Deceased/Not Found WA - Rachael Anderson, 40, Clarkston, 16 April 2010 - #2 *C. Capone guilty*

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I had the same thoughts Hollyblue. When the storage unit first came up, I wondered if Rachael had "records" of any sort in there. Incriminating records that would need to be retrieved if something should happen to her. But now I think the ping was merely traveling to/from Moscow.

A front for some kind of illegal activity. Insurance fraud comes to mind, stolen cars ... Lot's of tickets for not having a commercial license. What was he transporting?

Bet not much "was on the books" Hollyblue.

What kind of vehicle/truck was he driving to require a commercial license? Or did he just need that license for the type of business he was in? A big truck is expensive to own and operate.
Do we know if Rachael did the billing/bookkeeping for PMS? Was she an active part of it in any way other than being listed as the RA?
What kind of vehicle/truck was he driving to require a commercial license? Or did he just need that license for the type of business he was in? A big truck is expensive to own and operate.

Not really Hollyblue, we have seven trucks at work. You can get a used Kenworth for far less than I paid for my new SUV.

1for1, did he do heavy truck repairs? Come to think of it was does he do? Is he a mechanic, body repair guy? What has he done for a living all these years? At some point when he was younger it looks like he was in the Navy?
Do we know if Rachael did the billing/bookkeeping for PMS? Was she an active part of it in any way other than being listed as the RA?

Not to my knowledge unless she did it on her days off/ spare time. Which was rare, she worked full time and at one point was working AND going to school.. But I cant know this for sure.
If it's true they had only been married for a few months, she found out something...or smelled trouble somehow and wanted to bail. He didn't want a divorce for some reason, and was causing her H!!!! sounds like on daily basis.

Not really Hollyblue, we have seven trucks at work. You can get a used Kenworth for far less than I paid for my new SUV.

1for1, did he do heavy truck repairs? Come to think of it was does he do? Is he a mechanic, body repair guy? What has he done for a living all these years? At some point when he was younger it looks like he was in the Navy?

KNOX~ those are all good questions but I have NO answers for them. As far as I know he was just auto body but could have been mechanic too. Doesnt strike me as the 'get dirty" kinda guy but he does have alot of "fronts" so hard to tell. Not many of us know a WHOLE lot about the guy. NO one liked him and well it was always one thing or another going on with him... maybe Friend0325 can tell us more when she comes on.
Or hopefully someone else has more insight to the whole thing... which makes me wonder where "fapone" has been lately.
If it's true they had only been married for a few months, she found out something...or smelled trouble somehow and wanted to bail. He didn't want a divorce for some reason, and was causing her H!!!! sounds like on daily basis.

From what I know together a couple years married before christmas filed for divorce in January... abusive relationship not sure how it all came down but her final straw was when he choked her fairly badly and she said she was done. Or maybe she had smelled trouble and that is what caused the choking episode and it all played out from there.
He was ADAMENT(sp) on not getting a divorce, didnt seem to phase him with MM so why so much with RA? I guess we don't know anything about the MM situation so we can't really say that either.
Does anyone know what school she was attending? Where, when, why, how often and when did she start?

It was stated, by I believe poster info that they lived together before the start of the '09 school year and were looking for a house. Was this in Moscow or Clarkston? Do you know the add of the residence?


They were looking for a place to rent. I don't know if they also looked in Moscow and Lewiston....I believe they were looking for a place in between....but I'm not sure if they ever got the moving in together done....they made it sound like if they were going to do it that it had to be done before the school year started because she wanted to be living where the boys were going to be in school.
Not to my knowledge unless she did it on her days off/ spare time. Which was rare, she worked full time and at one point was working AND going to school.. But I cant know this for sure.

Do we know for sure WHERE they were living when they were married? Clarkston...and he was commuting every day to Moscow?????
They were looking for a place to rent. I don't know if they also looked in Moscow and Lewiston....I believe they were looking for a place in between....but I'm not sure if they ever got the moving in together done....they made it sound like if they were going to do it that it had to be done before the school year started because she wanted to be living where the boys were going to be in school.

You must have been reading my mind for my next post, info :)
WDW is her oldest son's father and her second ex-husband. From the information I have, he is being supportive in all of this...and I'm glad to hear it!

I admit I'm getting a little frustrated here. Why isn't CC being named as a POI at least??? It seems like everyone has gone quiet with regard to any actual information. I know it's important for the investigation that they build a good case against CC, but it's been 2 weeks! (IMO!)....I think it's clear that he's guilty...just from the information I have. LE HAS to have alot more than I know.

