WA WA - Shantina Smiley, 29, & Azriel Carver, 8 (fnd deceased), Olympia, Mar 2010 - #2

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I did a criminal back ground check and found a JWB who is 33yo. The JWB we are looking for was born in 1955 right? If so, I can't find a thing on that particular JWB.
Thanks for posting this. So from this, it looks like she was headed there to Castle Rock. Maybe she did really get lost.

She had only driven 50 miles is what I'm reading (hoping I'm reading correctly).

Lets give her an hour 90 minutes to drive the 50 due to traffic. Which means she drove around for about 4 hours lost in Olympia - going from store to restaurant to store...then to a house, without figuring out how to get back to the freeway. I'm not seeing that she asked for directions at all of her stops either.

I was incorrect - Silverdale is about 67 miles to Olympia. It should be about the same timeframe though.
Things I'm thinking about:

By 10pm, I wonder if the 8 year old would have fell asleep in the van? I don't know if that even would make a difference but it definitely gives him less say in what happens.

It was stated in this thread that the 8 year old said his mom hit her head. Could this be an excuse because he was embarrassed that his mother was acting off? Was she mentally ill, "went crazy"? Suicide attempts are easier with a bottle of wine/alcohol. Or did she buy alcohol earlier and decided she needed more? Financial records would probably be easy enough to find out what she bought during the day to answer that question.

She was driving around "lost" and to me that sounds like a person who is overwhelmed with life and maybe she was struggling in her mind on what actions to take.

I have to admit it does sound like she may have been drunk. It sounds like something underlying was going on that we probably cannot even imagine because we aren't her. Maybe she stopped to ask directions at a random persons home because she was looking for a chance to turn her mind around. I have been at that point, but I cannot understand how she could have brought her son into the mix. I pray she did not do the worst. She may have been trying to drive into the lake and when that didn't work... she had to use her imagination.

It sounds so grim. I just hope to see the happy news that this is a hoax. That would be so wonderful.

Something that caught my eye in this picture of the car is that the windshield wipers were used. I thought I read on here that it appeared as though she got stuck trying to turn the van around. Yet, the wipers being used and the front of the car make it appear as though she actually hit some water, splashing it up over the hood and on the windshield.

Not sure where I'm going with this, except that is seems like she did more than just get stuck trying to turn around, presumably before high tide came in.

One point - alcohol is frequently used by people with mental illness.

Her mom didn't need to be "depressed" per se. 20% of bipolars successfully commit suicide.

I'm not saying or even speculating that SS was bipolar, or suffered from any mental illness. There's simply no proof.

I once read that people with low Vitamin B1 can get psychosis when drinking.

The bad of it is that alcoholics usually suffer from low Vitamin B1.

So, for some alcoholics drinking alcohol is like going into a psychosis that usually lasts way past their hangover.

I have no literature for this, just something I read a long time ago.

I bought Vitamin B1 at the time to "help" a friend, but he didn't want the vitamin.

He's still a chronic alcoholic who goes into DTs when he can't drink in a short time, with hallucinations and nightmares.

I feel so sorry for this person but he doesn't seem to want help.

Korsakoff Psychosis is generally considered to occur with deterioration of brain function in patients initially diagnosed with WE. This is an amnestic-confabulatory syndrome characterized by retrograde and anterograde amnesia, impairment of conceptual functions, and decreased spontaneity and initiative.

Following improved nutrition and the removal of alcohol consumption, some impairments linked with thiamine deficiency are reversed; particularly poor brain functionality, although in more severe cases, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome leaves permanent damage.
From wikipedia.
Exactly, what was she doing all those hours before she bought the wine?

Did her father notice she was intoxicated??? Slurred speech? Making sense??

Aye! Aye! I hope they get the lead they need.

I am no alcoholic, but know a few. Let's say that when there is alcohol present they drink until it's gone! It's like food-addicts in front of a carton of ice cream- they don't rest the spoon until the COIC is gone! ... or the bag of potato chips.

So, finding half a bottle of wine makes me think about my alcoholics theory... of drinking all they can until it's gone.

Also, was the amount she drank enough to make her fall, become disoriented... but at the same time people did not smell her breath, or declare her drunk?

