WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #12

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I need help understanding this.

According to the timeline:

MC leaves Academy of Hair at 3:01 pm

MC cell phone is traced to the boat launch at 3:40 pm

fYI, Puff, there is a discrepancy on time stamps - timeline says 3:40pm but your map reference states 3:30pm


In the Youtube video, MC exits the parking lot, turn right, but does not turn onto S.Mission but apparently continues heading southwest on Kittitas St. The next block over is S Chelan St. but this heads SE.

Request locals to Wenatchee to clarify something for me - what am I missing?
How to you get from the parking lot to the boad launch? :waitasec:

Was MC going somewhere else first?:waitasec:

Mission st. is a 3 lane street so it appears that she continues heading west on Kittatas but she could have turned onto Mission in a further lane. It is really hard to tell. Also LE stated early on that they have another video of her on Kittatas but will not release it. I'm not so sure that she did turn on to Mission but that is just my opinion.
To get to boat launch from the parking lot you can either turn left on to Kittatas go across
Wenatchee ave and turn on to Columbia and head down that way past Orondo and turn into park or turn right out of parking lot and turn onto Kittatas then right onto Mission and follow Mission and turn onto Orondo etc. There are a number of enterances into riverfront park but not all will take you to the boat launch. I hope this makes sense I just woke up !! I will find a map.
I am a perennial student of human nature, who for the past fifteen years has personally found that the art/science of astrology best helps me personally to gain understanding into what it means to be human from a philosophical and psychological standpoint. With that being said, I want more than anything to understand WHY. I did a query chart asking why and what follows is the information I received. It is purely subjective and intuitive, not meant to be taken literal.
Regarding SELF. Seen many struggles, battles, conflicts. Communicated strongly in terms of I AM. Defended honor and did not know when to give up. Used words as swords, vengeful and revengeful. Domestic violence.
In regards to OTHER. Overcoming hysteria. A fool giving full vent to anger, losing control. Emotional manipulation and bullying. Misuse of energy. Swaying others to personal gain. Being aggressive, demanding and overbearing. Propogandist.
In regards to VIEWPOINT OF THE WORLD. World of affluence and priviledge saturated with plastic toys, TV, and unrestrained passion. Shallow and spoiled without the ability to think of consequences.
In regards to the WILL. In the master there is a servant, in the servant a master. The moment a slave resolves to no longer be a slave, fetters will fall, and self will be free. Child needed guidance, parents too busy. Needed to be taught that freedom and slavery are mental states.
In regards to EMOTION. Fences, borders, barriers to speaking truth. Being non-compliant.
In regards to THOUGHTS. Issues of the day being brought to the table to be discussed and resolved. Asking for more. Guilt around issues of providing. Arguing. Cutlery. Hired hands.
In regards to ENERGY. Daughter of the American revolution. Rocking cradle. Shake up. militant revolt against tradition and monarchy behind it. Containment, walls, boundaries, trapped, claustrophobic, seeing only one way out, painted self into corner.
In regards to SOUL POTENTIAL. Responsibility. Child acting like grown up. Parents unable. Having too much to carry in regards to physical, mental health. Weighed down.
In regards to UNCONSCIOUS. Initiate doing examination and being evaluated by elders. Judged, tested. Desired to bring another down. Refused advice. Arrogant. Invaded others private space. Hid, fearing ridicule.
In regards to LESSONS/KARMA. To transmute what is customary into what has been ordained. Evolution. Ascension. Leap ahead in consciousness. Finding kindred spirits. Indigo child. Losing touch with practical survival.
In regards to END OF MATTERS. our bodies are our gardens to which our will gardeners. Growing towards leaving self open without protection from lower basic elements. Not knowing when to stop. Leaving a mess. Clearing of past. Scales will balance. Justice slow but sure.
First post, I hope it is not in the wrong forum.

Welcome to WS!!! Great Read, thank you!!
There is an Astro forum linked below if you would like to post there : ))

Mission st. is a 3 lane street so it appears that she continues heading west on Kittatas but she could have turned onto Mission in a further lane. It is really hard to tell. Also LE stated early on that they have another video of her on Kittatas but will not release it. I'm not so sure that she did turn on to Mission but that is just my opinion.
To get to boat launch from the parking lot you can either turn left on to Kittatas go across
Wenatchee ave and turn on to Columbia and head down that way past Orondo and turn into park or turn right out of parking lot and turn onto Kittatas then right onto Mission and follow Mission and turn onto Orondo etc. There are a number of enterances into riverfront park but not all will take you to the boat launch. I hope this makes sense I just woke up !! I will find a map.

