, no problem there.

All of this could have been done, and probably has been done. Except the soldier can refuse leave if he/she chooses. If he has chosen to do that, it's not something to be judgemental about...it's difficult to explain but he feels he owes his fellow comrades...can't explain it here.

Also there was a question asked if this could be a ploy for him to avoid deployment. No. I've never seen a soldier pull something like that. I have seen wives and other family members pull out all the stops and create madness and mayhem but not the soldier. They usually fake an injury..etc. LOL funny but true in my experience (and I have seen some loo-loo's)!

Okay what is really bothering me tonight besides not being able to find the job description of the first eyewitness?

Why didn't the dogs pick up a scent? It was reported that the dogs crisscrossed the town 3 times but no scent of Lindsey anywhere?

Any seasoned members care to comment? TIA

ETA: If a soldier is in a combat theater (iraq..etc..) it can take up to three days to get him/her out of that theater and back to the USA. 72 hours is the standard.

Kat I don't think this if much of an explanation, but this was quoted in this article! I also added the mention of the 2nd person seeing Lindsey on her way home as that has been asked by others as well! There was one article today that did say Lindsey's dad had a flight booked for this weekend to come there. I pray that this is true...he is facing enough worries with being deployed soon, it has got to be tearing him apart that he is so far away. The mention of this, IIRC is in the post I did with most of today's article's on pg. 23.

Scott said bloodhounds traced the route Lindsey took early on from the friend’s house to her own home, but didn’t find any scent. And in places where Lindsey once played — parks and by the creek — Lindsey’s scent has been vanishing.

The loss of scent could be a combination of factors — the heat on the sidewalk could have dissipated it for instance, he said.

Scott said a second person came forward Tuesday with a confirmed sighting of Baum from Friday night in the same area along Maple Street near Fifth Street.


FYI: This article had quite a bit of information in it, compared to other's from today!

Is it really???
How come?????

There have been problems in the past when a small group of posters on a thread would keep information to themselves through PM's and would post things like, "Wow! I just got some important info!! Check your PM's, RandomPoster and JoeSchmoe!"

The case discussions here are supposed to be for everybody, and blatantly flaunting that only "select" posters are getting all the info is considered too rude to be allowed.
Is it really???
How come?????

Part of the TOS Rules. The official version:

Inviting outside Contact:

“Inviting” is termed as a post where you invite other members to contact you to find out more information, rather than post it in the forum. This is not allowed and any posts with emails or invitations to contact for more information will either be edited or deleted entirely. This includes use of the Private Message system via comments such as “Check your PMs” or “PM me” posted in discussion threads.

The nicer way that JBean explains it:
"The thought process , for those that don't know,is if it cannot be discussed on the open board and can only be discussed in private, then it should stay private. By announcing we are sharing secrets is not very private LOL."
I wish there was a way to go back and find certain posts easier.

Maps of the area have been posted several times showing what the area looks like. Can someone pull one up for eyes4crime faster than I could? lol

I'm looking but 30 pages is a lot to look through when your laptop is attempting to die.

hahah.. spoke to soon

post #2 has a great map of the area
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA-10 y/o Lindsey Baum, missing since 6/26/09 Thread #2

Thanks JenniferO-looks like past her house maybe some woods and down Birch more woods? Can't remember now. Wonder if those woods have been searched. Maybe the perp offered her a ride home (she was familiar) and after getting in the car he began to drive toward her home or down her street. Never stopping except at the woods. Just a thought!
Collection of interesting possibly case related random crap I found:

High School Teacher in Elma accused of improper contact with a former female student.

Deputy jobs saved
(Talks about the recent cuts to the Sheriff's Office. All it takes is one unbalanced officer that needs to show he's still needed. Not an accusation, just an observation.)

This one talks about a kindergarten teacher being investigated for something not good, didn't see where they said what the actual allegation was.
More on teacher.
Yet more on teacher, she is a female.

Coach suspended for improper contact with a female student. Not sure if this is the same teacher as is mentioned above.
More about the coach from Elma.

