WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #11

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I am now more curious than ever to know the date of the surveillance screen caps.. I am almost thinking that they are waaaaaaaaaaay PRE-mediation(11/1).. That there more like 10/23 or even before!! I'm having a feeling that may be the case here thus even more of a direct msg to Julia from LE saying that they've not only retraced and verified her movements for the week before Sky disappeared but to say, "Hey look Julia we went all the way back to the day we know you disappeared him!"..

Other confirmation of this is that I believe with all my heart that Julia would have never attended that mediation with those dark azz trashy roots!! Never in a million years!! That's why I do not believe that when she went to the salon on 11/4 was when she got her root touch up.. If you'll recall it's reported that on 11/4 Julia just got a haircut!! I believe that!! Because I believe her root
touch up was prior to 11/1 the day of the mediation.. Thus making the surveillance screen caps that much farther back dated!!!

I believe this definitely is possible and I believe it makes the msg from LE to Julia with releasing photos that much more direct in letting her know we've got
you on tape from weeks before Sky "disappeared"(11/6) and possibly even on the very day Sky
actually disappeared(waaaaay prior to 11/6)
One thing I promise you is this.. There is no way he!! That Julia went to that mediation with this dark azz roots as has been speculated.. She wouldn't!! And
in putting that thought together with the report actually stating it was just a haircut on 11/4.. It makes evident the surveillance pics are from further back than we originally thought..
You are spot on....Julia is too full of herself to go to mediation with dark roots.

I just can't shake the feeling LE is saying to Julia ...the gig is up ....pictures #1 & #2 are the last known images of Sky. I am sure those two photo's of Sky are from her appartment PC or iPhone so she can't tamper the date to b/u her abduction story of Nov. 6th. MOO

Link to Photo's
I believe that Sky went missing possibly before the 9/5 massive upload on flicker.

There is a pic of M and Sky in their car seats. It says the photo was taken 9/4, but it was taken in 2/6 along with the other photos of them out and about on 2/6. In the 9/4 photo Sky has a hat on and both kids have blankets on them. It was still warm here in early Sept. Nobody would have hats and blankets on their kids in a car then!!!!! Nobody is that stupid, Julia! Do you here me?

One more thing. . .the June 15 photos. . .I'm not convinced of those date stamps AT ALL. We are to believe that all the Costco, stroller, haircut and friend's house are the same day. I don't believe they are. M's outfit is different. Her hair style is different. Sky's shoes are different. He looks younger in some of the pics than in others.

So I went to find out something about her camera and lo and behold, you can change the date stamp of a previously set date and time!!! Page 12 of the user's manual:


Where is Sky???!!! :furious:


From the press conference at 3:30 on 11/09 transcript a neighbor had seen them within two weeks.
Have any of mom's neighbors seen mom with the 4 year old daughter? Short answer is no, the neighbor saw both of the children with mom 2 weeks ago. Not seen with just daughter.
I'd like to hear from the neighbor.

I totally agree that Julia changed/changes dates and manipulated photos to make things appear differently than they really were.
I'm bumping this again because I find it fascinating and I want to know what everyone thinks.

If correct, it shows that Julia, a few days ago, and 7 days after her son was reported missing, was busy trying to publicly justify why she published a blog containing audio of custody exchanges during which her daughter is heard wailing and she, some feel, is attempting to make her child hysterical.

She's not taking LDT's, she's not sitting for interviews with LE. She's not pleading on the news for her son. She's not handing out flyers or searching parks. She's not curled up in a ball, distraught and freaking out.

No, instead, she is updating her flikr account and trying to explain away why she published a blog containing recordings of traumatic custody exchanges.

LE has stated their investigation has taken them around the world and all over the country. Yet, they have no reason to believe Sky is not right in their backyard. Which means, they obviously do not believe he was taken out of the jurisdiction to hide him.

So, unless someone is hiding a live Sky very close to home and unless Julia has an extremely good reason why she would hide her son and not the daughter who she claims her husband molested, Sky is surely dead or has been kidnapped.

