WA - Lindsey Baum, 10, McCleary, 26 June 2009 - #9

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In the original phone interview on Komo 4 at noon the second incomand sherrif stated they were focusing on the neighborhood around Lindsey's home and I think he stated initially a three block area. Reports following said a six block area and other locationsas well. Listening to this report took me back to FBI forensics (like Caylee case) giving stats about mothers who kill seem to place the child within a close proxcimety to home. Then we have the Sandra Cantu case of the female neighbor doing her dirty deed with the body not far from home. Other cases have been mentioned in post above where the child is so close to home. This leads me to believe their addressing these avenues of thought working off FBI's profiling within a radius close to home. If the search takes a different direction after tomorrows possible search we will know if LE is at a standstill and truly did do this form of search in order to exclude lindsey's immediate area. I wonder if FBI accompanied any of the officers today?

Add Nevaeh Buchanan to that list. She was found close to home as well.
thanks scandi...what's the technology called? I would love to read up on it. Here all this time, I thought the death scent is the same for all of us. Is the Body Farm working on this? TIA

When reading about the search dogs it said that the live scent dogs are upset and almost traumatized by the death scent, and that a very astute handler may pick up on their dogs revulsion response and corresponding search in a different direction (trying to pick the live scent back up).

It completely makes sense to me that we all have our own death scent, but I would imagine cadaver dogs trained to find the portion of the decompostion scent that we all share will remain the majority of the dogs.

It would be interesting to see if they could hone in on the live scent dogs and retrain them to pursue the smell of death for the person they are seeking rather than be repulsed by it. That would be really complicated though since you would have to have your live subject introduce the synthetic cadaver scent and most trainers don't like to use the synthetic scent. But you couldn't use real scent (in the form of pieces of sheets from the morgue) because that would be introducing someone else's scent to the search and you wouldn't be training for what you are trying to train for....

Cadaverine and putriscene are produced by all animals, human and other, during decomp. That is not what the dogs are hitting on. Those are the chemicals that are strong enough for our sad little noses to smell, but the dogs are hitting on something unique to humans. The body farm has said they have identified 300 plus chemicals produced by humans during decomp and focused in on 30 that seem to be unique, or unique in the quantity produced, to humans. The machine they are fine tuning that can act as a cadaver dog is based on those 30 chemicals. We don't actually know what the dogs are picking up that is unique, though we have solid theories now, but that is one of the reasons trainers are not big fans of the synthetic scent.
hi everyone :) missed you guys but I'm back!

Just caught up and it looks as thought they conducted a search today. Also saw the links about the possible sightings. Very interesting! Does anyone know if those sightings were checked out?

Sorry yall are sweating your butts off up there in the NW. I'm used to that kinda heat and 80% + humidity... but I get through it with central air. Just a bit of advice.... if you have the means to do so, buy an inexpensive window unit from walmart, home depot or lowes or something along those lines. Place it in one room where you can shut the door and have it completely cool. At night, do your best to have everyone sleep in that room. If you have the opportunity to buy more than 1 unit, place it within another room in the house that your family can gather in. We get used to this lil setup during hurricane season. I own 7 window units... they stay boxed up until they are needed...also, i own a generator ... I am VERY prepared since Katrina... I swore that I would never live without those things as long as I could help it.

Also... had an ultrasound done today & posted a couple of pics to my album. I'll post the links if yall are interested in seeing my lil cutie pie...



Hi Cajun, Your links don't work ;{
My suspicions, personally, and only imo, are that, or "is" that, if LB is anywhere in McCleary, KAYDENCE, her loving partner, would have already smelled her presence.

I honestly think that she, as her mother initially said, has been abducted. I also think that she is still alive, and MB believes that so much that it is my belief that is the reason she won't hire the experienced equi...whatever, because I believe that one of the requirements of that group is to admit that the child is possibly dead.

MB will not do that, and she made this clear in her podcast with that "host" that I completely agree with y'all is a bit of a nasty seed.
momtective: And this doesn't even take into account the ones who may have been visiting family that Friday night! I have researched that pedophile you put up on the thread - and he has family in McCleary. His residence is surrounded by thick woods - not to mention that he looks like a trusted, grey headed grandpa or Santa Clause. I hope they have checked him out thoroughly. I'd mention his name but I've been told that in order to protect sex offenders from being associated with this case, we have to refer to them by initials only. Doesn't make sense to me but that's the way it seems to be. I just feel that that old guy hasn't been quiet all this time..maybe not Lindsey, but others. mho

This guy?


Where exactly is the home that has been searched several times? Is it on Fir Street?
When reading about the search dogs it said that the live scent dogs are upset and almost traumatized by the death scent, and that a very astute handler may pick up on their dogs revulsion response and corresponding search in a different direction (trying to pick the live scent back up).

