Deceased/Not Found WA - Rachael Anderson, 40, Clarkston, 16 April 2010 - #4 *C. Capone guilty*

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The city of Lapwai is a small, but transforming city, geographically located in North Central Idaho. Nestled in a valley between rolling hills near the Clearwater River, it is within the boundaries of both Nez Perce County and the Nez Perce Indian Reservation. Rich in history, culture and diversity, Lapwai is within a 30 minute drive to mountain meadows, rolling farm lands, rugged back country and numerous rivers, lakes, and outdoor adventures. A regional airport, inland seaport, malls, and other conveniences are 12 miles away in the city of Lewiston. All four seasons are celebrated, but milder winters are normal.

I am going with close. AS IN Rachael is close to Lewiston. This gives CC a little of everything. Trees, water, farm land... You name it.
I don't see him going far. I truly don't ..... Indian Reservation, what better place? Brings lots of questions to mind about how to investigate or search on IR property. ??

I see where you are headed with this, good find. Is there a nature preserve, zoo or a wounded animal rescue center?
Anybody know if CC's trial on July 6th will be "open"... like can we sit in on it or do they do closed door federal trials? Just curious. Not sure how that works.
I'm not sure about Lapwai. I really think that it would be somewhere he hunted or fished at. Unless he was a member of the tribe, I don't think he could do so in Lapwai.
He doesn't necessarily have to be a "member" he could have a friend.....
Well and this is even to say that he followed "rules" ... doesn't seem CC had many rules but his own to follow... KWIM?
I see where you are headed with this, good find. Is there a nature preserve, zoo or a wounded animal rescue center?

They don't even have hospital....just a clinic. The population is about 1, is considered below poverty level (not that that means anything)...I couldn't even find a vet...there are about 116 businesses most of which are tribal related or private citizens...
I guess I am missing something....I am not understanding why lapwai...what the benifits would be....

And I am thinking the same thing dirt biking areas...a dirt bike would be difficult but not impossible...I am wondering if he had an ATV...
Just checking in to see if anything new. We knew she prolly didn't get on a bus as her belongings were still in the Yukon. I wanted to know if they could see anyone parking the vehicle there? No word re: RB? I wonder if he will have to testify at CC's trial?
Tomorrow is Rachael's birthday. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
So sorry there isn't more movement on Rachael's case. I will be thinking of her and her family tomorrow and hope for some answers.
Happy birthday Rachael! I pray today is the day you are found and brought home safely. God bless her family and friends and may they somehow find peace in this terrible situation.
Happy Birthday dear sweet Rachael.... I hope we hear something soon. Family and friends are joining tonight to eat at Rachaels favorite restaurant... I hope they all have safe travels today.

Always thinking of you Rachael.
I wonder if CC is thinking of her tonight?

Bless you Rachael and praying for you to find your way home.
I wonder if CC is thinking of her tonight?

Bless you Rachael and praying for you to find your way home.


Barfing at that thought.

Just back from a couple whirlwind business trips and trying to catch up, although sadly there does not seem to be a thing in the news about Rachael.

Was in Portland for a couple days and was struck by how the SEARCH for little Kyron Horman is all OVER the media. Weather sucked (poured rain off and on) and did not make searching easy, but by heavens LE and others ARE out there actively searching through miles of heavy brush. Granted, they have a last-seen location for him and thus a good starting point, and missing children seem to hold people's attention longer than when most adults go missing, but it made me angry that there are no apparent(??) searches going on to find Rachael.

Anybody in that area seen anything resembling an organized search in the last couple weeks? Weather looks to be finally turning decent, so why, pray tell can LE NOT let people know a general radius or direction in which to search? Other than the roads between Moscow and Clarkston.

I really hope this weather break will get people out and recreating, as I really feel short of CC speaking up, it is going to be somebody beating about the woods or wherever that stumbles across Rachael.

On this, her birthday, a miracle please!
Still nothing more to go on. Nothing in the news, nothing from friends and family. Less then a month to CC's weapons trial. Should be interesting to hear what that brings out.

In the meantime I guess we wait, and hope and pray that Rachael is found soon. Not a day goes by that I don't think of his comment " They will never find her" and hope that LE (or anyone else for that matter) can prove him wrong.
I was out and about in the woods yesterday...out past Asotin. We got up to a look out point on misery mountain and the vast wilderness hit me hard with the reality of the difficulty of finding Rachael. I live in this area and I have talked about it a lot....but being out and actually looking out over hundreds of miles of wilderness I was reminded that it is that way no matter what direction you head in this area. Without some general idea of where to look it is like looking for a needle in an ocean.
Just trying to give my husband an idea of the vastness of it all from Google earth is overwhelming on its own. The actual knowledge of what it looks like all the way around is extremely overwhelming, however I don't think CC took her really very far, JMO. I still think this was a "crime of passion" maybe he didn't intend to take it as far as he did. I also remember hearing he went to church that sunday as well. Not that friday night to sunday mid morning doesn't give him plenty of time, I just don't see him as the type to sit on the situation and debate where to put her. I do however think it is somewhere he is familiar with. If only we truly knew where THAT was at.
I don't think that he would have even had to think about it at all. I think that in all of the time he has spent in the woods he would already have a place or a couple of places in the back of his mind that were the least populated of all the places he visited.....maybe not thinking of the purpose of hiding a body....but the places he could go if he wanted to get away for the weekend and not see another living soul for 2 days....and believe me there are hundreds if not thousands of those places that are not really far just have to know where you are going. Not to mention in this area there isn't any's not hard to get away....if you drive for an hour you have actually gone 60/70 doesn't take that long to get to the middle of nowhere.
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