Yet she is calm enough to worry about flikr and her blog spot - too upset to sit for LDT, mind you, according to her attorney - not upset enough not to upload photos and comment about her blog spot. What the heck?

Well, I suspect she is watching the news, and they have given this audio some coverage (I assume). I understand your comments, if she has the time and energy for blogging she aught to have time and energy to assist the police. I will be blunt:

We know why she is not talking to the police. Statements like exhaustion and stress are never anything more than polite evasions. "Proving" them to be false is (respectfully) as silly as proving your daughter in law really didn't love the fruitcake you sent over last Christmas.

And please note that I am smiling as I type this, because I respect the hell out of you.

Anyway, the more interesting question is whether or not she reads this forum. I would imagine that she very well might. More interesting is: did she read it BEFORE all this. Whether she did or not, I suspect that she, like so many, followed the Casey Anthony case. Casey and her defense has proven to be a treasure map to psychotic homicidal mothers (as we have seen) and it would not surprise me in the least to discover that she followed that case closely.

MMO etc
I think reporter showed the father the fuzzy photo and poor father is simply confused.

Likely so. I suspect as well that the poor guy might well be damn near halucinating with exhaustion.

Sadly, some are going to leap on this as further proof of his obvious dad guilt. Also he seems almost TOOOO nice and sane, and we all know that's definately a sign he is secretly evil and insane. Which is not to say that if he acted evil and insane that this would be a sign that he was secretly nice and sane. Or something. In any case, I am pretty sure that whatever he says or does will be seen by some as undeniable evidence of his wickedness. :crazy:

From the press conference at 3:30 on 11/09 transcript a neighbor had seen them within two weeks.

I'd like to hear from the neighbor.

I totally agree that Julia changed/changes dates and manipulated photos to make things appear differently than they really were.

That could very well be true. I don't know, something just feels very weird about that massive upload on 9/5. Maybe it is nothing more than she was already planning. Ugh! :(
That is what keeps me from going out into the woods :)

Yes, but someone who went into the woods to search found Caylee. I think it would be great if people searched for Sky.

But I agree that otherwise we simply cannot do what LE can do and could possibly even hurt their efforts if we went too far. They have access to so many resources and so much more information than we can conceive of. They are speaking with profilers and detectives in other states who have experience in such investigations and can tell them what worked for them and what didn't.

I wouldn't dare to assume they are not doing their jobs expertly. From all I can tell, it is a mountain of work and they are doing a stellar, top notch, round the clock job.

It makes me feel good that one small, missing boy, regardless if he was discarded like trash by his mother, is engendering such frantic, sleepless efforts on the part of some real heroes.
I'm not sure about the timing. But I spent a lot of time looking at the map this morning. I used to drive a wheelchair van, cabulance at one time. I drove a lot in Seattle and occasionally on the east side. I just couldn't understand why on a Sunday morning she wouldn't hop on 520 to 405 to Overlake. It would surely be the quickest way for that time period. I know. I've driven it. Then I considered she could take Bell Red Rd that would take her pretty much right to the hospital. The final route was Redmond Way to 6th St S. that would put her on 124th Ave NE. I figured that was the only way she would have went, but I just couldn't figure out why she would go that way. Both of the other two routes would have been quicker.

Now that we learn where the old house is and Watershed Park. It makes perfect sense. :(


Thanks for the post. I think there could be two other plausible explanations...
1) she missed the 405 exchange and took the very next exit, 108th NE ... There are not signs that I could see pointing which way to go, so she went left instead of right.
2) If she had a Google driven GPS, it would take her differently. When I got directions on Google map, it did not take me onto 405, but onto 108th.

Weird... all of it!
gosh is that a hard post. a hard post to read. she reminds me of, she reminds me of. gertrude stein. like gertrude stein. she writes like gertrude stein. if gertrude stein posted blogs she might post like this. she might post blogs like this. this is a hard post to read because it reminds me of gertrude stein. gertrude stein is a hard post to read. it hardly seems fair to have to read a post like that. a hard post like that.


