WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #4

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If we all work together I bet we can find out more!

The more I think about this, the less I think that he's going to be "claimed" by a family member, and more likely it seems that it's going to be an old classmate or coworker that goes "I know him! I wondered what happened to him!"

He has to have had a job at some point, he probably has coworkers somewhere that are wondering what happened; he probably quit his job and they lost touch.
Could he be middle eastern? The timing so close to Sept. 11 seems rather odd.
He seemed well educated..That book would have bored me to tears.
We have had a few terrorist activities that came down from Canada? Maybe he was a sacrificial lamb, or knew to much about something, or knew his job was complete (Sept 11th)
Just tossing ideas out there.
I posted something in the last thread about Judaism and suicide, because I wondered if he was Jewish.

I have always thought Lyle looked a lot like an old bf. That's what drew me to his case.
The bf was Russian Jew from Minnesota. People always thought he was native American and was often asked what tribe he belonged to by Native people.

Probably not him, but worth a look (and a second opinion from a fellow websleuther)!

Missing in April '99 from Minnesota, black hair, brown eyes, believed depressed, age fits (turned 24 on the day Lyle was found), AND his father died in 2001...possible reason for finally taking his life? Weight is MUCH higher, but he had two years to lose that weight...

I'm new at this, I'd love some feedback/second opinion!
It doesn't say that his DNA is in CODIS, so it might be worth submitting to LE.

Probably not him, but worth a look (and a second opinion from a fellow websleuther)!

Missing in April '99 from Minnesota, black hair, brown eyes, believed depressed, age fits (turned 24 on the day Lyle was found), AND his father died in 2001...possible reason for finally taking his life? Weight is MUCH higher, but he had two years to lose that weight...

I'm new at this, I'd love some feedback/second opinion!

I think they look alot alike, although I don't think Lyle's ears were pierced. I can't tell if Nathan's earlobes are attached..

Probably not him, but worth a look (and a second opinion from a fellow websleuther)!

Missing in April '99 from Minnesota, black hair, brown eyes, believed depressed, age fits (turned 24 on the day Lyle was found), AND his father died in 2001...possible reason for finally taking his life? Weight is MUCH higher, but he had two years to lose that weight...

I'm new at this, I'd love some feedback/second opinion!

That looks like a really good match.
Your ears can close shut if you don't wear any earrings.
And you would travel through Idaho to get from Minnesota to Wa. Say for living in Idaho for a while.
And look at his wonderful teeth. I think this one looks really good.
I saw a gentleman in the movie Fargo who reminded me of Lyle. It got me thinking that maybe this person was of a higher profile than just you or I...obviously not so much that he would be easily recognizable by anybody, but enough so that he thought he should check in under an assumed name. Just a thought.
Depatie was ruled out too right? Good start off to a list! Hopefully we can have more names added! I'm really excited Lyle has his own area on websleuths!!! It did take me a few days to find it though lol.

Hi Buffetoflies! I'm not sure what to think about the guy in the pic. He does kinda have a Lyle look to him. I noticed going through canada missing persons alot have some type of facial feature that's kinda like Lyles. Alot look like they have that attatched earlobe thing going on.


Depatie was definitely ruled out, unfortunately. I had to take a break from this case after that because I got so disappointed when it wasn't him. But his sister sent me a message after viewing the pics and said it definitely wasn't her brother.

i personally don't see the Nathan resemblance.
Hi guys. I have been a member of a different site for many years. On this site there is a man who I think looks a lot like Lyle. This man on this other site is from/lives in Alberta, CA. Does anyone else think they look alike? First one is just a pic of the guy that is alive, second link is a side by side of lyle and a different pic of the alive guy.


Wow! he does look like Lyle. maybe he;s too young, though. Of course the picture could befrom years ago. Is he on a missing site?
I have always thought Lyle looked a lot like an old bf. That's what drew me to his case.
The bf was Russian Jew from Minnesota. People always thought he was native American and was often asked what tribe he belonged to by Native people.

