WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #2

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I wonder if Lindsey had two separate MySpaces because her Mom might have monitored her activities on line somewhat?

Perhaps her mom knew about her TwilightFreak profile, but not the Disturbed profile?

I think it was the other way around.

Mom wouldn't have liked her putting the info about her brother out there. And the time it was created, as well as the very few people as friends on the TF profile say to me that is her secret. The Distrubed profile is set to private, pic of the dog instead of herself as the avatar. That's a parent approved Myspace. (Although when you're 10, MySpace should never be approved anyway, but that MOO.)
Wait, if it's a known drinking/party spot, shouldn't the adults around Lindsey have shown a little more concern about her being there? That distrubs me as much as some of the other things I have seen so far. And this whole case is quite disturbing.

I've never heard anyone say it was a major drinking/party spot except for her and we aren't really sure how much we can believe of what she says. So I'm taking that info with a grain of salt.

I'm trying to figure out if it's private property.. For some reason I remember seeing signs posted. But I could be mistaken. That could have been for private timber land that borders it and not that particular parcel of land itself.
I think it was the other way around.

Mom wouldn't have liked her putting the info about her brother out there. And the time it was created, as well as the very few people as friends on the TF profile say to me that is her secret. The Distrubed profile is set to private, pic of the dog instead of herself as the avatar. That's a parent approved Myspace. (Although when you're 10, MySpace should never be approved anyway, but that MOO.)

Has anyone ever looked into the Alice W that is listed as a friend on her Twilight Freak Myspace?
That one has been bugging me too.

I just noticed she has the application on her myspace called Super Pets and her pet is named Alice. Who the hell is Alice?
I know that it probably doesn't mean anything, but has anyone noticed that Melissa always refers to the "they" htat have her daughter? "they need to let her go". "if they are feeding her", "whoever they are"...no "He", no "the person", just "they". Why is she so sure that Lindsey was taken by more than one person?

ETA: I'm not saying that I think her mother was involved. I don't. But I think that she may have something in her subconscious that she knows, but won't fully acknowledge.

She could just be using they as she doesn't know male or female. I use they all the time if I don't know the sex, or, if I do and don't want to disclose it. Eeww that sounds weird. Nothing really weird intended, like, if I have a complaint about a student, and, I want to relay the complaint, but not give any clue to who it was, if that makes sense.
I think it was the other way around.

Mom wouldn't have liked her putting the info about her brother out there. And the time it was created, as well as the very few people as friends on the TF profile say to me that is her secret. The Distrubed profile is set to private, pic of the dog instead of herself as the avatar. That's a parent approved Myspace. (Although when you're 10, MySpace should never be approved anyway, but that MOO.)


That does make more sense. Lindsey's posts as Disturbed were more parent friendly, too, from the ones I looked at. Invites to her friends to join Save the Whales, Save Wildlife, etc.

Yup, yup, yup.
I think it is just a semantics thing, NMK. We had this same discussion on one of the other cases, too. Sometimes it is a regional thing, or just improper grammatical usage of pronouns.

Thank you SS that is exactly what I was thinking too :wink: I wanted to know if anyone else thought it too :)

I wonder why they haven't brought in a special sniffer dog who is trained in sniffing the little rafts of skin that are left like a trail on the ground when someone is driven in a car. That is if the windows are open! Maybe it wouldn't work, but it did for Laci who was in the bed of a pickup.

It also could be they haven't done that as she was up and down that street all the time.
I went to his website, and if I click on his blog items, they show private. I went in through a back way, kinda. I don't know a lot about myspace, but could it be because I'm not a member of myspace that I can't read the blog from the website?

sorry, yes it is still live. I was confused by the "google cache" link and thought the blog had been shut down.
A question about Lindsey's disturbed myspace profile. Did anyone do a search of the cached page? Sometimes if the page has not been set as private before a cache was made the front page of the myspace page can be seen as it was prior to being made private.

It can't be seen if it was always private. It can't be seen if it was set to private before the last cache. TIA
Reminded me of when Neveah's mom said she was "5 going on 10". I don't like when ppl make these statements - they are the age they are!!!

