Deceased/Not Found WA - Rachael Anderson, 40, Clarkston, 16 April 2010 - #5 *C. Capone guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Bow and arrows? Those arrows, especially as a group, are pretty darn sharky.

Not to mention quiet.

And I just got an image too ugly from that. Watch too much TV I think. Anything hunted with arrows is going to bleed. Not like being being shot with gun, but still going to bleed.

Strangulation though is I think is highly likely if this happened in town. It's about rage and very personal. Or blunt force trauma. Something relatively quiet so as not to attract attention.

My husband said the same thing about a bow and arrow. He too is an avid hunter and has many many bows. Very well could be. Gun is too loud, someone is going to eventually put the 2 together. A. the gun shot B. the missing woman.

We talked about Rachael alot today, I am on edge waiting to see if she wakes up screaming. She just went down and it usually takes about an hour for it to happen. But when she screams boy does she scream. And if I try to touch her she screams even worse. Not sure if that is a usual night terror or if it has to do with what she is seeing. The part that she SEEMS awake and is looking right at me is enough to put a chill through your bones.

I am leaning towards the blunt force trauma. I think the bow would give him the sick "I have the power and I want you to suffer" feel that he seems to exude. But I am banking on BFT.
OK, trying to get myself back up to date, and in case we get any new folks dropping in to join in the hunt for Rachael. Went back to 1st thread and pulled still-live links from media and some snippets from them.

This timeline is in MEDIA order. Thus some changes to what we know from the first few days until about 10 days out. So this covers from April 19-26. I figured it eats up plenty enough space for now. More to come later.

In [brackets] is me. Statements or questions. This is PART ONE.

Friday, April 16 Last time Rachael was seen or in contact with anyone.

Mon-Tues, April 19-20

Per these early media reports, RA was last seen at her home in Clarkston and her cell phone was being searched for in a field in Lewiston.

“The Asotin County Sheriff’s Office and the Clarkston Police Department are investigating the matter as a suspicious missing person case.”

“Anderson’s loaner car is also missing. It is a White GMC Yukon with Idaho Plate 1L93131.” [registered in Latah county]

“There have been harassment reports made by Miss Anderson in the last two months,” said Hastings. “Those have previously been investigated. There were no arrests made on those cases. The detectives are reviewing those reports and have followed up on information they thought was necessary to look into.”
Police would not comment on if they are looking for a person identified from those earlier incidents.

Thursday, April 22

quotes from her daughter AG.

“Her tires had just been slashed and I had to help her buy some tires because she had no money left,” said Griswold. “Her window had been broken in, a couple other things done to her car. Muffler falling off, when she’s driving away, oil pan, just random things like that.”
The window on Rachael Anderson’s car was broken while at work at St. Joe’s. That’s why she had a friend’s car, a Yukon, when she went missing.

AG said her mom was also getting strange calls and text messages.
“All through the night, all day constantly,” said Griswold. “She had no idea who’s doing it, She had no idea where it was coming from. She didn’t know who she could trust, who she couldn’t.”
Police said all indications are that Anderson was last seen in Moscow on Friday.
“Nobody knew actually she was going to Moscow. That was the thing, none of her friends knew,” said Griswold. “She had prior plans with another friend in Clarkston and so she wasn’t supposed to be in Moscow.”
“I didn’t even get concerned because Saturday, I had a barbecue and she told me earlier in the week, ‘Oh I may not be there, I might be working (because she said she might work on Saturday) or I might be doing some other stuff trying to dig around and trying to figure out who’s doing all this.’”

Police have organized a task force comprised of officers and deputies from various local agencies. The FBI has also been notified but has yet to directly join in on the case.
Lewiston Police said there is security video from the bus stop where the SUV was found. They said they are going through three days worth of video from several different cameras. [which 3 days?]

Friday, April 23

Law enforcement officials confirmed a Moscow building where missing person Rachel L. Anderson was last seen was searched Thursday night in Moscow.

Moscow Assistant Police Chief David Duke said the Moscow Police Department also is working on getting a search warrant for a storage shed Anderson rents in Moscow. Duke said police will look for background information in the shed if they receive the warrant.
PART TWO (continuation of media links):

Saturday, April 24

On Friday, Clarkston Police Chief Joel Hastings, who is also acting as the spokesperson for a six-agency task force dedicated to the case, said police on Thursday searched the GMC Yukon reportedly being driven by Anderson before she disappeared.

