WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #12

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DNA Solves
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I honest to god would not be surprised at all if it turned out that this is what happened. Especially with his recent claim that the picture of Sky was really M... There's something wrong here in this whole thing.

??? Missed when he wrongly identified a photo. Do you have a link or just a run down. Tia
I completely agree. I was married to a man with a personality disorder, who emotionally abused and bullied all of us-they make you feel so confused, constantly pulling the rug out from under you-you think YOU are the crazy one..it took me 17 years to divorce him. He wasn't cow-towing, he was trying to survive and still had hope that she could get better. It is completely overwhelming.

My self esteem was so destroyed by the end of my marriage. I had no idea that I had declined that far - and in only 2 years. I admire that you stayed for 17 years. My family told me how much they disliked him - but not until after I left him. When I was in the marriage, they never said a word. I did think I was crazy and that somehow I caused his crazy behavior. I thought I could "fix" the marriage. I thought I could "help" him. I thought he was unhappy because of me.

You never know what you will put up with until put in that situation. I am surprised at how many people realize that women can be abused in this manner, but they are surprised that a man can also be in an abusive situation! Why do we question that a man can be vulnerable too?

I had heard the kids had been in daycare but had been pulled out a few weeks ago. Is there any confirmation on this?

If so does anybody know the date they were pulled out and what she told the daycare providers as to why she was pulling the kids out?

If they were in daycare then they were at least getting 1 or 2 decent meals a day while at home I suspect it was mostly formula.

I read something in the delcaration about how Solomon would take the kids to day care. I do not think we have confirmation about when day care stopped. It may have stopped exactly when Solomon quit taking them. It would be interesting to find out for sure. I would think that someone would like to have the help so that they could continue their cleaning routine.

I apologize if this was discussed, but I hope they have checked passenger lists for the airport in the area-if she sent him to Russia perhaps she sent him to be with relatives- but someone would have had to travel here and go back with him. I really hope this is what happened.

It has been noted by LE that Sky did not have a passport. We are hoping that he was not put on a plane, but it is not an impossibility. It is true that they ask for a birth certificate, but they do not have picture ID's for children. Anything is possible, and this is certainly a better option than what I imagine happened.

I know there there is something missing. A puzzle piece that will pull it all together. There is so much solid info but we are missing "something".

I do think that there is something missing, or there would already be an arrest in the case, or Sky would be found. I am hoping that there is a citizen out there with information that they do not know they know, but they realize soon and they come forward to LE.
I'll try to transcribe some more of this. But, this is very interesting. The first part is about the first time they left the kids alone, the parenting classes, the reason Solomon hadn't seen the kids, and the mediation. Some is paraphrased.

Q: Dad to dad...when your little baby was three months old, for some reason you and Julia felt it was okay for you to go into a big box store and go shopping and leave that little baby in the car...tell me about conversation between you and Julia that it was okay for you to leave that 3-month old in the SUV that day
SM: Like I've said before, there's no excuses. I take 100% blame for the action on that day. There's no excuse to leave a baby inside a car all by himself.
Q: So your baby is 3 months old at the time, can you tell me about the discussion that you and Julia had at that time. Did you do that often, did you leave the baby home alone?
A: No, we don't do that often, we don't do that at all. Sky was sleeping and Julia just said let him sleep, he just fell asleep, we'll be right back and that was the end of the discussion.
Q: 55 minutes?
A: I heard it on the intercom,they described our car, so I ran and I got to the car right away
Q: What did you find?
A: Redmond police, and the firetrucks
Q: So you talk to the police officer and what did they tell you, cause sometimes when people do that they end up in handcuffs
A: I said sorry to the officer I was talking to and I think it was just a blessing that they let us take Sky home because I think it was a favor to me. Later,I've heard they don't do that.
Q: Parenting classes, what did you learn?
A: Those parenting classes were beautiful. They really teach you a lot about talking to the kids...how to talk to them if they had a bad day.. how to relate to them.
Q: Did Julia take the classes with you?
A: Well the way it started was we started to take the classes together. We took the first class together and we were late. And then the second class she did not want to come. So I continued the class. Later on, a couple months, she went by herself she took the class. So we didn't take them together.
Q: Did you ever leave the children in the car or home alone, ever, since then?
A: no sir
Q: ...It seems like... one person sort of makes the decisions and tells the other person in a marriage this is what we're doing. Would it be fair to say that, in some instances, maybe even the Target incident that your wife at the time was saying this is what we do and you would sort of go along with it.?
SM: That's how it is in every discussion, that's not just the Target discussion, that's how it is.
Q: So in your marriage would it be fair to say she kind of was the dominant partner?
SM: Yes. (emphatic)
Q: So after hearing you talk it became clear to me that this was a guy that was told what to and how to do it.
SM: yeah

