WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #2

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coldcaseman said:
It appears that the article is written to entertain, but if you go to ash.spaink.net and read about Stevens suspension hanging (or search the web for steven suspension hanging), that was written to educate. Steven has carefully thought out his method of suicide, and the article was posted Sept. 11, 2001. It may have been written earlier. I can't help but wonder if Lyle is the Steven who wrote the piece.
I note that in the section:"I'm skinny/fat, what method is best?", he seems to either have avoided his own advice since he was only 140 lbs at death-yes? or else he made his decision of type when he was still fat and then decided to stick with that method even after losing weight. There are a couple of other things that make me question a connection to our unidentified guy but I suppose we may someday know.

One thing would be to try to contact the person responsible for that website and try to get the email addy the post came from and trace it back to the account holder/ IP addy, if possible, tricky but not impossible.
has this guy been checked against missing person files in other countries?? he sure does look eastern european, or maybe greek.. (or turkish?) and i'm thinking that could explain the name also, whether it is real or invented. do the hotel employees remember if he had an accent?
reb said:
has this guy been checked against missing person files in other countries?? he sure does look eastern european, or maybe greek.. (or turkish?) and i'm thinking that could explain the name also, whether it is real or invented. do the hotel employees remember if he had an accent?
One employee thought he may have had a slight canadian accent. Its worth noting here that often times accents are misplaced. People place a certain accent based on ones they are familiar with. My own accent is never identified correctly.
It is a sad state of affairs when these sites are available to anyone with a computer (especially children). While I investigated Lyles death, I scoured the internet for anything that could help me identify him. That's how I ran across the ASH site. I saw they had a "favorite method of the month" for committing suicide. The method involved inhaling helium inside a plastic trash bag. About a month later, one of the local Police Departments investigated a suicide involving this method. I had never heard of it before. I don't know if the young man got the information off of the ASH site or if it was just a coincidence.
One employee thought he may have had a slight canadian accent. Its worth noting here that often times accents are misplaced. People place a certain accent based on ones they are familiar with. My own accent is never identified correctly.
Interesting point. Would someone used to hearing a certain accent from some tourists assume the trace he heard in our guys speech was just more of the same or just plain make an ordinary mistake with the same result?
docwho3 said:
Interesting point. Would someone used to hearing a certain accent from some tourists assume the trace he heard in our guys speech was just more of the same or just plain make an ordinary mistake with the same result?
It is very possible. The reason I say this is that I am from Wales but I currenly live in Texas. I have heard everything from German to Australian as the guesses to my accent. I think many people take random guesses when they are trying to pinpoint something. This man could very well have had a slight accent that was not easily placed so the employee picked Canadian based on the location. Who knows really, its just that unless you know for sure the cadance of certain accents you will often get them wrong when guessing.
coldcaseman said:
It is a sad state of affairs when these sites are available to anyone with a computer (especially children). While I investigated Lyles death, I scoured the internet for anything that could help me identify him. That's how I ran across the ASH site. I saw they had a "favorite method of the month" for committing suicide. The method involved inhaling helium inside a plastic trash bag. About a month later, one of the local Police Departments investigated a suicide involving this method. I had never heard of it before. I don't know if the young man got the information off of the ASH site or if it was just a coincidence.
Thank-you Coldcaseman for all of your help.We appreciate you more than you know.
All of my Respect to you,
One thing that I think might be a tiny clue is the misspelling of the name of the books character when he signed the register. I found a last name of someone named lyle that had a hmm. . . . .I guess one might call it a polish sounding name. (Not our guy so far as I know but the example stuck in my mind.) I have little knowledge of foreign names so I don't mean that to be a derogatory term. What I mean is it ended with the "ick" or, in his case, with an "ik" as the last syllable of the surname.

But the guys name really was spelled with an "ik" and not the "ick" as the book character's name. What I am doing a poor job of explaining is that he possibly had a name that was similar but "knew" (possibly subconciously) it should be spelled differently than the book character's name and so signed the registration that way he was familiar with.

I theorized his name might be similar but he does not have to have his own name be that way but at least he may have known someone well that had their name spelled "ik" and not "ick".

. . . As a rule, Polish surnames which include a suffix with -k- (-czak, -czyk, -iak, -ak, -ik, and -yk) also mean something like "little" or "son of." More commonly found in eastern Poland, the suffixes -yc and -ic also mean "son of." There are also cases of patronymic surnames where the ending has been dropped and only the original root word remains. (Pawel Adamicz - Paul son of Adam). . . .

Now, there may be other country origins with similar spellings for all I know. I do not mean to stick to only one nationality. I only point out that some similar type of name spelling that he was familiar with could be why he spelled the name the way he did when he signed in. I theorized it might be his own name's real spelling for that last bit of the name only because I felt he would have to be used to writing it fairly often to sign it the way he did without thinking about it. Still, I am only guessing. I still think this case will need national exposure of his image to see it solved.
I certainly think we are on the right track. I'm off to bed, but am quite sure when I wake up I will have more ideas! Lordie Do, the other morning I woke up and was aware of what I was dreaming about before I woke up, trying to analze whether it made sense or not!

But I do have to say Coldcaseman, I have had the same feeling about Steven and Lyle. Too many similar things with lyle's suicide that are included in the article by Steven. And Steven has never been heard from since. There is nothing like it anywhere on the net that covers these exact same things. Believe me, I have looked at so many sites dealing with suspension hanging!