Monday, April 26

A week ago Friday Anderson went missing. Originally police thought she was last seen leaving her Clarkston home in a white GMC Yukon but Friday investigators said she was seen in Moscow Friday evening. [April 16th]

Clarkston Police Chief Joel Hastings told KREM 2 News they found her cell phone in her abandoned SUV. Detectives are now looking through the phone for clues.
Late Friday afternoon detectives traveled to Moscow, ID to search for evidence in Anderson’s disappearance.
Hastings said detectives searched a building in Moscow where Anderson was last seen on April 16. Detectives did not release the location of the building, but they said they did collect evidence there and sent it to the state crime lab.
Hastings also said detectives served a search warrant on the vehicle that Anderson was driving at the time of her disappearance.
Police found the vehicle, a white 1997 GMC Yukon, that was loaned to Anderson alongside a road in Lewiston last week.

The SUV driven by Rachael Anderson before she went missing was found in North Lewiston Wednesday.
Police say a call came in about 12:30 p.m. and they went to a location where Anderson’s missing loaner GMC Yukon was found.
The SUV was located behind the Dynamart, which is also used as the Greyhound bus stop.

[Hally backpedals on where cell was found?? or did KREM report incorrectly? (2 links above)]:

“I understand that the public with the family and different friends have initiated a lot of searches for the cell phone and just so people know that we have recovered the cell phone,” said Asotin County Sheriff’s Office Captain Dan Hally. “We are just not in the position now where we can disclose where that was located, so for those that have been out looking, both the vehicle and what we believe is Rachael Anderson’s cell phone have been recovered.”

Hally said all available resources are being dedicated to the case and other local agencies may join the task force. He said the FBI has also been kept up to date on the investigation. He said the Asotin County prosecutors office is also working with the family.
So the area LE seems to be searching ... Off Hwy 195, there is a Johnson Road Cutoff. On the opposite side of 195 is M Druffel Road (remember the local's name in the news story).

Tribune photographer Kyle Mills and I accompanied the task force on the five-hour search near Colton and Johnson.

If you take the Johnson Road Cutoff and follow it on the map, it becomes Busby-Johnson Road, then Johnson Road again, then SE Johnson. Eventually this road comes out at the Pullman-Moscow Hwy (270). Seems reasonable that CC could have taken 270 out of Moscow and ended up in the area LE is searching.

Rachael was last seen alive in Moscow on the evening of April 16th. A witness comes forward and says he saw a white suv at 4:00 AM pulling onto Hwy 195 on April 17th. Was this CC disposing of Rachael's body? Why this area and how would he have been familiar or comfortable enough to know exactly where he was going in the dark or that he would not come upon a farmhouse? Did he ever work at one of these farms?

The suv was discovered on Wednesday, April 21st in Lewiston. Do we think it had been there for a few days? Like maybe since Sunday, April 17th? If not, where would it have been for three days that no one would have seen it?

*BBM~ A few people I have talked to have said that they were sure the Yukon had been there the whole time. I guess no one really knows for sure but I remember one of the family telling me that the guy that lived in the house the Yukon was parked by had said it had been there for 3 or 4 days. Would be nice to know this for sure.

I think that back road is a good road for him to take. Makes sense somewhat ... which is few and far between in this case for sure. Wouldn't be hard for him to figure that road out being the "hunter" that he was. I say WAS because I hope his *advertiser censored** never gets out of jail.