Q: is there a parenting plan, and if so, why hasn't this guy over here had access to his children?
Attorney Clay Terry: There was a temporary parenting plan that was set up through a restraining order that we received back in... March of 2011. We had been forced to come to court, by Julia, in a complaint that he had done a bunch of bad acts. First she complained that he had beaten her the year before and, of course, that that was proven untrue and thrown out. Then she filed charges against him that he was going to take the children out of the country and the police came and they dismissed that. She's made several allegations and finally when every allegation failed she went and said well I believe that he went and abused the children physically and then she suggested that there may have been sexual abuse. So once we found out about that we went down, we took a polygraph, we passed the polygraph. CPS did an investigation, they eventually came back and said it was unfounded, it didn't happen. But the court commissioner said that she did not believe him, so she restricted him to see the children only 4 hours a week with a supervisor but conditioned upon a number of classes and things that he had to take that were very expensive and time-consuming. But because he had to pay child support, he had to pay maintainence, and he had to pay her attorney fees with his meager earnings, he couldn't afford to take the time, he was working 70 hours a week. So he had to use the money that he was making to pay, and the time, and he couldn't go to all the classes and take all those preconditions so we decided to wait for trial. And then on Nov.1, two weeks before the trial, we went into a mediation. We spent 11 ½ hours we finished after midnight on the 2nd. She signed a parenting agreement with us. We came up with a parenting plan. And then on Friday, two days later, we received a letter from her lawyer saying she's repudiating it, saying she didn't want it and on Sunday the baby was missing.

Q: S, where were your kids for those 11 ½ hours while you and J were signing this plan?
A: Well, since I haven't seen the kids so I would believe that Julia has hired somebody or had a friend come and help with the kids at home, at her own apartment.
Q: Do you know that or do you think that?
A: I would think that because what do you do when you have to go someplace and you have two kids? You get someone to watch them or you take them someplace so they can be watched.
Q: Asks the attorney--Has anyone come forward yet and said “I was watching those kids for 11 ½ hours while these guys were mediation.
A: No, Jon, in fact, she admitted she left the children alone that entire time.
Q: How does that make you feel as a father knowing that your 4 year old that you recently saw and 2 year old were left at home for 11 ½ hours to fend for themselves, Solomon.
A: It's hurtful. It's hurtful that someone can be that careless.
Q: Was there something in the parenting plan that was about to give Solomon some more rights to see those kids? Cause I think if Julia was in control all that time and she that would be very upsetting for her.
A: Well it was upsetting. We weren't in the same room with her but I can tell you that a mediation with 4 small, minor items to discuss took 11 ½ hours. ...7 hours was to arrange a time where he could get visitation with the children. She did not want him to have visitation with the children and she put up a block to do it. She wanted to put enormous restrictions on him; and finally, I understand, when she did make the agreement with him it was not what we wanted, but it was a start and he's get to see the children again, so we agreed with it. It was only 2 days later that she decided she wanted to repudiate that agreement. She didn't want him to have that visitation schedule.
Q: Solomon...when this first broke...you said “I think my wife may have given the child away” That's a theory that... seemed plausible to me at the time. Do you still think that's possible.
A: ...We have so many police officers, FBI, all the media coverage. They have a better handle of what's going on. Mine was just a guess. Now that two weeks have gone by and I've seen what they're doing, and they know what they're doing...
Sorry cocomod, my family said nothing either. I think it is especially hard on men, they are often not believed when they reach out for help. She probably puts on such a facade that nobody believes him. They are expert manipulators. I have seen quite a few situations like this in the BPD support group I was in-women who stopped at nothing to malign their husband, hurting themselves so they could show the police what their husband 'did to them', manipulating the courts, not returning children from visitation, or sending them to a different state. They don't bond with ANYONE. Her behavior reminds me so much of these women. I am really scared for that little boy, and his sister.
There have been numerous posts how jb manipulated the date of her Flickr photos but it blew me away to the extent of this manipulation. It is very easy to tell which time stamps have been changed since November 6th by checking the exif details of each photo and check to see if the PST (Pacific Standard Time) or the PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) match the date that the photo was supposedly taken or the date of the supposed upload. In 2011, PDT was March 13 to Nov 6.
I agree that changing the time stamp seems to be pretty simple to do but changing whether it was daylights savings time or not doesn't appear to be possible and the discrepancies are all over the place. She must have spent hours and hours working on this.


