WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #4

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Tooth #1 and #17 are wisdom teeth, they could have been removed or could have never developed. Some people just don't have wisdom teeth. I had my top two wisdom teeth removed because I was biting the inside of my cheeks. But I would say they were removed in his case because he did have the top wisdom teeth. Tooth #5 and #12 do look like they were removed because of braces though.

Here is another one she would have been about Lyle's age. Amanda Stavik - did she have a brother? Amanda - Washington??? Stevik - Stavik?

1989 UNSOLVED HOMICIDE: AMANDA TERESA STAVIK - go to the end of the page; then count up 5 sentences - Stavik was last seen about a half-mile from her home by her younger brother, Lee, 13. Her mother thought she had jogged the three miles south
to the Noosack River.

2 more up- Stavik's mother, Mary, had worked to keep her mind from dwelling on her missing daughter.

Part 5: Serial killers -- they're not always who we think ~Snip - But when Pete Piccini, a Jefferson County cop who chased Sinclair for years, entered a ministorage shed near Sumas in 1990, he discovered a pile of evidence and a mountain of conflicting ideas about Sinclair and his crimes.

In the bottom of a barrel in the shed were a yellow flowered bed sheet and pillows. They matched the linen used to strangle and wrap the body of 18-year-old Amanda Stavik.

Stavik, a Central Washington University student, vanished Thanksgiving Eve 1989 while jogging. Her body was found Nov. 27 in the South Fork of the Nooksack River. There was evidence of rape.

Another item to emerge from the shed was a school yearbook. Leafing through it, investigators saw Stavik's picture. She had been a classmate of Sinclair's son.

Piccini, diligently running down a missing-person report from his own county, had discovered a sex crime that called into question the profile of a man then sought as "The Coin Shop Killer."

"It was hard to define Sinclair; he was all over the map," said Piccini, who retired as Jefferson County sheriff in December.

Amanda Stavik Went Jogging 20 Years Ago and Ended Up Naked and Dead
Tooth #1 and #17 are wisdom teeth, they could have been removed or could have never developed. Some people just don't have wisdom teeth. I had my top two wisdom teeth removed because I was biting the inside of my cheeks. But I would say they were removed in his case because he did have the top wisdom teeth. Tooth #5 and #12 do look like they were removed because of braces though.

I had dental surgery back in Dec. on my wisdom teeth, due to the way they had grown in. They couldn't fully remove them because it would then damage the nerves.
1989 UNSOLVED HOMICIDE: AMANDA TERESA STAVIK - go to the end of the page; then count up 5 sentences - Stavik was last seen about a half-mile from her home by her younger brother, Lee, 13. Her mother thought she had jogged the three miles south
to the Noosack River.

2 more up- Stavik's mother, Mary, had worked to keep her mind from dwelling on her missing daughter.

Part 5: Serial killers -- they're not always who we think ~Snip - But when Pete Piccini, a Jefferson County cop who chased Sinclair for years, entered a ministorage shed near Sumas in 1990, he discovered a pile of evidence and a mountain of conflicting ideas about Sinclair and his crimes.

In the bottom of a barrel in the shed were a yellow flowered bed sheet and pillows. They matched the linen used to strangle and wrap the body of 18-year-old Amanda Stavik.

Stavik, a Central Washington University student, vanished Thanksgiving Eve 1989 while jogging. Her body was found Nov. 27 in the South Fork of the Nooksack River. There was evidence of rape.

Another item to emerge from the shed was a school yearbook. Leafing through it, investigators saw Stavik's picture. She had been a classmate of Sinclair's son.

Piccini, diligently running down a missing-person report from his own county, had discovered a sex crime that called into question the profile of a man then sought as "The Coin Shop Killer."

"It was hard to define Sinclair; he was all over the map," said Piccini, who retired as Jefferson County sheriff in December.

Amanda Stavik Went Jogging 20 Years Ago and Ended Up Naked and Dead

Hi Roselvr and All, He registered as Lyle Stevik from Meridian, Idaho {hope that town is correct} and the investigators used that name in working the case. But I don't think they ever verified that was his right name - he is still unidentified. It could be he is a Stevik and knew Amanda, but it has to be hypothetical at this point, right?

Every time I see this thread pop up my heart skips a beat . . . . hoping we will find out who he is and why he ended up in that motel room.
Hi Roselvr and All, He registered as Lyle Stevik from Meridian, Idaho {hope that town is correct} and the investigators used that name in working the case. But I don't think they ever verified that was his right name - he is still unidentified. It could be he is a Stevik and knew Amanda, but it has to be hypothetical at this point, right?

Every time I see this thread pop up my heart skips a beat . . . . hoping we will find out who he is and why he ended up in that motel room.