Also regarding Lindsay and her bro - i have an older brother, and although we get along fine now, we used to get into very physical fights until he was like 13-14. Then it just stopped. It was the same way with me and my younger sister - we would physically fight until I was like 15! Now, I know violence is not the way to solve anything, i think it just takes some time for it to register with some kids.

I had an older brother too -- unfortunately. We were 3 years apart (he being the older one). Terrible, terrible, years, I'm telling you. He used to be the "babysitter" when mom and dad went out. He'd take out the baseball bat and come after me, threatening to kill me. I'd lock myself in the bathroom, usually crawling out the window and running to a friends house until my parents came home. Parents never believed me....until one day he took the bat to the bathroom door when I was in there. Dad whipped him like no other, and that was the first time my dad ever hit any of us.

Big bros can be downright evil. And to this day, I have NO relationship with the creep who now calls himself an LA cop.

So none of this fighting (in this case) really suprises me.

Please don't make me say what my four teens do here...it's mortal combat I tell ya...I tell ya...
The information regarding Lind swimming was from an update on June 30th that Angel Who Cares put up on thread #1 for this case. Post #173...

UPDATE: Massive search continues for missing McCleary girl
MCCLEARY: No leads days after 10-year-old vanished
Published June 30, 2009
Police in this community of about 1,500 had no leads Monday on what happened to 10-year-old Lindsey Baum after she left her friend&#8217;s house on Maple Street by herself Friday evening to walk about a half-mile to her home on Mommsen Road.

The mother of Lindsey&#8217;s 10-year-old best friend said Lindsey&#8217;s disappearance hasn&#8217;t really sunk in for her daughter.

&#8220;I don&#8217;t think she quite understands the seriousness of it,&#8221; said Kara Kempen on Monday in front of her home.

The last person to see Lindsey was a resident driving through town who saw her walking on Maple Street between Fifth and Sixth streets around 9:15 p.m. &#8211; about the halfway point between the two homes, Scott said. People said light was waning but the sun hadn&#8217;t gone down.

Lindsey was wearing a gray or blue hooded pullover shirt and blue jeans. Investigators have reviewed surveillance video from the downtown Shell Station that Lindsey would have walked by on the way to Mommsen Road, but it turned up nothing, Scott said. Detectives are waiting for additional video surveillance from local businesses.


Lindsey left her cell phone at home before leaving to play with friends Friday, said Grays Harbor Undersheriff Rick Scott. Lindsey&#8217;s older brother had left the Maple Street residence before his sister after the two had a dispute over the bike Lindsey had borrowed from him that day &#8211; a common occurrence between frequently squabbling siblings, Scott added.

Kempen said her daughter Michaela had spent Friday with Lindsey and a group of other girls, swimming at a friend&#8217;s pool before they returned to the home on Maple Street. Kempen said her daughter and Lindsey were &#8220;almost inseparable&#8221; and loved to spend time together talking about &#8220;10-year-old girl stuff, boys and music, school occasionally.&#8221;

Usually if I create a time-line I keep the links providing the info. Can't find the links so hope this is ocay.
I was just looking at WK's myspace page, and it's unusual in that there's not one mention of Lindsey being missing. Usually, people close to a case like this have some kind of message and their friends often change their avatars to a missing poster. There are also usually messages of moral support like, "How are you doing?" But, no, there are "Happy Birthday" messages. I mean, this little girl practically disappeared from his house! Wouldn't it seem like finding her would be his main focus???

His mood is odd, too, "disappointed." He's logged on there right now.
Collection of interesting possibly case related random crap I found:

High School Teacher in Elma accused of improper contact with a former female student.

Deputy jobs saved
(Talks about the recent cuts to the Sheriff's Office. All it takes is one unbalanced officer that needs to show he's still needed. Not an accusation, just an observation.)

This one talks about a kindergarten teacher being investigated for something not good, didn't see where they said what the actual allegation was.
More on teacher.
Yet more on teacher, she is a female.

Coach suspended for improper contact with a female student. Not sure if this is the same teacher as is mentioned above.
More about the coach from Elma.

Man in rural Elma attacked with hammer. Suspect arraigned, looking for more info.

Most Wanted&#8217; man nabbed
Just interesting, considering.

Not all from McCleary, but all from within the immediate area, as I understand it.
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