WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #17

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This statement analysis on a blog that WS will not let me post a link to sums up a lot in this case. Although it was written for Ayla Reynolds - I think it fits well here too.

"Innocent parents help. Guilty parents hinder.
Innocent parents talk. Guilty parents say little.
Innocent parents are desperate. Guilty parents keep things close to the vest.
Innocent parents pass polygraphs. Guilty parents fail them.
Innocent parents search. Guilty parents complain.
Innocent parents interview. Guilty parents lawyer up"
Something just popped into my head. The picture of Sky in the sink, the one that LE says most accurately represents Sky prior to him going missing - his hair is in a buzz cut. Who cut his hair?

According to a previous post:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #16

It is believed that June 2011 is when he got his haircut; same as MM.


"Clay Terry, Solomon's attorney, tells 97.3 KIRO FM's Ron and Don Show a picture, discovered on Flickr, shows Sky and his sister getting haircuts last June.

Sadly, I think that was probably the last haircut our precious little guy ever received.
Hey Sky Crew. I am still sitting here computerless. I am SO lost!! I haven't been without a computer for so long my entire adult life. I have to use my phone, and I am certainly handicap using a mere Blackberry. I think of this precious boy always. I am here in spirit; and my prayers are with Sky, Solomon, little M, and of course Sky crew as you sleuth to help find him.
I have been reviewing some past media clips to see if anything else kinda popped out at me.

I don't believe that I have seen it posted before that JB had a GAF score of 15 out of 100 which is extremely low.

Here is the link to the newsclip.


Hi, yes, that was reported earlier on and, I agree it is abysmally low! The thought of discharging JB from the hospital with a GAF of 40 to be the primary provider for her children is reckless to say the least. Here's what a GAF of 31-40 indicates:

"Some impairment in reality testing or communication (e.g., speech is at times illogical, obscure, or irrelevant) OR major impairment in several areas, such as work or school, family relations, judgment, thinking, or mood (e.g., depressed man avoids friends, neglects family, and is unable to work; child frequently beats up younger children, is defiant at home, and is failing at school)."

I know it was discussed at length before, but I still wish there were some way for SM to sue the system....

P.S. Thanks so much for going through old news clips....really appreciate it!
When I reviewed thread #12 I found information about the family law commissioner in this case being sued. Apparently he/she had a history of poor rulings. The system as a whole failed this family and little boy miserably.
"According to the University of Washington that number (score of 15 on a GAF) means that person is "In danger of severely hurting self or others".

I cannot believe this woman was allowed to have her children under these circumstances. This is such an atrocity. Poor baby Sky. This is absolutely heartbreaking...:cry:

I have been reviewing some past media clips to see if anything else kinda popped out at me.

I don't believe that I have seen it posted before that JB had a GAF score of 15 out of 100 which is extremely low.

Here is the link to the newsclip.

I was wondering what people on Sky's thread think happened to him?
leanaí;7793172 said:
I was wondering what people on Sky's thread think happened to him?

A few think she had him sent out of state or the country.

A lot of people believe he accidentally died due to neglect, starvation, ingesting something poisonous, etc.

I believe his mother killed him purposefully, days or even weeks before she reported him missing. I believe this in part because she had communicated thoughts of harming or killing Sky before he went missing, she seemed to hate Solomon who Sky resembled quite a bit, she seemed to favor her daughter over Sky and because she had significant mental issues that may have even included inflicting bruises on her kids just so she could "win" in the custody battle with her husband.
A few think she had him sent out of state or the country.

A lot of people believe he accidentally died due to neglect, starvation, ingesting something poisonous, etc.

I believe his mother killed him purposefully, days or even weeks before she reported him missing. I believe this in part because she had communicated thoughts of harming or killing Sky before he went missing, she seemed to hate Solomon who Sky resembled quite a bit, she seemed to favor her daughter over Sky and because she had significant mental issues that may have even included inflicting bruises on her kids just so she could "win" in the custody battle with her husband.

As much as I HATE to, I have to agree with your tragic description, Gitana.

So sad to say that I agree that this poor child was killed by his so called mother. And I agree that the fact that he looked so much like his father was probably one of the reason she was so cruel and hateful towards him. Just looking at her photos, and seeing dozens of her DD and almost none of her beautiful boy, tell us a very sad story.

And it is so upsetting to think that she withheld FOOD from her babies. FOOD. That is what a mothers primary purpose is, to feed and nurture a child. And seeing that sweet boy sinking in a sink to eat a slice of watermelon is just heartbreaking.

So, I agree, sadly. I wish she had the sense to have sent him away, but she didn't care about him enough to even do that. imo
A few think she had him sent out of state or the country.

A lot of people believe he accidentally died due to neglect, starvation, ingesting something poisonous, etc.

I believe his mother killed him purposefully, days or even weeks before she reported him missing. I believe this in part because she had communicated thoughts of harming or killing Sky before he went missing, she seemed to hate Solomon who Sky resembled quite a bit, she seemed to favor her daughter over Sky and because she had significant mental issues that may have even included inflicting bruises on her kids just so she could "win" in the custody battle with her husband.

To me his eyes look so sad in all the photo's that I have seen of him, as if he is constantly being yelled at and/or hit. It breaks my heart to think of what she might have done to him and I do not understand why she has not been arrested yet. She was the last person to be with him just like Baby Kate's Dad was with her, yet he is arrested and she is not.