I am sorry yall I dont know how I can even laugh in this thread, the truth is I hoped so hard that after a night off to read the new stephen king that I would come here to see FOUND ALIVE by sky's name.
That reads a bit like Forrest. Forrest Gump(a). :crazy::floorlaugh:
Thanks for the post. I think there could be two other plausible explanations...
1) she missed the 405 exchange and took the very next exit, 108th NE ... There are not signs that I could see pointing which way to go, so she went left instead of right.
2) If she had a Google driven GPS, it would take her differently. When I got directions on Google map, it did not take me onto 405, but onto 108th.

Weird... all of it!

Yeah, that is weird, but possible. I'm sure LE knows what route she took because there are tons of traffic cameras all over the place.
Likely so. I suspect as well that the poor guy might well be damn near halucinating with exhaustion.

Sadly, some are going to leap on this as further proof of his obvious dad guilt. Also he seems almost TOOOO nice and sane, and we all know that's definately a sign he is secretly evil and insane. Which is not to say that if he acted evil and insane that this would be a sign that he was secretly nice and sane. Or something. In any case, I am pretty sure that whatever he says or does will be seen by some as undeniable evidence of his wickedness. :crazy:

You need to stop making sense. I find myself agreeing with most of your posts.
Just some thoughts on Stan right now.. This young man is witnessing EVERYTHING that all of us are so badly wanting to have even a glimpse of, Julia's actions and reactions to every single move that's being made by investigators.. This young man, her brother must be literally sick, and so very conflicted.. It angers me tremendously because essentially he is another victim of Julias.. I believe that he is in such a horrible situation presently and IMO has seen with his own eyes that Julia is responsible by what he has witnessed in her staying with him 24/7 these past two weeks.. His account would be so very vital to this case. I pray that he does the right thing for his innocent little nephew for whom Stenley, himself chose Sky's name.. That's a special thing and makes me have hope that he will do the right thing.. It's sad he's in this situation but I feel as tho what he has witnessed in these two weeks is extremely vital and damning information against his sister, Julia..

I personally believe that it will only come after time separated and away from Julia's manipulative grasp she has on him.. I believe once she's arrested and some time passes that Stan will hopefully do the right thing for innocent little Sky..
I think that once something shows to change his mind beyond a shadow of a doubt, he will open up to LE. I think he will be heartbroken, but I think he will. He's doing what most of us would do for a sibling we are very close to. I have one brother in particular who was something of a caretaker in our early years and I believe in his goodness 100% because I lived it. It would take undeniable proof to flip me from his side.

unless he was not dead until he got to a location....MOO

She may have used the bus, they did check a bus stop early in the case by her apartment. If he was in a stroller covered up with blankets, no one would have noticed..MOO
Sadly, I suspect this may be true. I think it's being planned, at least as a serious idea, since that massive upload of photos at the start of September.

Oh my!

I had said this on a previous thread. . .that she was playing with dates on her flicker account. I couldn't find any proof of Sky after June 2011. She was posting pics from earlier and trying to pass them off as Summer 2011. I said before. . .why are there no pictures of Sky's birthday???!!!!!

Of another note. Sleuthing Julia0318 she was apparently interested in Photoshop at one time. (it was a Russian sight so I couldn't make heads or tails of it, but it was a Photoshop sight). Now I have to go back and see if she could have photoshopped pics to include Sky . . that were really M.
Google translate should translate the whole site for you... I'd be interested in reading what she was attempting to learn.

Wish Soloman had elaborated more on why he believes this. I've come to trust him pretty much.

If this is not true, maybe they are using this as a way to get people to call in with specifics so they can build a "picture" of Julia's "normal" for several months preceding?

One thing that LE has access to that none of us do is the date/time stamp on the photos. if you go to right click>properties (Or "command+I" on mac) you can see exactly what date a picture was taken. This is altered at many photo uploading sites, including Flickr. I don't think Julia changed the date/time stamp on her camera and even if she did the upload date may deceive her. I think she assumes the date on flickr is all that matters.

I don't think that's M... I agree that it's Sky... but for all we know the date stamp on the photo doesn't match the others from the same day and it looks like a recreation to LE for some reason. If she learned anything about photoshop, especially the liquify tool, she could make the child look smaller. She could also darken eyes.

