WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #4

DNA Solves
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Unless he was in summer session, he wouldn't have taken exams for months. If he was found in June or December, I'd buy that theory. JMO

The first big tests of the semester sometimes take place in September. It is also possible he was taking money from his parents to go to university and he was spending it on something else and that was going to come out

I thought it might be a combination of things -- doing badly in school, maybe a problem with his immigration status, woman problems, etc. just pushed him over the edge and it became too much for him. I could be wrong though. He obviously didn't want his loved ones/family to know about his death. (Just my opinion) I think that he wanted them to believe that he was doing [at least] ok in the US and had just lost touch with them [as opposed to the truth].
This case has really intrigued me, and I'm pretty certain it's the one I've spent the most time reading about on this forum. Just a random thought for now; I'm sure I'll have more when I can articulate it better.

- Some of the things that coldcaseman has described, such as Lyle switching to a "less noisy" room, putting the bedspread up to cover the window, and having pillows wedged between himself and the wall when he hung himself seems to suggest to me that he had attempted suicide before, and had perhaps been hospitalized against his will as a consequence of the unsuccessful attempt(s). The great lengths he seemed to go to here to not get "caught in the act" (sorry for the lack of a better term), suggests to me that he had attempted to unsuccessfully hang himself before...
I talked to my mother about the hotel stay a couple of days ago, and she suggested that he might have originally intended to stay for the one night and then head somewhere else after that. She thinks that something must have happened for him to stay for a few additional days.

Maybe he was supposed to see somebody and was looking for them, but they didn't show up (for an unspecified reason), and maybe that was the straw that finally broke the camel's back. Something had already pained him bad enough for him to go as far as he did, but that finalized everything.
Has the issue of him being AWOL from the Navy come up? Grays Harbor is not so far from a number of bases. Perhaps Sept. 11th made him realize he'd have to see real combat and set him over the edge.
Has the issue of him being AWOL from the Navy come up? Grays Harbor is not so far from a number of bases. Perhaps Sept. 11th made him realize he'd have to see real combat and set him over the edge.
I am new here after lurking for a while.

My highly inexpert observations;

"Lyle" never served in the US military and was never arrested in the US. If either had happened, his prints would have shown up as a match. He likely WAS American or Canadian or had been in one of those countries a long time. as his clothing was all of US origin and no one reported a foreign accent except maybe Canadian. The little writing we have from "Lyle" is in good English. Looking at missing persons reports has proved fruitless, so there was never a missing person report filed or he would have matched by now. He looks like he could be of Lebanese or Iranian descent.

Since he (quite successfully) went to great lengths to conceal his identity, I see three courses of action that could help to establish it.

1) Familial DNA, which could find relatives or a potential surname. Why on earth is this not used more often with UIDs?
2) Analysis of the bones to determine where he had been living, from his diet.
3) Better dissemination of his image might prompt someone to recall him.

My gut feeling is that someone, family or friends, knows who he was and what happened to him, and prefers to leave the situation alone.
I am new here after lurking for a while.

My highly inexpert observations;

"Lyle" never served in the US military and was never arrested in the US. If either had happened, his prints would have shown up as a match. He likely WAS American or Canadian or had been in one of those countries a long time. as his clothing was all of US origin and no one reported a foreign accent except maybe Canadian. The little writing we have from "Lyle" is in good English. Looking at missing persons reports has proved fruitless, so there was never a missing person report filed or he would have matched by now. He looks like he could be of Lebanese or Iranian descent.

Since he (quite successfully) went to great lengths to conceal his identity, I see three courses of action that could help to establish it.

1) Familial DNA, which could find relatives or a potential surname. Why on earth is this not used more often with UIDs?
2) Analysis of the bones to determine where he had been living, from his diet.
3) Better dissemination of his image might prompt someone to recall him.

My gut feeling is that someone, family or friends, knows who he was and what happened to him, and prefers to leave the situation alone.

And he was never arrested in Canada either. The RCMP didn't get very far with the fingerprints.

I think the morgue photos (as disturbing as they could be to some people) is our best chance. I don't think we'll get by on the reconstructions.
I think what Magnum P.E. means by dissemination is to spread the image further afield than it has been or repeat showing the image where it was shown previously. I agree it would be worth the effort as the right person(s) did not see it as yet.