I think benzodiazapines (anti-anxiety) could make her disoriented, cause memory loss, and look zoned out. moo
Possible clues found near where pair vanished


The Olympian - Search dogs Ellie (left), with handler Bruce Cheshier of Renton, and Roxy, with handler Syd Phillips of Seattle, prepare to search the water near where Shantina Smiley's van was found abandoned on the beach at Little Fish Trap north of Olympia. Piloting the boat is Sgt. Jim Dunn of the Thurston County Sheriff's Office dive rescue team.

A woman walking on the beach with friends Sunday found a small shoe, an inhaler and a half-full bottle of white wine that had washed up about a quarter-mile east of where a missing woman’s minivan had been found on the shore that morning.

Charles Grimmer, who lives on Island View Drive, confirmed that search dogs had been to his home twice after his wife reported to the sheriff’s office that someone had knocked loudly and repeatedly on their garage door about 1 a.m. Sunday.
Grimmer said he was half-asleep as his wife, Rachel, was watching a movie, and they heard the loud knocks.
“Bang, bang bang bang,” Grimmer said, describing four knocks. He said his wife was frightened.
“We were thinking someone was trying to get in,” Grimmer said.
He said he activated the home’s alarm system, then went to front door and looked outside, but he could see no one. After his wife called the sheriff’s office, investigators came to the home with bloodhounds.
Stines confirmed that a search dog failed to pick up a scent at the home.
Grimmer said it’s possible that someone could climb any number of sets of steep stairs leading from the beach to homes on Island View Court, but it would be extremely dangerous at night.
“If you fell, you’d die,” he said.
AFter reading back to January on CK's facebook--finally saw her reference "Jim," so I think it's about 99% chance that SS was going to visit JWB.
Something that caught my eye in this picture of the car is that the windshield wipers were used. I thought I read on here that it appeared as though she got stuck trying to turn the van around. Yet, the wipers being used and the front of the car make it appear as though she actually hit some water, splashing it up over the hood and on the windshield.

Not sure where I'm going with this, except that is seems like she did more than just get stuck trying to turn around, presumably before high tide came in.


I noticed that, too.

Can't think of another explanation but that she hit that waterline driving pretty fast, for the water to splash over the van like that. I wonder if the van was actually front-first in the water when it was found, and some of the photos that we've seen were after it was towed. The sheriff said that it looked like she got stuck and tried to back out. If her van's rear was in the water, she'd be backing into the sound.

Or, it looks like there are some tidal pools right in that area, so maybe she plowed through a tidal pool before becoming lodged in the shoreline.
CK, Shantina's stepmother, seems to be a very sweet, warm person...she was very supportive on her FB page of Shantina and Az visiting. So sad that it ended this way.

Wait, so CK is married to JWB? Does CK use the B last name? This is strange. Shantina's mom died in 2005. So her step-father remarried since her mom's death? To this CK woman?

I don't know the situation, but JBW only married SS's mom in 1993. And SS lived with her grandparents since 1991. Were SS and her step-dad that close that she'd go visit her step-dad and his...new wife...? After he mother allegedly killed herself?

It sounds more and more like an AA making amends type of trip than a casual fun seeing the family thing.
After looking at the route of the area Shantina was driving & was last seen & allegedly "lost" and couldn't seem to find her way to I-5, I have to chime in & say - No Way.


Everyone in that area knows how to get to I-5. Even if they're just passing through Olympia (which is an easy city to navigate, regardless of whether or not you live there) there are numerous signs posted on all the main roads that indicate how to get to the interstate. It's practically impossible to get lost.

I believe it's been verified that Shantina lives in Silverdale (or was it Brinnon?). Either way - anyone who lives along the peninsula absolutely knows how to get to I-5, even if they have to go through Olympia. It's common knowledge. I don't live in Olympia or out on the peninsula, but I've driven through there many times on my way to the Olympic Peninsula - on my way to or from Ocean Shores, or Long beach, or Fort Canby, or Kalaloch, or Ruby Beach, and I've never gotten lost (even in pouring rain & dense fog). I have a number of friends who have also driven through there & they've never gotten lost, either.

If you look at the map at the link I posted, & go to photo # 9 in the gallery, you can see the various locations she was reported to have been during that Saturday night between 7:54 p.m. and where her van was discovered Sunday morning.

