Deceased/Not Found WA - Rachael Anderson, 40, Clarkston, 16 April 2010 - #3 *C. Capone guilty*

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This article states:
Investigators have found Rachael Anderson's cell phone. At this point, according to Clarkston Police Chief, Joel Hastings, they can not say where the phone was found.

bbm. So we really only have rumor and speculation on where the phone was found? I thought it was released that it was found in the Yukon.:banghead:

It was very first reported to be found in the Yukon in an artical that printed in Belle Fourche where her family is from and it was a quote from the brother...but there were many other articals that said that as who knows..
It seems that all of the police departments and jurisdictions in this case aren't just confusing for us. Sounds like they're not talking to each other, either. Some know where the phone was found, others don't. And then we originally had the ATF declaring someone a POI. And is the FBI involved or not? Does anyone know? They were supposed to get involved, but I don't remember seeing anything for sure.

Maybe they need to hold a meeting and make sure everyone is on the same page. This is kind of important.
Anyoldtime48, hoping you will be able to attend the hearing. Nothing like a birds-eye view report.

When LE searched the business on April 16, they collected "evidence" and sent it to state crime lab. Note the use of the word "evidence". There are conflicting reports on whether or not he is officially a POI. If he is, I wonder if the status of the results from the state crime lab (thinking they are still waiting) will be mentioned today.
Anyoldtime48, hoping you will be able to attend the hearing. Nothing like a birds-eye view report.

When LE searched the business on April 16, they collected "evidence" and sent it to state crime lab. Note the use of the word "evidence". There are conflicting reports on whether or not he is officially a POI. If he is, I wonder if the status of the results from the state crime lab (thinking they are still waiting) will be mentioned today.

I too am wondering if there is a possibility of learning new stuff today to try to keep CC in jail where he belongs. I have a feeling, and yes it is just a feeling, that maybe something big is about to happen. Seems that is the way they have been working since it started. I am HOPING that he has finally opened his eyes to see that he IS NOT going to win. But knowing his type he is sitting there thinking this is just one more thing he is going to talk his way out of.

I wish we had some idea of what "evidence" they sent to the crime labs. And WHY hasn't it been brought up again. I hope it is the departments involved just hanging on and building a rock solid case.

I just want Rachael found.
I'm just curious to who "family" is that are coming to testify (on behalf of his character)? We still don't know if he had family there in the area.....or if they are coming from out of state, sending emails or what???

It seems to me they wouldn't let him fly too easily with him being a suspect...nor if he did admit to the harassing---they could charge him for that too. Any crime committed within a felony is NOT good...he took the gun with him that time to go look for her...Did he find her, where and to know that.?? The daughter's could even use Fapone's posts I would think. ??? If RA was scared for her life, then I don't think the daughters would feel too safe at this point....nor others involved with the gun episode. Plus the fact that he was talking to Fapone about moving back to AZ---even tho he still loved RA and didn't want a divorce and was SOOOO involved with the church. I just can't imagine them letting him bond out at this point.. I think there would be quite a stirring. IMO. Maybe a prayer wouldn't hurt before 3 pm tomorrow!!! Or even a show at the court house showing support for RA from a few locals if possible!

VERY IMPORTANT: I would appreciate it if nobody used my posts outtside of websleuth's. I am concerned for my own safety and that of my family. I do not want CC or his family to know I am in any way involved in this investigation.

I have written and submitted a very detailed statement for the Asotin County Sheriff's Department and they have in turn forwarded it to the respective agents with the FBI. I was told my identity would be held in strict confidentiality with the authorities.

RA family and I have already been in contact with each other, either directly or through a close family friend who has acted as a go between.

If CC were to see my posts, he would know my identity. (Generally speaking, anything offered into evidence by the prosecution, must be give to the defense to review.)

I ask that my fellow members of Websleuth's appreciate the seriousness of my predicament and keep the posts I have generously shared with you as confidential as this cyber world allows.
VERY IMPORTANT: I would appreciate it if nobody used my posts outtside of websleuth's. I am concerned for my own safety and that of my family. I do not want CC or his family to know I am in any way involved in this investigation.

I have written and submitted a very detailed statement for the Asotin County Sheriff's Department and they have in turn forwarded it to the respective agents with the FBI. I was told my identity would be held in strict confidentiality with the authorities.

RA family and I have already been in contact with each other, either directly or through a close family friend who has acted as a go between.

If CC were to see my posts, he would know my identity. (Generally speaking, anything offered into evidence by the prosecution, must be give to the defense to review.)

I ask that my fellow members of Websleuth's appreciate the seriousness of my predicament and keep the posts I have generously shared with you as confidential as this cyber world allows.

Just so you are aware, (I'm sure you already are, but just in case) this is a public forum. You do not have to be a member to read here. Anyone, including CC, his family, or anyone who may be on "his side", can come here and read at any time. If you are concerned for your safety, I would recommend not posting any more details about how you are connected to him. And if any of your past posts concern you about someone being able to identify you, please let a mod know. The last thing we want here is to have someone in danger based on what they post. You have passed your statements on to LE, which is great. And as much as people like to know every little detail, there's absolutely no reason for you to post it on a public forum if you feel you may be in danger. :)
VERY IMPORTANT: I would appreciate it if nobody used my posts outtside of websleuth's. I am concerned for my own safety and that of my family. I do not want CC or his family to know I am in any way involved in this investigation.

I have written and submitted a very detailed statement for the Asotin County Sheriff's Department and they have in turn forwarded it to the respective agents with the FBI. I was told my identity would be held in strict confidentiality with the authorities.

RA family and I have already been in contact with each other, either directly or through a close family friend who has acted as a go between.