The isotope testing and familial DNA would go a long way as well - the cost might produce brick walls though.
I think what Magnum P.E. means by dissemination is to spread the image further afield than it has been or repeat showing the image where it was shown previously. I agree it would be worth the effort as the right person(s) did not see it as yet.

The isotope testing and familial DNA would go a long way as well - the cost might produce brick walls though.

I don't think the police department has a big enough budget.
It looks like the military doesn't fingerprint you until AFTER you pass a physical.

"After you have met the physical and CAT-ASVAB standards of the branch of service you have selected, a service liaison counselor will tell you about job opportunities and the enlistment agreement. You are making important decisions and need to be informed. Service liaison counselors can explain each program and answer your questions. When in doubt ... ask!
A final interview, fingerprinting for a FBI check and pre-enlistment briefing will be completed before you take the oath of enlistment. Members of your family are welcome to watch you take the oath. A waiting room is available for them. Your family may take photographs of you with the military officer who gives you the oath."

Maybe he tried to enlist and didn't pass the physical?
I am new here after lurking for a while.

My highly inexpert observations;

"Lyle" never served in the US military and was never arrested in the US. If either had happened, his prints would have shown up as a match. He likely WAS American or Canadian or had been in one of those countries a long time. as his clothing was all of US origin and no one reported a foreign accent except maybe Canadian. The little writing we have from "Lyle" is in good English. Looking at missing persons reports has proved fruitless, so there was never a missing person report filed or he would have matched by now. He looks like he could be of Lebanese or Iranian descent.

Since he (quite successfully) went to great lengths to conceal his identity, I see three courses of action that could help to establish it.

1) Familial DNA, which could find relatives or a potential surname. Why on earth is this not used more often with UIDs?
2) Analysis of the bones to determine where he had been living, from his diet.
3) Better dissemination of his image might prompt someone to recall him.

My gut feeling is that someone, family or friends, knows who he was and what happened to him, and prefers to leave the situation alone.

I agree with the possibility of Lyle begin of Lebanese or Iranian descent. I recall coldcaseman mentioning in one of his posts that Lyle was circumcised, and I think that any man of Lebanese or Iranian descent (born in North America or elsewhere) would be circumcised. I think that the fact that Lyle was circumcised makes it far less likely that he was an immigrant from Europe, unless he was Jewish or Muslim.

I know that where I live (Alberta, Canada), there is a long history of people of Lebanese descent in this province (e.g. Canada's first mosque was built in the 1930's in Edmonton by Lebanese immigrants). I should get around to showing Lyles picture to one of my good friends who is of Lebanese descent whose family has been in Alberta for generations (all of whom speak with very "Canadian" accents). Just need to think of a good way of bringing it up....

I'm also probably looking way too much into this, but I also find it odd that Lyle has a unibrow in his morgue pictures. I believe that coldcaseman also mentioned that he had very little/no hair on his chest (suggesting Lyle may have shaved/waxed his chest). Assuming that Lyle did do that, why wouldn't he get rid of his unibrow too? I'll admit, he was a handsome man who looks to have taken good care of his appearance (even looking to have shaved his face not too long before he hung himself), so I find the unibrow puzzling. Then again, I'm probably looking way too much into it...

Magnum P.E. brings up a good point about family or friends perhaps not wanting to bring it up. If Lyle was of Lebanese or Iranian descent, then there's a good chance of him coming from a Muslim family. Suicide is taboo and a grave sin among Muslims, so I could see Lyle going unclaimed because of his final act.
I agree with the possibility of Lyle begin of Lebanese or Iranian descent. I recall coldcaseman mentioning in one of his posts that Lyle was circumcised, and I think that any man of Lebanese or Iranian descent (born in North America or elsewhere) would be circumcised. I think that the fact that Lyle was circumcised makes it far less likely that he was an immigrant from Europe, unless he was Jewish or Muslim.

I know that where I live (Alberta, Canada), there is a long history of people of Lebanese descent in this province (e.g. Canada's first mosque was built in the 1930's in Edmonton by Lebanese immigrants). I should get around to showing Lyles picture to one of my good friends who is of Lebanese descent whose family has been in Alberta for generations (all of whom speak with very "Canadian" accents). Just need to think of a good way of bringing it up....

