WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #13

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Happy Birthday:rocker:

While I do agree with anecdotal evidence that many violent perps have been abused~~there are many victims of child abuse that stop the cycle and go on to become...social workers, psychiatrists, metal health techs, counselors, mothers, fathers and contributing members of society that do not hurt children or others. I sometimes wonder if there is not another factor that causes those abused to go on to act violently towards others. In my very own family, there are three sisters...all abuse by the same monster. One got a rocky start, though graduating college at the Masters level and became a Christian Counselor, Mother of five (four Foster children~~adopted), One became addicted to heroin at 13 and eventually kicked it...married and had a hysterectomy at 20 because she was afraid she might hurt children and the other went on to let the monster who abused her violate against her own children and she ripped her own sons arm out of his socket in anger. I am not so sure we really know the clinical reasons why abuse victims go on to offend against others.

Excellent point, and your story reminds me of my own tumbleweed of a family. :crazy:

Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were some way to figure out which people would have the fortitude to "break the cycle", as opposed to those who cannot or will not?

I recall a conversation from 18 years ago, while on the phone with a women's crisis hotline. The gal on the other end of the line told me some of the most important words I would ever hear in my life. In speaking of my (violent) husband at the time, and his past history of abuse at the hands of his parents, she said, "I am so very sorry for the little boy he WAS. But I have no sympathy for the grown man he has become."

Her words gave me the courage to leave that situation, and I hope that wherever she is today, she knows what a wonderful thing she did. In the midst of such turmoil, her straight-up common sense cut through all the senseless emotion, and woke me up. And it probably saved my life and my son's life.... hugs to her wherever she is today.
What matters to me with this case is that Sky is missing and may have been missing since October 1, 2011. Although I don't want to think it could be that long, but it seems there is a larger time-frame that this precious child has been gone. I want to shorten it perhaps to mid October, but even that is a long time because it would then reflect a MONTH.

What Solomon did when he met Julia, is not going to solve this case and will only point fingers when it is now, IMO, "water under the bridge."

In so many cases of divorce and child custody, the ugly of the ugliest comes out and the only way anyone is going to know the truth, is if at the mediation, everyone was set up with a polygraph or perhaps injected with truth serum to get the true facts.

Clearly Julia has problems, to whatever degree she has them, and Solomon has his own issues by putting up with Julia until he could no longer put up with them.

All their problems is not bringing Sky home. This child is out there somewhere and it is going to take an army plus to walk the land across this community and outskirts to find this child.

Although Miss M maybe able to help at some point, but I feel this child has been emotionally abused and it just may take a lot of time to see what she may say.

It is very clear Miss M, was a big caregiver for Sky, and perhaps had no choice but to help him along the way when they were alone. Miss M must be feeling the loss of her little brother and so very confused.

Sometimes I could hear her saying: "I not use to playing all over the house, or sleeping in a bed that is not on the floor, or not having to take so many showers, or having to stay in bed all the time." Her little voice haunts me and I never heard her speak a word.

Where is SKY????

I love this post. Thank you for writing it.
What's interesting for me about the 2 recordings <snip> I don't see it the way I guess JB must have seen it, since she felt so wronged that she saved the recording and posted it online (for friends and family?)

Just wanted to add that someone named Julia posted (11/13/2011) to get log in help on blogger to find out how to remove the 2 audio recordings that she says she posted.;=en

full text at link, but she does say in the post: "And especially I do not want it public. It was not meant for the public. I created this blog long ago with one sole purpose to be able to e-mail a large audio file."

the person asking goes by "julivalerie"

Hopefully someone knows how to and has these recordings saved in case they do get removed down the road..
Impressive collection and very helpful, thank you, Smooth!

Here's a timeline of sorts, Egypt.. I was unable to find evidence of where the 7month period of time is that Solomon kept the kids away from Julia.. Of course that doesn't mean it's not true.. I've just been unable to find where it fits in..

2003- Julia and Solomon were married

12/2006- MM was born

2008- 5 yrs into their marriage SM witnessed Julia demonstrating strange/odd behaviors. Julia has had a fixation on her mother. Love/hate and on/off relationship. With Julia sending many verbally abusive emails to her mom.. But then when Julia needed someone she would go to mom who even tho Julia had treated her badly she was always there for Julia when she needed her.

2008- included in that strange/odd behavior was the severe OCD rituals that began.*the small toddler then forced to sleep til 2pm so that Julia would have no responsibility of caring for her child and when she would awake in the afternoon the father was called upon (while working to earn the only income for the family) to meet his daughter's basic need of being hungry.. It is this schedule and his having to establish an arrangement that would allow for him to ensure his child's well being led to his hiring an employee when the funds obviously were not there to do so.. This allowing him to leave in the afternoons and get to the home to pick up his daughter and take her to eat at a place he found to be the healthiest choice for her in restaurants.. They not allowed back in the home til the midnight hours.. Julia had zero connection to MM and refused to be responsible for anything whatsoever in the child's life..(both family and friends were aware of how SM had to rearrange his schedule in order to care for MM)

Mid to latter 2008- Julia agreed to get help, including admitting what control the OCD had over her(refer to page of declaration court doc for her detailed acct) and sought treatment from Dr. Reddy Seritha who diagnosed her with depression/OCD and placed her on medication. During this time there was marked improvement of Julia and it was at this point that Sky was conceived. At some point in the pregnancy she stopped taking the meds AMA.. This was not known immediately..

