WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #3

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Here's what sucks about the east coast time zone. I ask myself questions on here all day and then I comment on my questions and I am trying to figure out how to say "thanks" to my own statements, while you guys all catch up on your sleep from uncovering all the good information all night!!
I know this has been brought up before, but I'm going to vent. I'm pretty turned off that the reward fund isn't larger. I know I don't know exactly how I would act in the same situation. But I DO know I would sell everything I own, cash out retirement funds, empty savings, and take cash advances on my credit cards if I thought a larger reward would help solve my daughter's murder. Even if I was being told not to bother by LE, I still would. I know a lot of you agree with me. Someone posted earlier that just because they live in nice houses doesn't mean they have money. Well, I think thats incorrect. I think almost ANYONE could find the money in a situation like this. There, I'm done.
That is the first thing in my mind that implicates the family. (or a close friend) Easy for us to say, not having been through this. Also, the way they have kept out of the limelight. The 17 yr old that went missing in CA last week? Her family, as HORRID as it must have been went on ANY available media outlet. They talked about how great their daughter was. How beautiful and smart she was, and that they need help locating her. They had the largest turn out EVER for a search party in the pouring rain. They were on local media, the Today show, etc. It was the forefront of the Nancy Grace show last night. They found her body yesterday, and they are still talking about. They even had someone is custody on Sunday and they are still on the Today show today. THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE NOT stepped foot on TV or put in enticement money screams GUILT. I cannot imagine how hard it would be, but come on. GET YOUR STORY OUT THERE.

PEARS, you are totally right.
I know this has been brought up before, but I'm going to vent. I'm pretty turned off that the reward fund isn't larger...QUOTE]

Quote respectfully snipped (well, I tried to snip it, but failed - don't know how, sorry!). I think this may also have been said before (hard to keep track), but what if the family knows that LE has a suspect, and LE has asked the family to keep that quiet until an arrest? If the family knows that a suspect has been found, they have no reason to continue raising/adding to the reward money.
I know this has been brought up before, but I'm going to vent. I'm pretty turned off that the reward fund isn't larger...QUOTE]

Quote respectfully snipped (well, I tried to snip it, but failed - don't know how, sorry!). I think this may also have been said before (hard to keep track), but what if the family knows that LE has a suspect, and LE has asked the family to keep that quiet until an arrest? If the family knows that a suspect has been found, they have no reason to continue raising/adding to the reward money.

And that is exactly what is going on. The problem with that is it is so obvious. That is why we are all on here blaming who we are blaming. Being quiet is their biggest mistake. So is going on facebook saying these economic times are tough on everyone and asking for help housing guests. I do not agree. It is my opinion, but the memorial was taken care of by the Wild owners. The 5000 raised was from the Wild game. The extra 800-1000 has been collected around town. The funeral expenses were covered. And wait until we hear who was responsible for this tragedy.
Regarding the poet,J.O, whom Girlfawkes is incorrectly linking to MC: I comfirmed with my son this morning after reading through the distrurbing thread last night. Our poor Poet coincidentally has a girlfriend with the same exact initials[ MC. She has the same first name, and she lives in East Wenatchee. He is NOT the boyfriend of M.C. the victim! He has been questioned by police, thanks to that incorrect assumption and call by Girlfawkes. I can guarantee you that he is happy to cooperate with LE. Attacking someone and defaming their character on websites is not cool. He is being totally hounded because of this. Try and stick to the facts in solving this crime, and not create wild speculations.
Regarding the poet,J.O, whom Girlfawkes is incorrectly linking to MC: I comfirmed with my son this morning after reading through the distrurbing thread last night. Our poor Poet coincidentally has a girlfriend with the same exact initials[ MC. She has the same first name, and she lives in East Wenatchee. He is NOT the boyfriend of M.C. the victim! He has been questioned by police, thanks to that incorrect assumption and call by Girlfawkes. I can guarantee you that he is happy to cooperate with LE. Attacking someone and defaming their character on websites is not cool. He is being totally hounded because of this. Try and stick to the facts in solving this crime, and not create wild speculations.