I know what you are talking about, can they tell us if Lyle was circumcised or not? I tried looking for it in the other areas, but could not find that piece of information. Although anybody can do anything these days in regards ethnic customs, surely if he were Jewish or Muslim, he would have been circumcised, right? i know not 100 percent certainty, but typically.

Glad to see all the new posts, I took a break for awhile, but Im back reading in full force!
I know what you are talking about, can they tell us if Lyle was circumcised or not? I tried looking for it in the other areas, but could not find that piece of information. Although anybody can do anything these days in regards ethnic customs, surely if he were Jewish or Muslim, he would have been circumcised, right? i know not 100 percent certainty, but typically.

Glad to see all the new posts, I took a break for awhile, but Im back reading in full force!

He was circumcised. Nothing in tox to indicate he used drugs, and no indications in the motel room, in his clothing, or in his body that he was a smoker.

Here: Lyle Stevik Part 3 (Continued) - Page 19 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Gina M posted this link to coldcasemans first post here
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Grays Harbor, Washington John Doe (cont...)

I'm going to go through his post to see what else I missed. Not that i'll remember much after few days :doh: lol

ETA: found the answer to the underwear for anyone who missed it like me.........
A post from Coldcaseman
"He was wearing boxers. Dark colored print, possibly JC Penny (as I recall). Stomach was empty, so his last meal was at least 5 hours before his death. "

I'm starting to wonder if he did not have recent weightloss??? I mean big pants,boxers,belt, and the plaid button up shirt just seems like the fashion for some back then


I read here (somewhere - forgive me; it's very late) that he could have recently lost up to 40 lbs.
I'd like to comment on some of the posts on this thread.

I am Potowatomi, Blackfoot and Ukrainian. Although it is not supposedly politically correct, most 'Native Americans' that I know, including myself, my tribes and my family, call ourselves Indian. So, that's the term I'm going to use here.

From my personal experience, suicide is not a mortal sin, and the only Indians I have heard about possibly shunning any family members for commiting it lived on the res. The majority of all Indians do not live on the res. Indians drink, do drugs and kill themselves at the same rate as any other nationality, myths aside. In fact, my own younger brother comitted suicide 10 years ago by hanging- we talk about it often. If he had done it in an anonymous motel room, we would want to know about it.

My brother was also bisexual. It is also a myth that Indians don't tolerate different sexualities. In fact, many of the tribes were actively supporting the bill allowing gay marriage in California a couple of years ago. Being Indian and gay would be no more reason to kill yourself than being any other nationality.

Unless Lyle was originally from the area, or had visited there before, there would be no reason for him to travel there to commit suicide, especially if his tribe was not from the area. There is no universal 'spiritual place' that all Indians agree is the best place to kill yourself. Also, most Indians have been culturally indoctinated into either Christianity or Catholicism, so they would be more concerned about that angle than the 'Great Spirit'. It's a romatic thought, but not realistic.

I have read "You Must Remember This" several times. I also identified with the Lyle character, yet I am not male, and do not have experience with molestation. Sometimes a book is just a book. Using the character name as an alias does not mean they were molested, not a molestor.

I have read all of Joyce Carol Oates books. Several people made comments that only women read her books, and therefore it's likely that Lyle was gay. What is more likely is that all it proves is that he was college educated. Several of her books were gifts to me by male suitors, who were not gay, they were just educated, well-read and liked good literature.

That said, some other things about the case-

I think that CCM said that Lyle stayed in the first motel room long enough to take a shower? It is unlikely he would take a shower and then put on dirty, travelled-in clothing. He probably changed into clean clothing. Nothing was found in the second room except for a toothbush and toothpaste, yet he had his hair slicked back. Where was the comb? The front desk thought he might have had a backpack, and he probably did.

It's likely that he wrote the note and money in the room, then packed his stuff up and took a walk to get rid of it. Doesn't need to be thrown in a lake. With a trailer park and a motel, and possibly other businesses, it would be easy to dispose of.

