WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #2

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I agree. I think they're throwing the term 2/3 around kind of randomly. So, she was last seen almost but not quite to 3rd St. on Maple?

Seems like such a simple question for us to answer, and yet we can't trust any of the sources.:waitasec:

ETA, after reading distracted's link. Are we back to her last being seen between 5th and 6th St.?

I'm ranting now Steadfast - but not at you, I'm just sharing your pain about the time Lindsey was last seen. :blowkiss:

Ayeeeee! This is getting irritating, isn't it? :mad: Between 5th and 6th puts her one, that was one, I mean ONE block from the Kampen residence and only about a quarter of the way home - NOT VERY FAR. And what about the friend that walked her part way home? Where did they leave her? In the middle of the 7th to 6th block? Would that be on the porch of the Kampen residence? :mad:

And, iirc, it sounded like it was MK that walked her part way home?

This isn't making any sense. LE needs to be more forthcoming about where she was last seen. The 1/2 way, 2/3rds, etc. is not getting it if they are then going to say between 6th and 5th streets which is less than 1/4 of the way.

What is interesting is that the lady on her way to work said it was approximately 9:15 p.m. I would think that was pretty accurate because she was on her way to work so she was probably conscious of what time it was.

Add that to the Kampden's saying Lindsey left about 9:15 p.m. and I would think that Lindsey probably was seen between 6th and 5th Streets at about 9:15 p.m. Lindsey wouldn't have gotten much further than that if she did not leave MK's house until 9:10-9:15 p.m.

Which means Lindsey didn't get anywhere near 3rd Street.


PS - maybe we should email a news outlet and ask for proper details!
Alright, we need our own task force. We need people with a little bit of time to email reporters and ask for details, real details. Not the conflicting carp we've been getting. This stuff has us all chasing our tails. Who's up for it? I'm not sure I would really have the time to find all of the email addys and type up a format and all that. Even if someone could gather emails and phone numberd for me and I can make headway on it tomorrow.

ETA: Ha Salem. At least we are on the same page, lol.
Just returned from McCleary. I'll be uploading pictures to a photobucket account.
Kat - Lindsey's mom has said that Lindsey left without her cell phone, clothes, money and with her brother. A reported neighbor sent the brother back home due to a squabble between brother and sister. Also reported several times is that Lindsey was last seen by a neighbor driving to work at around 9:15. Lindsey was about 3/4 of the way home. I don't know who is giving opposite information but I'm going with what's been reported in the papers by the police, news, and interviews. With a missing child, I highly doubt police would be giving wrong information about the path she supposedly took. mho I'm going to ignore K for now.

This struck me as odd. Didn't it get reported that she wanted to spend the night at her friends house and that the friend's mother (KK?) said no? If so, wouldn't you think she would have overnight things, etc with her?
Sorry to keep posting random things but I keep getting more and more info.

Bing.com has much better arial view maps of Mccleary.

It shows there are alleys where I didn't think there was. I called Jennifer and she says those are pretty much overgrown, kids might walk through there (hers say they don't) but cars can not drive through them (explains why I didn't notice them)

Jennifer, your help is invaluable. Keep posting. I don't care if it's random.
I'm working on a list of specific questions to ask if I do get the chance to send out some emails.

Feel free to add

1. How close was Lindsey to home when she was last seen?
2. Is there any proof whatsoever that there was anyone with her when she walked to and from the friends house?
3. Did the surveillance camera at the Shell catch her walking to the friends house?
4. Did the dogs catch a scent? If so, where were the starting and ending points?
5. Are the State Police involved? (Sorry, this is eating at me, I have seen no mention of State Police involvement, which usually happens with small towns that have limited resources. This time they just went straight to the FBI.)
6. Has her father applied for hardship leave?
7. Are the police looking outside of McCleary or are efforts still focused there?
8. Are the reports of the search teams pulling out true?

That's what I've got so far. Add, remove, whatever.
This struck me as odd. Didn't it get reported that she wanted to spend the night at her friends house and that the friend's mother (KK?) said no? If so, wouldn't you think she would have overnight things, etc with her?

I wonder about this too. Who was going to stay at who's house? Not only did she not have overnight things, but then why would the mom expect her back home?