I am not saying she did, or that this is M, just that I would consider it a walk in the park to make my middle daughter look like my younger daughter- even though my middle has lighter eyes and hair just like M. They are 2 years apart, but they've been able to fit into each other's clothing most of their life.

So I went to find out something about her camera and lo and behold, you can change the date stamp of a previously set date and time!!! Page 12 of the user's manual:

snipped for space

Flickr is changing the date stamp on all her photos, so what she has on her camera isn't really affecting these dates. The first thing I tried to do is access the original photo properties, but I don't have the technology or know-how to do it on Flickr photos. The ones on her PC will be a piece of cake for LE I think. If she did change and remember to change it back, they can often find out by something in the background or such giving it away. All else fails, they can at least find order of photos taken from memory cards- even erased ones.
Yes, but someone who went into the woods to search found Caylee. I think it would be great if people searched for Sky.

But I agree that otherwise we simply cannot do what LE can do and could possibly even hurt their efforts if we went too far. They have access to so many resources and so much more information than we can conceive of. They are speaking with profilers and detectives in other states who have experience in such investigations and can tell them what worked for them and what didn't.

I wouldn't dare to assume they are not doing their jobs expertly. From all I can tell, it is a mountain of work and they are doing a stellar, top notch, round the clock job.

It makes me feel good that one small, missing boy, regardless if he was discarded like trash by his mother, is engendering such frantic, sleepless efforts on the part of some real heroes.

And one of those 'heroes' is Sky's daddy. If nothing else, there are certain facts which can not be disputed in this case. Facts we have seen with our own eyes which M will one day see/read too. One day she will tell a story about her little brother going missing. In the immediate days that followed her little brothers disappearance her daddy was out talking with the police, talking with the media, passing out fliers and trying to find her brother. While Mommy refused to talk to the police and played around with her social networking sites. The rest can be speculated. The facts I listed above can not.

Yes one day, M will learn the truth. She'll decide who her real life heroes are and are not.

I wonder if LE has reviewed grocery store videos. Many moms (myself included) shop at one particular store. If receipts were found, or a club card, they could find out when she went to a grocer and what time -- then find out if Sky or M were viewed on any of the tapes. Just speaking for California,

I followed the Greg deVillers case here in San Diego, and the rose found on the body was linked back to Rossum's VONS card history (she had purchased a single rose herself).

I shop at Vons too, and you could probably track all my purchases for 14 years ;)

So even if they don't have video, I'd still be curious as to her purchases for Sky and M and if can be determined if she was purchasing enough food for 3 people and what kind of food.

Just a thought.


eta: Rossums lost her murder conviction appeal in September when federal appeals court reversed its earlier decision to grant a hearing on key evidence in the case. Shewwww!!!
So why don't they just come right out and say it? Something like this is the last image of Sky's mom on the day Sky was kidnapped. If anyone remembers seeing her or Sky please call the tipline or something like that. Not directly pointing the finger at her but make it sound like she's a victim of a child kidnapping.

I don't get the mind games by LE. Yes they may be trying to get at her BUT there is still a little boy missing and these cryptic messages are very confusing for those who may want to try to help.

If that's what she looked like on Nov. 6th. say so. If that's the way she looked like 5 months ago, say so. They know when the surveillance photos were taken. If they don't tell people what day it was, how does that help with locating Sky?


In a sense they said just that.

In any case the odds of locating Sky without mom's help are relatively small. This is what mom's like Casey and Deborah and Julia count on. If the police can successfully pressure Julia into a mistake there is a chance for justice.
Her profile said she is a Pisces, which could be March. I think I saw her BD posted somewhere...

On FB:

Julia Valerie Biryukova
Im turning 29 on March 10th. Im happy and sad. Happy Im not yet turning 30, sad im turning 29 (almost 30).....
Share · March 8, 2010 at 5:40pm

So 0381 is month and year it seems. You all were right!
I am now more curious than ever to know the date of the surveillance screen caps.. I am almost thinking that they are waaaaaaaaaaay PRE-mediation(11/1).. That there more like 10/23 or even before!! I'm having a feeling that may be the case here thus even more of a direct msg to Julia from LE saying that they've not only retraced and verified her movements for the week before Sky disappeared but to say, "Hey look Julia we went all the way back to the day we know you disappeared him!"..