He could have made a complete circle from Moscow thru Pullman or the more southerly route via back roads to the Colton area, then southeast on to Lewiston for the car dump and back to Moscow. I have tried to compose a map of this and various back roads leading into Colton, but there are MANY ways via back roads, it's just if he was aware of them. Hunting, fishing, camping, etc.
Here's a crude map:,+ID&daddr=Pullman,+WA+to:Colton,+WA+to:Lewiston,+ID+to:Moscow,+ID+to:US-95+S+to:Johnson+Rd+to:Broadway+St+to:Colton,+WA+to:Niehenke+Road,+Colton,+WA+to:Niehenke+Road,+Moscow,+ID+to:R+Druffel+Road,+Colton,+WA+to:Johnson+Street,+Colton,+WA&geocode=FWMUyQIdG7gG-SnRYcAiLSGgVDFsrermDRX9Pg%3BFQsQyQIdIPsD-SmVTeGyFIGfVDHwAAQkFpukhg%3BFQSSxgIdzsIE-SkXzNk-EC2gVDHAXnZ8Ej60rg%3BFadCxAIdx3MG-Sm3kKPyB6yhVDEupGTjOdi_Wg%3BFWMUyQIdG7gG-SnRYcAiLSGgVDFsrermDRX9Pg%3BFU5uyAId7H0G-Q%3BFZzCxgIdZt0E-Q%3BFQ6SxgIdAs4E-Q%3BFQSSxgIdzsIE-SkXzNk-EC2gVDHAXnZ8Ej60rg%3BFcRbxwIdDqEF-SnbRb22ly6gVDGvEMYcBKgZrA%3BFSJhxwIdYioG-SkJIKu45y6gVDHI1j7Ej6XzLw%3BFeQYxwIdEwwF-Sn1mHx4PyygVDHBSefKBJQI9Q%3B&hl=en&mra=ls&via=5,6,7&sll=46.596619,-117.103443&sspn=0.039691,0.076818&ie=UTF8&z=10

You'll notice that Niehenke Rd connects to the other roads (indirectly, but close) that were mentioned by LE in the search, and this road also has a creek running almost along side or close proximity.

Can someone local let us know the terrain in this area, and too, I'm assuming the back roads ....most are blacktop or are they dirt? TIA. Would be a tremendous help in getting an idea.

ETA: I'm going to really look at this area today.
My husband said the same thing about a bow and arrow. He too is an avid hunter and has many many bows. Very well could be. Gun is too loud, someone is going to eventually put the 2 together. A. the gun shot B. the missing woman.

We talked about Rachael alot today, I am on edge waiting to see if she wakes up screaming. She just went down and it usually takes about an hour for it to happen. But when she screams boy does she scream. And if I try to touch her she screams even worse. Not sure if that is a usual night terror or if it has to do with what she is seeing. The part that she SEEMS awake and is looking right at me is enough to put a chill through your bones.

I am leaning towards the blunt force trauma. I think the bow would give him the sick "I have the power and I want you to suffer" feel that he seems to exude. But I am banking on BFT.

I think BFT too, very personal rage. He might have shot her after the fact, to "just make sure" or his closing act of laying to her rest in his eyes. I'd like to know if he placed in her in anything, just dumped her or dug a shallow grave. Unless it was a bright moon, he would have to have left the lights on in the vehicle to see to dig a grave. Hate typing that and I can't imagine anyone doing it, but sadly it happens every dang day.

I know very little about terror dreams, just that they occur, and feel so bad for her. She must be scared to death and so confused. Give her a hug mom. (())

OT, but I want to tell somebody....I'm a little under the weather (who gets a cold or bronchitis in late July!!. It's been hot as hades and we are now going thru our monsoon season) and zonked last night about 9...very rare for me. Anyway, I did have what I call a "moment dream" that did awake me this morning and was very real. It wasn't about RA, but Steven Koecher. I have always held that SK is still alive and just chose another life; but this dream just told me he was gone, and who did it and why. Didn't say how, but said because he had knowledge that they didn't want known. I don't know if it's anything at all or just because we have been talking about dreams, but it bothers me, because I so want SK to be alive and happy with the choices he made. Has me quite perplexed today. Just a matter of fact voice saying they had to do it and the reason. Everyone suspected SK of this, but it was this other person and SK was too curious and found out too much.