It completely makes sense to me that we all have our own death scent, but I would imagine cadaver dogs trained to find the portion of the decompostion scent that we all share will remain the majority of the dogs.

It would be interesting to see if they could hone in on the live scent dogs and retrain them to pursue the smell of death for the person they are seeking rather than be repulsed by it. That would be really complicated though since you would have to have your live subject introduce the synthetic cadaver scent and most trainers don't like to use the synthetic scent. But you couldn't use real scent (in the form of pieces of sheets from the morgue) because that would be introducing someone else's scent to the search and you wouldn't be training for what you are trying to train for....

Cadaverine and putriscene are produced by all animals, human and other, during decomp. That is not what the dogs are hitting on. Those are the chemicals that are strong enough for our sad little noses to smell, but the dogs are hitting on something unique to humans. The body farm has said they have identified 300 plus chemicals produced by humans during decomp and focused in on 30 that seem to be unique, or unique in the quantity produced, to humans. The machine they are fine tuning that can act as a cadaver dog is based on those 30 chemicals. We don't actually know what the dogs are picking up that is unique, though we have solid theories now, but that is one of the reasons trainers are not big fans of the synthetic scent.
Excellent post Impatient!
it is at fir and fifth, and i have still not let go of that guy.
This guy?


Where exactly is the home that has been searched several times? Is it on Fir Street?

momtective - I think you also traced him to relatives on Fir...yes? I don't think it's the same property that was searched 6X...I looked this guy up on Google Earth and he lives, not in McCleary, but not too far and he is surrounded by woods. I get an eerie feeling that he hasn't been inactive since his release from prison. I know you called him in to the police and hopefully to the FBI to be investigated as to whether or not he was visiting in McCleary that Friday. He may have known Lindsey a little bit, enough to have earned some trust. mho
momtective - I think you also traced him to relatives on Fir...yes? I don't think it's the same property that was searched 6X...I looked this guy up on Google Earth and he lives, not in McCleary, but not too far and he is surrounded by woods. I get an eerie feeling that he hasn't been inactive since his release from prison. I know you called him in to the police and hopefully to the FBI to be investigated as to whether or not he was visiting in McCleary that Friday. He may have known Lindsey a little bit, enough to have earned some trust. mho

Yes, it appears that he does have relatives on Fir and yes I did call this in and I hope they have checked him out. I wonder if he drives a white car?:waitasec:
Cheers all, thanks for your sharing and concern, very inspiring and kewl.
Lindsey, hear our spirits
Yes, it appears that he does have relatives on Fir and yes I did call this in and I hope they have checked him out. I wonder if he drives a white car?:waitasec:

I have no idea about his car...I looked him up on 4 different data bases and another two at my work where the info is far more detailed. I can't get this grandpa out of my mind. Pedophiles such as him could have hundreds of victims. :razz:
LOL. I know. It's horrible Scandi. My poor little dogs go outside for like 5 minutes and come back in just panting. I'm such a Pansie. I can't handle this kind of heat and don't like it a bit. I want a really cold beer but I'll probably pass out if I have one :) Sticking to ice water, it's safer!

JenniferO started the frozen ice pack in the bra. Hope she didn't freeze to death :)

Stay cool friends.

Thank you for your concern!
I didn't freeze to death but the grandbrat decided she needed my undivided attention for the afternoon so I had to get off the laptop (she actually turned it off and I was to lazy to boot it back up. lol)
momtective - I think you also traced him to relatives on Fir...yes? I don't think it's the same property that was searched 6X...I looked this guy up on Google Earth and he lives, not in McCleary, but not too far and he is surrounded by woods. I get an eerie feeling that he hasn't been inactive since his release from prison. I know you called him in to the police and hopefully to the FBI to be investigated as to whether or not he was visiting in McCleary that Friday. He may have known Lindsey a little bit, enough to have earned some trust. mho

thank you sooo much for bringing this over....this is what i was talking about....so there is no other known SO's right?
This guy?


Where exactly is the home that has been searched several times? Is it on Fir Street?

yes....can we put jim M house on this map :blowkiss:

and is that the aaron SO's address or a relative house?
Has anyone gotten a confirmation on where Jim M. lives?
yes....can we put jim M house on this map :blowkiss:

and is that the aaron SO's address or a relative house?

Aaron doesn't live in McCleary - he has relatives that live on Fir. Momtective called him into the police a couple weeks ago...hopefully she called the FBI also. The big question is if he was visiting that Friday or not. mho
i was just in downtown olympia bout 20min ago and it was still 90f there, it's around 83/85 here still
I found a possible family member for IT, my CA sex offender.
Seattle WA is the location, so not real close, but I'll keep digging.

At the same link, there are others with his somewhat distinctive last name in Vancouver and Tacoma.

Where do I put this guy, do I put him in the SO thread, even though he's not local and I have no proof that he was in the area (although I'm tryin to find some).
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