I wish we lived in a time where a child's right to a safe and happy life were top priority above all other things, but sadly I fear we are going in another direction where a child is considered a burden/nuisance and below an adult.
This has probably already been posted but I wasn't sure:

Monday, April 16, 2012

Missing Persons News UPDATES

Case of missing Sky Metalwala could become criminal

Authorities in Bellvue, WA, are now considering shifting the case of two-year-old Sky Metalwala from one of a missing person to that of a criminal matter. As the investigation continues, concern is growing that Sky may have been missing longer than originally thought.
No one besides Sky’s mother or sister can report seeing the two-year-old for upwards of two weeks prior to his disappearance.
So, might Julia be arrested for endangering a child? It seems to me they could have done that already, because she left him in the car! In Texas, for sure, she would have been charged, imo.

I know! She and Solomon were arrested for leaving the kids in the car at Target- why is leaving Sky alone, on the side of the road, in an unlocked car different?
I always thought the reason LE was holding off was because they thought she would be more cooperative. But she has provided nothing.

I really wonder what her daughter has witnessed.
This has probably already been posted but I wasn't sure:

Monday, April 16, 2012

Missing Persons News UPDATES

Case of missing Sky Metalwala could become criminal


This "update" looks to be originally published back in Dec. 2011 (based upon the comments below the story). We already know that we have one person (a neighbor) claiming to have seen Sky some 2 weeks prior to his being reported missing. LE has since stated he may have been missing much longer as there are no witnesses since summer of 2011 (haircut day and Costco day) who can say they saw Sky.

If a criminal investigation was started back in December - what progress has been made toward filing any charges? We want this case solved and Sky found! The earth didn't just open up and swallow this little boy . . . he wasn't abucted by aliens . . . this little boy is somewhere. We are now some 5 months past him being reported as missing. What has changed in the last 5months? Essentially - no new information has come out since the last search that they have kept mum on anything found.

Can LE reach out to the Eagle Scouts to assist in searching? Is there any organized trained search organizations that LE would be willing to work with? I know that they must have somewhere to start - but how about asking locals to walk (search) their entire property(properties) looking for any clues?
Bumping for our handsome little man!
Sweet child . . . I hope you are warm, snuggled in a soft bed, your tummy is full, and you are comfortable and surrounded by loving caretakers - wherever you might be laying your little head tonight. Sky Crew is keeping you in their hearts and we won't give up on you little man.
So, might Julia be arrested for endangering a child? It seems to me they could have done that already, because she left him in the car! In Texas, for sure, she would have been charged, imo.

Sadly, LE is probably not going to do that. They can't charge JB with child endangerment or neglect for leaving Sky in the car unattended AND charge her with murder if they decide they have enough evidence to go that route. It couldn't possibly be both.

Either she murdered him/he died of neglect or she left him abandoned in the car on November 6th and he either walked away or was abducted. LE clearly does not believe that Sky walked away or was abducted and LE has insinuated that they do not believe he was in the car that day at all. So, they can't charge her with endangerment/neglect because: 1) they don't believe it happened (in that specific instance at least) and 2) if she were convicted on that charge, they couldn't charge her for murder/manslaughter later because it would be double jeopardy.

But, we have discussed on this forum that we are frustrated that LE is not filing charges against JB for neglect of her daughter, M. That would be a separate case with no risk of double jeopardy and it appears there is some good, preliminary evidence to back up those charges.

Also, I agree with Gitana that I believe JB murdered Sky (i.e. active homicidal violence) and that it was likely not an accident or due to starvation/malnutrition/neglect. JB is someone who (allegedly) inflicted injuries on her own children to frame her husband. Someone who is diabolical enough to do that would be diabolical enough to murder a child she resents for being the spitting image of her estranged husband. And that is so very sad....
Sadly, LE is probably not going to do that. They can't charge JB with child endangerment or neglect for leaving Sky in the car unattended AND charge her with murder if they decide they have enough evidence to go that route. It couldn't possibly be both.

Either she murdered him/he died of neglect or she left him abandoned in the car on November 6th and he either walked away or was abducted. LE clearly does not believe that Sky walked away or was abducted and LE has insinuated that they do not believe he was in the car that day at all. So, they can't charge her with endangerment/neglect because: 1) they don't believe it happened (in that specific instance at least) and 2) if she were convicted on that charge, they couldn't charge her for murder/manslaughter later because it would be double jeopardy.

But, we have discussed on this forum that we are frustrated that LE is not filing charges against JB for neglect of her daughter, M. That would be a separate case with no risk of double jeopardy and it appears there is some good, preliminary evidence to back up those charges.

Also, I agree with Gitana that I believe JB murdered Sky (i.e. active homicidal violence) and that it was likely not an accident or due to starvation/malnutrition/neglect. JB is someone who (allegedly) inflicted injuries on her own children to frame her husband. Someone who is diabolical enough to do that would be diabolical enough to murder a child she resents for being the spitting image of her estranged husband. And that is so very sad....

I could be wrong, but to my understanding double jeopardy applies to only the same crime/offense. They probably wouldn't charge her in the endangerment only because they believe it was much more than that. But from my understanding it wouldn't be double jeopordy if they charged her with that if the charging has nothing to with a murder. IMO. Maybe a lawyer could explain that more?
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