Man in rural Elma attacked with hammer. Suspect arraigned, looking for more info.

Most Wanted’ man nabbed
Just interesting, considering.

Not all from McCleary, but all from within the immediate area, as I understand it.

We have a lovely school district here in this area..

Teacher/Student affairs are an almost monthly topic here.
Thanks JenniferO-looks like past her house maybe some woods and down Birch more woods? Can't remember now. Wonder if those woods have been searched. Maybe the perp offered her a ride home (she was familiar) and after getting in the car he began to drive toward her home or down her street. Never stopping except at the woods. Just a thought!

Yes, they've been searched several times.
Wondering about something else. We know that at least some of the dogs being used are from the Mountain Rescue team. Do we know which dogs were used for the search of Lindsey's path to & from K's?

Would there be a significant difference between LE's search dogs and those from the mountain rescue team?

Good questions Tater, I think the first dogs they used were live scent search dogs as they were looking for an alive Lindsay. I don't know, but think the mountain rescue team would also be live scent dogs. They are looking for a live person who is lost.

At some point, usually based on the length of time the person has been missing, a rescue search turns to a recovery mission. That is when they use a dog who has been trained specifically in recovering the remains of human beings. They are refered to as Human Remains Recovery dogs.. Hope that helps.

I read they used some dogs today but have not heard that the search has changed from a rescue to a recovery. Let's hope they don't have to call in these guys. xox
McCleary Mystery Still Unsolved: Where Is Missing Ten Year Old?
Police say they'll continue interviewing witnesses and chasing down leads in the disappearance of ten-year-old Lindsey Baum, who vanished Friday night while walking home from a friend's house.
July 2, 2009
Nearly a week after her disappearance, there's still no sign of missing 10-year old Lindsey Baum.

Detectives say they're now taking a closer look at her computer and how she may have used the Internet before she vanished.

Duane Norris says he'll stay on the streets handing out the flyers until Lindsey is found or until someone tells him to stop.

"I don't know if more tips are coming in or not," Norris said. "But you know, all it takes is the right one."

"We're going to continue to have cops on the street through the weekend," says Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott, "through the holiday, interviewing people and doing what we have to do."

Scott says even though a physical search has been called off in McCleary, an intense investigation will continue into the girl's disappearance.

"We're taking police officers and putting them on the street to follow up on the stack of tips we've received," said Scott.

Authorities expect Lindsey's father to arrive in town Thursday night or Friday. He's in the military service, stationed in Tennessee. Police hope he may be able to share new information with them to help them solve the disappearance.

We're looking at what's being said on the Internet. Looking at some of the communication that's being done in the community. The people that live here, the friends, the family, the neighbors, are the people that know this community better than you, than I, than any of the officers working it," said Scott. "So it's talking to them and hopefully prompting someone's memory and dragging out that seemingly meaningless piece of information that they have that's going to unravel this mystery."


We have a lovely school district here in this area..

Teacher/Student affairs are an almost monthly topic here.

Don't feel bad, about 3 years ago, we discovered that superitendent of schools for our district was a registered sex offender. No one ran a background check. It's not a problem that's confined to one area of the country.
There have been problems in the past when a small group of posters on a thread would keep information to themselves through PM's and would post things like, "Wow! I just got some important info!! Check your PM's, RandomPoster and JoeSchmoe!"

The case discussions here are supposed to be for everybody, and blatantly flaunting that only "select" posters are getting all the info is considered too rude to be allowed.

Since we are a bit O/T I have a question. I notice on the astrology threads they use full names. They also have discussions on their individual message pages which are open for anyone to read but they can discuss things more in depth.

This is new to me and wonder why the astro threads are so different. They are not private. xox
Part of the TOS Rules. The official version:

Inviting outside Contact:

“Inviting” is termed as a post where you invite other members to contact you to find out more information, rather than post it in the forum. This is not allowed and any posts with emails or invitations to contact for more information will either be edited or deleted entirely. This includes use of the Private Message system via comments such as “Check your PMs” or “PM me” posted in discussion threads.