Thanks for posting -when I read the headline, I literally said the Holy eff word out loud. This is bad, very bad -that they are tracing back that far.

I agree. The mi8nute they said they couldn't find anyone who had seen Sky in the two weeks before his "disappearance" I thought, "Oh no.".

I seriously doubt this theory. In all the prior complaints, she alleged sex abuse of the daughter. If she was trying to "save" a child, it would be her.


I honest to god would not be surprised at all if it turned out that this is what happened. Especially with his recent claim that the picture of Sky was really M... There's something wrong here in this whole thing.

Yeah, there's something very wrong. A mother who admits to having left a sick child in the car, on the side of a busy highway, alone, claiming the car she was driving was out of gas, yet it was not out of gas and had no mechanical problems. And she conveniently didn't bring her cell phone or purse on this emergency ride, but did bring her wallet. And she conveniently didn't ask any neighbors for help, just got in the car. And she conveniently didn't flag one car down for help, or knocked on any residence in the neighborhood she wandered through for an hour, even though the trip walking should have taken far less than that. And she conveniently didn't stop at the church along the way that surely would have had someone there, getting ready for services, at 8:00 a.m. in the morning on a Sunday.

And she conveniently is too "upset" or "distraught" to speak face to face with LE or take a LDT, but can easily get online and mess around with her flikr, make posts about her published blog which featured her alienating her child during custody exchanges and write to reporters calling her ex a sadistic, Pakistani Muslim.

And no one has seen Sky in two weeks. But the dad did it. :twocents:
There's something wrong with her but that doesn't mean that he's completely innocent. I don't get the polarized way of looking at things in cases like this.
She admitted to leaving them alone during the mediation!!!
I believe that LE has that answer but are not releasing the information.

We do know that NO ONE has seen Sky since the 23rd(?) We can deduce either she left both children alone the day of the mediation, or someone babysat for only M (because that person didn't see Sky the day of mediation.) :seeya:

Okay, time for me to eat bird now... According to SM and his atty, it is believed that they were alone on mediation day. So them saying it, at least for me, adds credibility.

At the same time, the information came from her, and she clearly does not always tell the truth.

I recommend everyone take a listen to the Ron and Don Show podcast, with special guests SM and Atty Terry. (40 minutes long)

I think it further humanizes this story, this man, the situation,and also just explains a lot, and is good insight straight from SM -and not gossip or speculation.

What surprises me most about this is Clay Terry's openness and willingness to cast information out there. Wonder what he is thinking. I mean, I like hearing the information, but I assume some of this information is case sensitive and letting it out of the bag prematurely... idk. It's just unusual in my mind. Also of interest is at one point the host asks the attorney "you've known her since she was 16, right?" And he says yes. I played it back and the question was directed to the atty, and the atty answered. I wonder why he has known her since she was 16. Interesting.
I'll try to transcribe some more of this. But, this is very interesting. The first part is about the first time they left the kids alone, the parenting classes, the reason Solomon hadn't seen the kids, and the mediation. Some is paraphrased.