Thanks for clearing this up. Again, I think anyone that is aware of the case knew that this was all a coincidence. Maybe it will get him a head start in his future as a poet with all the attention it is getting...
Wow, had nightmares about this case all night! I guess that's what I get for reading all of this before bed. I just wanted to respond to some of the complaints about the website that published the story about the Spillman murders. This is not unusual at all. Books, websites, true crime TV shows, documentaries, etc. all publicize grisly details such as these. Unfortunately, this kind of sensationalism draws a lot of attention, and it sells. Gruesome details draw people to a story. It may not be the "right" thing to do, and maybe it should be outlawed, but it is not unusual or isolated to that one particular website. I realize that particular story was especially horrific, but not incredibly different than some of the details that have been posted here about this crime. Unfortunately, when you delve into crimes, you are going to find some very sickening things.
Also, as far as the poet's writings go, I agree that some of them are very distasteful and even disgusting. But the website they are posted on is for writers. I don't believe it is or should be limited to "nice" or "tasteful" writing. It is for expression of all kinds. Sometimes expression is ugly. And sometimes that is a good thing - it can be cathartic and even therapeutic. If this poet is innocent (and we should assume so until he's proven guilty), then thank goodness he has an outlet for such strong feelings! Maybe this is his way of venting so that he doesn't act out in some harmful way.
I am trying to provide another point of view, but that doesn't mean that I can't see both sides of the issue. I am often conflicted about the concept of free speech. I don't think our freedom of expression should be limited by the government, but I also see how it can be so harmful that maybe limiting expression would be the lesser of two evils. I've even found myself wondering (as much as I've appreciated all of the information posted here) if some of the details on this thread shouldn't have been kept private or quiet for two reasons: One is that some details that people here seem to have are so close to the crime that releasing them to the public could possibly compromise the investigation. The other is that until anyone in the family or close to the family is proven guilty in a court of law, they are also victims of this crime. And speculating about these people possibly having committed the crime is further victimizing them. Sorry so long - just kindof spewing my thoughts.
Allow me to veer off-topic completely for a minute, but could we stop referring to this guy's efforts as "poetry"? Keats and Yeats are spinning in their graves. This poor fellow's attempts at rhyming are straight out of the "whack-a-mole" school. He's not even ranking with the eternal "bad poets" like Scotland's William Topaz McGonagall. In fact, these lines are, in a sense aside from the topic of this thread, truly criminal. Yeesh! Fingernails on a chalkboard! And this is not even taking into consideration his morbid subject-matter, just the true craftlessness of his style.
In defense of Girlfawkes, she is only doing what everyone else is trying to do. And that is uncover the murderer. The coincidence of the boyfriend with the initial "J", the odd poetry seeming to relate to the crime, the "friend" on facebook, the editing of the poetry during the investigation and a couple other moot points would make anyone wonder. I guess that is what happens in a murder investigation in a small town. Sometimes what seems so obvious, really isn't. Again, thanks for clearing this up. It should take the focus off of him and back where it belongs. ;)
Any chance you heard the original 911 call that was placed when her body was discovered? Seems you are in the loop more than us laypeople! I'm sure you know the call logs from those days are missing and I think we are all dying to know. Thanks to you and your knowledge as well and welcome to websleuths!

No I am sorry I did not hear that call, we were away from home that day.
Thank you for the Welcome.
I'm stuck on the info regarding JF!!

I drove by his last known address this morning on my way to work in East Wenatchee but it sits vacant. (Not sure if this was already known, but it is new to me.) Blinds drawn, but open, front porch light on and all. I will say, for someone in construction, and having dealt with high-end, gorgeous homes, like WC’s, you would think he would live in something remotely decent. It IS a home, I’ll give credit for that, but the condition is POOR! The front steps alone would scare the hell outta me, they look like they are falling apart! I took a picture, should I post?

I know it doesn’t mean much, but I feel strongly that money was involved with this whole triangle!

DEL RIO...Thank You for all the great info & pictures!!! :dance:
So THIS is where everyone went! lol...I spent a great deal of yesterday afternoon reading over these threads. Wow...great info! Interesting for sure. Put me way behind on my work though! I still have more reading to do to catch up, but from everything I've read so far, I'm on the same page with your POI and am just waiting to hear of an arrest. Nice detective work by the way!