But by March 2009- (with Julia still pregnant with Sky) she had once again spiraled downhill and agreed to go see Dr. Katerina Rebova who diagnosed her as bi-polar and upheld the dx of depression/OCD- she was prescribed medication along with behavioral treatment as well.. Julia did not improve due to her unwilling to try the behavioral treatments the dr was ordering.. She wanted to only take a pill.. Thus she switched from med to med in search of a pill to help..

Summer 2009- *still pregnant Julia now insisted they had to move from their beautiful home(1 yr old) back to the condo. SM complied.

Sept 2009- Sky was born. *And Julia now insisted they must move back home for her comfort in handling things. SM complied. SM took off 2 mos to help care for Sky and MM from Sept-Nov.

November 2009- Julia once again insisted due to her comfort level that they must again move back to the condo. SM complied.

November*2009- when SM returned to work at their store he had to make arrangements thru various means for him to be able to work, bringing in the families only income, as well as still make sure his children's needs are being met. That meant having to leave work by early afternoon to feed and meet the needs of the children.*This was when the OCD was at such an extreme that dad and the children were only allowed in the home in the extremely late night hours and that once allowed inside they had to all 3 await only in the foyer until receiving the permission of Julia to each one at a time walk directly into the bathroom change out of their clothes and prepare for bed, Solomon was last to be allowed in the bathroom to change for bed to where Solomon, MM, and Sky were only allowed to go into the living room where they all had to sleep on the living room room floor due to Julia's having deemed the perfectly made beds as "the perfect place" which meant they were not allowed to be touched much less slept on.. So the 3 slept in LR floor, while Julia stayed up all night washing the separate loads of each of the 3 of theirs clothes as they were made to wear the exact clothes everyday that Julia would wash every night, separately as she had forbidden allowance into the clothing closets as she had them specially arranged and deemed as untouchable, do not open!! While they all slept on the floor at night Julia stayed up doing the loads of laundry as well as scouring the entire square inch of the bathroom she had allowed each of them one by one to change clothes and prepare for bed on the LR floor..

March 2010- Julia rarely left the home. The suicidal ideations had begun as well as the extremely unhealthy "parroting" began btwn Julia and MM.. MM began to repeat everything *mommy said including known to say repeatedly "I'm going to kill myself!" just like Julia did.

Spring 2010- *Julia was threatening extreme harm to herself as well as telling that she was having reoccurring dreams of harming the children, specifically strangling Sky. At this point SM called in authorities who after meeting with Julia in the home they decided it best she be taken in for 3 days to Navos Institution for an involuntary commitment of 72hours..*after the 3day involuntary commitment Julia, herself agreed she needed help and was "voluntarily"was checked into UofW for battery of tests and professional help. Julia during here stay at UofW stated that she wanted help.
*note that it has been stated that this "voluntary" is usually just semantics and is actually most times "involuntary" but the patient agrees to comply voluntarily so there is not a court record of the patient being involuntarily committed.(not sure the exact way that Julia's treatment was done)

Spring 2010- while Julia was hospitalized everything finally caved in financially and they lost their home and condo forcing SM and the 2 children to live with SM's mom/family. It was during this separation from Julia while inpatient that SM slowly began to realize the true depths of what he and his children were merely existing in their day to day lives with Julia.. Also important note that at this time SM did not file for divorce, nor did he ever attempt to keep the children from Julia.

Summer 2010- Julia was discharged from hospital and was living at her mom's part of this time, as well as at S. Owens part of this time.*

3 weeks after Julia was discharged- while living with S. Owens the 2 of them(JB and SO) decided they thought it best that the children should be living there with Julia full time. And immediately began the brutal fight for that custody.

Summer 2010- IT IS ONLY AT THIS POINT DID SM REACH OUT FOR COUNSEL AND FILED DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE.. important too to note this man never attempted to take these children away from Julia, and leave her without them .. Never has SM attempted such..

July 2010- Julia started the false allegations and as we see she upped the ante with each new false charge.. In July 2010 she filed that SM had physically assaulted her that was UNFOUNDED AND DISMISSED BY THE COURTS...
*also noted that by July 2010 Julia was seeing J.S. Health professional who continued to vouch for her being able and fit as a parent to THe courts*

September 27, 2010- both SM and JB appeared before the court and the courts saw fit to render shared custody btwn the two parents. SM was fine with that, but Julia was furious!*

Less than 1 week later- after the court awarded joint/shared custody Julia again contacted LE with baseless, fictitious claims.. This time alleging that SM was planning to take MM from her out of state.. SM was contacted by authorities given the case number and assured it would be dismissed.. As it was. That made the second time in two months that Julia had filed baseless charges that the court dismissed.

October 2010- Julia makes the tapes of the extremely disturbing exchanges, one named "Exchange from Hell".. Extremely disturbing to listen. (the link to these recordings in earlier Sky threads)

November 2010- due to severe financial strain SM stated that he would be late with that months spousal/child payment.