Thanks for listening to will be very much with me consciously today, until I can find a place to file it for possibilities. I'm not ready for it to change my mind yet. Too weird.....and it wouldn't be taken with even a big grain of salt on that thread.
Anyoldtime48, Thanks so much for all your research, but if you look down by my signature, I have most of the info on my timeline. I do need to update with the latest info on the search and add to my map, there are links to various sites as well; although, I think the photo album has been removed.? JFYI.
He could have made a complete circle from Moscow thru Pullman or the more southerly route via back roads to the Colton area, then southeast on to Lewiston for the car dump and back to Moscow. I have tried to compose a map of this and various back roads leading into Colton, but there are MANY ways via back roads, it's just if he was aware of them. Hunting, fishing, camping, etc.
Here's a crude map:,+ID&daddr=Pullman,+WA+to:Colton,+WA+to:Lewiston,+ID+to:Moscow,+ID+to:US-95+S+to:Johnson+Rd+to:Broadway+St+to:Colton,+WA+to:Niehenke+Road,+Colton,+WA+to:Niehenke+Road,+Moscow,+ID+to:R+Druffel+Road,+Colton,+WA+to:Johnson+Street,+Colton,+WA&geocode=FWMUyQIdG7gG-SnRYcAiLSGgVDFsrermDRX9Pg%3BFQsQyQIdIPsD-SmVTeGyFIGfVDHwAAQkFpukhg%3BFQSSxgIdzsIE-SkXzNk-EC2gVDHAXnZ8Ej60rg%3BFadCxAIdx3MG-Sm3kKPyB6yhVDEupGTjOdi_Wg%3BFWMUyQIdG7gG-SnRYcAiLSGgVDFsrermDRX9Pg%3BFU5uyAId7H0G-Q%3BFZzCxgIdZt0E-Q%3BFQ6SxgIdAs4E-Q%3BFQSSxgIdzsIE-SkXzNk-EC2gVDHAXnZ8Ej60rg%3BFcRbxwIdDqEF-SnbRb22ly6gVDGvEMYcBKgZrA%3BFSJhxwIdYioG-SkJIKu45y6gVDHI1j7Ej6XzLw%3BFeQYxwIdEwwF-Sn1mHx4PyygVDHBSefKBJQI9Q%3B&hl=en&mra=ls&via=5,6,7&sll=46.596619,-117.103443&sspn=0.039691,0.076818&ie=UTF8&z=10

You'll notice that Niehenke Rd connects to the other roads (indirectly, but close) that were mentioned by LE in the search, and this road also has a creek running almost along side or close proximity.

Can someone local let us know the terrain in this area, and too, I'm assuming the back roads ....most are blacktop or are they dirt? TIA. Would be a tremendous help in getting an idea.

ETA: I'm going to really look at this area today.

About 97% of those roads are dirt roads. IMO i doubt that CC did any hunting in that have to buy an out of state tag which can be pretty expensive...and have to have permission to hunt on privet land....also not big on the poaching angle CC or anyone else...most of that land (if not all) is privet (and most farmers know if someone is on their land) and there really isn't a big poaching problem around here. I might be the only one....but I am totally not feeling the Washington connection yet. Also most of this are is rolling farm real trees or cover.

Johnson is the last name of the families that own..or owned and farmed around what became the "town" (if you want to call it that....there really isn't anything there but the houses and farm land). There also are quite a few Druffels in that area as well.....also a very common family name in this area. Like someone mentioned before there is a big Parade in Johnson on the 4th of July...I was there....which ment lots of people packed into that little area. The Parade started years and years ago with a couple of the little Johnson girls and a wagon...and grew to a full blown Parade from there.
About 97% of those roads are dirt roads. IMO i doubt that CC did any hunting in that have to buy an out of state tag which can be pretty expensive...and have to have permission to hunt on privet land....also not big on the poaching angle CC or anyone else...most of that land (if not all) is privet (and most farmers know if someone is on their land) and there really isn't a big poaching problem around here. I might be the only one....but I am totally not feeling the Washington connection yet. Also most of this are is rolling farm real trees or cover.

Johnson is the last name of the families that own..or owned and farmed around what became the "town" (if you want to call it that....there really isn't anything there but the houses and farm land). There also are quite a few Druffels in that area as well.....also a very common family name in this area. Like someone mentioned before there is a big Parade in Johnson on the 4th of July...I was there....which ment lots of people packed into that little area. The Parade started years and years ago with a couple of the little Johnson girls and a wagon...and grew to a full blown Parade from there.

