WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #4

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I am curious where it was determined that there were 4 men at KK's house that night? That's a HUGE piece of information imo! I completely missed that one!

That changes everything for me!

Hi, Someone here will know where that '4 men' thing came from. I just read it here. I think it came from a post at SM but not sure as I didn't read anything original about it.
Where did the four men being at KKs come from? Did she change her story? I read it was her, Scott and four kids.

I can't post a link but it's on SM.
does anyone have a timeline according to kk v.s. le ? is there any way to keep the confirmed vs unconfirmed straight without a rumor thread? im pretty new around here and my head is spinning....:crazy:
OK, this is assuming that KK is accurate that the witness lives between 5th and 6th on Simpson (the 300 block). And I know she's yet to confirm that. But if so, we have some businesses, The Bears Den, etc... and a few houses it looks like. Not many people... should be pretty easy to figure out who it was if it ends up being the right block. I'm just not sure if listing those residents would be jeopardizing the case, so I won't. I mean, there's a reason that nobody has mentioned this witness's name anywhere, I'd imagine.
Hi there Scandi - I think the info she knows is from her daughter who was with Lindsey all day, including the walk over to her home. I doubt the police would give her any info about the case - maybe info that conflicts with what they put out in the paper because it seems most everything she is saying conflicts with what the police has said. Very confusing!

Yes, I agree. We never know what kind of info we are getting when it is not official. Even then police lie if they think it will further their investigation!

About the witness, I thought it interesting KaraK said 'they' and not 'her' in referring to this person. What that means is still ????? to me.
Hey all :seeya: I got a small break today and tried to catch up but it's impossible. So if this has been pointed out please disregard.

I rarely read SM, but there are times that I scan their threads. This is one of those times and I am particularily interested in what KK is sharing over there.

She has made a major retraction in information. I can't link here. It was a post "Reply #1229 on: July 05, 2009, 06:27:51 PM" on page 62 about halfway down. You can find it that way.

Very interesting read for me. Interesting what was retracted and how it was worded.

There were a couple of other posts that caught my eye as well, in relation to details being reworded or retracted.

Does this mean I think KK did something to her? No not at all.

Does this mean I think we should be extremely cautious in using her info? yes it does. Doesn't mean it can't be used just means I have detected variations and changes and retractions in information given that's all.

As for the witness that saw LB and her brother squabble over a bike being the same witness that saw LB as the witness was leaving for work. I haven't seen it reported in media that it was one and the same person. I'm still looking perhaps someone has a link handy to prove that the witness was one and the same.

However, I did see it suggested by KK that the witness was one and the same.

Just throwing my :twocents: in here I have to go clean out a couple of closets....carry one and may Lindsey be found and brought home to her Mother soon.

ETA: They gotta couple of Kat's over there too but they ain't me :D
OK, this is assuming that KK is accurate that the witness lives between 5th and 6th on Simpson (the 300 block). And I know she's yet to confirm that. But if so, we have some businesses, The Bears Den, etc... and a few houses it looks like. Not many people... should be pretty easy to figure out who it was if it ends up being the right block. I'm just not sure if listing those residents would be jeopardizing the case, so I won't. I mean, there's a reason that nobody has mentioned this witness's name anywhere, I'd imagine.

I'd say right on A_Closer_Look, I don't know which side of Maple KK's house is on. Is it on the side closest to Simpson? Does one of those houses have a driveway that goes to the house off 6th? Like I said that would be a vantage point to look down 6th to Maple as one would do when backing up as a precaution in driving.
does anyone have a timeline according to kk v.s. le ? is there any way to keep the confirmed vs unconfirmed straight without a rumor thread? im pretty new around here and my head is spinning....:crazy:

I post an updated time-line around 8:00pm last night..it was on the previous thread. When I include info from mom K, I always put that it's another version and from her. Mom K seems to have info different from LE...on almost every detail. I know she gets info from her daughter who was with Lindsey all day on Friday, but beyond that, I'm not sure she's very accurate. Mom K has to be as stressed as everyone else involved in missing Lindsey....I don't put her above the police.
At the Kampen house when Lindsey went home:
Kara, Scott... adults
13, 11, 10, 1 (aproximate ages of her children)

She did not say 4 men. I mistakenly thought she may have referred to adults, but I looked it up, it was "4 people" and when questioned at SM she clarified that it was her 4 children, herself and her bf.
At the Kampen house when Lindsey went home:
Kara, Scott... adults
13, 11, 10, 1 (aproximate ages of her children)

She did not say 4 men. I mistakenly thought she may have referred to adults, but I looked it up, it was "4 people" and when questioned at SM she clarified that it was her 4 children, herself and her bf.

Thanks for the clarification!
does anyone have a timeline according to kk v.s. le ? is there any way to keep the confirmed vs unconfirmed straight without a rumor thread? im pretty new around here and my head is spinning....:crazy:

the time-line is on thread #3 page 20 at 7:15...
On SM, KK is also stating she volunteered to take a poly. I hope that is scheduled soon and LE announces that she passed quickly to the media. It's important IMHO.

No matter what we think or feel about a player in a case, we look at players the same as LE does...start with family and last people to have contact with victim ~ rule them out.

Then we move to friends, aquaintances and social circles ~ rule them out.

If we can't rule them out~ they stay on the list. JMHO.
If the witness does indeed live on Simpson between 5th and 6th, that's the 300 block I believe.

