WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #4

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I see that Patrick Jason Beavers was on the list as "possibly ruled out"

Has he definitely been ruled out?
I know you guys have discussed a possible connected with 9/11 but I'm not sure how far you went with it.

The thing about 9/11 is that so many people were presumed dead because they were supposed to be in the buildings that day and never came home. Obviously, it makes sense to presume that they were all victims of the attack. But...

What if there was a young man who worked in the upper floors of the towers who was presumed dead even though he wasn't at work that day? Maybe he called in sick or was late. Maybe he'd taken a vacation. If he had family or friends that he wasn't close to, he might not tell them that he was travelling or taking time off work. When the towers collapsed, they would think he was among the rubble.

A lot of speculation here but I have to wonder. I don't suppose anyone knows of a 9/11 tribute site featuring pictures of the victims?

There's a list of missing-presumed-dead maintained by one of the NYC organizations. I saw some references to it recently but the news article didn't have enough information to let me locate that listing on line. My google-fu is weak, though, so you might have better luck than I did.
Ok, here is one that I had thought of a while ago, and now I'll share. It is as odd and far out as they get, but truth is stranger than fiction as they say. So here goes-

After hearing he had weight loss and depression, I thought, what could happen to someone in their life to get to the point of suicide?

Doesn't seem like a girl... he didn't place any outbound calls... no cell phone... nothing to indicate a lost lady (or male partner) in his life. Not that he would have had to call, but it seems so odd not to have a call made or anything.

So I thought to what was happening in the months prior... now bear in mind, this is wild... but if the last place he listed (that hotel further east) is any indication, then he was headed west from somewhere.

So to get to it, on June 13, just three months prior, Jason Jolkowski vanished in Omaha, Nebraska. I have always had the feeling that he was struck by someone driving, and the person had to cover it up. Now here we have someone who is a clean cut individual, solid teeth and whatever else... but is depressed and loses weight. That kind of thing can happen over a few short months and take the life right out of you....
I know this is a stretch... but wasn't there a young girl recently who had killed someone (hit them in traffic) and took off one day in her jeep and unfortunately ended her life.
Wild thought of the day. But, outside of Martians I'm at a loss for both Lyle and Jason Jolkowski - so I put them together.
Good day :seeya:
Ok, here is one that I had thought of a while ago, and now I'll share. It is as odd and far out as they get, but truth is stranger than fiction as they say. So here goes-

After hearing he had weight loss and depression, I thought, what could happen to someone in their life to get to the point of suicide?

Doesn't seem like a girl... he didn't place any outbound calls... no cell phone... nothing to indicate a lost lady (or male partner) in his life. Not that he would have had to call, but it seems so odd not to have a call made or anything.

So I thought to what was happening in the months prior... now bear in mind, this is wild... but if the last place he listed (that hotel further east) is any indication, then he was headed west from somewhere.

So to get to it, on June 13, just three months prior, Jason Jolkowski vanished in Omaha, Nebraska. I have always had the feeling that he was struck by someone driving, and the person had to cover it up. Now here we have someone who is a clean cut individual, solid teeth and whatever else... but is depressed and loses weight. That kind of thing can happen over a few short months and take the life right out of you....
I know this is a stretch... but wasn't there a young girl recently who had killed someone (hit them in traffic) and took off one day in her jeep and unfortunately ended her life.
Wild thought of the day. But, outside of Martians I'm at a loss for both Lyle and Jason Jolkowski - so I put them together.
Good day :seeya:

Sorry SuperKyle....but I hadn't checked this thread until just now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your theory! These are the type of connections we need to make, and your theory is easily within the realm of possibility.

I'm not giving up on my theory yet, either... the coincidence that two men were found within a close time period with absolutely no identification, with good hygiene and wardrobe, and who had both just lost a lot of weight. Possibly a connection between "Lyle Stevik" and "Brett Stone"?


In the end, it really is about making connections. I really hope that your theory is correct SuperKyle!!
Im more of a lurker & rarely post but I do have one theory in this
Thinking of of LS's "perfect teeth' and his toothbrush and paste found, but no luggage, a dental student or son of dentist comes to mind.

Im thinking LS could have been suffering from some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) Im not an expert but in my limited knowledge clean teeth is one of the obsessions. Coupled with his weight loss it certainly seems he was depressed or had anxiety.

Anyway not sure if I brought much to the table but Im hoping its food for thought. Puns intended :)
Im more of a lurker & rarely post but I do have one theory in this

Im thinking LS could have been suffering from some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) Im not an expert but in my limited knowledge clean teeth is one of the obsessions. Coupled with his weight loss it certainly seems he was depressed or had anxiety.

