WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #8

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I was surprised how much digging I needed to do. This is the only page of information I found on this business. I also believe that there was a runaway call, last year, from this same address. Does that mean that someone around Mackenzie’s age lives at that house?

I know RH has a couple of sons, one a couple years older than MC the other six or seven years older. Both pretty good kids. Oldest is at WSU. Not sure on the other. I dont know if they have any more kids than this. Don't know if the folks living further up have children.
He paid WC's property taxes, though.

they weret married yet... im sure he was nice to all his X's before he married them.. does anyone know if JF is faithfully paying child support? I dont want to know numbers, just if hes paying what hes suppose to.
I know RH has a couple of sons, one a couple years older than MC the other six or seven years older. Both pretty good kids. Oldest is at WSU. Not sure on the other. I dont know if they have any more kids than this. Don't know if the folks living further up have children.

I figured it was just a coincidence.
From what I've dug. JV (MC's current? boyfriend) graduated in 2007, therefor, he'd be of age.
Some conclusions and pure speculation:

Respectfully snipped. WOW! I can see every bit of this. I think it's JF, also. How many times has he been divorced? Is he a controller? Does he rage when women assert themselves and don't kowtow to his whims?

About WC... one more time and I'll drop it (I lie. ;) ). She has two sons in college, a daughter in beauty school with medical needs that her insurance company may consider cosmetic, thus, possibly must be paid in cash. Dance team uniforms are expensive. Most extracurricular activities are. Whether or not her husband pays tuition at college or still pays support, who knows what her expenses are. About her, we only know what we've gleaned from, what? a few seconds of video footage? As I said before--and maybe I empathize a little with her--when you have 3 kids, all of whom are at the age that needs are expensive, and you're supporting yourself in a profession that has tanked in recent years, you might have to work a few extra hours.

AND then, maybe Mackenzie was like me at that age. I was my father's shadow. Maybe she was a Daddy's girl who just enjoyed spending time with her father, not because her mother was crappy, but just because girls that age seem to worship their fathers. Whatever their arrangements, those arrangements worked for their divided family, so who are we to judge.

The only negative thing I have to say about WC is that her choice in men is obviously faulty. In her business, she certainly could have run a credit check on him... and good god what she would have found. I'd have run away like a scalded cat.

OK... I'm off on a 2AM tangent again... sorry.
Hooooold the phone, there is a big difference between bankruptcy, failed businesses, and divorce - and murder.

I have many friends and family members who have been divorced. In today's economy, I know many associated with failed businesses. And even a bankruptcy. None of these people would ever murder anyone.

I know what you are saying, but this person not only had all of these things occuring, there was likely some incident involving MC that pushed then button that pushed him over the edge.

I think one could research a good majority of murders and find that the criminal had the one thing that pushed them over the edge.

And, this is just my feel, it seems this guy has pushed the envelope constantly to the edge- in bad ways. How many failed business dealings? How many tax leins? How many divorces? All multiple... This is not the typical bankruptcy due to circumstance beyond control. This guy seems to slip away from a lot of responsibility. He has serious issues that may have gotten worse.
If there was no blood at the CB scene, then the body was brought there after the wound were inflicted?

I believe you would be correct. But there has been one RUMOR in a previous thread about the possibility the river was used to clean up. As it was described, I think they were meaning the suspects could have washed their hands.

Getting the body washed would have been much more difficult, (depending on what the water level was at the time of drop off). I think del rio has said it's been quite low for quite some time. If so, washing the body at the location, (in the river), would require getting yourself in the river as well to get the body back out and onto the bank. Washing the body in the pond is also a possibility and could have been part of the plan, but still I believe would be rather difficult.

Graphic Warning. (And as always assumptions only)

Looking back at your question and considering the possibility that the body was not brought there in a "fresh" state -- death happening 24 hours or more before - (personally, I think body arrived here same day MC went missing). If the body was "old" some wounds may not have caused much further loss of blood, depending on: (1) location of wound, (2) what condition body was previously stored in, (i.e. freezer) (3) what position the body was stored in for those 24 or more hours. (i.e. if body stored on it's back, blood, pulled by gravity, pools against the back). Wounds I think could happen at Crescent Bar scene, (although I don't believe any were), with little blood loss would be puncture wounds to abdomen. This type of wound would be consistent with my theory that they wanted to sink the body out in the Columbia River, (the wound being an attempt to make sure the body wouldn't bloat and float back up).
they weret married yet... im sure he was nice to all his X's before he married them.. does anyone know if JF is faithfully paying child support? I dont want to know numbers, just if hes paying what hes suppose to.

Good point.

Doesn't he have like 3 ex wives or something?
I believe you would be correct. But there has been one RUMOR in a previous thread about the possibility the river was used to clean up. As it was described, I think they were meaning the suspects could have washed their hands.

Getting the body washed would have been much more difficult, (depending on what the water level was at the time of drop off). I think del rio has said it's been quite low for quite some time. If so, washing the body at the location, (in the river), would require getting yourself in the river as well to get the body back out and onto the bank. Washing the body in the pond is also a possibility and could have been part of the plan, but still I believe would be rather difficult.