BBM ... YEP me too!!
Tooth #1 and #17 are wisdom teeth, they could have been removed or could have never developed. Some people just don't have wisdom teeth. I had my top two wisdom teeth removed because I was biting the inside of my cheeks. But I would say they were removed in his case because he did have the top wisdom teeth. Tooth #5 and #12 do look like they were removed because of braces though.

Might the braces be the top and bottom variety? I had braces when I was a kid (HATED it so much), but I never had any of my teeth removed.

Here is what I found online:

All of us have two sets of teeth, primary (baby) and permanent (adult). One of the first things your orthodontist will do at your initial consultation is take inventory of which teeth are in your mouth. Although everyone is different, baby teeth usually fall out by a certain age and in a certain order. They can create orthodontic problems if they fall out too early or too late. If they fall out too early, your orthodontist can help you devise a plan for maintaining the space until the permanent replacements come in. If they don’t fall out soon enough, they may create an orthodontic problem or signal that one already exists. Removing primary teeth is sometimes necessary for the normal eruption and development of the teeth that will come in later.

While most parents have no concerns regarding the removal of primary teeth, some do when the permanent ones are involved. There are a variety of reasons why permanent teeth may need to be removed for braces, but here there are three main ones:

The first is crowding. When the amount of space required to align the teeth is less than the space available, either the size of the arches must be increased or the number (or size) of teeth reduced. Mild to moderate crowding can be addressed with expanders and braces alone up until about age 15. (After that, surgery may be necessary to re-open the sutures.) The amount of expansion may be limited by the bone structure, the facial appearance, or the supporting tissues.

If a patient has moderate to severe crowding and insufficient gums or bone, permanent teeth will need to be removed to provide the necessary room.

The second reason is protrusion. The position of the lips is determined by the underlying teeth. If the front teeth are already protrusive, removing some on the sides will allow the orthodontist to move the teeth backwards to improve the lip posture. If the lips are in good position already but the underlying teeth are crooked, removing teeth may be necessary to prevent making the teeth and lips stick out.

The third reason is to correct an overbite or underbite. If the upper an lower jaw sizes are mismatched, the ideal treatment is to surgically reposition them. In most patients however, the jaw size discrepancy is small enough that the teeth can be moved to “compensate” for the problem. This eliminates the need for jaw surgery in the majority of overbite patients and some underbite patients. A patient with a moderate overbite is usually receptive to the idea of having two upper bicuspids removed if it prevents the need for surgery.

There are a variety of other reasons your orthodontist may suggest the removal of teeth as part of your treatment. These include asymmetries and missing, impacted, or extra teeth. Treatment is usually faster for your orthodontist if teeth are NOT removed, so you can assume that if he does recommend extractions, they must really be necessary. As always, ask your doctor for a complete explanation of your specific treatment plan. Educated patients are the best patients!

Might the braces be the top and bottom variety? I had braces when I was a kid (HATED it so much), but I never had any of my teeth removed.

Here is what I found online:


I had teeth removed for braces back in 1989/1990. I'm sort of peeved that it happened because I feel like my teeth looked sort of "wrong" since then. I went to a dentist, years later in about 2008, who told me that it wasn't done so much anymore (that there were other options than having teeth removed). At the time, though, I was told if I didn't get them out I would have to wear headgear.
1989 UNSOLVED HOMICIDE: AMANDA TERESA STAVIK - go to the end of the page; then count up 5 sentences - Stavik was last seen about a half-mile from her home by her younger brother, Lee, 13. Her mother thought she had jogged the three miles south
to the Noosack River.

2 more up- Stavik's mother, Mary, had worked to keep her mind from dwelling on her missing daughter.

Part 5: Serial killers -- they're not always who we think ~Snip - But when Pete Piccini, a Jefferson County cop who chased Sinclair for years, entered a ministorage shed near Sumas in 1990, he discovered a pile of evidence and a mountain of conflicting ideas about Sinclair and his crimes.

In the bottom of a barrel in the shed were a yellow flowered bed sheet and pillows. They matched the linen used to strangle and wrap the body of 18-year-old Amanda Stavik.

Stavik, a Central Washington University student, vanished Thanksgiving Eve 1989 while jogging. Her body was found Nov. 27 in the South Fork of the Nooksack River. There was evidence of rape.

Another item to emerge from the shed was a school yearbook. Leafing through it, investigators saw Stavik's picture. She had been a classmate of Sinclair's son.

Piccini, diligently running down a missing-person report from his own county, had discovered a sex crime that called into question the profile of a man then sought as "The Coin Shop Killer."

"It was hard to define Sinclair; he was all over the map," said Piccini, who retired as Jefferson County sheriff in December.

Amanda Stavik Went Jogging 20 Years Ago and Ended Up Naked and Dead

Great find on the 'Amanda Stavik' case!

This may all may be a red herring, but I found it quite surprising that the above comments by Piccini in the Seattle PI article about the possible link between Charles Sinclair and Amanda Stavik were essentially dismissed in another article the very next day.