Thanks info for the specifics and infomation. Helps tremendously in getting to know the area...and I always have loved history, so appreciated that too. :) I did a little web surfing earlier and did notice all the rolling hills, but glad to learn about the roads. Definitely farm country. There is a pic of a big beautiful Victorian house in Whitman county. Huge. I wondered if it was owned by the Druffel's.
I also found upstate the Pine Creek bridge on 27 (N of Pullman) was scheduled to be redone starting around April 1st, so this would have been going on at the time also. It's quite a ways, (Tekoa & Oakesdale) so I don't think it would be too logical, but wanted to put it out there. Info, do you have any guesses to where he might have hunted, fished or camped? Right outside his back door in St. Joe's??

Also, the family made a trip to Riggins and Pomeroy back in April.... anyone have any idea why Pomeroy?? I figured Riggins for the jaunt south, since he had lived in Boise at one point and would be familiar with the roads and terrain in that vicinity. Also, one of his old buddies still lives down there if I'm not mistaken. TIA
There was a new moon April 14th, 2010. CC was not going to get any lunar help that night when disposing of Rachael's body.

That really speaks to his familiarity with the area imo. I think he knew where he was going, this wasn't aimless wondering about. How risky is it to be driving around with a body in your vehicle at that hour of the early morning? You would be a target for all those patrol cars with nothing better to do at that hour of their shift.

Someone out there knows CC, maybe not in the sense of a close friendship, but rather he accompanied someone who hunted out there, maybe did some work for them at one time. Remember Fapone said he was not just a light vehicle mechanic, he spent time in the Navy and worked on heavy equipment. Farmers have harvesters, swathers, trailers and semi-trucks.

I wonder how social CC was?
There was a new moon April 14th, 2010. CC was not going to get any lunar help that night when disposing of Rachael's body.

That really speaks to his familiarity with the area imo. I think he knew where he was going, this wasn't aimless wondering about. How risky is it to be driving around with a body in your vehicle at that hour of the early morning? You would be a target for all those patrol cars with nothing better to do at that hour of their shift.

Someone out there knows CC, maybe not in the sense of a close friendship, but rather he accompanied someone who hunted out there, maybe did some work for them at one time. Remember Fapone said he was not just a light vehicle mechanic, he spent time in the Navy and worked on heavy equipment. Farmers have harvesters, swathers, trailers and semi-trucks.

I wonder how social CC was?

I think very. He was business owner, member of the community, church, etc. I think he was known by many people in the area, IMO. He would have to do his advertising by word of mouth and his social connections. A wheeler and dealer sort of guy, but I do think as you, he had excellent skills in mechanics. That's why I wondered if any of the local farmers would have traded some mechanical work for allowing CC access to their land for hunting and fishing.

I also just took a look at Steptoe Canyon.....further west of Clarkston and very, very desolate. I wonder if he could have been on his way to or back from there? Getting more into the desert and rougher terrain.. It would be impossible to narrow a search area down without some kind of clues. Geez.
I guess I was so excited by the fact LE finally released some details in Rachael's case I got ahead of myself ... The siting of the suv could have been CC dropping off the vehicle in Lewiston. Would that make sense, would he take that route to avoid being seen driving Rachael's loaner car? How did he get back to Moscow?

Info is not feeling a body disposal in the area LE is searching, maybe that's correct.

Hollyblue wouldn't someone have called LE by now ... Yeah, CC did some work for us and we let him hunt out here in exchange. But if CC could not own a firearm legally, how would he get hunting tags? Maybe someone is not coming forward because they let him poach?
They do not check to see if you are a felon when you buy a hunting it is very easy to get yoour hunting license even if you not longer have the right to have a firearm.
We have more sleuthing to do.

Detectives search Colton area for Rachael Anderson
The flier specifically asked homeowners if there were any features on their property that could be used to conceal a body as well as asked if people had seen either Rachael Anderson, Charles Capone or David Stone. Investigators would not elaborate on who David Stone is and what his connection to Anderson's disappearance is. They did say that his name came in their initial investigation into her disappearance.
Oh wonderful. Without a middle initial or a proximity of location, trying to find THE David Stone would be near iimpossible. There are 85 in Idaho and over 130 in Washington.