The nicer way that JBean explains it:
"The thought process , for those that don't know,is if it cannot be discussed on the open board and can only be discussed in private, then it should stay private. By announcing we are sharing secrets is not very private LOL."

ok so how about when you guys were talking about the other site (SM) and i could NOT figure it out at first...
i got a couple pms about it....
and someone said
check your pm
that's acdtually against the rules????
I don't post on WS very often, but I read here every single day. Like a bad train wreck, I can't help it. It makes me physically ill to see all of these children missing.

I don't know if you all have read this on a blog belonging to WK. It is a little alarming but may be nothing. I hope not. This is a cached blog. Start at the bottom first, please:

Creepy reading, that's for sure.

The entry dated October 23, 2007 almost made me feel as though he was talking to someone who had died tragically--at the hands of someone else. Was that some kind of confessional type writing?

Really weird.
WOW, That statement in Angel's last link was quite pointed saying that when the father gets here he might have bew information that will help them solve the case.

Hmmmm Makes you wonder if in that private MySpace account of Lindsay's she conversed with her dad and told him things about what was going on at home and how she missed him and all.

Has he been cleared? Somehow I think a clue will come from that private acct, a name or word used that sticks out and relates to something else which will trigger something they saw in the field. Exciting! I'm holding my breath for a good outcome. We are only at a week now - 6 full days actually. xox

ETA: I know he was across the country when she went missing. But if they had a plan, an arrangement for someone to transport her to Tenn, he would be involved. It is a very rough idea!
ok so how about when you guys were talking about the other site (SM) and i could NOT figure it out at first...
i got a couple pms about it....
and someone said
check your pm
that's acdtually against the rules????

Yes that is against the rules. It can result in a time out, which means you can not log into WS for an amount of time set by a Mod.


If a member should decide to do that and not listen to the mods and it can get you banned from the site.
I am more curious now about the *"abuser" comment and *having LE called to her home. *(rumors) Hey locals? Do they have a Police Blotter there in the local paper?! Could we check out if there were any distress calls made to her house?

I have looked and looked to see if I could find any domestic issues in that area, and have not been able to. Would be helpful to know.

Also....the LE comment about her scent "vanishing" from where she used to play....I read it like they could still catch it, but either it lessened over a couple of days...or was very faint to begin with. Either way, I interpreted it as they had it.
I thought maybe she had gotten into a car directly at the house (maybe some kind of ploy the friend went along with out of "fear" or "being in on a secret", but that doesn't fit with her being seen.
I wonder if this same person who broke up the fight, THEN later claimed to have seen her walking, is believable...kinda like in the Cantu case....is it just a coincidence she happened to be in/at BOTH of those instances?
IDk......WK, E, DL, KK.....they ALL look good for an abduction or assisting with one :(
I wish there was a way to go back and find certain posts easier.

Maps of the area have been posted several times showing what the area looks like. Can someone pull one up for eyes4crime faster than I could? lol

I'm looking but 30 pages is a lot to look through when your laptop is attempting to die.

hahah.. spoke to soon

post #2 has a great map of the area
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA-10 y/o Lindsey Baum, missing since 6/26/09 Thread #2

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I've been thinking it might have been near the time of the divorce &/or when she found out her Dad was going to be deployed. She did have that story on her MySpace about a soldier going MIA.

I'll have to check the dates of the posting. Anyone recall seeing a date for the divorce other than that is was in the Spring? Was it April?

I apologize if this was answered for you tater:

The Baum family moved to McCleary about two years ago without husband and father Scott, who remained in Tennessee. Eventually, the relationship broke apart, family members said. And Scott, who is in the military, stayed in Tennessee.

IIRC I did see April of this yr was when they did finalize the divorce. I'm still looking for that article! I did find this one, but it dosen't say the month in it.

Baum says her daughter is upset about her recent divorce, but doesn't have money to run away, has never tried to before, and doubts at this point that Lindsey is trying to hide.

I'll keep looking to try & find the article that the month stated. :wink:

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