Q: Dad to dad...when your little baby was three months old, for some reason you and Julia felt it was okay for you to go into a big box store and go shopping and leave that little baby in the car...tell me about conversation between you and Julia that it was okay for you to leave that 3-month old in the SUV that day
SM: Like I've said before, there's no excuses. I take 100% blame for the action on that day. There's no excuse to leave a baby inside a car all by himself.
Q: So your baby is 3 months old at the time, can you tell me about the discussion that you and Julia had at that time. Did you do that often, did you leave the baby home alone?
A: No, we don't do that often, we don't do that at all. Sky was sleeping and Julia just said let him sleep, he just fell asleep, we'll be right back and that was the end of the discussion.
Q: 55 minutes?
A: I heard it on the intercom,they described our car, so I ran and I got to the car right away
Q: What did you find?
A: Redmond police, and the firetrucks
Q: So you talk to the police officer and what did they tell you, cause sometimes when people do that they end up in handcuffs
A: I said sorry to the officer I was talking to and I think it was just a blessing that they let us take Sky home because I think it was a favor to me. Later,I've heard they don't do that.
Q: Parenting classes, what did you learn?
A: Those parenting classes were beautiful. They really teach you a lot about talking to the kids...how to talk to them if they had a bad day.. how to relate to them.
Q: Did Julia take the classes with you?
A: Well the way it started was we started to take the classes together. We took the first class together and we were late. And then the second class she did not want to come. So I continued the class. Later on, a couple months, she went by herself she took the class. So we didn't take them together.
Q: Did you ever leave the children in the car or home alone, ever, since then?
A: no sir
Q: ...It seems like... one person sort of makes the decisions and tells the other person in a marriage this is what we're doing. Would it be fair to say that, in some instances, maybe even the Target incident that your wife at the time was saying this is what we do and you would sort of go along with it.?
SM: That's how it is in every discussion, that's not just the Target discussion, that's how it is.
Q: So in your marriage would it be fair to say she kind of was the dominant partner?
SM: Yes. (emphatic)
Q: So after hearing you talk it became clear to me that this was a guy that was told what to and how to do it.
SM: yeah

Q: is there a parenting plan, and if so, why hasn't this guy over here had access to his children?
Attorney Clay Terry: There was a temporary parenting plan that was set up through a restraining order that we received back in... March of 2011. We had been forced to come to court, by Julia, in a complaint that he had done a bunch of bad acts. First she complained that he had beaten her the year before and, of course, that that was proven untrue and thrown out. Then she filed charges against him that he was going to take the children out of the country and the police came and they dismissed that. She's made several allegations and finally when every allegation failed she went and said well I believe that he went and abused the children physically and then she suggested that there may have been sexual abuse. So once we found out about that we went down, we took a polygraph, we passed the polygraph. CPS did an investigation, they eventually came back and said it was unfounded, it didn't happen. But the court commissioner said that she did not believe him, so she restricted him to see the children only 4 hours a week with a supervisor but conditioned upon a number of classes and things that he had to take that were very expensive and time-consuming. But because he had to pay child support, he had to pay maintainence, and he had to pay her attorney fees with his meager earnings, he couldn't afford to take the time, he was working 70 hours a week. So he had to use the money that he was making to pay, and the time, and he couldn't go to all the classes and take all those preconditions so we decided to wait for trial. And then on Nov.1, two weeks before the trial, we went into a mediation. We spent 11 ½ hours we finished after midnight on the 2nd. She signed a parenting agreement with us. We came up with a parenting plan. And then on Friday, two days later, we received a letter from her lawyer saying she's repudiating it, saying she didn't want it and on Sunday the baby was missing.

