WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #18

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Another day closer to finding you, Sky. Rouge and the Sky Crew aren't giving up for anything. With the leads sent to law enforcement, and all of us thinking about and loving you little boy you will be found. We are with you.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Rouge for all of the phenomenal invigoration into Sky's case. I think she should add "community organizer" to her signature line. Due to Rouge's suggestions - we were all pitching in to re-read all of the threads, recap all of the clues and sleuthing that our members worked so diligently to provide, combine countless hours talents and expertise, and provide a final project to LE. Furthermore, I believe once LE sees all of the connections we have been able to put together - they will be able to use that information to enhance their case. Sometimes, it only takes one tip to solve a crime and put LE on the right track. I am so hopeful that we have been able to put the missing piece into the puzzle that they now have more clarity into the big picture - offering new inspiration and new leads to follow. A huge thank you to all of the posters who dedicated countless hours and haven't given up on our little man, Sky. Sky Crew to the rescue~ we want you home sweet

BBM I would also like to personally thank Rouge and all of you for all of your hard work! I was unable to jump in and help and I appreciate so much what all of you have done. I continue to pray for Sky to be found and for strength for SM and MM. Thanks again Sky Crew! You all rock!
Big :heartbeat: out to Sky Crew!!

Hopefully, this warm feeling will spread out to Sky and bring him home. This is one very loved little boy. I hope that the care we all feel for Sky helps fill some of the void his mother left him. We are here for you, Sky!!
Good morning Sky Crew. . . the sun is shining, the flowers are opening, the robins are building their nests, new growth, new invigoration, new hope, and new life is sprouting up all over. I am feeling positive that LE now has the missing pieces to help bring Sky home (thanks to all of the hard work done by our WS Sky Crew and Rouge's follow through). We will remain ever hopeful that this case will be solved very soon!
Good morning Sky Crew. . . the sun is shining, the flowers are opening, the robins are building their nests, new growth, new invigoration, new hope, and new life is sprouting up all over. I am feeling positive that LE now has the missing pieces to help bring Sky home (thanks to all of the hard work done by our WS Sky Crew and Rouge's follow through). We will remain ever hopeful that this case will be solved very soon!

BBM: I do hope that comes true soon!!! Sky needs to come home - one way or another! And *whatsherface* needs to pay for what she has done to Sky, MM and SM.

It's a beautiful day here in Western WA. My little one is outside playing with his daddy. Just what Sky should be doing with his daddy.

Where are you Sky????
I was wondering if there was facebook page for sky or if one of the sky crew could make up a pic and caption that could be posted on facebook and shared? That would be a way to keep sky out there in the public and circulating his story around the world.
I am afraid time passes no trace from you!
Please give us sign!
I think and pray for you often Sky <3

Welcome to the forum ineedcoffee! It is good to know there is yet another voice for this little guy. Every day we are closer to finding him and every voice/prayer/thought/post is more energy toward bringing him home to his Daddy and Sister.

I wonder what Sky's favorite toy or game was. . . did he have a favorite blanket? What was his little personality like? What made him giggle with delight? We have so little information about this young child in his life.
:bump: you back to the top of page 1. It was at the very bottom of the page and that just won't work for our little man.

Send us a sign precious Sky! Where are you sweetheart? :please:
I am pleased that Tucson LE are searching for missing girl, Isabel Celis, wherever they can....including landfills.

Investigators also continued to search a nearby landfill today where garbage was taken after being picked up at the Celis's home on Saturday, Villasenor said. Having police turn to a landfill for evidence of the girl was a grim turn in the investigation.

Now, if only Bellevue LE would do the same for our little man! I hate to say it, but I have this very strong feeling he's in there and I wish they would search for him -- tedious as it may be, given that we don't have an accurate "missing" date -- because I think that could really bring this case some closure. If they find his body then they could pinpoint when he actually died (and would likely figure out it was long before November 6th, thus disproving any "abduction" theory). That would leave JB and JB only.

We're still pulling for you, Sky!!

Another day closer to finding you dear boy. Every day is one day closer... We are sending you our Sky Crew love and comfort, and our unwavering commitment to finding you.
How sad that there is not one piece of news for this little guy. I have my heart so much in the case, I just would love a conculsion to or the person who is responsible to be punished.
Where are you little man? We're looking for you. :blowkiss:
Bumping for Sky!
The Sky crew has not forgotten you, Little Man!:please:
Every time I open site first thought is you my boy. My heart jump in my throat and I can't breath for moment or two.

Hugs Sky!!!!!!
Sky, our little man, I think about you every day. Where are you little one? What in the world did she do with you? I hope that you can see the happiness that I am sure that little M experiences. At least one good thing came from your disappearance, little M is able to have your daddy back.

{Hugs} going out to our Sky Crew. We are one day closer to finding our Sky! :grouphug:

Bump-bump-bumpitty-bumping for our main man, Sky Metalwala!!! We will NOT forget you!
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