Deceased/Not Found WA - Rachael Anderson, 40, Clarkston, 16 April 2010 - #5 *C. Capone guilty*

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About 8 miles north of Colton is where it would be I believe (on hwy 195).

Interesting. I would have put MP 19 as 8 miles south of where it starts at Spokane, or do they start at the south end of it (where it meets up with Hwy 95) and tick off north from there?

Although in this context, it should be either a person or a group of people "Patrol 19."

A human (or possibly canine) entity vs a location.
I follow this thread every day in hope of Rachael being found.

Good grief that is some pretty isolated terrain. Are there any landfills along 95? The reason I ask is almost to the right of center it looks like one. Also, certain states allow toxic waste dumps as well that are very far off the beaten path and only guarded at a front gate. The ones I have seen are only fenced by a shabby barb wire fence similar to a cattle fence.

I know, far fetched but just a thought.

It's come up before in one of the earlier threads. Somewhere south of Lewiston I think there is one, but I'm not sure where. Hopefully somebody local will jump on and clarify on that, as I might be dreaming (again!).

Local transfer station is at 560 Downriver Rd in Lewiston, just north of town, on Hwy 128.

Asotin County landfill is west of Clarkston on Hwy 128.

Remote and isolated describes a good chunk of real estate from the Palouse south for quite a ways. I figure about as tough to find Rachael as will be to find Susan Powell. Where do you start?

Wish we knew where CC's haunts were.

Here is a map showing Lewiston Waste Mgmt...south of Lewiston. I think this is the one I found earlier in the thread. Interesting...if you look at the panel to the left that gives you a list of landfills, etc, it also contains a link to domestic violence website.,-116.982422&spn=0.613869,1.229095&t=h&z=10
This is the first time I have seen ATF Agents and Whitman County mentioned in a search for Rachael. Hoping this is due to a new lead or maybe the little bastar% is talking to a snitch in jail. Full article to be posted on Saturday.

ETA: Looked at a map and see Pullman and Pomeroy, this area was mentioned early on by LE in searches for Rachael.

I am so glad to hear the task force is still on top of RA's case and especially that the ATF are still among them. I thought they may have pulled out after his arrest of the weapons. Kudos to the reporter/photographer with the Tribune for bringing us the updates from LE and keeping Rachael's name and image out there. Special thanks to Detective Nichols and her go girl. Please bring her home! She looks Native American also, doesn't she?:dance:

I think this is the LONGEST article on Rachael as of yet~ And this is even paraphrased! It truly is "about time they showed up"! IMO.

Good to see they are all out there hitting the pavement so to speak! I have been hella busy thanks to Hail season but Rachael is NEVER off of my mind.

Thanks to you ALL for keeping this thread going.

Anyoldtime I sure hope you can figure out that dream. It is very interesting that is for sure.

I have not had dreams about RA in awhile (since I CRASH once I hit that pillow) but I wanted to see what you all think about this.

I have a 3 year old that started having "night terrors" when Rachael went missing. Starting that first night we heard about it. Oddest thing really. She would say some of the WEIRDEST stuff. Someones legs were hurt, or he was after her, "my face hurts" "please don't hurt me like that". Those nights I would have the MOST INTENSE dreams about Rachael. My daughter would wake up with NO IDEA what she went through the night before.

There were nights my husband would be out of town so I would verbally have no one to talk to about Rachael, on those nights my daughter had NO night terrors. On the night we would talk about it, or I would really have my heart and soul into figuring things out ( like intense nights on here ) she would wake up screaming horribly again.

Since we have been so super busy and Rachael gets talked about but mostly in daylight hours my daughter has had NO dreams that she has screamed about. To me I think this is SO odd.

The weirdest thing is that my daughter doesnt KNOW Rachael. Never has met her, has only seen pictures and heard us talking about her. I truly think if I could get in that little girls head she would show me things I need to see.

But there is no doubt in my mind that Rachael is buried IN something. The visions I see of her both freak me out and worry me to death. Wish I could see more specifics also. That seems to be the way they come to us tho.