Q: S, where were your kids for those 11 ½ hours while you and J were signing this plan?
A: Well, since I haven't seen the kids so I would believe that Julia has hired somebody or had a friend come and help with the kids at home, at her own apartment.
Q: Do you know that or do you think that?
A: I would think that because what do you do when you have to go someplace and you have two kids? You get someone to watch them or you take them someplace so they can be watched.
Q: Asks the attorney--Has anyone come forward yet and said “I was watching those kids for 11 ½ hours while these guys were mediation.
A: No, Jon, in fact, she admitted she left the children alone that entire time.
Q: How does that make you feel as a father knowing that your 4 year old that you recently saw and 2 year old were left at home for 11 ½ hours to fend for themselves, Solomon.
A: It's hurtful. It's hurtful that someone can be that careless.
Q: Was there something in the parenting plan that was about to give Solomon some more rights to see those kids? Cause I think if Julia was in control all that time and she that would be very upsetting for her.
A: Well it was upsetting. We weren't in the same room with her but I can tell you that a mediation with 4 small, minor items to discuss took 11 ½ hours. ...7 hours was to arrange a time where he could get visitation with the children. She did not want him to have visitation with the children and she put up a block to do it. She wanted to put enormous restrictions on him; and finally, I understand, when she did make the agreement with him it was not what we wanted, but it was a start and he's get to see the children again, so we agreed with it. It was only 2 days later that she decided she wanted to repudiate that agreement. She didn't want him to have that visitation schedule.
Q: Solomon...when this first broke...you said “I think my wife may have given the child away” That's a theory that... seemed plausible to me at the time. Do you still think that's possible.
A: ...We have so many police officers, FBI, all the media coverage. They have a better handle of what's going on. Mine was just a guess. Now that two weeks have gone by and I've seen what they're doing, and they know what they're doing...

Wow. Thank you so much for transcribing this. It confirms some of what I was thinking.
Do you think it's possible that after whatever it was she did to/happened to Sky (two weeks ago or a month ago), she mentally shrugged her shoulders and decided to just move on, not worry about it, ala Casey Anthony? Worry about it another day? Make up an excuse here and there as needed?

Then the mediation. Maybe it turned into 12 hours because she really thought she could get Solomon to give up trying for any custody. When it was clear she couldn't, she felt forced to agree to something. Can't very well come up with a Sky abduction plan while stuck in mediation with the ex. Now the first daddy visitation in nearly a year would be possibly the next week and she had no Sky to show for it. Panic. Anger. Becoming less functional and logical by the second as the enormity of all this sets in?

Her story is just so, so bad, it's either gotta be Sky just died Sunday morning and she threw the plan/story together in minutes ... or he died sometime back and she's had some sort of psychological break and that's why ANY of that story made sense to her. :waitasec:

I think that it is quite possible.
There's something wrong with her but that doesn't mean that he's completely innocent. I don't get the polarized way of looking at things in cases like this.

I'm really not trying to do that, I just haven't heard anything to make me think he had a part in it. The problems she has have had a very negative affect on her children though. He is organizing search parties and she is fooling around on Flickr.
Part 2 of Ron and Don
some is paraphrased

Q: It's been rumored that in this.. 11 ½ hour mediation that Julia was willing to say to her ex-husband SM --”hey, I'll tell you what, I'll forgive all the child support, and all the maintenance just let me take the baby to Phoenix or Russia. Did that happen?
A: (CT)
Yes, but not at that exact time, one week before the mediation we received an email/phone call from her attorney to S's divorce atty, Michael Thompkins, that if SM would allow her to take the child to Russia or to Scottsdale, Arizona that she would forgo child support. Of course, we turned that down and then in the mediation she then asked if she could take the children to Canada from time to time.

Q: When can we verify the last time that this little boy has been seen...Her flikr account, she posted a photo of him taken back maybe June 15. So S, the last time that you know of that you've seen your little boy alive or here in Seattle.
A: December 10, of last year.