Anyway not sure if I brought much to the table but Im hoping its food for thought. Puns intended :)

Could be why he didn't talk much? Just an idea.
Hello all,
This is my first post, and i just skimmed the three other threads on this topic, so pardon me if this has already been put out there. I think that guy looks Ukrainian. There are a lot of Slavic people out in Western Canada, so it's a possibility. Perhaps he came to Canada from the Ukraine to study, something bad happened to him (maybe he flunked out and lost his visa etc...), he left Alberta/BC headed south to Idaho and on his way back North he committed suicide. The address he left could be from a place that he had stayed on his initial trek south. Could've had something in his pocket with the address on it that was thrown out by him beforehand.
Does anyone know if the police checked out the Idaho hotel?
Hello all,
This is my first post, and i just skimmed the three other threads on this topic, so pardon me if this has already been put out there. I think that guy looks Ukrainian. There are a lot of Slavic people out in Western Canada, so it's a possibility. Perhaps he came to Canada from the Ukraine to study, something bad happened to him (maybe he flunked out and lost his visa etc...), he left Alberta/BC headed south to Idaho and on his way back North he committed suicide. The address he left could be from a place that he had stayed on his initial trek south. Could've had something in his pocket with the address on it that was thrown out by him beforehand.
Does anyone know if the police checked out the Idaho hotel?

They did, the staff didn't recognize him.
Gosh, this is riddle wrapped inside a conundrum.

I did read back last night after I posted and I see that him possibly being Ukrainian was discussed at length. Even though it hasn't been accepted as such, I would stake $100 on him being Slavic, but not Turkish. I say this because my family is Ukrainian and he looks like *some* people in my family.

Additionally, if he were an international student that went missing (student because of the obscurity of the book that has Lyle Stevik as a character) the school would be looking for him. If he dropped out/was kicked out for failing, they would assume he went back to his country of origin and his family wouldn't be looking for him because he's meant to be at school.

An aside: when I looked at his side profile pic in the morgue I thought he bore a resemblance to the hockey player, Alex Ovechkin, who is definitely Russian. It's all in the nose and jaw line for me.

*edit to add this* Did anyone take a pic of him at the morgue (and not the computer generated picture cause that doesn't really look like him) around to UBC, University of Calgary etc? I could post it at my school (U OF T), but we're on the opposite side of the country, so I don't know how helpful that will be.
They did, the staff didn't recognize him.

If he came in late and left early, as people on the road often do, it's likely the night clerk is the only one who actually saw him. And night clerks are generally very good at not recognizing people.
If he came in late and left early, as people on the road often do, it's likely the night clerk is the only one who actually saw him. And night clerks are generally very good at not recognizing people.

Totally possible. The night clerk could have been too sleepy to really be aware. Or! Maybe he was there at some point in his not too distant past and it held a special memory for him.

He was definitely there/there's a connection to him there because, otherwise, its the most crazy coincidence ever that he randomly picked an address that actually exists.

I bet he checked in the Idaho motel to commit suicide and then changed his mind. Perhaps he decided to head back North (basing this on my theory) and deal with whatever consequences he had to deal with, but got his nerve back in Washington. Or, maybe he realised his visa would be revoked at this point and knew he couldn't return to Canada because he didn't have the right documentation. This was *just* after 9/11, correct? We all know how tight the border was in the days following that terrorist attack.
So...I got through the second main thread and thought that I would just post my observations to see if they have maybe been explored yet.

I am not sure how many of you are familiar with the "60s Scoop". Countless Native children were removed from their families and communities in Canada from the 60s to early 90s. Many groups of siblings were also separated. Many, many, many of these kids ended up with wealthy American families. In adulthood, a lot of them were found to have been incarcerated or committed suicide.

I am currently looking for a male who was last seen in Washington, sometime in the 90s. He was, however, born in 1960.

But....there is a strong possibility that Lyle was a 'Scooper' and his adoptive family has no interest in locating him and his birth family has no idea who he became or what he looks like.

Was the ethnic DNA aspect ever followed up on?
Totally possible. The night clerk could have been too sleepy to really be aware. Or! Maybe he was there at some point in his not too distant past and it held a special memory for him.

He was definitely there/there's a connection to him there because, otherwise, its the most crazy coincidence ever that he randomly picked an address that actually exists.

I bet he checked in the Idaho motel to commit suicide and then changed his mind. Perhaps he decided to head back North (basing this on my theory) and deal with whatever consequences he had to deal with, but got his nerve back in Washington. Or, maybe he realised his visa would be revoked at this point and knew he couldn't return to Canada because he didn't have the right documentation. This was *just* after 9/11, correct? We all know how tight the border was in the days following that terrorist attack.

Yes, not even a week. I wonder if the Vancouver border was even open when he got there? The border here (New England) was closed for at least several days afterward.
I posted in the FB group the other day to CCD; asking if there is any more DNA for Lyle; also told him about 23andme; then also sharing the data with other sites. He most likely could get it all donated. I mentioned the same thing in another case.
What do you all think of a potential resemblence here?


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I also have an observation...

For those of you who think he had other intentions when renting the room...then assuming that he did select his alias from a book which involves suicide, then why not check in under his real name or something completely unrelated to suicide, like 'Tom Smith'? I think he truly planned on following through when he rented the room.
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