Graphic Warning. (And as always assumptions only)

Looking back at your question and considering the possibility that the body was not brought there in a "fresh" state -- death happening 24 hours or more before - (personally, I think body arrived here same day MC went missing). If the body was "old" some wounds may not have caused much further loss of blood, depending on: (1) location of wound, (2) what condition body was previously stored in, (i.e. freezer) (3) what position the body was stored in for those 24 or more hours. (i.e. if body stored on it's back, blood, pulled by gravity, pools against the back). Wounds I think could happen at Crescent Bar scene, (although I don't believe any were), with little blood loss would be puncture wounds to abdomen. This type of wound would be consistent with my theory that they wanted to sink the body out in the Columbia River, (the wound being an attempt to make sure the body wouldn't bloat and float back up).[/QUOTE

do you think maybe if the scent dogs were where he body was do you think they could track scent to where killer is?
The killer could have poured jugs of water on the body to clean it at CB?????? (just guessing...not fact/rumor)
Ok new to blogging, and my first… but some of my thoughts… cannot catch up on current talk, so will whirl wind, in mixed up order I am sure. Forgive me if I type something already brought up. Here goes…
1. Car wash, could soap / wax residue, possibly be confirmed on the car to connect it to the car wash location rumor? Don't know...hadn't thought about that.
2. I would be very angry, if I found out that (they really have NO POI), as if so, they should be giving MORE careful info for tips!!! I agree! But I really do think that this crime was victim-specific.
3. Assuming the photo of car was taken at PC? Since the chain and moving was mentioned? The photo’s of MC car (thx by the way) was taken in daylight, so it must have spent the night as it was dark by the time it was called in abandoned. Looks as if it is in gravel, where were the muddy foot prints? How far away is the mud and how far driving in the mud to get into the gravel? Thus the footprints? Were they deep as if she could have been carried, OR could a pick up person, park in such a way that 1 got in on the muddy side and one in on the gravel side?? Did they initially assume the prints were MC, thus the ground search there? Dog scent comes to mind as well? The photos of the car were taken at the impound lot after it was brought back, I'm pretty sure. According to LE, there was one set of foot prints exiting the vehicle at PCR, and those prints went from car to asphalt.
4. Question? Skid marks in driveway were mentioned, when and where were those supposedly seen? Also curious if anyone knows if anyone else’s auto has been taken in for inspection? I think they were on the concrete part of the driveway, near the garage, but facing out toward the river. Don't know about anyone else's vehicles being inspected. Hope so, if there's a suspect we don't know about!
5. Did LE talk to ALL residences of PC and question them. For sightings or cameras they may have. I'm pretty sure that LE went door to door on the afternoon of the 13th.
Everyone does not get the news. Also, any kids close to her age live in that PC area, up or down? Friends or foe? I can't answer this. Maybe a local can.
6. IMO no body went through the dam, and no boat was or even meant to be involved. She would have been in the river, not on shore. It would not have coincidently washed up at “That CB” property. Meant to be moved later by boat? I don’t think so, especially since so many think she left us Feb. 9th, no one would wait that long to rid their actions. I agree 100%.
7. Ditto # 2 here!!! Cannot stop thinking on this one!!!!
8. This was MEGA RAGE/REVENGE or ?!!! Spoke with people in their mid 20 yr. old age range, and they stated that that boat launch location was/is for sure a known place to meet up for drugs. But also just a public boat launch, no opinion with relation to the case, just what was said.

Tired, will try to post this , and then catch up more, still yesterday, every day, like that movie (ground-hog day)? More input; buoy, girls & dance team, passing out flyers, CB beach, WC, JF, Lowes, etc. rumors and much more, but for now.. ZZZZZZZ’s
All just my thoughts, no LE known facts here, just thoughts on what I have read so far, my heart goes out, keep sleuthing, don’t stop…… I do not want just someone arrested in this case, I want the killer/s arrested!!!!! Real justice!!! Back to my # 2 thought!!! For now

Hi, Hum. Thanks for posting! I'm a newb here, but I think I can say welcome anyway. So welcome!

I really hope DNA is back soon...and the killer is arrested!
Hooooold the phone, there is a big difference between bankruptcy, failed businesses, and divorce - and murder.

I have many friends and family members who have been divorced. In today's economy, I know many associated with failed businesses. And even a bankruptcy. None of these people would ever murder anyone.

I think Sherlock's just saying that it shows a pattern with him, when he's got all three going on at the same time.

He's been living with WC and he's not even filed for divorce from his current wife. Kind of a disregard for social mores.
Some conclusions and pure speculation:

At first, after hearing about MC missing, the car dump spot and the discovery of her body- based upon the placement of the car- I thought that it was possible she was abducted somewhere after she left the Hair Academy, likely by someone living in a proximity to where the car was dumped. I figured she had likely been driven to a home up Squilchuck, out in Malaga or in South Wenatchee and killed at the residence, likely as a crime of passion or accident. Following this, I thought the perp likely moved her car to the dump spot and them moved her body to CB. I also considered that she may have been held at the perp's residence for a while before she was killed.