Other confirmation of this is that I believe with all my heart that Julia would have never attended that mediation with those dark azz trashy roots!! Never in a million years!! That's why I do not believe that when she went to the salon on 11/4 was when she got her root touch up.. If you'll recall it's reported that on 11/4 Julia just got a haircut!! I believe that!! Because I believe her root touch up was prior to 11/1 the day of the mediation.. Thus making the surveillance screen caps that much farther back dated!!!

I believe this definitely is possible and I believe it makes the msg from LE to Julia with releasing photos that much more direct in letting her know we've got you on tape from weeks before Sky "disappeared"(11/6) and possibly even on the very day Sky actually disappeared(waaaaay prior to 11/6)

One thing I promise you is this.. There is no way he!! That Julia went to that mediation with this dark azz roots as has been speculated.. She wouldn't!! And in putting that thought together with the report actually stating it was just a haircut on 11/4.. It makes evident the surveillance pics are from further back than we originally thought..

As I kethcup on threads, I was wondering when someone was going to mention the timing of that pic, and its significance. I agree she would not have gone to mediation looking that way. Of course those involved in the case know what her appearance was on Nov 1st. (SM, etc.)

Perhaps the 11/4 shoe shop and haircut were in preparation for her big TV debut in the case of missing Sky. (Getting ready for the cameras?)

But if her appearance was better now than in those pictures, then why would LE want to post pics of her weeks ago to bring forward tips, and not with the new haircut? I mean, if they want peeps to step up if they saw her on Sunday.

ohhhh, perhaps they want peeps to come forward who might have seen her weeks ago, since they have narrowed the time he was last known alive, and that was her appearance at that time. Hate when I answer my own questions! Duh! :banghead:
I had asked earlier in the thread about car seats in the house because a car seat would be the best way to keep a child immobile while she was gone. Others suggested a playpen but I feel he could get out of one and he could also create quite a mess if he pooped in his pants and pulled the diaper off as some kids do when left unattended with a dirty diaper. He wouldn't be able to do that in a car seat

We don't have a confirmation is she has a car of her own but if she doesn't then she would most likely keep the car seats somewhere in the house until needed to take the kids someplace.

I wonder if there are locks on any of the doors to bedrooms or bathrooms where she could lock them in.M was potty trained (I presume, according to her age, anyway) so she would have had to use the bathroom during the 12 hours left alone. But Julia could have put a potty in the room for M but if Sky was running loose and not immobile in his car seat then he would have likely played with it and made a mess.

Or she could have locked them in the bathroom but i still can't see her letting sky be able to move around because of his age and the natural curiosity and energy that a 2 yr old has.

i would love to know when they stopped going to daycare and what reason she gave. Surely the daycare called to ask if the kids were ok if they suddenly stopped going.

Sadly, i don't see this ending well for Sky. The best i can hope for is for M and her daddy to be reunited and Julia to be incarcerated in the filth that so many jails have in abundance.
As I kethcup on threads, I was wondering when someone was going to mention the timing of that pic, and its significance. I agree she would not have gone to mediation looking that way. Of course those involved in the case know what her appearance was on Nov 1st. (SM, etc.)

Perhaps the 11/4 shoe shop and haircut were in preparation for her big TV debut in the case of missing Sky. (Getting ready for the cameras?)

But if her appearance was better now than in those pictures, then why would LE want to post pics of her weeks ago to bring forward tips, and not with the new haircut? I mean, if they want peeps to step up if they saw her on Sunday.

ohhhh, perhaps they want peeps to come forward who might have seen her weeks ago, since they have narrowed the time he was last known alive, and that was her appearance at that time. Hate when I answer my own questions! Duh! :banghead:

How would she keep MM quiet if he had been gone so long? Wouldn't she be asking her mom where he is everyday? Did she tell MM that whatever happened to Sky was her fault? This is so very sad.
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