WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 1

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4 years past??, her baby is 2
Oops...older child is 4.

Unless she had significant symptoms of depression long before today (1-1.5 years), she doesn't have PPD. Major Depression? Possibly, but not PPD.
Mods,I'm not sure if this is considered MSM, so if not please delete.

"Last December, a social worker determined that there was a “preponderance of evidence” that Metalwala had struck his daughter hard enough to cause bruising, court records show. The social worker also said Sky had troubling bruises, but because the boy could not talk, it wasn’t clear where he got them."


some of the flkr pics on the vacation Sky seemed to have a massive bruise between his eyes??!!
The husband said that she wanted to clean the refrigerator and didn't keep food in the house in prior court documents that were reported on by kirotv.com. He didn't say these things in response to his son being missing.

I think we are sometimes too quick to blame a woman's mental health issues on PPD.

I completely agree!! It really bugs me that it has become this huge blanket diagnosis for any symptom or behavior that "could" potentially be a sign of PPD. It also seems the time frame in which this diagnosis is given is an ever expanding one IMO.

I once had an endocrinologist appointment to have my thyroid checked. Not a mental health professional at all. I wasn't feeling well - tired ALL the time, weak, depressed, etc. It was literally a huge accomplishment if I got out of bed in the morning and took a shower and put on something non-pajama-y :)
Anyway, he asked me a bunch of questions, one being if I've had children. I answer that I had 2 kids -ages 5 & 7 at the time of this visit. Rather than proceeding to run labs or do anything thyroid related, he closed my medical file and told me the more likely culprit for my depressive symptoms is PPD... Five years after giving birth!! OMG I thought I was going to fall out of that chair, listening the those words leave his mouth!! LOL :)

I got it worked out with another doctor (and it really was a thyroid issue) and I've drastically improved. I mean seriously? WTH was up with that??? Sorry to be so O/T BTW...

Back to business...
some of the flkr pics on the vacation Sky seemed to have a massive bruise between his eyes??!!

I was trying to figure that out, too. However, my kids both would have bruises right there from falling or running into things. Toddlers can end up with all kinds of things from being so active, so I decided not to overanalyze it... There's enough other stuff to look at in this case, unfortunately.
Thank you! Do we even have a time frame of when she allegedly said this? PPD is serious business. She had a dream, that's not the same as saying she wishes she could. I've had some pretty disturbing dreams.

This poor mother & Sky. He's been missing how long? We don't even know that he's dead and everyone is ready to hang mom?

I am, yes. I'm sorry, but even if she is telling the truth and really did leave this child in the car, she is wrong and already knows it because of her community service, court ordered parenting classes, $5000 fine and citation. The only way that this flies as a situation where she might get any sympathy is if she is hiding the child, but why only hide one, and why waste the resources of LE and FBI that could be looking for a legitimately missing child? I have very little patience for this woman and I am more likely than most to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe she never sought help for PPD. Happens all the time.

I noticed on JB's facebook page she refers to her daughter as "my organic baby". Also the photos of her checkup are at a homeopathic clinic.

Perhaps she needed psyche meds, but choose to deal with it another way. Maybe herbal remedies?
I believe if she was truly committed involuntarily, she is likely quite ill. Her symptoms may be better at times of less stress
So, JB was "more interested in cleaning the empty refrigerator twice a day" than feeding her daughter -- that's how bad her OCD was. FYI, OCD is an anxiety disorder and it sounds like hers was really unchecked. OCD compulsions (i.e. behaviors and thoughts) get worse in times of increased stress. Sounds like this divorce has been highly stressful. When OCD compulsions get to the point that they're interfering enough in your life that you're not tending to your kids' basic needs, that's a train that has run pretty far off the rails. (I'm a mental health therapist, btw).

Also, SM has made some pretty weird statements to the news -- he's kind of a creepy-sounding guy. But, at least he's made statements to the news (both addressing JB and the possible kidnapper/s). Why hasn't JB made a statement? From her POV, there are only 2 possibilities -- Sky walked off or Sky was kidnapped. Why isn't she appealing for his safe return?
bbm: because she is being interviewed by police non stop is my most likely guess..:twocents:

That's great, but it would be more helpful if they described what the mother was wearing, and what the daughter was wearing so those who saw them walking around could remember it.

Showing Sky's pic is not as helpful, IMHO. It's unlikely, if she harmed him, she did it in a way the public could watch.

But where she was with the daughter, and when, would be helpful.

She is DEFINITELY in LE's crosshairs, with this poster. Like Terri Horman was.

Thanks GOODNESS they finally corrected the color of the hoodie. I tell you, that was driving me batty all day that reporters kept saying he was last seen in a dark green hoodie, the exact one in the pic and they'd show a light grey hoodie. Not a huge point, but it stuck in my craw everytime I looked at that obvious error. I couldn't believe reporter after reporter kept mouthing those words without even LOOKING at the pic.
If she is suffering from something akin to OCD, I guess I'd want to know which came first, the chicken, or the egg?

That is to say, did her OCD become such a stressor that the marriage broke down and the husband made a poor choice by responding to all this stress by lashing out physically?


Was the experience of living through what had become a violent relationship, and the ensuing stress of the divorce and custody case enough to make the mom manifest symptoms of OCD?

I know that abuse survivors can experience PTSD and Stockholm Syndrome. I've never heard of OCD, but it doesn't seem impossible.
I think the OCD could indirectly have an impact if the parent if it leads to neglect. :(

I keep thinking about little Sky being potty training age and now hearing about possible OCD worries me even more. Praying for Sky to be found safe.
some of the flkr pics on the vacation Sky seemed to have a massive bruise between his eyes??!!

Could you please link to one. Not saying I don't believe you at all, I just want to see it. My daughter has a vein that is very prominent between her eyes and people always ask me if it is a bruise and when I show them and tell them they ask if it will always be there. The doctors said it would eventually go away, but as of yet, it has not and it not really noticeable all the time.
Sky is such a little cutie. I hope he's out there safe and sound.
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