The only one I found close in ID was on White St (Ave) in Moscow. In his forties.
I guess I was so excited by the fact LE finally released some details in Rachael's case I got ahead of myself ... The siting of the suv could have been CC dropping off the vehicle in Lewiston. Would that make sense, would he take that route to avoid being seen driving Rachael's loaner car? How did he get back to Moscow?

Info is not feeling a body disposal in the area LE is searching, maybe that's correct.

Hollyblue wouldn't someone have called LE by now ... Yeah, CC did some work for us and we let him hunt out here in exchange. But if CC could not own a firearm legally, how would he get hunting tags? Maybe someone is not coming forward because they let him poach?

Last sighting, according to CC? was 8:30 right? Til 4 AM that's about 7.5 hrs. Did they go somewhere to talk for awhile? I don't think CC would have spent much time disposing of her body, really. IMO. So...if that was him spotted in Whitman Co what in the world did he do for all that time? I believe he would have taken back roads not to be seen, and IIRC, someone did help pick him up in Lewiston after the car dump. Does anyone else remember this? We just don't know who? Maybe this mystery man David Stone?

Yes, hopefully, if he was allowed to hunt on someone's property, I would hope they have come forward to LE to let them know. They couldn't charge the owner of the property with poaching could they? Any....he has been in trouble before with transporting game (animals) improperly before. See link in timeline for Other Charges. Given his sense of entitlement, I would say he could be a poacher too. Don't think he has too much respect for what is legal or illegal according to his past.

I keep thinking about all the info LE has that we don't. Access to computer files, phone records, many interviews...setting up their timeline....and although the car looked cleaned when they found it, I keep hoping they found some forensics on/in it. Possible Yukon was David Stone's? Auuuuugh...who is this guy?
Oh wonderful. Without a middle initial or a proximity of location, trying to find THE David Stone would be near iimpossible. There are 85 in Idaho and over 130 in Washington.

The only one I found close in ID was on White St (Ave) in Moscow. In his forties.

MI = C if he is the one with records in ID and lives in Moscow. Not saying this is the correct one, but 46 years olds and "apparent" product of the Bay Area transplanted.

ETA: If he was mentioned, simple logic would reason the Stone referred to by LE could well be the person who helped CC get from where the Yukon was left back up to Moscow.
Last sighting, according to CC? was 8:30 right? Til 4 AM that's about 7.5 hrs. Did they go somewhere to talk for awhile? I don't think CC would have spent much time disposing of her body, really. IMO. So...if that was him spotted in Whitman Co what in the world did he do for all that time? I believe he would have taken back roads not to be seen, and IIRC, someone did help pick him up in Lewiston after the car dump. Does anyone else remember this? We just don't know who? Maybe this mystery man David Stone?

Yes, hopefully, if he was allowed to hunt on someone's property, I would hope they have come forward to LE to let them know. They couldn't charge the owner of the property with poaching could they? Any....he has been in trouble before with transporting game (animals) improperly before. See link in timeline for Other Charges. Given his sense of entitlement, I would say he could be a poacher too. Don't think he has too much respect for what is legal or illegal according to his past.

I keep thinking about all the info LE has that we don't. Access to computer files, phone records, many interviews...setting up their timeline....and although the car looked cleaned when they found it, I keep hoping they found some forensics on/in it. Possible Yukon was David Stone's? Auuuuugh...who is this guy?

Ok DEEP BREATH... I know new info is exciting but sometimes when we get excited we over look things....

There is no reason to believe there was any poaching lets not make assumptions...It is perfectly legal for ANY felon to buy ANY hunting license. It is only ILLEGAL for them to carry a firearm (and only in some instances) this of course would NOT elliminate bow hunting for any felon.

I realise that this is just rumor but take it for what it is worth...I had mentioned before that CC was found hunting (in possesion of firearms before) the transporting game charge was LE's way of doing a warning or kind of slap on the wrist thing....he wasn't found gulity of poaching and wasn't nessicarily improperly transporting game...that was just the lessor charge that they chose...

And like you said at the just may be that the yukon was david stones and he didn't have anything to do with this at all...
There is criminal history for a David S Stone in Bonner County (but there are several in bonner county)..some violence (aggrivated *advertiser censored* 1993)... A criminal history for a David C Stone born in 1963 in Latah county (where moscow is) DUI in 1997...

You can go there and search the name and see them all....

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