If it were the other way around: Kayla was supposed to stay at Lindsey's house, it would make more sense. Then they would walk back to Lindsey's house together. I believe Lindsey's mom said that "she wasn't supposed to be walking back alone" and also something was said about Kayla coming to their house so they could all read Harry Potter.
Lindsey’s brother, Josh Baum stood and said, “I’m very sad. I want you guys to find my sister. Amen!”

Any new info on Josh? Can't seem to find any info. If he was in fact going to Juvi, it's my not-so-luck that names are not released because they are minors.

Not sure how much we're allowed to quote form elsewhere, and I know a lot of you folks already have seen this stuff, but here's some quotes from KK that are relevant to some concerns and questions from the last few posts in this thread.

This one answers the question about a friend walking part of the way home with her.

As for Lindsey walking home she did not have anyone with her when she was walking home. My daughter stood on the porch til she reached the end of our road and then came inside. I know that there is mixed information floating around about that but it is not correct that she walked part way home with a friend.

And this one seems to point to Lindsey having asked to stay the night at K's house, and not vice versa. Which leads to the previous question of why was she empty handed?

- The path that Lindsey is said to have taken home that night is not normal - as far as when she is leaving my home and heading to hers but it is a street that she is familiar with and has a friend who lives on that street. So there is a good chance that she was bored and possibly was going to ask to stay the night elsewhere or just felt like walking.
This struck me as odd. Didn't it get reported that she wanted to spend the night at her friends house and that the friend's mother (KK?) said no? If so, wouldn't you think she would have overnight things, etc with her?

There are conflicting reports about that, too. There is a report that Lindsey wanted Kayla (Michaela) to stay at her house to read Harry Potter and there is a report that Lindsey wanted to stay at Kayla's house. KK said no because they had other plans. Perhaps she said no to both. Who knows!

But I've got a lot of experience with little girs who want to have a sleepover. They usually don't care whose house they spend the night as long as they are together. The girls were probably just jonesing for a sleepover wherever they could have one.
I'm working on a list of specific questions to ask if I do get the chance to send out some emails.

Feel free to add I Snipped for space ;}

5. Are the State Police involved? (Sorry, this is eating at me, I have seen no mention of State Police involvement, which usually happens with small towns that have limited resources. This time they just went straight to the FBI.)

Hi Not_my_kids, I know a little bit about the State Police in Oregon and it might be similar to Washington State.

Their prime function is protecting the State Highways so I doubt they are involved at this point. They might be involved in other ancillary programs such as in drug enforcement. In Oregon there is a grouping of several LE agencies who work together to fight the drug trade and the State Police lead the pack, busting known dealers for instance. I did work for them out of their Newport office for about a year as an informant even to being arrested along with two big guys we brought down who were selling drugs to kids. Of course they escorted me right out the back door of the police station. lol

Hwy 8 might fall into their jurisdiction and it is at McCleary's front door. It would probably depend on what is discovered in working the case to see if they would become involved - if she was seen in a car going down 8 towards Aberdeen, or say some drug dealer was falling into suspect status.

Our locals might know more about this. xox
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I had to pull up this post of TakeNote's because she mentions a neighbor who said LE have searched his property that has a creek about 6 times. I don't know what link that came from, but I think it is Sand Creek.

Is there anything we can learn more about this? We heard the 6x's yesterday which was 4 days into Lindsay being missing. I think that is allot of times to search one piece of property in such a short time. Why do they keep going back. There is something drawing them there.

I'm also a bit confused now about Kara. Is that KK who posts on SM? I thought Kara was the mother of Lindsay's friend she visited that night. :banghead:

scandi Finally found the video that TakeNote was referring to, about the gentlemen's property being searched 6x's. I agree that something must have kept them going back to search the area by the creek so many times!

VIDEO: Search ramps up for McCleary girl

Ok, I know that Kayla's house has been searched, probably. And I know that Kayla was talked to over and over, but there is one thing that LE might not be ready for. 10 year old girls can do 2 things: Keep secrets and hold grudges. In this case, I hope that all of Kayla's clothes are accounted for, hopefully her allowance money. There are rumors of abuse by the family, a father that she may try to reach. If she really has been telling people that she was being abused, Kayla may consider "helping" Lindsey to be the most important thing. It is very hard to get a kid to violate another kid's confidence. And if there is any type of abuse going on, there was a good chance that Kayla knew about it and is used to keeping secrets for Lindsey. I know that there have been experts more than likely provided to talk to her, but I still have a hard time with the abduction theory. No screams, no personal items, no anything. I still think that wherever she went, she went willingly, for whatever reason.

