WA WA - Shantina Smiley, 29, & Azriel Carver, 8 (fnd deceased), Olympia, Mar 2010 - #2

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We're working on a bunch of different theories. We really haven't closed any possibilities yet," Mealy said. "We will find her."

It's still possible the 29-year-old mother and her son went into the water of Puget Sound, but if they did, Mealy said, they could be anywhere in the region because of the ferocity of the current.

Mealy said Wednesday that Thurston County detectives were aware of Smiley's emotional state and her problems with alcohol.

He said Simmons is not a suspect.

Search for Shantina Smiley Expands After Evidence Washes Ashore

The fiance of the missing Washington mother Shantina Smiley and her young son has told police that articles that have washed ashore at a pond belong to them.

Thurston County Sheriff's Lt. Chris Mealy told ABC News that the items found included mismatched leather shoes, an inhaler, a ball and a half-full corked bottle of wine. Ross Simmons, Shantina Smiley's fiance, told investigators that Smiley's son Azriel Carter had ashma.

Some things work for me, others don't:

I can't imagine she met with some stranger that happened upon them in the area that late at night and overcame both of them and did them harm.

I can see that she would avoid a freeway and possibly asked for directions for "back roads" to avoid being on the freeway.

I can understand, if she was drinking heavily, that she would want to "give it some time" before seeing RS and Stepdad. Maybe using the lost excuse. I also can understand, if she wanted to grab some drinks (or had been drinking before she left), that she would want to be alone in the car and not with RS.

I can see her finding her way somehow to the beach to sleep it off a bit and then head on her way. Having a great excuse already in mind for why she's late.

I see the phone calls to various people as her setting up a trail for how she was SO lost and called and didn't have a phone...etc. The wallet doesn't bother me as still being there because I"ve often taken my wallet out to pay for something (parking, quick run into the store,) and left it in my car. If one had been drinking, I would think that forgetting this would be even more likely.

What isn't working for me is that she's in the water. The water in that area isn't that deep, from what I recall. And I think they've also search pretty thoroughly in the area underwater??

What also isn't working for me is that she's lost in the woods somewhere. While this area seems woody and desolate, it really isn't to that extreme. I'm guessing at any given time, she would be within half a mile at the most of a house. And if she was truly lost, I'd think she'd make her way to a road and get help.

The last thing is, I don't think this was a planned getaway...to escape her life, necessarily. I think the idea of a boat picking her up is a little far fetched. It would have to be a small boat to not get stuck in those waters and then it would have to be fairly large to get them out of that area into the puget sound. They are already out of their hometown, why not just meet at a park and ride and go from there?

That's where I'm at with this whole thing. I still hope that the pieces will come together and they will be home.
Cadavar dogs can be used in the water pretty effectively. I know of a few people who have been pulled from Lake Michigan after being located by dogs. I wonder if they took the dogs out in the boat. I guess I am still not understanding the drownding thing, the water only went up to the seats on the van, I would doubt that the tide would be strong enough to over come both of them. My best guess would be is that she knew that she was getting too drunk/ tired to drive anymore, so she went down the road, found the first place that looked remote enough to catch a nap and sleep it off. THey drove onto the beach, she tried to turn around, but got stuck, said screw it... threw the keys on the dash (you can still get a DUI if you are parked and the keys are in the ignition) ...makes me wonder if her seat was tipped back. They fall asleep only to wake up to wet feet, startled they crawl out the back (makes me wonder if there is a door release back there, of if they would have had to went out the side door, then just stoped at the back to get their bag. (I am pretty sure she was planning on staying the weekend, she had posted on her step sisters FB that they were coming down that weekend, and that she was excited to catch up). Then I dont know where they went from there. High tide was 6:10 AM, so I would think that she would have been fairly sober in the 5-7 hours of sleep they got. At least sober enough to walk in water up to their butt.
mtrooper, I read yesterday that when the resumed the search after finding items that they had a dog in the boat with them.
Search for Shantina Smiley Expands After Evidence Washes Ashore