There was probably no reason to use the name Lyle Stevik other than that the name popped into his head as an alias. The fact that he mis-spelled it hints that he hadn't given it much thought otherwise- if it had important meaning, he would not have mis-spelled it. My father taught architecture for 30 years, and I agree with some who say his handwriting did not look like drafting handwriting. However, it does show education, because it is very similar. The handwriting on the desk envelope does not look confident. meaning that although the address and state match, he didn't fluidly write his name, address, town, state and zip automatically, as most people do. The clerk filled in the town where he skipped it. So, he has the address memorized, but hasn't written it often. Also, the handwriting is sloppier and more disorganized. It is likely that he knew the address because he'd been there or lived in the town before, rather than just a lucky guess.

Anyone who reads Joyce Carol Oates books would not need to practice how to spell suicide, so I agree with CCM that it was probably a note he aborted.

Obviously, Lyle got some sort of advance info on how to suicide efficiently, but his method does not match that described by 'Steven' on the website. He may have seen the website, though. One thing that is clear, is that this was a very considerate person. To make sure that the room was paid, that it was clean, and that he did not make a mess says they were very conscientious and that he was very methodical about it. That is pretty unusual. My brother was not as considerate, and he'd obviously not read up on how to go about it.

His 'pacing' along the road likely was nothing more than a way to kill time. I don't recall reading that there was a tv in the room? He'd already read the small-town paper, and probably had a time set in his mind. What else was he to do?

Other than as identifying info, the weight loss seems insignificant, especially since he continued to wear the same clothing and belt as before, much as many people who lose weight (including myself) do. Maybe he lost weight due to depression, maybe not. It doesn't seem to have any relevance on the issue, other than in helping to identify him if someone may recognize him heavier.

It is possible he killed himself in reaction to a loss from 9-11. Once again, conjecture about this doesn't matter, since it won't help identify him.

Some posts have said he could not be hispanic or Indian because they are not tall enough. I beg to differ. I have relatives who are over 6 foot, and my fiance is Spanish and is 6ft2. However, I think he appears to be Indian. Based on the fact that he looks Indian/white, and Northern Indians are taller, I'd guess he could be from a tribe that is Northern. that could be from that area, up into Canada, or from back east up near Canada. There are a lot of tribes up there that are a mix of Indian and French, or as in my case, Indian and Ukrainian.

The fact that his teeth were described as near-perfect, as in- had had braces- leads me to believe he was not from a res. My guess, especially from the hygeine and hands is that this person was a college student and/or an office worker.

Although I understand some of the things that were not followed up on might be frustrating, this was not a homicide, it was a suicide, and it sounds like the investigation was pretty thorough for that. I have been really impressed reading these threads as to the amount of detail CCM remembers, and the amount of work he has put into identifying this person. The most likely way this person will be identified is not through the little amount of evidence there is, but through identification from someone who knew him, meaning that his picture needs to be more widely circulated.

Sorry to put all these opinions in one post, but I have been reading here for 3 years, and this is the first time I have posted.
Glorybug, you make some great points and bring some great perspective! Your information is great and much appreciated!

I agree completely about the identification thing as well; I think our best bet for ID is not going to be a family member though, but a co-worker or former peer. Something tells me (but I could be wrong, it is just an opinion) that his family isn't looking for him.

I'm glad you posted though, thanks again for your input! The information about Indian culture was really helpful and interesting!
Sorry to put all these opinions in one post, but I have been reading here for 3 years, and this is the first time I have posted.

Its about time!!!! lol! I'm so glad you decided to post!!! Its great to see new eyes/opinions on the case!

Hope everyone's doing well! Glad Lyle has his own forum! I hope to see this thread booming.(although i'm a threadkiller so my post might mess that up :angel: lol)

Lyle might not be offlicially missing on a missing persons report but I still have that feeling that he's listed somewhere by someone online! Even though he's been deceased for quite awhile it wasn't that long ago,(like 30-40 years, where family members are deceased!) and i'm sure he has family out there wondering where he's at. I know it seems like quite a bit of UID victims did have a missing person's report on them but somehow that slipped through the cracks.
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