Thanks, again, lbpom63

BTY: I edited my original post that included the information from AutumnRose concerning the rumored visits to other locations MC may have visited.

I'm thinking she picked someone up elsewhere or simply went straight to the boat launch to "work things out" and it got outta hand.

We were originally told by the media (by LE) that the parking lot was the "last known sighting of MC alive". But I agree that we can now summize that this statement was not true.
I agree, but it will look very bad when the defense attorney starts asking LE why they didn't investigate other avenues/suspects. LE was counting on an open and shut case on this one based on a confession or direct evidence. If they are forced to attempt to present a case based mostly or entirely on circumstantial evidence this kind of action could sway a jury. When you stare at any one person hard enough you will always be able to find some amount of circumstantial evidence.

Well, we know they have at least done a cursory identification of vehicles in the lot; IIRC LE commented on the flood of tips about the video and how some of the cars were beauty school attendants.

But I totally agree. They need to be very careful not to put all of their eggs in one basket in regards to identifying a suspect on circumstantial evidence alone. I wholly believe they are simply waiting on collaborating forensic evidence. I hope!
Sorry if this has already been explored - did MC know anyone who had a boat? *Speculation* - she met someone at the boat launch and went out on their boat, then the act occurred on the river? Or *speculation* she was taken there after TOD in a boat for disposal? The boat launch is pretty visible from the highway and why meet there? There is the nice park just down the street.
Sorry if this has already been explored - did MC know anyone who had a boat? *Speculation* - she met someone at the boat launch and went out on their boat, then the act occurred on the river? Or *speculation* she was taken there after TOD in a boat for disposal? The boat launch is pretty visible from the highway and why meet there? There is the nice park just down the street.

Anything seems possible, but then why take her body all the way to CB? Couldn't reach that area from the Orondo St launch because of the dam. They would have had to return to the launch with her body, hook up the boat to pull out and deal with her body right in the open. If the crime happened on the river I don't know why they wouldn't just motor down to the very deep areas around Rock Island and dispose of her right there. There are some very deep places like "Eddy's Eddy" where a body could disappear forever, or close enough to forever that any forensics would be impossible. Most boaters in Wenatchee know about these areas.
If the crime happened on the river I don't know why they wouldn't just motor down to the very deep areas around Rock Island and dispose of her right there. .

Maybe they did and she floated through the dam, beaching at CB? Logs, fish, etc. go through it. Just trying to figure out why the boat launch.
Maybe they did and she floated through the dam, beaching at CB? Logs, fish, etc. go through it. Just trying to figure out why the boat launch.

The possibility of a body going through the dam is nearly nil. There are nets with buoys stretching across the river, then special grates that have to be cleaned by large equipment and divers. Bodies have been found fetched up against the dams before but I have never heard of one going through. Most of the time when they are found it is by divers clearing debris and they are partially or mostly skeletonized due to being held against the grate underwater. Fish go through specialized fish ladders, and logs aren't allowed through at all. The turbines need to be protected from large objects entering them.

I know, I'm flummoxed by the boat launch as well. The only connection I can think of that we know about for sure is Gold's gym is right there. Pure speculation, but maybe it was just a good central meeting place that seemed safe and familiar to her. Maybe she met someone there to talk about an issue and he convinced her to go out to CB.
Here's a short summary of Rock Island dam's trash rack system in this article:


"Rock Island project was the first dam to span the Columbia river in the US. The project is located near the geographical centre of Washington State, about 19km downstream from the city of Wenatchee. It consists of two units. Powerhouse I was constructed in 1933 and includes 11 generators. Since 1979 Powerhouse II has eight additional horizontal shaft generators with a common nameplate capacity of 410MW. Both powerhouses achieve a total power plant capacity of 62MW. The 1022m wide dam also contains 31 spillway gates and three fishways.

Trash rack cleaning system

At Rock Island, the Columbia River mainly contains two types of floating debris: coarse materials like wood, trees etc that float on the water surface; and fine material (mainly grass) dispersed in the water.

Coarse materials accumulate in masses before the intakes, where they have to be removed. Without a trashrack cleaning system (TRCS) this had to be done by one or more truck-mounted cranes. The disadvantage of this method was that every time debris had to be removed, the crane and a truck onto which the lifted debris was discharged had to be prepared. Another problem was the quite limited operating range of the crane. To clean all intakes it had to be displaced several times.