It is so frustrating!

I think she could tell you things too! Children are unreal in how they can tap into things...they aren't yet full of scepticism and have a very open mind. You might ask her if she every dreamed of RA..specifically....but I'll leave that up to you Ma.

I hope she is not in a landfill somewhere. NO! Let's all remember too, that Pullman is the place of RB's business.....bringing familiarity to the area and giving CC more probable hiding places, ideas, etc. We haven't heard anything more on RB since his questioning and out of the country trip. ?????

ETA: Thanks so much for bringing us the content of the article 141, you never fail us!!!
OK, word association. Please, don't google, don't overthink, don't tear it apart or numerologize the poor thing. Just whatever either pops into your head, or has meaning and would somehow relate to general Palouse area (do not know how to narrow this down further). Trying to determine the meaning of what I "heard" this morning. And I don't see or hear. Just occasionally dream something with meaning. This was part of a short sentence I heard clear as a bell this morning between smacks of the snooze alarm. Freaked me flat out, as it was sort of like a "Field of Dreams" moment, and one annoying mother clue. Was a man's voice FWIW, and I was not asleep. Not wakey wakey enough to feel like rolling out yet, but awake.

Won't relate whole sentence, but "Patrol 19" was the pointer. Mean anything at all to anybody local? Or should I just file it under "time to see a shrink"?

Absolutely AWESOME to know that LE is out actively searching for Rachael and that tips are still coming in. Normally I'd not get any too excited about a white SUV (they are a dime a dozen), but out in those tiny towns?? Not so much, and the locals would know if it belongs or not.

I wonder if CC was on one of those many side roads and headed back from his dump spot? And which direction onto 195 he was turning. Presumably south, but I didn't catch that in the article.

What pops into my head is that the first time I saw Rachael in my dream she was on a dirt "floor" but the number 19 was somewhere behind her. In B&W the sign or background was black, an old black and the white was the numbers, only they were slighty curled sorta "peeled" looking. I have no idea what it means. What it relates to, but I am slightly freaked out that the same number came to you. I so bad want to say its on a old wood barn, but its only as big as a mile marker. And for some reason I have a nagging feeling it could be an address, or a mile marker... or both. Such as a old address marker.....

milepost 19 would be very close to Colton, WA.....a little north of there...

About 8 miles north of Colton is where it would be I believe (on hwy 195).

OK, I think it's time somebody called in a tip on this. It may be nothing and they may not take it seriously, but by-gum, it MAY be and it would at least put a bug in their ear to keep it in mind. You could send an email to the dectective. IMO
OK, I think it's time somebody called in a tip on this. It may be nothing and they may not take it seriously, but by-gum, it MAY be and it would at least put a bug in their ear to keep it in mind. You could send an email to the dectective. IMO

"Patrol 19" is a who (person or group) not a location. Patrol 19 has information about this, whether they are aware they do, or not. And is probably LE or related agency (think search patrol).

I can't personally speak to 1forevry1's dream, but IMHO if her first instinct was an old wood barn, I'd stick with it, and dirt floor would for me reinforce that feeling. Barn, outbuilding of some sort.

To me it sounds like an old painted sign. Whether road sign, house sign or advertising sign or who knows what kind of sign. With paint beginning to peel. But that's just my interpretation of her dream. Would love to know more about it, and heck yes 1forevry1, how about a little Vulcan mind meld with that child of yours (joking, joking!!!). Whatever gets it out her of with no emotional scarring, eh?

$64,000 question would be where IS that old B&W sign and old barn? Is Rachael there, or was she, and is nearby?

Did she leave Moscow alive, but perhaps drugged, if they went to the Plantation or someplace else with alcohol and he spiked her drink?

As with all these cases, far more questions than answers. And a person missing who shouldn't be.
"Patrol 19" is a who (person or group) not a location. Patrol 19 has information about this, whether they are aware they do, or not. And is probably LE or related agency (think search patrol) and oh by the way, your box is full again.