I'm also probably looking way too much into this, but I also find it odd that Lyle has a unibrow in his morgue pictures. I believe that coldcaseman also mentioned that he had very little/no hair on his chest (suggesting Lyle may have shaved/waxed his chest). Assuming that Lyle did do that, why wouldn't he get rid of his unibrow too? I'll admit, he was a handsome man who looks to have taken good care of his appearance (even looking to have shaved his face not too long before he hung himself), so I find the unibrow puzzling. Then again, I'm probably looking way too much into it...

Magnum P.E. brings up a good point about family or friends perhaps not wanting to bring it up. If Lyle was of Lebanese or Iranian descent, then there's a good chance of him coming from a Muslim family. Suicide is taboo and a grave sin among Muslims, so I could see Lyle going unclaimed because of his final act.

I just had an idea: He could have grown up religious, but could have become disilliusioned, and ultimately left it.
OK. Mentioning religion made me have a really out there idea...

Could he be from an Anabaptist group? Amish, Old Order Mennonite, Hutterite, Brethren, etc?

If he was on the bann, that could explain why he wasn't reported missing. Perhaps he left for rumspringa ad never returned.

Hmmm. I wonder if that would explain some UIDs...
Budget is a good point; I bet one of the companies that does familial DNA might do it free for the publicity, though the cost is now less than $200.00 I think. Isotope analysis might be more expensive but is more general and less useful anyway.
Anyone know how to connect LE and one of these companies?
Budget is a good point; I bet one of the companies that does familial DNA might do it free for the publicity, though the cost is now less than $200.00 I think. Isotope analysis might be more expensive but is more general and less useful anyway.
Anyone know how to connect LE and one of these companies?

I think there is a course (not one of mine) at school that deals with forensics. I could see if they might know anything.
I am sticking with my theory that possibly Lyle knew that he was going to create an internet-based mystery with his death, and if this is a fact and each and every small detail surrounding this event is in itself a symbolic clue, then it may be no coincidence that he chose to commit suicide in Amanda Park.
Could it be that there was a romantic attachment to a woman with the name of 'Amanda' or even 'Amanda Park'?
I found a lab that does a DNA test that can find genetic cousins and likely surnames for as little as $119.00, a better test is $199.99. I don't know how ethical it is to link to a commercial site, so I won't. I have not contacted anyone yet. Whether they can do this testing from previously existing samples or results, I don't know. It may be the last path left to us if his identity is ever to be known.
I agree with the possibility of Lyle begin of Lebanese or Iranian descent. I recall coldcaseman mentioning in one of his posts that Lyle was circumcised, and I think that any man of Lebanese or Iranian descent (born in North America or elsewhere) would be circumcised. I think that the fact that Lyle was circumcised makes it far less likely that he was an immigrant from Europe, unless he was Jewish or Muslim.

I know that where I live (Alberta, Canada), there is a long history of people of Lebanese descent in this province (e.g. Canada's first mosque was built in the 1930's in Edmonton by Lebanese immigrants). I should get around to showing Lyles picture to one of my good friends who is of Lebanese descent whose family has been in Alberta for generations (all of whom speak with very "Canadian" accents). Just need to think of a good way of bringing it up....

I'm also probably looking way too much into this, but I also find it odd that Lyle has a unibrow in his morgue pictures. I believe that coldcaseman also mentioned that he had very little/no hair on his chest (suggesting Lyle may have shaved/waxed his chest). Assuming that Lyle did do that, why wouldn't he get rid of his unibrow too? I'll admit, he was a handsome man who looks to have taken good care of his appearance (even looking to have shaved his face not too long before he hung himself), so I find the unibrow puzzling. Then again, I'm probably looking way too much into it...

Magnum P.E. brings up a good point about family or friends perhaps not wanting to bring it up. If Lyle was of Lebanese or Iranian descent, then there's a good chance of him coming from a Muslim family. Suicide is taboo and a grave sin among Muslims, so I could see Lyle going unclaimed because of his final act.

He might be a swimmer. Some people shave to be more aerodynamic.

This may be sort of a strange question, does Grays Harbor bury or cremate their UIDs? Does anyone know?
He might be a swimmer. Some people shave to be more aerodynamic.

This may be sort of a strange question, does Grays Harbor bury or cremate their UIDs? Does anyone know?

Based on coldcaseman's earlier posts, it certainly sounded like Lyle was buried, not cremated.
The address for home that was listed on the registration at the hotel... it was actually another hotel wasn't it?

Did police or anyone check with that hotel for Lyle or a different name or anything of the sort?
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