WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #8

DNA Solves
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If half the rumors are true- I'd bet he is one controlling, manipulative person.

I'd bet he has very little remorse for actions he has taken that have negatively affected others. I'm sorry, but how else would one stay in buisness and keep having all the moeny issues, tax liens and such.

I'd bet he's a pretty self assured (not a bad thing- dont get me wrong), almost bordering on arrogant person. Likely how he atttacts women, as many are drawn to this seemingly strong type.

What's this guy's alibi? I haven't heard anything. He hasn't been around.

In fact- with all the conjecture and rumors floating, and even with a couple of WSers stating they heard he wasn't capable of this, I have yet to hear ONE good thing about him.

Finally, I'll say this- I don't care how much he may have conflicted with MC fior whatever reason, if he had no role in this, one would think he would be around to support WC who has made place in her life for him, cared for him and provided for him. His support has yet to be witnessed in any way showing support and compassion, while every other person connected to WC and MC has.

if JF has done it before then i dought if he has any remorse. he just covers his tracks well
I have been thinking about the car and whether it was washed or not - particularly the gas tank. If MC had stopped to get gas the person with her may have pumped it. Then after the murder he would clean that area to remove his fingerprints. Any thoughts?

that could be why they couldn't find the gas card. maybe the person kept it when done pumping gas.
Respectfully- we are talking about more than one social more and issue with this guy- There is multiple suggestion by behavior of his lack of social conscience.

Just one, or even a couple of thes instances is possibly excusable- but all of these?

Divorce- Yes- proven
Attempted tax cheat- Yes- prove
Business practice issues- Yes- sued dozens of times

OK, counterpoint... divorce. Tax cheating. Business practice issues leading to lawsuit and incarceration. Who am I talking about?

Martha Stewart.

I can't see her killing anyone.

Then there are the rumors...anger management and domestic violence...

We've heard a lot of rumors. Sometimes it turns out what we thought were rumors were really just someone speculating, and it became a rumor because we repeated it. (Remember the car wash? Accepted as gospel until the photos came out.)

That's an observation. I'm not blaming anyone, because everyone here is desperate for information. Me included! I've repeated "facts" that turned out to have been wrong.

If he has anger management and especially domestic violence issues - I'm guessing these would be on record, convictions if not charges - that is a much more compelling case.

Of course, there are plenty of murderers who have shown no issues with the law before they killed. *shrug*

If I had heard something good about him to balance out everything else, I'd likely cut him some slack. I have not. Not ONE thing.

To be fair, he's been the main suspect on WS for a long time. I don't know the man, never met him, so it's not fair for me to say anything good about him.

I'm not stating this to be offensive- I'm just stating my opinion.

Hey, none taken! We're on the same side.
I stand corrected. I'm not sure how to include the pic in my post but it was a pic del shared with us and Ive wondered what the spray paint marks meant..

knowing when police are rumored to have visited the local hardware stores would shed some light on a few questions we're tossing around about whether she was left there to be found or not... I'm just thinking out loud..
I stand corrected. I'm not sure how to include the pic in my post but it was a pic del shared with us and Ive wondered what the spray paint marks meant..

knowing when police are rumored to have visited the local hardware stores would shed some light on a few questions we're tossing around about whether she was left there to be found or not... I'm just thinking out loud..

The source I have (a friend in town) who works at one of the businesses LE went to, told me about it around 2 weeks ago IIRC. I could probably look at my PM's and find out within a day or two of accuracy if you want, since I discussed it with others in PM on the day or day after my friend told me about LE's visit. Anyway, the small local business that is NOT a hardware store was visited after the autopsy.
I keep thinking about the passenger in MC's car, at the car wash, around 3:30-5 pm.(rumor!!)
Then, I think about the neighbor seeing MC's car drive through the neighborhood without seeing/identifying the driver, around 3:45-5 pm.(rumor!)

If LE really have a video of MC and Passenger, at the car wash, either.. 1.They don't care and think it is quite insignificant, or 2. They know him and suspect him...or 3.They don't know him...and are trying to figure out who he is.( Doubt that though...cuz they could have asked the public to identify him).

SO, who is the passenger?? Could he be someone mentioned, here?

I'm not sure if someone already asked, but where did the one in red come from? I don't remember reading it.
OK, I'm an idiot who wouldn't recognize the passing days if someone threatened me with a violent tickling ;)

I guess I'm saying time flies and I don't notice worth a darn.

Anyway, the first PM I sent out on the matter was the 19th, so three weeks, not two :)

Just a few days after the autopsy. They must have determined something relevant. Shivers...

A reminder for those who are new: they were looking (in my friend's business) for kitchen-type butcher shears, and a weapon-type knife set that may have been recently sold. They had pictures, but my friend said they looked like stock photos off a website or something, not actual evidence photos. The business my friend works at is NOT a home improvement store.