A very, very smart detective reminded me today that there are only two things that make people go missing: inner motivation and outer force. Everything else is just detail, because you can't get anywhere until you figure out which one is responsible.
Hi Not_my_kids, I know a little bit about the State Police in Oregon and it might be similar to Washington State.

Their prime function is protecting the State Highways so I doubt they are involved at this point. They might be involved in other ancillary programs such as in drug enforcement. In Oregon there is a grouping of several LE agencies who work together to fight the drug trade and the State Police lead the pack, busting known dealers for instance. I did work for them out of their Newport office for about a year as an informant even to being arrested along with two big guys we brought down who were selling drugs to kids. Of course they escorted me right out the back door of the police station. lol

Hwy 8 might fall into their jurisdiction and it is at McCleary's front door. It would probably depend on what is discovered in working the case to see if they would become involved - if she was seen in a car going down 8 towards Aberdeen, or say some drug dealer was falling into suspect status.

Our locals might know more about this. xox

Thank you. I am literally on the other side of the country, so I don't know for sure how things work elsewhere. I am just used to the State Police being called in for better resources. I appreciate the input.
Not sure how much we're allowed to quote form elsewhere, and I know a lot of you folks already have seen this stuff, but here's some quotes from KK that are relevant to some concerns and questions from the last few posts in this thread.

This one answers the question about a friend walking part of the way home with her.

And this one seems to point to Lindsey having asked to stay the night at K's house, and not vice versa. Which leads to the previous question of why was she empty handed?

I distrust KK's posts and don't consider them a credible source of information.
I wonder about this too. Who was going to stay at who's house? Not only did she not have overnight things, but then why would the mom expect her back home?

If it were the other way around: Kayla was supposed to stay at Lindsey's house, it would make more sense. Then they would walk back to Lindsey's house together. I believe Lindsey's mom said that "she wasn't supposed to be walking back alone" and also something was said about Kayla coming to their house so they could all read Harry Potter.
Why didn't Lindsey simply use her cell phone to call and ask if she could stay the night at her friend's house? Why walk all that way instead? Does the friend not have a land line or a cell phone?
UPDATE! FBI: Stranger not likely behind girl's disappearance
Story Published: Jul 1, 2009 at 7:35 PM PDT
Story Updated: Jul 1, 2009 at 10:25 PM PDT
The massive ground search for the missing 10-year-old girl was scaled back on Wednesday as investigators turned the focus of their work from searching to following up on tips they've received.

On Wednesday a second person came forward to report having seen Lindsey Baum on Friday night as she walked home along Maple Street from a friend's house.

Experts with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children say if the girl was abducted, it most likely wasn't by a stranger who was hiding in the bushes.

"From what knowledge we have and the information that I have that it's someone that she possibly knows, somebody that is in the area," said Henry Schmidt with the organization.

The FBI now wants neighbors to think about anyone who may have been in the area Friday night. They also want to hear about anyone suddenly engaging in strange behavior, such as not showing up for work, selling their car for no reason or changing their appearance.

"We're certainly not looking for a witch hunt or anything of that sort, but the bottom line is we have a missing girl. And so anyone who is in this area is going to be someone we want to talk to," said Ron Twersky, FBI assistant special agent in charge.

The missing girl's mother, who wanted avoid becoming the center of the investigation, voluntarily took a polygraph test. The father of the girl's best friend, Scott Williams, also volunteered to take the test.

"At their requests polygraphs were given to them. They passed those polygraphs. We're comfortable with the information they've shared with us and comfortable with the timeline they've explained," said Grays Harbor County Undersheriff Rick Scott.


scandi Finally found the video that TakeNote was referring to about the gentleman's property being searched 6x's. I agree that something must have kept them going back to search his there by the crek so many times!

VIDEO: Search ramps up for McCleary girl

Is this the area where the kids gather in the summer? It would explain further why it was searched so many times if Lindsey and others were known to hang out there.
Thanks for the update, Angel~ Good to know mom passed the poly and also Scott Williams. We can check them off the list now.
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