December 2010- SM PAID THE LATE PAYMENT JUST AS HE PROMISED HE WOULD. nonetheless Julia filed a motion to have him held in contempt of court for that late payment.. Along with filed a modification for spousal support stating she wanted $500.00 more per month from SM. As well as filed the most damaging false claims of all.. Charges that SM had physically assaulted both Sky and MM, as well as sexually assaulted MM. This including Julia having made wounds/bruises on the children and photographed them as evidence that SM inflicted the abuse. SM passed LDT that he had not abused or inflicted the wounds/bruises on his children.
Due to the extensive investigation that must be done when allegations such as this are filed it is this that is the sole cause for SM having last seen either of his children on December 10, 2010.

3 days prior to Sky's disappearance- Both SM and JB attended the mediation where it was finally decided to reunite this father slowly back into his children's lives. ONCE AGAIN THOSE ALLEGATIONS OF PHYSICAL/SEXUAL ABUSE WERE UNFOUNDED AND DISMISSED BY THE COURTS. SM finally was about to start to re establish a relationship with his two children.(sadly that likely will never happen and it will remain That 12/10/2010 was the last time this father ever saw his son, Sky)

November 6, 2011- Sky was last seen by mom, Julia at 9am when she left him alone, strapped in his car seat, on the side of a road in mom's unlocked Acura 1998 In Bellevue, WA
someone is hard at work this minute privatizing all photos on flickr...Did Jash strike a chord?
someone is hard at work this minute privatizing all photos on flickr...Did Jash strike a chord?

At least a half naked M is no longer viewable to everyone on the www. Thank God!

Now if JB would only cooperate with LE....

Ah - flashbacks to the Abraham Shakespeare case.

:seeya: Waves hello to the lurkers!
someone is hard at work this minute privatizing all photos on flickr...Did Jash strike a chord?

About time! The children's photos should never have been public to begin with.

someone is hard at work this minute privatizing all photos on flickr...Did Jash strike a chord?

There were new pics and/or rearranged pics on that site yesterday AND today. I have no way to prove this other than to say I have referenced them frequently enough since we first had the site, to observe it taking place.

In a prior thread someone suggested she might be trying to alter the dates of photos of sky, and I'd say that's as good a guess as any.

Truth is, it's pretty tough to figure out why in the world she does anything at all. Poor LE... what a tough job they must be having.
someone is hard at work this minute privatizing all photos on flickr...Did Jash strike a chord?

Holy cow! You're right! I guess JB's lawyer wasn't too fond of her extracurricular activities while Sky is still missing. The good news is that those vulnerable children are not longer splashed all over the net. The bad news is that we'll never know who that "doctor" was. I was going to wait until I got to work tomorrow and could cross-reference with my own books, but I swore three of those spines looked like psych books I own....
I just keep picturing the atty/family around the table talking about these pictures and how the public is not buying the perfect family image... with the tune to the song Ode to Billy Joe...

""Well, Billy Joe never had a lick of sense, pass the [turkey], please"
If you google Images Julia Biryukova flickr photos you'll still get a lot of them pop up (or I did anyway). I don't see any of the bathroom/tub photos.

If anyone's interested, Nancy Grace is repeating one of her programs covering Sky's disappearance........

If you google Images Julia Biryukova flickr photos you'll still get a lot of them pop up (or I did anyway). I don't see any of the bathroom/tub photos.


I've done a cursory check and couldn't find a replica of the one of the doctor. If anyone comes across it, let me know. I'd like to cross-reference those book spines. Also, does anyone have the names of the psychiatrists JB saw? I'd like to google them and see if they match that photo.
someone is hard at work this minute privatizing all photos on flickr...Did Jash strike a chord?

Inneresting that she's doing this today (assuming it's JB unless she gave someone the password). What no fancy turkey dinner? Somehow with the background I've read about JB, I'm having a hard time believing she's surrounding herself with all that food that usually comes with Thanksgiving. Boy, I'd love to be a fly on the wall right about now!!


someone is hard at work this minute privatizing all photos on flickr...Did Jash strike a chord?

Oops :innocent:

I wish I had saved some of the more puzzling photos.

Rougelatete said:
The bad news is that we'll never know who that "doctor" was. I was going to wait until I got to work tomorrow and could cross-reference with my own books, but I swore three of those spines looked like psych books I own....

Interesting! If he is in fact a mental health professional, I think it's strange she'd pull out her camera during an appointment and start snapping photos (and even stranger that he'd pose for one). That time could have been better used to try to work through some of her issues.
Is all of NG a repeat tonight? Or is it a mix of her shows about Sky?
Looks like ALL of the photos are private now.
Inneresting that she's doing this today (assuming it's JB unless she gave someone the password). What no fancy turkey dinner?

I've been wondering if the whole family is vegetarians. I haven't seen any sign that they eat meat (lots of fruit and carbs like cereal or pizza) and i think i remember her having a pro-vegetarian post on her wall. (not that it probably matters and vegetarians still celebrate thanksgiving anyway)
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