I can't personally speak to 1forevry1's dream, but IMHO if her first instinct was an old wood barn, I'd stick with it, and dirt floor would for me reinforce that feeling. Barn, outbuilding of some sort.

To me it sounds like an old painted sign. Whether road sign, house sign or advertising sign or who knows what kind of sign. With paint beginning to peel. But that's just my interpretation of her dream. Would love to know more about it, and heck yes 1forevry1, how about a little Vulcan mind meld with that child of yours (joking, joking!!!). Whatever gets it out her of with no emotional scarring, eh?

$64,000 question would be where IS that old B&W sign and old barn? Is Rachael there, or was she, and is nearby?

Did she leave Moscow alive, but perhaps drugged, if they went to the Plantation or someplace else with alcohol and he spiked her drink?

As with all these cases, far more questions than answers. And a person missing who shouldn't be.

I think I'd keep the #19 open in everything and anything to do with the case. Whether it be a patrol car, sign, milepost, whatever. If there is a connection, I don't think they have figured it out yet.

Sorry, I'll fix it. Busy lady.
I do and have asked her if she dreams of RA. Her standard answer is "yes mama" AND she always tells me she has a bad wheel (aka that is what we in my crazy house call our legs). She tells me she sees her in the sun, which makes me believe it is RA in heaven or on the verge. You know what I mean with out getting into all that. Mind you she is 3 years old. THAT to me is amazing in and of itself.
When she plays with her dolls, I watch real close, sometimes one is named Rachael. But she appears calm, doesn't talk much, and is most always laying down on her left side.

I am going to throw my gut feelings out there and tell you I think RA is closer then LE ever expects to find her. Sometimes I get that "weird" feeling some one has seen her only doesn't know that is what they are seeing.

That Yukon pulling out onto the road at 430 in the morning HAS to be close. I feel it, and whether it is a vision I am putting into my own head because I want to see it or not, I can SEE her close to that. I TRULY think this B&W sign no matter what it says, even if 19 is partial or whole, is a BIG key in finding RA.

It will be interesting to find out how much of ALL the things we see, feel, and think about, post about and the works, come to real life once Rachael is found. I truly believe she WILL be found. AND SOON.
I was so happy to see the blog and even happier to see the article about Racheal. I too have been super busy but I'm always thinking of her. I drove up to Moscow Friday night and spent the whole time thinking and wondering. My dreams have been so confusing and meshed together. I too keep dreaming about an old barn or shed towards the back of a property with peeling paint. I see Racheal and Kyron though, so I don't know who its for, or if the two of them are just on my mind all of the time.
I think I'd keep the #19 open in everything and anything to do with the case. Whether it be a patrol car, sign, milepost, whatever. If there is a connection, I don't think they have figured it out yet.

Sorry, I'll fix it. Busy lady.

Getting redundant here, but it was "Patrol 19" not #19. As in "Patrol 19 has more info."

Person or group. Not mileage.
Getting redundant here, but it was "Patrol 19" not #19. As in "Patrol 19 has more info."

Person or group. Not mileage.

Do we know if there is a patrol 19 within any of the agencies involved? I don't know about the smaller towns in WA or ID, but where I live and in the city, the patrol cars are marked on the side, back and top with a specific at anytime an officer or him/her and their partner could be considered Patrol 325, etc.

I was just saying because of the number 19 in both yours and 141's dream, keeping an ear or eye on the possibilities, whether it be a search dog's number, an actual patrol, or as in 141's dream, a storage shed number, a stall number, a unit number, etc.

I'm thinking about the 3 yr old's saying her leg(s) were hurt. Was she tied, did he maybe shoot her as she was running, wack her with a pipe, run over her. Did she fall while running etc. Slam her leg in a car door or trunk?
Ignoring anyoldtime48's stricture, I googled Patrol 19 (sorry, it was too tempting).
I see there is a model of night vision goggles with those words, so of course my mind immediately went to a hunter. Maybe someone was poaching that night and saw something. Won't come forward because what they were doing was illegal. Just a thought.