I am worried about my friend ending up as a Susan Powell type case! My heart is already broken by the thought that the longer she's missing, the more the chances are that she won't be found alive. The FBI is now involved. Why aren't we seein the investigation going forward????

I still haven't found anything that says the FBI is there a news report I am missing?
Good question. I'm guessing the business is a front of some kind. Too many investors or partners bailing. RA was made Gen Mgr in 8/09, prolly not knowing what she was getting into. He has a tremendous history of not paying his bills. You marry him, you marry his bills too. GEEZ! Love to see his books and the revenue he had coming in. I google the business and one site had days of operation Monday-Sunday CLOSED. ?????

There was going to be a very large expansion of the business...that is why there were all the investors.....and for the most part I believe the shop is open for sure Mon-Sat and I also believe that his cell was avaliable to customers as well.
PMS is an auto repair shop....he is a mechanic....for sure.
I really, really DO NOT think that they had been together for fact i am pretty sure not.
I believe her pocketbook had all her money and credit cards in it, nothing was missing but the journal/notebook she carried to document everything that was going on, she was supposed to meet a detective to go over her notes.
Although that leads me to WHEN was she supposed to meet him and if it was Friday like it comes across to be WHY didn't that spark an interest in the detectives eye to be like "hmmm she didnt show up I wonder what's up"?? Or maybe it did and he just figured she was another cracked up lady?? Seems that if the LE had done more when she was complaining we wouldn't be in this situation right now.
The whole fact of the purse and everything including the cell phone being left in the car with the keys laying on the dash when they found it is extremely disturbing, especially trying to piece why it was left. Which means to me that the perp didnt need/want her "personal belongings" but that the journal was crucial in evidence against him. JMO

Just curious - where did the info come from that keys were left on Rachel's dashboard?
If it's true they had only been married for a few months, she found out something...or smelled trouble somehow and wanted to bail. He didn't want a divorce for some reason, and was causing her H!!!! sounds like on daily basis.

You are on the money Hollyblue!!!!!! Perhaps, literally!!!!!!
You are on the money Hollyblue!!!!!! Perhaps, literally!!!!!!

I really feel bad for her. Here's this beautiful woman who only want to fall in love and be loved and she went thru H!!! Someone's right...she didn't know her own worth.

I want to know WHO she borrowed the car from and when; and I want to know who the person was she was to be with Friday night and then wasn't!!!! And the time of the ping. How long had the SUV been sitting there???? Grrrrr.

Found this map of a recycling place...look how close to where the Yukon was found:


Is this the dump you were speaking of 141? I found Waste Mngt dump, but it is far south of Lewiston.

I'm beginning to think she never made to Moscow---or there was more than one person involved in bringing her back into Lewiston.

ETA: Just saw this. If you notice on the map, there is a "back" way into the recycling center from Moscow (directly off Hwy 95)--must be one H of a road, but it does lead there.
PMS is an auto repair shop....he is a mechanic....for sure.
I really, really DO NOT think that they had been together for fact i am pretty sure not.

He was probably "fixing" her car for the next breakdown. Why did she ever go back near him after the choking incident. Although---it's typical. Geeez.

Anyone know what kind of "outdoor" activities he was into?
Fishing, boating (Scott Peterson) hiking, hunting, camping (Josh Powell). I could guess there are hundreds of little roads off of Hwy 95 between Moscow and Lewiston. Wonder if they brought in dogs at all after the SUV was found---or up in Moscow. article:

Rachel Anderson: Another Wash. State mom goes missing; family believes she was stalked

April 30, 2010 - Another Washington State mom is missing; her daughters say for months their mother received disturbing phone calls and texts from an unknown caller and lived in constant fear... click here for article article:

Rachel Anderson Update: Daughter shares missing mom’s story, asks for help in finding her

May 1, 2010 - “My mother is a strong, intelligent, vivacious woman who everyone loves and misses dearly,” Ashley said. “She has two young sons who live with her and are heartbroken by her disappearance. We all need her home safely. Please help us in our search!”... click here for article
You are on the money Hollyblue!!!!!! Perhaps, literally!!!!!!

Knox, Do you know of a way to find out when they were married? Seems to be a discrepancy between less than 6 mos. and 2 years. TIA
The place on your map that you are talking about is call Eko Compost and you can not dump there. The road that it is on is a paved Hwy that goes from the top of Lewiston grade (coming from Moscow) and come out near where the Yukon was found (at the bottom of Lewiston grade in Lewiston). Is that about as clear as mud?
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