Law enforcement officials in Whatcom County earlier declined comment for the P-I article. But yesterday Ron Peterson, a former Whatcom County Sheriff's civil deputy, told the Bellingham Herald that Stavik "wasn't wrapped in anything" when he recovered her body.

Mac Setter, the Whatcom County Prosecuting Attorney's chief criminal deputy, said the Stavik case is "being actively worked from week to week," and that Sinclair "is not a person of interest."

Attempts to reach Piccini for additional comment yesterday were unsuccessful.

Read more: http://www.seattlepi.com/news/artic...ct-in-89-slaying-of-1108111.php#ixzz2OhpJaqHv


That's pretty strange. Why would Piccini say those things?

I had been checking out the possible thought that Charles Sinclair's son could have been 'Lyle Stevik', who committed suicide upon determining that his father had killed Amanda Stavik, but clearly that is not the case.

That doesn't eliminate the possibility that Lyle was involved in her killing in some way, although I think that's a long shot. I'm going to guess that Lyle doesn't have any connection with Amanda.
Note: I messed up in one of my last posts, I mistakenly wrote that he was missing teeth 5, 12, 1, and 16. He was actually missing teeth 5, 12, 32, and 17. 1 and 16 were still very much intact :doh:

Okay, so I've looked into his dentals further more, and I've made a few observations:

1. #5 (pre-molar) and #32 (wisdom tooth) do not seem to be of any particular significance.

2. #12 is the 1st pre-molar which erupts at 10-11 years old

3. #17 erupts between 17-21 years old.

4. Lastly, I just Googled "DO Amalgam". This type of restoration is used in cases of dental decay or for fractures. This one erupts between 10-12 years old.

BTW, I attached a shot of Lyle's dental chart from NAMUS for reference.

That doesn't eliminate the possibility that Lyle was involved in her killing in some way, although I think that's a long shot. I'm going to guess that Lyle doesn't have any connection with Amanda.

At his youngest, it wouldn't be possible. If he was 20 in 2001, he would have been 8 years old in 1989.


  • lyle dental chart.jpg
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Note: I messed up in one of my last posts, I mistakenly wrote that he was missing teeth 5, 12, 1, and 16. He was actually missing teeth 5, 12, 32, and 17. 1 and 16 were still very much intact :doh:

Okay, so I've looked into his dentals further more, and I've made a few observations:

1. #5 (pre-molar) and #32 (wisdom tooth) do not seem to be of any particular significance.

2. #12 is the 1st pre-molar which erupts at 10-11 years old

3. #17 erupts between 17-21 years old.

4. Lastly, I just Googled "DO Amalgam". This type of restoration is used in cases of dental decay or for fractures. This one erupts between 10-12 years old.

BTW, I attached a shot of Lyle's dental chart from NAMUS for reference.

At his youngest, it wouldn't be possible. If he was 20 in 2001, he would have been 8 years old in 1989.

I should have been clearer in my comment that maybe he was 'involved' in some way. I meant 'connected', i.e. perhaps the son or brother of the killer or related to Amanda.
First ever post, so please be kind! Here's another possibility if he hasn't already been ruled out. I didn't see any acne scars on Lyle but posting anyway.. as height, hair eyes seem to match


Thanks for stepping out of the shadows mewlimania!
Your post is better than my less-than-coherent ramblings above. More heads are better than one!

I can see the resemblance so Marcus is worth considering. (and, I used to live in Mississauga!)

First ever post, so please be kind! Here's another possibility if he hasn't already been ruled out. I didn't see any acne scars on Lyle but posting anyway.. as height, hair eyes seem to match


edit - apparently one of the pics are from 1998.

I wonder if the last seen date is wrong? I like him for this case-
Canada - Regina Saskatchewan - WhtMale 720UMSK, 20-30, Struck by Train - Jul'95

Unidentified White Male

  • The victim was discovered on July 28, 1995 in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Estimated Date of Death: July 28, 1995
  • Cause of Death: Suicide
Vital Statistics

Estimated age: 20-30 years old
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'9"; 140-160 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: White male. Clean-shaven, with short, medium-brown hair; blue eyes. The deceased had no tattoos, surgical scars or unusual characteristics that might have helped to identify him.
Dentals: Available

Clothing: He was wearing a black denim button shirt with a gold “crown” logo displayed on the left front pocket. Under this shirt the victim wore a white t-shirt with the words "Boca Authentic" on the front. He also wore faded blue jeans, white socks and a pair of size 12 and 1/2, blue and white Reebok runners.
  • Fingerprints: Available
  • DNA: Available
  • AKA: The victim called himself "David"
I originally learned of this story from this article:
which has an interesting sketch. (Please note the sketch has since been removed and replaced by the composite)

Then I found the police site which has the MP3s of the interview with a person that provided a lot of information about the possible identity of the victim http://www.police.regina.sk.ca/johndoe.htm and had an updated composite.
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