Other thing I thought of is patrol 19 sounds like a LE radio id. I know Colton only has one officer out there. What other agencies are out there? Forest Service, State Parks, Reservation Police, Game Warden?
Do we know if there is a patrol 19 within any of the agencies involved? I don't know about the smaller towns in WA or ID, but where I live and in the city, the patrol cars are marked on the side, back and top with a specific at anytime an officer or him/her and their partner could be considered Patrol 325, etc.

I was just saying because of the number 19 in both yours and 141's dream, keeping an ear or eye on the possibilities, whether it be a search dog's number, an actual patrol, or as in 141's dream, a storage shed number, a stall number, a unit number, etc.

I'm thinking about the 3 yr old's saying her leg(s) were hurt. Was she tied, did he maybe shoot her as she was running, wack her with a pipe, run over her. Did she fall while running etc. Slam her leg in a car door or trunk?

I asked if she sees blood, she tells me no, no blood. just hurt. She did tell me this morning that there is a bow, I didn't want to lead her into anything so I tried to ask what kind of bow, and she told me it is a kind of "sharky" bow. Her idea of sharky from past conversations is spikes. So maybe barbwire? a trap? but either makes no sense if she doesn't see blood. Or someone or something is trying to shield her little eyes from seeing blood.
I did notice this morning that when I talk to her about RA she gets a very sad face, eyes always looking down, hands constantly busy. Doesn't seem to make her uncomfortable to talk about tho. Although she won't talk to her dad about it at all. Completely clams up if he tries to ask her anything about it.

She is a daddys girl, so maybe RA or whatever just doesn't want to involve a man??? I don't know. I know that when I read it back to myself it sounds like a far fetched story and I sort of feel like an idiot. Seems like its something you see on TV or read in a book. Not something I ever thought I would be seeing in my daughter that is for sure.
So the area LE seems to be searching ... Off Hwy 195, there is a Johnson Road Cutoff. On the opposite side of 195 is M Druffel Road (remember the local's name in the news story).

Tribune photographer Kyle Mills and I accompanied the task force on the five-hour search near Colton and Johnson.

If you take the Johnson Road Cutoff and follow it on the map, it becomes Busby-Johnson Road, then Johnson Road again, then SE Johnson. Eventually this road comes out at the Pullman-Moscow Hwy (270). Seems reasonable that CC could have taken 270 out of Moscow and ended up in the area LE is searching.

Rachael was last seen alive in Moscow on the evening of April 16th. A witness comes forward and says he saw a white suv at 4:00 AM pulling onto Hwy 195 on April 17th. Was this CC disposing of Rachael's body? Why this area and how would he have been familiar or comfortable enough to know exactly where he was going in the dark or that he would not come upon a farmhouse? Did he ever work at one of these farms?

The suv was discovered on Wednesday, April 21st in Lewiston. Do we think it had been there for a few days? Like maybe since Sunday, April 17th? If not, where would it have been for three days that no one would have seen it?
So the area LE seems to be searching ... Off Hwy 195, there is a Johnson Road Cutoff. On the opposite side of 195 is M Druffel Road (remember the local's name in the news story).

Tribune photographer Kyle Mills and I accompanied the task force on the five-hour search near Colton and Johnson.

If you take the Johnson Road Cutoff and follow it on the map, it becomes Busby-Johnson Road, then Johnson Road again, then SE Johnson. Eventually this road comes out at the Pullman-Moscow Hwy (270). Seems reasonable that CC could have taken 270 out of Moscow and ended up in the area LE is searching.

Rachael was last seen alive in Moscow on the evening of April 16th. A witness comes forward and says he saw a white suv at 4:00 AM pulling onto Hwy 195 on April 17th. Was this CC disposing of Rachael's body? Why this area and how would he have been familiar or comfortable enough to know exactly where he was going in the dark or that he would not come upon a farmhouse? Did he ever work at one of these farms?

The suv was discovered on Wednesday, April 21st in Lewiston. Do we think it had been there for a few days? Like maybe since Sunday, April 17th? If not, where would it have been for three days that no one would have seen it?