If this person had run up to Shell to get gas and saw LB and JB fighting and sent JB home... and then made her way back to her house on Simpson, parked in front of her house facing west, then it would seem logical (to me) that she'd later drive west to 6th, turn left, drive 1 block to Maple, Turn left (see Lindsey right here) and head out to 3rd to get out of town...
Supposedly, the fight took place behind the Shell station according to KK. If it is true, the person living on Simpson would not have been on Mommsen where the fight took place.
At the Kampen house when Lindsey went home:
Kara, Scott... adults
13, 11, 10, 1 (aproximate ages of her children)

She did not say 4 men. I mistakenly thought she may have referred to adults, but I looked it up, it was "4 people" and when questioned at SM she clarified that it was her 4 children, herself and her bf.
:waitasec: Wouldn't that be 6 people?
ok... I know this is probably completely unrelated but I am digging for info on the folks that live in the 300 block of Simpson anyway, just to see what I can find.

So I come across a blog from someone with the same name as a person living on that block. Now, I get "art". I am an artist of sorts myself. I get "creative outlet", I do... seriously. But this person writes some dark poetry...

here is an example of their poetry.
keep in mind this person just shares the name with a resident of that block, I can't confirm (yet) that they are one in the same. And also know that i am not saying this means anything, just saying it's dark... took me by surprise... there's more that are dark too. As far as i can tell, there's no way to tell when these were written. I am sure I am wrong and am still digging.

The Hole

Lost and lonely in a hole
My eyes peak open and can see light
I know there is a way out of this dam hole, I just know
Reaching one hand up and clawing with might
Only to fall back down again engulfed in the hole
have a gut feeling neighbor has this girl in a bunker/prison-like situation, so that "hole" poem just gave me a big chill.

i would look at neighbors that have been buying building materials over the past year of so but whose homes show no external signs of construction.

call me super cynical, but i wouldn't rule out ANYONE yet. think of all of the true crime shows where they have ruled someone out because they were nice or rich or "pillar of the community" and then months later, ta da, that person turned out to be the culprit.

like a lot of you, i grew up in a small town (3,500). all of my neighbors were "nice" and would do anything for you. one neighbor, who gave us tons of fresh vegetables every year, was found to have killed over 17 cats with a hatchet and was storing them in coffee cans in his basement (another neighbor busted him). 3 doors down, the mother of our school/town psychologist "shot herself" and a few weeks later the psychologist, who was under investigation and about to be arrested, killed herself. point is, i trust hardly anybody's opinion when it comes to accounting for someone else's character.

i suspect family friends and neighbors in this case.
Hey all :seeya: I got a small break today and tried to catch up but it's impossible. So if this has been pointed out please disregard.

I rarely read SM, but there are times that I scan their threads. This is one of those times and I am particularily interested in what KK is sharing over there.

She has made a major retraction in information. I can't link here. It was a post "Reply #1229 on: July 05, 2009, 06:27:51 PM" on page 62 about halfway down. You can find it that way.

Very interesting read for me. Interesting what was retracted and how it was worded.

There were a couple of other posts that caught my eye as well, in relation to details being reworded or retracted.

Does this mean I think KK did something to her? No not at all.

Does this mean I think we should be extremely cautious in using her info? yes it does. Doesn't mean it can't be used just means I have detected variations and changes and retractions in information given that's all.

As for the witness that saw LB and her brother squabble over a bike being the same witness that saw LB as the witness was leaving for work. I haven't seen it reported in media that it was one and the same person. I'm still looking perhaps someone has a link handy to prove that the witness was one and the same.

However, I did see it suggested by KK that the witness was one and the same.

Just throwing my :twocents: in here I have to go clean out a couple of closets....carry one and may Lindsey be found and brought home to her Mother soon.

ETA: They gotta couple of Kat's over there too but they ain't me :D

A big thanks for that post Kat. BTW, did you read the post stating that KaraK 'thinks' this witness who first stated she saw Lindsey walking on Maple is none other than ML :eek:.

If we can believe what we have read anywhere {lol} it would make more sense somehow. If she was still in her move that Fri nite she could have been driving from her old house on 1st St, down to the area behind the Shell station. Sees the 3 kids walking, sends Josh home. And if she moved to a house in the area of 6th and Simpson, maybe she then saw Lindsey as she took off for work. Just sayin'.
Okay one more post (SS you are right, I am having withdrawals HAHA, thinking about Lindsey as I clean!).

In the post I refered to earlier on SM made by KK.

I know that we can interpret what someone writes in many different ways. However, we are reading communication from someone who claims to make an income from writing. Therefore I tend to take what someone like that has to say...as what they meant to say. KWIM?

This phrase caught my eye and makes me wonder:

"I did not see Lindsey after she left so I could not accurately attest to which direction she headed." exact wording copy and pasted. (KK on SM).

Then she goes on to say in reference her retelling of the witness saying they saw Lindsey going up 6th street, that she can't find where she read that bit of information. (could she be reading topix like comments and integrating them into her own story unconsciously?).

She states she asked LE and FBI if there was anything she couldn't talk about on the internet.

Correct me if I'm wrong in my assumption but LE won't tell a witness to not speak to anyone. They won't tell a player in a case not to speak to anyone. I think it has to do with laws?

But I do think they are monitering what she writes on the internet. JMHO. She's probably harmless but she just needs to hush unless she's got something to share that concerns her.JMHO.
A big thanks for that post Kat. BTW, did you read the post stating that KaraK 'thinks' this witness who first stated she saw Lindsey walking on Maple is none other than ML :eek:.

If we can believe what we have read anywhere {lol} it would make more sense somehow. If she was still in her move that Fri nite she could have been driving from her old house on 1st St, down to the area behind the Shell station. Sees the 3 kids walking, sends Josh home. And if she moved to a house in the area of 6th and Simpson, maybe she then saw Lindsey as she took off for work. Just sayin'.

My only issue with this, and I once thought it might have been ML as well, is that KK said that MB and ML don't get along, and that there is a grudge held by one of them, some tension. I just can't see ML telling JB to go home and him actually listening. I also don't think she would have been referred to as a family friend.
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