The case has taken a bit of a toll on me because it was so final and I have never studied anything like this. But this afternoon was the topper. My grandaughter and I watched a movie called The Virgin Suicides. Whew! I'm OK now, just gettung ready to settle into bed. But had to share that little tidbit.

PS: Had to check in before I hit the sack LOL Guess I'm a diehard!

I still think Steven and Lyle are possibly the same person:twocents: :twocents:

Here's the current viewing number of Lyle's sketch on Project EDAN: 150 (Will probably go up during the day or week)
Concerning the Suspension Hanging Website. I got some information off the page itself. This particular linked page was last modified Monday, June 09, 2003 @ 11:42:38 AM. I did find something interesting in its information. I dont know much about copywrites concerning the internet, but Ash (thats who owns this particular website) placed a copywrite notice on "stephen's" submission for 2001. Now this could have been either when this website itself was started or perhaps when this was particular piece was sumbitted. Like I said I am not familiar with webpage copywrites. I will add that when you go to the next linked page concerning CO poisoning that piece has a different copywrite of 1999.

His website is listed as a newsgroup-related website. This particular page does not expire until Tuesday, January 30, 2007 1:30:04 PM. Ihe key words linked to this page are: ash, a.s.h, suicide,alt.suicide.holiday, how do i hang myself, how do i do suspension hanging, suspension hanging, hanging, strangling.

I also look at who was hosting the website. It is another website which sports latex and fetish gear and wear.

The only thing that bothers me about this submission, is that it sounds like someone fairly young writing it. He uses terminology that I wouldnt associate with an older person. In addition to this if Robert Doe is an immigrant as someone of us (including me) say is a possibility, he would have had a great command of the english langue including synmantics and vocabulary.

On the other hand these same things would point towards an educated, literary person if the theory about Robert Doe being an educated man. Some things to think about.
I just started reading this thead. I have looked at this john doe for hours before, looking for a "match" missing person. This has been mentioned by several people already, and I can't help but wonder what roll 9/11 played in his suicide. Was he connected somehow? But this isn't the way "they" usually choose to die for their cause. Was the horror of 9/11 too much for him and he fell into a deep depression?

Also, he has a "unibrow". That isn't all too common, is it?
We don't know if he was somehow involved with the attack on 9/11. Reports were forwarded to the FBI, in case he was connected in some way, but we never heard anything from them. I've always thought that Lyle suffered from depression, and the attacks may have been the straw that broke the camels back. I wouldn't be surprised if the national suicide rate went up in the weeks following the attacks.
If he was Egyptian it could be. Wasn't one of the hijackers Egyptian? I think so.

coldcaseman said:
We don't know if he was somehow involved with the attack on 9/11. Reports were forwarded to the FBI, in case he was connected in some way, but we never heard anything from them. I've always thought that Lyle suffered from depression, and the attacks may have been the straw that broke the camels back. I wouldn't be surprised if the national suicide rate went up in the weeks following the attacks.
Hi Coldcaseman,
Thank-you for posting the info.
coldcaseman said:
We don't know if he was somehow involved with the attack on 9/11. Reports were forwarded to the FBI, in case he was connected in some way, but we never heard anything from them. I've always thought that Lyle suffered from depression, and the attacks may have been the straw that broke the camels back. I wouldn't be surprised if the national suicide rate went up in the weeks following the attacks.
Great job there- now nobody has to do anything concerning that here :dance:

This guy Mourra is who I think looks a lot like Doe. I think the eyebrows are the same, the nose looks similar, but its hard to tell with the shadow. The lips look different, but Doe is lying down, so maybe the lips are distorted. The chin on Mourra does not look squared like Doe, but Mourra is heavier, probably 30 pounds or so, its too hard to compare. There does seem to be a sort of dimple on both chins, same shape. Mourra looks to have attatched earlobes. In the pic the left (our right) ear looks pierced, but its too hard to tell from the shadows. The left eye shape is similar, and both men have dark circles. Mourra was said to have been suicidal when he disappeared in 2000. This would have given him time to lose weight before killing himself in 2001.

I just wanted to post these side by side to see what you all think.

gardenmom said:

This guy Mourra is who I think looks a lot like Doe. I think the eyebrows are the same, the nose looks similar, but its hard to tell with the shadow. The lips look different, but Doe is lying down, so maybe the lips are distorted. The chin on Mourra does not look squared like Doe, but Mourra is heavier, probably 30 pounds or so, its too hard to compare. There does seem to be a sort of dimple on both chins, same shape. Mourra looks to have attatched earlobes. In the pic the left (our right) ear looks pierced, but its too hard to tell from the shadows. The left eye shape is similar, and both men have dark circles. Mourra was said to have been suicidal when he disappeared in 2000. This would have given him time to lose weight before killing himself in 2001.

I just wanted to post these side by side to see what you all think.

I like your possible match- but there are a few differences though- Mourra is 6'0 tall and has brown eyes, Doe is 6'2 and has hazel eyes. Overall good one though :) :) :)

Time will sure tell how long it will take to identify Lyle and finally close this case...

About his left eye- is it possible John Doe had lazy eye?
When I looked at the photo, it looked like Salvatore had earlobes, but now I'm not sure. I'll try to get my office to run his name through NCIC, and get his dental records. No one mentioned that Lyle had a lazy eye.
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