Q To CT: Talking to the police when do they believe someone saw with human eyes saw baby Sky?
A: Sometime in October. They've verified with me today that they are asking for us to ask for anyone that has seen the child after October 1st.
Q: And can they verify with you where they saw the baby. I know they were looking at a park in Kirkland
a: They have a very reliable witness that saw both children in October. It may have been sometime in the middle of October but the police still would like us to ask for anyone who had seen them since October 1st. As far as the park development, there had been a tip to the police department and they went out and looked but it wasn't anything.

Q: Speak to the time line of the 4-year-old. A lot of people listening would say it seems S is cooperating with everyone, seems like a level-headed guy, why is the 4-year-old not with dad. Seems to be a fair question.
A: Yes, it is a fair question and what it is is this. CPS wants to make sure that this child is healthy mentally to transition back to her father. We're working with them very closely. They've had dependency hearings. We still have that old restraining order that's against SM which we're moving this week to have removed. It's a process. He has seen the child, though.

Q: I imagine they instructed you not to ask about Sky when you visited M, Did you ask her about Sky. What were the instructions for your visit with her last week.
A: No, I didn't ask her anything about Sky, I was just thrilled to see my daughter.
Q: Tell us what that was like?
A: It was very beautiful. So we, the first thing I saw her, she pointed out, “that's my dad”. She came and gave me a hug. She said “come on, Dad, let's go, come and catch me”. Stuff like that. We just played. We had a wonderful time.
Such a shame. I know this might sound insane but I can almost forgive leaving a sleeping newborn in a car for an hour over leaving two toddlers home alone for 11 hours. I simply do not believe that she left them home alone. Her OCD would have precluded this.
Yes but didn't SM say that part of her OCD was not letting anyone in her home?
I readily admit this is not the most likely scenario, but I will mention it anyway. What if she admits the kids were alone during the mediation, because she doesn't want to share who they were with. Maybe whoever they were with, now has Sky. Maybe she wanted it to be just her and her daughter. No Sky. No father. And she befriended someone who wanted a kid.
I readily admit this is not the most likely scenario, but I will mention it anyway. What if she admits the kids were alone during the mediation, because she doesn't want to share who they were with. Maybe whoever they were with, now has Sky. Maybe she wanted it to be just her and her daughter. No Sky. No father. And she befriended someone who wanted a kid.

I hope that is what happened..
I readily admit this is not the most likely scenario, but I will mention it anyway. What if she admits the kids were alone during the mediation, because she doesn't want to share who they were with. Maybe whoever they were with, now has Sky. Maybe she wanted it to be just her and her daughter. No Sky. No father. And she befriended someone who wanted a kid.

I can't imagine she would think they'd just be like "Oh well Sky is gone" and things would go back to normal.

I agree that something happened to Sky before the mediation and she could hide because she had no reason to show sky to anyone. During the mediation she was asking if she could take the kids out of the country and they shot her down. When they did she had no choice but to create a story.
ingra1327, your skills as a sleuthy transcriptionist are so very very much appreciated here. Thank you so very much!

:party: :yourock: :party:
Ron and Don pt. 3

SM was surprised to hear on the news about the recent search. He said he had never been to that park before.

About the different pictures of Julia;
Q: which Julia...should we be looking for? How do you know her to look (runway supermodel, or the much older, haggard looking)
A: As I've said to many people, she has lots of faces. I've seen both of those faces, but since the picture of Julia is recent what the police give out, this would be a current picture of her.

Q: were you shocked to hear about the sugar daddy?
A: Yeah, I was kinda surprised to see that. But after the divorce had started and she was blaming me that I hit her and stuff, after that, anything is possible.

Q: Clay, ...did any of the sugar daddy stuff come up at the mediation?
A: No, it did not, no we didn't know about it. I talked to Dr. William Singer, a mental health counselor about OCD and he was filling me in because we wanted to be very careful here in getting a way to get the child without setting her off. We never expected it. When you go on a site like this one, what you're doing is inviting someone to come in your home for pay, if he'll give you money, with two babies. How do you know what this person is like. Could be a predator, a murderer, how do you know...
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