If CC were to see my posts, he would know my identity. (Generally speaking, anything offered into evidence by the prosecution, must be give to the defense to review.)

I ask that my fellow members of Websleuth's appreciate the seriousness of my predicament and keep the posts I have generously shared with you as confidential as this cyber world allows.

I stand beside you 100%.
Just so you are aware, (I'm sure you already are, but just in case) this is a public forum. You do not have to be a member to read here. Anyone, including CC, his family, or anyone who may be on "his side", can come here and read at any time. If you are concerned for your safety, I would recommend not posting any more details about how you are connected to him. And if any of your past posts concern you about someone being able to identify you, please let a mod know. The last thing we want here is to have someone in danger based on what they post. You have passed your statements on to LE, which is great. And as much as people like to know every little detail, there's absolutely no reason for you to post it on a public forum if you feel you may be in danger. :)

I agree, I do not want to see anyone in any danger. If you feel it may come back to hurt you PLEASE do not post anything else.
I was unable to attend today because of work. I am anxious to hear news. I find it interesting about CC's last name. Bank robber, really? There is something to be said about our names... My maiden name is mob related too. My brother grew up with the toughness of it all. He has also spent most of his adult life incarcerated. Fortunately for my family and society, he has not committed any violent crimes, yet crimes against himself, drug use. Anyway, I hope today's hearing proves helpful in finding Rachael.
If I were in your shoes Fapone, I wouldn't just stop posting, I would go back and delete every one of your entries that show any indication whatsoever that you know/knew/have any direct connection to CC.

Just a Google search of his and Rachael's names will bring up numerous links to this site, and as you can see by checking the number of folks looking below, there are often as many "guests" as members, if not more, viewing at any time.

That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it!

Bless you for getting in contact with the police and providing them a statement, and stay safe!

As for hearing today, my clients went into crisis mode this morning. Thought around 2:15 or so I could skip out for an hour, but pains me I was not able to go watch proceedings and be a visual presence on the side of Rachael and her friends and family. Soooooo close and yet so dang far away.

I'm sure we are all anxious to hear that he is being held without bail, or for more than he can sucker friends and church out of!
If I were in your shoes Fapone, I wouldn't just stop posting, I would go back and delete every one of your entries that show any indication whatsoever that you know/knew/have any direct connection to CC.

Just a Google search of his and Rachael's names will bring up numerous links to this site, and as you can see by checking the number of folks looking below, there are often as many "guests" as members, if not more, viewing at any time.

That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it!

Bless you for getting in contact with the police and providing them a statement, and stay safe!

As for hearing today, my clients went into crisis mode this morning. Thought around 2:15 or so I could skip out for an hour, but pains me I was not able to go watch proceedings and be a visual presence on the side of Rachael and her friends and family. Soooooo close and yet so dang far away.

I'm sure we are all anxious to hear that he is being held without bail, or for more than he can sucker friends and church out of!

*bbm~ thanks for trying.
Judge orders Capone remain in custody

COEUR D'ALENE -- A Monday afternoon court hearing for Charles Capone on a weapons charge painted a very disturbing picture of a man who has been prone to violent threats against weapons in the past.Capone was arrested recently on an ATF charge for being a felon in possession of a firearm. At the same time his estranged wife, Rachael Anderson, has been missing for several weeks. The couple separated in early January after an incident where Anderson said that Capone strangled her.Now, during a court hearing Monday, it was revealed that Capone has had a history of violence against women. In 1997 he reportedly threatened a Moscow, Idaho doctor, telling her that he would break into her home, rape her and her daughter and then kill himself.Capone also has an ex-wife in Florida and in 2006 he reportedly stood over her with a screwdriver and threatened to kill her.
Glory be! Just wish the local media would take 3 seconds to proofread before posting news stories. "history of violence against weapons??" Shoot, if he would stick to that and leave women and other life forms alone...

One scary SOB.
VERY IMPORTANT: I would appreciate it if nobody used my posts outtside of websleuth's. I am concerned for my own safety and that of my family. I do not want CC or his family to know I am in any way involved in this investigation.

I have written and submitted a very detailed statement for the Asotin County Sheriff's Department and they have in turn forwarded it to the respective agents with the FBI. I was told my identity would be held in strict confidentiality with the authorities.

RA family and I have already been in contact with each other, either directly or through a close family friend who has acted as a go between.

If CC were to see my posts, he would know my identity. (Generally speaking, anything offered into evidence by the prosecution, must be give to the defense to review.)

I ask that my fellow members of Websleuth's appreciate the seriousness of my predicament and keep the posts I have generously shared with you as confidential as this cyber world allows.

You absolutely should not be posting here. No one can stop someone from taking your posts. Also this is a public forum and anyone can read.

If you are in fear for your safety then get off the INTERNET and DO NOT POST.

If you want me to I will remove all of your posts. email me at
I just cant thinking of this, his pictures are so completely different, it is very odd to me (JMO) I almost wonder if he has altered his looks because maybe just maybe he has done this time and time again, (again my opinion only) If you look at the missing women in ID, WA, OR, AZ, FL which are all places he has been its a long shot but I just wonder how many victims are there with him???? I really couldnt stop but think when you see that he has threatened rape and death among others. Just saying and completly jmo
I just cant thinking of this, his pictures are so completely different, it is very odd to me (JMO) I almost wonder if he has altered his looks because maybe just maybe he has done this time and time again, (again my opinion only) If you look at the missing women in ID, WA, OR, AZ, FL which are all places he has been its a long shot but I just wonder how many victims are there with him???? I really couldnt stop but think when you see that he has threatened rape and death among others. Just saying and completly jmo

Welcome to the forum mcguirm, good to have you. And I was just saying this same exact thing to a friend last night. Makes me wonder indeed.
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