A more frequent and even worse problem is the grass content of the river. Although the bar-width of the trash racks is quite amply dimensioned, some grass enlaces the rack-bars and reduces the flow rate. Because the grass could not be removed by a crane, divers had to clean the trash racks several times a year. This laborious procedure was extremely expensive because not only did the divers have to be paid but the generators also had to be switched off.

To improve matters the operator of Rock Island hydro project decided to install a specifically customised TRCS to help increase efficiency of the plant and simultaneously reduce labour costs...""
The possibility of a body going through the dam is nearly nil. There are nets with buoys stretching across the river, then special grates that have to be cleaned by large equipment and divers. Bodies have been found fetched up against the dams before but I have never heard of one going through. Most of the time when they are found it is by divers clearing debris and they are partially or mostly skeletonized due to being held against the grate underwater. Fish go through specialized fish ladders, and logs aren't allowed through at all. The turbines need to be protected from large objects entering them.

I know, I'm flummoxed by the boat launch as well. The only connection I can think of that we know about for sure is Gold's gym is right there. Pure speculation, but maybe it was just a good central meeting place that seemed safe and familiar to her. Maybe she met someone there to talk about an issue and he convinced her to go out to CB.

The last time I drove by Rockisland dam the spill-gate was closed. With the nets, ropes, and the spill-gates shut periodically, the chances are very slim that a body could go through the dam without being torn apart.

In addition, if you trust LE, they stated that the body was placed at the CB site.
Remember that LE apparently saw or had a report of a vehicle matching the BF's description (the car) at Shari's. The BF denies being at Shari's, but I'm thinking there aren't that many vehicles in town that match his, with the spoiler. Very reliable source for this information, but since it wasn't firsthand I have to label it rumor. I have no idea what time his car was allegedly spotted there. Thinkin on this.

AutmnRose- I am sorry I mustve missed how and where this car came into play. You are talking about MC' BF? Which one..........it sems there may have been many BF's at this point.....

And could you clarify the time frame the car was at Shari's? Which Shari's? And what is the potential significance of this? I am sorry if this has already been stated....... I am only a couple pages back right now....thank you.
What type of construction specialty does SCH Construction do?

Boy, I must be out to lunch today! I have missed this..... who is SCH construction? What is the connection? Sorry, I must have missed a page or two along the way.
Boy, I must be out to lunch today! I have missed this..... who is SCH construction? What is the connection? Sorry, I must have missed a page or two along the way.

SCH Construction is the company owned by the property owner where the car was left up PC.
Regarding the boat launch, it's an easy location to go to if you want to get away for a quick break. I work close by and often go there for my lunch break. It's beautiful there and peaceful. Typically when I'm there, there are a lot of people walking/running/biking, so it would seem that somebody had to see her there. It is also close to the beauty school, so a convenient location for her to visit. She could have left beauty school, hit the boat launch park and back to beauty school easily in 15 mins, even staying there for 5 mins. It's possible she was just going to meet someone there quick if her initial thoughts were really just to take a 15 minute break.
Mission st. is a 3 lane street so it appears that she continues heading west on Kittatas but she could have turned onto Mission in a further lane. It is really hard to tell. Also LE stated early on that they have another video of her on Kittatas but will not release it. I'm not so sure that she did turn on to Mission but that is just my opinion.

If you watch the end very closely (I zoomed in) you can see she turned into the middle lane.
If you use the fob with a 1997 pontiac, the exterior lights flash upon unlocking.

WELL...the video doesn't show any lights flashing...does it? So, either the tape is not clear, or the car's lights/key are not operating correctly, or the door was unlocked when she approached it.
The boat dock has a public restroom. Even if people don't have a boat, or a picnic, there, maybe they go to the boat dock, just to use those restrooms? That would possibly mean there are people at the boat dock, all the time. Anyone having a problem, or confrontation, would be noticed by someone.
MC had a life insurance policy? Is this fact? That just seems very odd to me- for her to have life insurance, since no one should have been depending on her for income.

Just catching up on some posts, I actually have life insurance policies on both of my children and it has nothing to do with depending on an income from them. This is a policy that would help with costs if anything should happen to them as well they can cash the policy in at 25 and use the money to purchase a home or however they wish.
Just catching up on some posts, I actually have life insurance policies on both of my children and it has nothing to do with depending on an income from them. This is a policy that would help with costs if anything should happen to them as well they can cash the policy in at 25 and use the money to purchase a home or however they wish.

My parents did the same. It paid for my postgraduate education. It's a great investment in your child's future. I also have a policy for my son, so that, regardless of where we are financially, he can go to college.
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