AFAIK no one has detailed exactly what they were looking for in the hardware/home improvement store, except to say tools.
The source I have (a friend in town) who works at one of the businesses LE went to, told me about it around 2 weeks ago IIRC. I could probably look at my PM's and find out within a day or two of accuracy if you want, since I discussed it with others in PM on the day or day after my friend told me about LE's visit. Anyway, the small local business that is NOT a hardware store was visited after the autopsy.

you answered my question... thank you..
you answered my question... thank you..

Also wanted to add for the newbs who may not have read it yet, that NO, the business in question had not sold that particular knife set for a few years, and they were totally flabbergasted about the kitchen shears since that kind of item would not be sold there. LE also did not hint at any particular reason for the questioning, so AFAIK it could be for a stabbing done 25 years ago, but somehow I don't think so. That kind of crime is super rare here, and aside from the Huffman's I can't think of any fatal stabbing in the area that would prompt them to search, and that case slammed shut years ago. I assume fatal because why do you need to search out a weapon sale if you have a living victim able to testify?
Also wanted to add for the newbs who may not have read it yet, that NO, the business in question had not sold that particular knife set for a few years, and they were totally flabbergasted about the kitchen shears since that kind of item would not be sold there. LE also did not hint at any particular reason for the questioning, so AFAIK it could be for a stabbing done 25 years ago, but somehow I don't think so. That kind of crime is super rare here, and aside from the Huffman's I can't think of any fatal stabbing in the area that would prompt them to search, and that case slammed shut years ago. I assume fatal because why do you need to search out a weapon sale if you have a living victim able to testify?

I expect LE / Prosecution still wants to know where / when a weapon was purchased, and by whom regardless of the availability of a living victim.
For those of you who are familiar with MC's kind of car, 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix, perhaps you can answer a question. I tried searching all the MC threads here at WS but couldn't find the answer.

If the car is unlocked automatically with the fob, does it unlock all the doors at the same time or just the driver's door? I ask because some cars have a safety feature that only the driver's door will unlock unless the fob button is pushed twice to unlock all doors.

Or, if the car has power locks and the driver's door is unlocked with the key, does just the driver's door unlock or all doors automatically unlock? We have a car with power locks that when the driver's door is unlocked with the key, all the doors automatically unlock too.

From the video it is hard for me to tell if MC unlocked her car automatically with the fob or manually with the key.

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Originally Posted by hoppyfrog

We've actually been quite permissive in this thread in allowing posters to post about rumors they have heard.

Back in the day, we were quite strict about not posting rumors.

It's ok to go ahead and post rumors, but two things:

1. You must clearly label them as rumors.

2. They must not be so wildly outlandish that they are unbelieveable.

If you post something you got from another site or in the media, please provide the link, as always.



Being Rude to our new posters or any poster for that matter, is against our TOS, if they ask a question you think has already been discussed just pass on by it, do not tell them to get up to speed before posting, that is rude and against our TOS. If anyone has a problem with a post please alert us to it in the top right corner. You will see a triangle with an exclamation mark. Thanks and lets keep focused on Mackenzie.

ETA: Do not drag any innocent persons--such as JF's relatives--into this discussion; that is part of being "a decent human being."

For those of you who are familiar with MC's kind of car, 1997 Pontiac Grand Prix, perhaps you can answer a question. I tried searching all the MC threads here at WS but couldn't find the answer.

If the car is unlocked automatically with the fob, does it unlock all the doors at the same time or just the driver's door? I ask because some cars have a safety feature that only the driver's door will unlock unless the fob button is pushed twice to unlock all doors.

Or, if the car has power locks and the driver's door is unlocked with the key, does just the driver's door unlock or all doors automatically unlock? We have a car with power locks that when the driver's door is unlocked with the key, all the doors automatically unlock too.

From the video it is hard for me to tell if MC unlocked her car automatically with the fob or manually with the key.


Although I have a totally different make/model/year of car, I can set my fob to do whatever I want, and with either 1 or 2 clicks.. open ALL doors, just the drivers door, turn on lights upon entry, open all doors when I shut off the engine and remove the key from ignition, or as soon as the engine shuts down... I can set it up to my personal preferences... so maybe although some people have the same car, they set up the fob differently. Thus, I'm not sure we can truly know how MC had hers set up.... and if it was different from the factory settings...?

Just thought I'd offer my :twocents: :)
First time poster.... all 8 page lurker.

First off - doesn't matter if flyer says 15 minute break. Academy is just covering their butt for letting her leave. They are a joke and I hope RC and WC go after them cause MC might still be here if she were more supervised by them.

My daughter is 17, goes to WHS half days and the Academy the other half of the day. She is supposed to be at the Academy from 1-5 Mon-Fri. Do they enforce it? Hell no. I've caught her many times not there during those hours. If it were WHS I would get a phone call if she were tardy, skipped, or left early.

I called the Academy and had them pull my daughter's attendance records and there are very few days that her 4 hours are accounted for. When I asked why was I not notified all I got was a "we don't call parents". I waslike.... even if she is a 17 year old MINOR in your care???? DUH.....