*BBM~ A few people I have talked to have said that they were sure the Yukon had been there the whole time. I guess no one really knows for sure but I remember one of the family telling me that the guy that lived in the house the Yukon was parked by had said it had been there for 3 or 4 days. Would be nice to know this for sure.

I think that back road is a good road for him to take. Makes sense somewhat ... which is few and far between in this case for sure. Wouldn't be hard for him to figure that road out being the "hunter" that he was. I say WAS because I hope his *advertiser censored** never gets out of jail.
Where did that person live that kept the gun for him?
Ignoring anyoldtime48's stricture, I googled Patrol 19 (sorry, it was too tempting).
I see there is a model of night vision goggles with those words, so of course my mind immediately went to a hunter. Maybe someone was poaching that night and saw something. Won't come forward because what they were doing was illegal. Just a thought.

Other thing I thought of is patrol 19 sounds like a LE radio id. I know Colton only has one officer out there. What other agencies are out there? Forest Service, State Parks, Reservation Police, Game Warden?

$4 grand worth of heat seeking device. But you are on the right track with LE or related. This was an awake man's voice telling me that Patrol 19 was who to see for more info, and I take "who" as person or group.

ISP uses 3-digit numbers in the 400s and 500s. Maybe more, can only pick up S Idaho on scanner and I listened for awhile last night. Never shortened to 2-digit. O/T, happened to catch their APB for the bad murdering dude from Newberg, OR who they believe might be headed to MT.

I had already googled and gotten nowhere, but I basically was hoping maybe "Patrol 19" would jump at somebody with no further info.

The 19 part did get attention, but if it's connected to whoever Patrol 19 is, I think that's peripheral.

Moscow scanner is back online this afternoon, so I am listening for how they pass their ID. In my neighborhood they tend to abbreviate down to 2 digit from 4 once they are clearly established on a call. And another agency uses K-XX.

Just heard a "Latah 65" so sounds like 2-digit used there.

WSP I'd love to know, but alas, I find no scanner feeds that pick them up.

And all those search patrols, rangers, you name it. Lake patrol, public lands patrol. Anybody who patrols that might have a badge number and works in the greater Palouse area. They have info, whether they know it or not.

That's my story, and by gum I'm sticking to it!
I asked if she sees blood, she tells me no, no blood. just hurt. She did tell me this morning that there is a bow, I didn't want to lead her into anything so I tried to ask what kind of bow, and she told me it is a kind of "sharky" bow. Her idea of sharky from past conversations is spikes. So maybe barbwire? a trap? but either makes no sense if she doesn't see blood. Or someone or something is trying to shield her little eyes from seeing blood.
I did notice this morning that when I talk to her about RA she gets a very sad face, eyes always looking down, hands constantly busy. Doesn't seem to make her uncomfortable to talk about tho. Although she won't talk to her dad about it at all. Completely clams up if he tries to ask her anything about it.

She is a daddys girl, so maybe RA or whatever just doesn't want to involve a man??? I don't know. I know that when I read it back to myself it sounds like a far fetched story and I sort of feel like an idiot. Seems like its something you see on TV or read in a book. Not something I ever thought I would be seeing in my daughter that is for sure.

Bow and arrows? Those arrows, especially as a group, are pretty darn sharky.

Not to mention quiet.

And I just got an image too ugly from that. Watch too much TV I think. Anything hunted with arrows is going to bleed. Not like being being shot with gun, but still going to bleed.

Strangulation though is I think is highly likely if this happened in town. It's about rage and very personal. Or blunt force trauma. Something relatively quiet so as not to attract attention.
Not that this means anything significant, just consider the irony of the topic being discussed and the keywords in post # 76.

Do I need a .357 Magnum Revolver? - Page 4 - Glock Talk

I think that was the first hit I got, but whoever decided a Smith & Wesson .357 "Patrol 19" (revolver) exists had matched the model number with the name Patrol incorrectly.

The handgun seized did happen to be a Glock model 22 (.40 cal) per the published charging documents however.


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