Also, reagarding the DNA...waiting for DNA in Washington State...a month is relatively short, sad to say. If they are matching DNA, they have an initial process, if it's determined to be close, they do it again, then have a review panel to discuss methods and procedures and they all have to agree. DNA is not taken lightly and they do all of these steps for good reasons. Wouldn't want it thrown out in court.

Won't be long now POI!!
In defense of Girlfawkes, she is only doing what everyone else is trying to do. And that is uncover the murderer. The coincidence of the boyfriend with the initial "J", the odd poetry seeming to relate to the crime, the "friend" on facebook, the editing of the poetry during the investigation and a couple other moot points would make anyone wonder. I guess that is what happens in a murder investigation in a small town. Sometimes what seems so obvious, really isn't. Again, thanks for clearing this up. It should take the focus off of him and back where it belongs. ;)

Well-said, and a tip o' the Kangol to girlfawkes for the discovery of this link. (In addition to having one of the best user names on WS!)
Wow, big number of members and guest right now. Welcome everyone.
I'm stuck on the info regarding JF!!

I drove by his last known address this morning on my way to work in East Wenatchee but it sits vacant. (Not sure if this was already known, but it is new to me.) Blinds drawn, but open, front porch light on and all. I will say, for someone in construction, and having dealt with high-end, gorgeous homes, like WC’s, you would think he would live in something remotely decent. It IS a home, I’ll give credit for that, but the condition is POOR! The front steps alone would scare the hell outta me, they look like they are falling apart! I took a picture, should I post?

I know it doesn’t mean much, but I feel strongly that money was involved with this whole triangle!

DEL RIO...Thank You for all the great info & pictures!!! :dance:

Heck yeah, post the pics.
The situation could be:

  • ... knew the perp but they had no 'relationship'.
  • ... knew the perp and they had a 'relationship'.
  • ... did not know the perp but he'd been stalking her.
  • ... did not know the perp and she was a random target.
  • When and where did MC change from heels to boots?
  • Was MC aware of the houses involved in the investigation?
  • Did MC ever hang at the Sunnyslope house while it was being constructed / afterward?
  • Had MC been to / frequented any of the houses?
  • Did MC frequent river locations, i.e.: boat dock, private beaches?
  • Was the perp familiar with the Crescent Bar property?
  • Had MC and / or the perp ever attended a party at that property?
  • Was MC offered scholarships over another / other students?
  • Did MC have clients (people who either volunteer or pay to have their hair done by trainees) at the Hair Design school?
  • Did MC have workout partners or spotters at Gold's Gym?
  • Does the perp use steroids?
  • Did MC's brother's friends or acquaintances ever hang with / date MC?
  • Does MC's brother have gym friends that use steroids?
  • Were WC / RC ever involved in questionable activity?
  • Did LE advise the C family to be cautious; targeted?
  • MC's walk to her car video: unless it is her 'typical' walking style she appeared either as mildly late or in a mildly-forced hurry.
  • Her quick side-glances indicated either cautiousness or mild distractedness for which she had no time.
  • If MC changed any clothing item she did not do it while in the parking lot. Minimal time for foot-wear change.
  • A grey mini-van along the row closest to the stores was either occupied or reflected near-by activity - MC seemed not to notice.
  • A brutality or extreme violence is indicated by LE's comment: "monster".
  • The bag on / over MC's head was to contain blood or indicated familiarity, intimacy, passion and / or concern.
  • WC assumes fear, evidenced by multiple 911 calls.
  • Perp is familair with at least specific locations in and near Wenatchee.
  • Could be a Stillman copy-cat crime.
  • It wasn't suicide.
Anybody know what WC was doing on February 9?

According to my research, WC's work office is located at 135 N Mission St in Wenatchee. Said location is less than 1 minute from the boat launch.

Also, if MC turned right onto northbound Mission Street after leaving the Hair Academy, then that would be consistent with her driving to WC's work office.

Just a thought.

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