I guess I am not shocked that these items floated ashore. So what. the doors of the van were open, did they not think that things would float away? In the good news, the tide and current is bringing them back in, so IF they are out there (which I am not convinced that they are) then they very well might come back. I think the average is 7-10 days for people to surface, its quicker if the water is warmer. But I am guessing the water is 40's or so.
Lt. Chris Mealey from the Thurston County Sheriff’s office told me yesterday investigators were focusing on a lead from a resident who claims someone was knocking at his door around 1 a.m. on Sunday. Blood hounds were on the ground yesterday at the home, and in a zodiac boat to try and pick up a trail. Lt. Mealey says his team has identified contents found on a beach. Some belong to Shantina and Azriel, and some do not. Lt. Mealey also mentions that they could have fallen out of the family mini-van because the doors and hatch were left open:
- Wine bottle (Shantina was seen purchasing this earlier in the night at the Handy Pantry around 7:55 p.m., it was found on the beach, half empty with the cap on it)
- Baseball (not identified)
- Orange ball (does belong to Azriel)
- Possibly a men’s shoe, size 13 (not identified)
- Asthma inhaler (belongs to Azriel)
- Two water bottles (unidentified)
- A woman or man’s shoe size, 9w (does belong to Shantina)

Has anyone been able to confirm whether either of them knew how to swim?
I am surprised RS has not commented on this(or has he)?
I notice there are a lot of pictures of Shantina on this site...she has her glasses with her in most of them. I wonder if they found her glasses in the van on the dash board. Most people who have poor vision wont go far without their specks.
I guess I am not shocked that these items floated ashore. So what. the doors of the van were open, did they not think that things would float away? In the good news, the tide and current is bringing them back in, so IF they are out there (which I am not convinced that they are) then they very well might come back. I think the average is 7-10 days for people to surface, its quicker if the water is warmer. But I am guessing the water is 40's or so.

I was just about to ask how long does it typically take a body to wash ashore. Thanks!

(BTW I am not convinced they are in the water either)
I really hope the knocking on the door/noise at 1am is related. It implies SS and Az are out of the water.
Listen to Dana Carver
Carver added she didn't know of a drinking problem while Smiley lived in New York.

"I know she loved her son. I know she loves her son more than anything in this world. I can't imagine that she would do anything to jeopardize that by relapsing or drinking in her vehicle, anything like that with her son there."

Jay Carver told KIRO Radio's Ron & Don that he believed Shantina had not been drinking for the past few years. "As far as I know for the past couple years she hasn't been drinking."

Listen to Jay Carver on The Ron & Don Show


Link to their radio show here.
This is not sounding good as more time passes.
For whatever reason Shantina finds herself on the beach:
she wanted to hang out and get the wine out of her system
she was impaired and got lost again and again;

where could they possibly be if they got out of the van and started walking?

I am optimistic with the 1am knocking on the neighbor's garage at 1am.
But where would they go if they did not wait there?

I guess I am not shocked that these items floated ashore. So what. the doors of the van were open, did they not think that things would float away? In the good news, the tide and current is bringing them back in, so IF they are out there (which I am not convinced that they are) then they very well might come back. I think the average is 7-10 days for people to surface, its quicker if the water is warmer. But I am guessing the water is 40's or so.

I think if the shoes were the ones they were wearing that is important. They very well could be extra shoes that were in the van. We don't know. I hope they were extras.
I think in some of the videos I saw, Az is wearing grey/white sneakers?

Yes, I just went back and checked- SS is wearing black shoes and AZ is wearing sneakers.

Hard for me to say, as I can't really tell what is in the video. That looks like a man's shoe (not many women wear size 13, and that looks like it could be a men's 13, which would be equivalent to women's 15). What size does RS wear? I'd also like to know if Azriel used a spacer with his inhaler (that's what appears to be the blue and clear plastic item above the inhaler).

ETA: here's a photo of one similar to the one in the video:

I think in some of the videos I saw, Az is wearing grey/white sneakers?

Yes, I just went back and checked- SS is wearing black shoes and AZ is wearing sneakers.

Odd that they're both left shoes.
This entire case makes me so sad. Smiley was on her way to a wonderful life - she found sobriety, and that is so hard to do for an addict. She got herself through school and truly enjoyed seeing the achievements of her son.

This devastating scenario is because of addiction - we are in an addictive society and as a pharmacist, I see it all the time - all day long with prescription medication and street drugs. We have got to get help for the people addicted to street drugs, alcohol, and RX meds - we have to stop throwing them in jail as if that is some kind of fix.

Look at the beautiful lives that are affected. Addiction is a real disease and when I was in retail pharmacy, much of my day was trying to keep drug addicts from getting more medication into their system. Police deal with it one way, pharmacists another, and Dr.'s another. We should all work together.

When you see the life someone can have once addiction is out of the picture - it is all worth it and when you see what a beautiful person is underneath all the drug facade - it's really worth it. mOO

Sorry for this off topic post - this case made the news, most don't.
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