I made these assumptions based upon what I had read as fact and heard as rumor. I made these assumotions before other facts came out- the boat launch sighting- and other widespread rumors had circulated - spec house involvement and issues re JF.

At this point, I now believe JF killed MC. The boat launch sighting leads me to believe she was sighted with someone she knew and that person killed her. The schizo and elaborate way evidence seems purposly distributed leads me to believe this murder was either planned and executed, or a fit of rage followed by organization and execution of a plan. To me, this says an adult did it.

I just cannot fathom her mother killing her. Sorry, it just doesn't work for me. The mother may be overbearing, she may be materialistic and career oriented to the point of ignoring her daughter's needs but I cannot see her killing her. I have seen a couple pictures of her in true motherly grief.

Nothing points to her father, her siblings or her friends. Possibly the boyfriend, but I don't see a kid his age putting this togehter and pulling it off. I also don't see a kid not breaking under the pressure I'm sure LE would be applying if they have the evidence I think they do. A kid would break and give up something- especially a grieving one that feared for his life as well as lamented the fact he took the life of a soul he likely loved. I don't think the boyfriend had anything to do with this.

This leaves one guy who would be in the inner circle- JF.

I'm not certain the motive- it could be anything. Motive aside, he is the one person who could possibly have been in contact with MC to a point where she would have been comfy enough to meet with him. Based on the fact that he had WC seemingly supporting him and such (lived at residence and had new vehicle) he is likely a master manipulator- one who could easily manipulate a 17 yr old girl into being alone with him, even if she had reason not to.

JF has tons of money problems. He has relationship problems. He has professional problems. Most of these seem to arise from situations he gets into- not paying taxes, etc., by attempting to be above the law.

He has been rumored to have anger management issues. He seems to lack the discipline needed in life to succeed without trouble, yet he constantly oversteps somewhere and sets himself back. Bankruptcy, Failed Business, Divorce... I think his next step was to attempt to be above the law again by raging and killing a 17 year old girl.

I'm not certain what the reason. I'm not certain how or where. I have ideas. I'd bet LE does too...We'll find that out- eventually.

I think JF did this. I think LE knows JF did this. I think it's a matter of time before this is all played out.

However- I wonder how much my opinion of what happened can be changed by the release of a major new fact or rumor?

Nice synopsis.

It always seems to come back to JF for me as well.

I also hesitate to believe WC had anything directly to do with this, I just can't see motive here with the information we have, though pure speculation does provide me with some interesting thoughts in that direction, and we do know that filicide does occur.

So in light of everyone else posting their theories, here's mine:

I think it's likely JF did it.

I think she was dead by the time her car was found.

I still tentatively think she was killed at CB and her body not disturbed after put in place on the beach. If there was any post mortem altering I think it very well may have occurred in the CB garage, probably after the car was dumped. I think if the killer did return to CB to do this altering it was very quickly, within 24 hours or less of her murder. But I still think it's possible that no altering was done at all, that all the damage we're hearing about was done during the commission of the murder. Since we know JF and WC were being interviewed by the feds very early on, I think it's likely he was watched too closely to return to the scene or do all these other things we've been speculating about.

I wonder if he had defensive wounds? ( a new thought for me, just throwing it in).

I think motive was sexual and/or financial, coupled with a sudden and uncontrolled rage.

I don't think this was premeditated in the classical sense, I think it was a badly thought out situation that got very bad.

I don't think there were any accomplices, not even to move the car. I think the perp walked away from the car and went...?

I think WC may be keeping her mouth shut right now even if she (sub?)consciously knows or suspects something out of tremendous guilt and denial. I don't think she had anything concrete to do with this.

Just some thoughts.
Is he a controller? Does he rage when women assert themselves and don't kowtow to his whims?

If half the rumors are true- I'd bet he is one controlling, manipulative person.

I'd bet he has very little remorse for actions he has taken that have negatively affected others. I'm sorry, but how else would one stay in buisness and keep having all the moeny issues, tax liens and such.

I'd bet he's a pretty self assured (not a bad thing- dont get me wrong), almost bordering on arrogant person. Likely how he atttacts women, as many are drawn to this seemingly strong type.

What's this guy's alibi? I haven't heard anything. He hasn't been around.

In fact- with all the conjecture and rumors floating, and even with a couple of WSers stating they heard he wasn't capable of this, I have yet to hear ONE good thing about him.

Finally, I'll say this- I don't care how much he may have conflicted with MC fior whatever reason, if he had no role in this, one would think he would be around to support WC who has made place in her life for him, cared for him and provided for him. His support has yet to be witnessed in any way showing support and compassion, while every other person connected to WC and MC has.
I have been thinking about the car and whether it was washed or not - particularly the gas tank. If MC had stopped to get gas the person with her may have pumped it. Then after the murder he would clean that area to remove his fingerprints. Any thoughts?
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