WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #14

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Or maybe the people of Chelan County were calling the Sheriff's Office and asking what in the heck has been going on with the investigation and asking why they weren't hearing any news about it. Also possibly telling him they no longer felt safe in the community. JAT

Whatever the reason for Sheriff Harum speaking out about the case - I was happy to hear 'something' from somebody in an authoritative position. And, happy that he sounded somewhat encouraging.

I'm not sure why he did the golakechelan interview, but I think the WenWorld one was possibly prompted by me. I commented on the other article at one or two PM and left a link to the golakechelan site, saying there was new info. Lo and behold, just a couple of hours later the phone article came out, complete with typos as if it had been written in a hurry. LOL!

Really though, the WenWorld need to stay on top of this. Pretty sad when readers have to prompt them to do a story on a major homicide. Makes me wonder if they really are on the outs with the PD's and Harum was the only one who would talk (reelection, ya know).
I'm not sure why he did the golakechelan interview, but I think the WenWorld one was possibly prompted by me. I commented on the other article at one or two PM and left a link to the golakechelan site, saying there was new info. Lo and behold, just a couple of hours later the phone article came out, complete with typos as if it had been written in a hurry. LOL!

Really though, the WenWorld need to stay on top of this. Pretty sad when readers have to prompt them to do a story on a major homicide. Makes me wonder if they really are on the outs with the PD's and Harum was the only one who would talk (reelection, ya know).

I noticed your post today too at 2:10 and the article was written shortly after 4. Way to give them a scoop! I was proud of ya.
Just saw the MC coverage on KIRO TV news in Seattle. They say it was a 12-hour data set from MC's phone that is missing. I wonder if they received more detail and this is a fact, or if they are just poorly paraphrasing the less detailed report on GoLakeChelan?
Haha, saw you comment on WenWorld, Dogdad. Made me LOL.

I have a question, based on his comments.

"Harum said he does not know when the records were purged, and he noted that some companies purge data on a regular basis. He said he also doesn’t know which 12-hour period is missing or whether it was before or after she went missing.

Scott Charlston, a spokesman for Verizon, said he was not familiar with the case but would research the situation before making a comment.

Harum said Verizon was the carrier for Cowell’s phone. Certaiin cell phone records of people who were associated with Cowell are also missing, he said. He did not know what periods were missing.

He said he found the missing data situation puzzling because Verizon was able to provide data for Cowell’s phone before and after the purged 12-hour period."

Wouldn't the missing data obviously be before the phone was turned off and/or destroyed? If they have the text/call/ping records on the day she disappeared, it seems rather obvious to me that the data was from before this time. Unless the criminal was too stupid to disable the phone, in which case it would be a real tragedy if info from that time period was gone.

And, is this data retrievable through forensics? Or should it be assumed gone forever?

Tough question GF... I am 98.9% that LE has gave incorect data from the beginning (see boat launch). That being said I am also suspicious about the Verizon data. Maybe its true, maybe LE is playing a game? As a former Verizon Wireless guy I cant help but be a little defensive. I know the network and I know the pride that those techs have. Without inside knowledge its hard to say what happened.
I cant answer the forensics issue...
Tough question GF... I am 98.9% that LE has gave incorect data from the beginning (see boat launch). That being said I am also suspicious about the Verizon data. Maybe its true, maybe LE is playing a game? As a former Verizon Wireless guy I cant help but be a little defensive. I know the network and I know the pride that those techs have. Without inside knowledge its hard to say what happened.
I cant answer the forensics issue...

Have you thought of going down, showing your credentials, and volunteering to help them using your expertise? What if you could really make a difference in this case? I know I feel better having you on here, and you don't even have all the info they have. You could get the inside scoop, but have to keep it to yourself probably.
Have you thought of going down, showing your credentials, and volunteering to help them using your expertise? What if you could really make a difference in this case? I know I feel better having you on here, and you don't even have all the info they have. You could get the inside scoop, but have to keep it to yourself probably.

Go back a page or two and you will see a subtle offer. If Le is monitoring they will not only recognize it, they should be able to identify me quickly if they mention it to Wagg. They may already have an RF tech. If they dont I can help and will (free)
"Harum said he does not know when the records were purged, and he noted that some companies purge data on a regular basis. He said he also doesn’t know which 12-hour period is missing or whether it was before or after she went missing."

Really? and he admits this publicly? Sorry but I file this under the clueless department.

So you get a bunch of data and someone says hey were missing from here to here? But the sherriff doesnt know whats missing... inept or lying?
I noticed your post today too at 2:10 and the article was written shortly after 4. Way to give them a scoop! I was proud of ya.

Me, too!
I'm not sure why he did the golakechelan interview, but I think the WenWorld one was possibly prompted by me. I commented on the other article at one or two PM and left a link to the golakechelan site, saying there was new info. Lo and behold, just a couple of hours later the phone article came out, complete with typos as if it had been written in a hurry. LOL!

Really though, the WenWorld need to stay on top of this. Pretty sad when readers have to prompt them to do a story on a major homicide. Makes me wonder if they really are on the outs with the PD's and Harum was the only one who would talk (reelection, ya know).


Indeed, and the golakechelan interview wasn't even today's news; it was yesterday's.
Go back a page or two and you will see a subtle offer. If Le is monitoring they will not only recognize it, they should be able to identify me quickly if they mention it to Wagg. They may already have an RF tech. If they dont I can help and will (free)

Dayum! That offer sounds almost too good to be true, Dogdad! (You aren't pulling our leg doing your version of an April Fool's Joke are ya!?) ;)
Dogdad I got a kick out of that post also. Funny nobody is arguing the post.
Dayum! That offer sounds almost too good to be true, Dogdad! (You aren't pulling our leg doing your version of an April Fool's Joke are ya!?) ;)

not at all. I would help in a heartbeat but I am not LE or no longer affiliated with VzW
Dogdad I got a kick out of that post also. Funny nobody is arguing the post.

I know huh? unusual for WW. I couldn't get the Saturday Night Live Bob Dole skit out of my head... Bob Dole says, Bob Dole says... lol
Dayum! That offer sounds almost too good to be true, Dogdad! (You aren't pulling our leg doing your version of an April Fool's Joke are ya!?) ;)

not at all. I would help in a heartbeat but I am not LE or no longer affiliated with VzW

Well I'm proud of you too then, Dogdad!
Go back a page or two and you will see a subtle offer. If Le is monitoring they will not only recognize it, they should be able to identify me quickly if they mention it to Wagg. They may already have an RF tech. If they dont I can help and will (free)

So...with your expertise in this arena, have you conjectured that the last 'ping' was in reality a futile or partial attempt to dial 911 or someone else close to her to summons help? I thought a lot along these lines tonite after going back to page 1 of this thread to read the written transcript of the GoChelan interview w/Harum. Maybe they did gain knowledge at some point that she had been 'hurt'. Freudian slip, or simple mistake? If they (LE) have inside knowledge of a distress call later traced to the boat launch (if indeed her cellphone was gps enabled) then they can indeed say with certainty that she was there at the boat launch when the last 'ping' came through. It's certainly possible that when things turned violent that she was still in possession of her phone and was able to get off one last call, yes? I can understand why they would refuse to disclose that info, certainly for use later on. It was just odd, the way Harum changed words in mid-sentence with what sounded like the 'hurt'.
Oh, my, I see you are so right. Thanks for the correction. That was news we deserved to have from the WW much sooner than we received it from them, IMO.

Perhaps WW needs permission, from LE, to report this case's news, now, since LE hasn't been thrilled with WW's past news reports? (death certificate) That's just a guess...not a fact...just wondering out loud.
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