I'm about to pull her from the Academy because of their attitude towards the students and their lack of taking responsibility.

My daughter was good friends with MC and hung out with her outside of school and the Academy. She has been interviewed a couple of times by detectives without my presence. We have had long talks and I've called the tip line on things she told me.

I'm sure that the only thing we are waiting on is DNA results to slam dunk the case. Interesting some of these far fetched scenarios that some of you think up. Makes for some funny reading in light of this terrible tragedy.
First time poster.... all 8 page lurker.

First off - doesn't matter if flyer says 15 minute break. Academy is just covering their butt for letting her leave. They are a joke and I hope RC and WC go after them cause MC might still be here if she were more supervised by them.

My daughter is 17, goes to WHS half days and the Academy the other half of the day. She is supposed to be at the Academy from 1-5 Mon-Fri. Do they enforce it? Hell no. I've caught her many times not there during those hours. If it were WHS I would get a phone call if she were tardy, skipped, or left early.

I called the Academy and had them pull my daughter's attendance records and there are very few days that her 4 hours are accounted for. When I asked why was I not notified all I got was a "we don't call parents". I waslike.... even if she is a 17 year old MINOR in your care???? DUH.....

I'm about to pull her from the Academy because of their attitude towards the students and their lack of taking responsibility.

This lack of accountability on the part of the Academy is a serious problem. They are required, by state law, to report absences to the school district and in turn, those absences are to be reported to you. It is state law that a parent is to be informed any time there are two or more unexcused absences. This has been law for over ten years. I hope this situation gets resolved.

My daughter was good friends with MC and hung out with her outside of school and the Academy. She has been interviewed a couple of times by detectives without my presence. We have had long talks and I've called the tip line on things she told me.

I'm sure that the only thing we are waiting on is DNA results to slam dunk the case. Interesting some of these far fetched scenarios that some of you think up. Makes for some funny reading in light of this terrible tragedy.

Yeah, I'm sure I have gotten carried away. I think a lot of us get here in cyberspace and we speculate a lot more than we would normally.

Good to hear your insight.

I really hope you are correct about where this case is heading and resolution being near.
First time poster.... all 8 page lurker.

First off - doesn't matter if flyer says 15 minute break. Academy is just covering their butt for letting her leave. They are a joke and I hope RC and WC go after them cause MC might still be here if she were more supervised by them.

My daughter is 17, goes to WHS half days and the Academy the other half of the day. She is supposed to be at the Academy from 1-5 Mon-Fri. Do they enforce it? Hell no. I've caught her many times not there during those hours. If it were WHS I would get a phone call if she were tardy, skipped, or left early.

I called the Academy and had them pull my daughter's attendance records and there are very few days that her 4 hours are accounted for. When I asked why was I not notified all I got was a "we don't call parents". I waslike.... even if she is a 17 year old MINOR in your care???? DUH.....

I'm about to pull her from the Academy because of their attitude towards the students and their lack of taking responsibility.

My daughter was good friends with MC and hung out with her outside of school and the Academy. She has been interviewed a couple of times by detectives without my presence. We have had long talks and I've called the tip line on things she told me.

I'm sure that the only thing we are waiting on is DNA results to slam dunk the case. Interesting some of these far fetched scenarios that some of you think up. Makes for some funny reading in light of this terrible tragedy.

Thanks for all your insight! And welcome! Care to share with us what you think happened? I would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks
First time poster.... all 8 page lurker.

First off - doesn't matter if flyer says 15 minute break. Academy is just covering their butt for letting her leave. They are a joke and I hope RC and WC go after them cause MC might still be here if she were more supervised by them.

My daughter is 17, goes to WHS half days and the Academy the other half of the day. She is supposed to be at the Academy from 1-5 Mon-Fri. Do they enforce it? Hell no. I've caught her many times not there during those hours. If it were WHS I would get a phone call if she were tardy, skipped, or left early.

I called the Academy and had them pull my daughter's attendance records and there are very few days that her 4 hours are accounted for. When I asked why was I not notified all I got was a "we don't call parents". I waslike.... even if she is a 17 year old MINOR in your care???? DUH.....

I'm about to pull her from the Academy because of their attitude towards the students and their lack of taking responsibility.

My daughter was good friends with MC and hung out with her outside of school and the Academy. She has been interviewed a couple of times by detectives without my presence. We have had long talks and I've called the tip line on things she told me.

I'm sure that the only thing we are waiting on is DNA results to slam dunk the case. Interesting some of these far fetched scenarios that some of you think up. Makes for some funny reading in light of this terrible tragedy.


Thank you for posting. We have all been wondering about the rules at the Academy as far as breaks etc. That is actually very disturbing. As a parent you would hope they would contact you (just as a regular school would do) if your child was not there during their scheduled time. I would be very upset if I were MC's parents...
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