WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #4

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i'm not following. you're contacting people named amanda park because he killed himself in a place called amanda park? be careful. i applaud any attempts to think outside of the box but the people on the receiving end are going to think someone crazy is sending them messages so don't get yourself in trouble.

Maybe a girl named Amanda.. not sure if I agree her last name would be Amanda Parks.. but stranger things have happened I guess
Maybe a girl named Amanda.. not sure if I agree her last name would be Amanda Parks.. but stranger things have happened I guess

I don't think his location of choice had anything to do with his personal life, but simply for the convenience. He didn't want to be found by anybody who knew him. The fact that nobody recognized him over there suggests that he had either been there once before, or not at all.
I don't think his location of choice had anything to do with his personal life, but simply for the convenience. He didn't want to be found by anybody who knew him. The fact that nobody recognized him over there suggests that he had either been there once before, or not at all.

Nevertheless it is an unusual place name, and suicide is inevitably about one's personal life.

It's not uncommon for a certain kind of suicidal person, men mostly, to just drift until they get to the end of the road -- usually one or two a year wind up in Maine, or the New Hampshire north country. So it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't even know the name of the place he wound up in.

But it's also not uncommon for a different kind of suicidal person to choose a place that has positive associations for them. Not necessarily a place they're familiar with, either. Maybe a place he visited as a kid on vacation with his parents, or that made him think, "I'd love to own a house here if I ever get the money," or "this reminds me of someone," etc. etc. etc. Some of the people who come to Maine to end their lives do so because they remember the wilderness fondly from their summer camp days.

I'm not saying any of these necessarily apply to Lyle. But it could well be something like that, and figuring it out might give us the clue we need to figure out where he came from.
I was wondering if there were any other signs that "Lyle" had recently lost weight other than the Levis he was wearing were too big? I remember when my husband and I started dating (and he was in college studying mechanical engineering); a lot of times, someone will graduate and go back overseas and will give the clothes that they don't want to take with them to someone here (and a lot of times that person will wear them even if they don't fit right).
I was wondering if there were any other signs that "Lyle" had recently lost weight other than the Levis he was wearing were too big? I remember when my husband and I started dating (and he was in college studying mechanical engineering); a lot of times, someone will graduate and go back overseas and will give the clothes that they don't want to take with them to someone here (and a lot of times that person will wear them even if they don't fit right).

Apparently, many of the larger holes on his belt were well used, indicating that he had worn it while getting smaller.
I'm not even sure if maps at the time would have shown "Amanda Park."

I've been through here (I'm kind of a local), we just called it Quinault since that's the name of the lake, the rainforest, the local reservation, and the name on most of the nearby lodges and such.
Hey ColdCaseMan I don't know if your still browsing these forums but I had a question about Lyles teeth. It probably wont make any difference or anything but I am curious. Lyles missing teeth. Were they noticed only by x-ray? or could you visually see them missing? If you could visually see them missing could you tell how long before that he had them pulled?

ETA: also is there any way we could get a pic of lyles teeth? Maybe someone w/ good experience w/ photoshop can do a picture of him smiling :)
Hey ColdCaseMan I don't know if your still browsing these forums but I had a question about Lyles teeth. It probably wont make any difference or anything but I am curious. Lyles missing teeth. Were they noticed only by x-ray? or could you visually see them missing? If you could visually see them missing could you tell how long before that he had them pulled?

ETA: also is there any way we could get a pic of lyles teeth? Maybe someone w/ good experience w/ photoshop can do a picture of him smiling :)

Probably visually. They'd probably see that first.
So sorry if this was covered, but I just caught this case & I am new to WS. I've been reading, but there's so much about him that I might have missed this.

Has the author from Princeton ever been contacted?

I think he was a student of hers and used the character's name as an "honorary" to her, out of appreciation of her as a professor--not an obsessed way, just like maybe she taught a class he had really liked.

Again, sorry if this was asked. There's so much to catch up on.

" Lyle Stevick is a superfluous man. He runs a perpetually faltering used-furniture store in a rough section of the city. The family lives in part of a rented duplex near the U.S. Steel and Swale Cyanamid factories. Lyle's wife, Hannah, is always taking to her bed with obscure ailments. Their kids grow up fast among the weedy back lots. Geraldine and Lizzie, the older daughters, swoon over hoods with D.A. haircuts; the one son, Warren, enlists to fight in Korea as soon as he is of age. And Enid, who will become the focus of the novel, spends the hours of childhood dreaming herself into the miniature worlds in the wallpaper pattern. She wants oblivion. Crossing a railway trestle near her home, she wishes she had the courage to throw herself off.

The trouble did not start with Lyle. His own father, a prominent local businessman, deserted Lyle's mother to take up with a flashy showgirl. He fathered another son, Felix, before shooting himself in a hospital bed. ''Man hands on misery to man,'' wrote Philip Larkin. Lyle would not deny it. One night he goes so far as to hang a rope from the basement rafter of his store; he then sips Early Times and stares at the rope's shadow, ''vague as a smudge on the damp stone.''
I know you guys have discussed a possible connected with 9/11 but I'm not sure how far you went with it.

The thing about 9/11 is that so many people were presumed dead because they were supposed to be in the buildings that day and never came home. Obviously, it makes sense to presume that they were all victims of the attack. But...

What if there was a young man who worked in the upper floors of the towers who was presumed dead even though he wasn't at work that day? Maybe he called in sick or was late. Maybe he'd taken a vacation. If he had family or friends that he wasn't close to, he might not tell them that he was travelling or taking time off work. When the towers collapsed, they would think he was among the rubble.

A lot of speculation here but I have to wonder. I don't suppose anyone knows of a 9/11 tribute site featuring pictures of the victims?
A paramedic? First Aid trained?

Maybe one or both of his parents were either medical professionals or they might have been employed in a morgue.

Thinking of of LS's "perfect teeth' and his toothbrush and paste found, but no luggage, a dental student or son of dentist comes to mind.
So far I've been met with stony silences, however I looked through some of their pages and one of the Amanda Parks that I've attempted to contact is from Korea and lives in Washington and I noticed she has a little brother who bears a few similar features to Lyle.
I wonder if anyone else thinks so too?

Here's a link to his FB page,

I know it's a long shot, but I really get the feeling that there's a lot of deliberate 'coincidence' in this aspect of how this tragic story has been made to unfold.
Maybe it'd be worth just trying to 'friend' them all with Lyle's FB page, so at least they'd get to see his face before they decided it was just another spammer?

Even if it's a nothing lead, isn't it amazing how it has forced a part of the ongoing investigation to involve even more people to become aware of Lyle's story, almost forcing those who've come along afterwards to have to continue to 'remember this'?

I think the reason you're getting silence is because facebook messages from people who are not your friends don't go directly to the inbox anymore. They probably aren't ignoring you they probably just don't see them in the inbox from strangers as most people don't check that often.
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