IMO, it appears that she wanted to leave an obvious trail of where she'd been that night, by going to the Handy Pantry @ 7:54, the Martin Way Diner @ 9:08, Gull Harbor Mercantile @ 9:54, and then the Williams' home @ 10:00. Her van was found down the road the next morning.

As I've said, I'm not a local in the immediate Olympia area, but I've driven through there numerous times & have never gotten lost.

In the footage of Shantina @ the Handy Pantry (at 7:54 p.m.), she enters the store with a smile on her face. Her posture is relaxed. There is nothing about her demeanor that would lead anyone to believe that anything was amiss.

Either something happened after she left the Handy Pantry (she became intoxicated; she realized she was being stalked by someone she feared - maybe her ex, in violation of the permanent no-contact order?) or this is an elaborate hoax designed to lead everyone to believe that she & her son have fallen victim to foul play.

IDK. All I know is that I don't believe she was lost & ended up on that beach by accident. It's too far-fetched.
AFter reading back to January on CK's facebook--finally saw her reference "Jim," so I think it's about 99% chance that SS was going to visit JWB.

Yeah, in the white pages he's listed as Jimmy WB. With a Silverlake address.
I noticed that, too.

Can't think of another explanation but that she hit that waterline driving pretty fast, for the water to splash over the van like that. I wonder if the van was actually front-first in the water when it was found, and some of the photos that we've seen were after it was towed. The sheriff said that it looked like she got stuck and tried to back out. If her van's rear was in the water, she'd be backing into the sound.

Or, it looks like there are some tidal pools right in that area, so maybe she plowed through a tidal pool before becoming lodged in the shoreline.


Good observations about the wipers. Iirc the person that discovered the van said the rear of the van was in the water.
Wait, so CK is married to JWB? Does CK use the B last name? This is strange. Shantina's mom died in 2005. So her step-father remarried since her mom's death? To this CK woman?

I don't know the situation, but JBW only married SS's mom in 1993. And SS lived with her grandparents since 1991. Were SS and her step-dad that close that she'd go visit her step-dad and his...new wife...? After he mother allegedly killed herself?

It sounds more and more like an AA making amends type of trip than a casual fun seeing the family thing.

Yes. CK is married to JWB.

What I can't find is where the Kanally name came from.

From the article:

'A Kitsap Sun search of court records revealed that Smiley was charged with DUI and hit and run in April 2005. She received a deferred prosecution, according to the Cowlitz County Clerk’s Office, meaning that her charges would be dropped if she stayed out of trouble. It appears the deferred prosecution was to last five years, and she’d had no problems since. It’s set to end April 13, 2010.'

What if she was driving while drinking and ran the van into the water, was alert enough to realize that she may have broken the plea agreement, and may face the deferred sentence for the above convictions? And is now hiding out somewhere? I'm hoping she surfaces with a lawyer.

Although, it has gone on too many days and it might just be wishful thinking on my part.
Yes. CK is married to JWB.

What I can't find is where the Kanally name came from.

In the 1991 child custody petition she's listed as Shantina Kanally. Maybe that was mom's maiden name? It says Shantina was born in Portland, OR. Sadly OR charges you for court records! Maybe I'll try LexisNexis.

Also, do you all think most people know that cellphones can ping even when not used? I don't know the motive, but *maybe* Shantina specifically left her phone at home because she had something to do and didn't want to be tracked? Maybe she went somewhere between 4 and 8, and then by 8 wanted it to be known she was in Olympia (and not at that other place), so she started using her credit cards in stores, stopping in places. But I don't know why, or if that matches up with calling her fiance at 6:45 ... sigh
From the article:

'A Kitsap Sun search of court records revealed that Smiley was charged with DUI and hit and run in April 2005. She received a deferred prosecution, according to the Cowlitz County Clerk’s Office, meaning that her charges would be dropped if she stayed out of trouble. It appears the deferred prosecution was to last five years, and she’d had no problems since. It’s set to end April 13, 2010.'

What if she was driving while drinking and ran the van into the water, was alert enough to realize that she may have broken the plea agreement, and may face the deferred sentence for the above convictions? And is now hiding out somewhere? I'm hoping she surfaces with a lawyer.

Although, it has gone on too many days and it might just be wishful thinking on my part.

She could have found a phone though and called a tow truck to pull the van out. That wouldn't involve the police.
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