GUILTY WA - Zina Linnik, 12, Tacoma, 4 July 2007

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DNA Solves
say in isn't sooooo!!!

Adhahn will not face death penalty in Zinna Linnik case

Story Updated: Jul 23, 2007 at 2:14 PM PDT
By KOMO Staff & News Services

TACOMA, Wash. -- Pierce County Prosecutor Gerald Horne on Monday announced that officials bargained with Terapon Adhahn and agreed to take the death penalty off the table if he showed them where the Zina Linnik was.

"We took this unusual step only because we retained hope that Zina might still be alive," Horne said.

According to charging documents filed Monday, Adhahn accompanied investigators to the site where Zina's body was located in rural Pierce County. An autopsy showed that she was beaten to death and her body later dumped at the site near Eatonville.
This filthy scumball needs the death penalty!
what a sad tradgedy, this guy beats a defensless child to death and throws her out like trash and they bargained to keep the man alive!!! it is a good thing they got on his trail when they did, had he been able to escape detection for another week or two, he would be in back in his native country scott free. I feel the murder took place close to where he discarded her body, most likely inside the van, then he discarded her there in the woods, what a scum of the earth piece of garbage he is, the parents deserve 10 minuts alone with him. my heart breaks knowing this child was killed violently like she was. well if they put him in for life the convicts there don't like people who rape and murder children, so maybe he will get whats coming to him the same way zina suffered. rip little angel, you will never be forgotten.
I’m not so sure I’m against with the plea bargain they made this time. They wanted to find her alive and even if they didn’t at least her family didn’t have to wait months and months (maybe more, like the Van Damns) to bring her home. We have a ton of densely wooded areas and it really could have been years (or never) that she was brought home.
Anyway, I’m glad that he will spend many, many years in prison and have to be scared for his own life each and every day or unless someone takes him out before that.

When you said the parents deserved 10 minutes alone with them…I agree but after seeing them and how quiet and reserved they were, I think the most they would do is spit on him. I say, give me 10 minutes with that weasel and there would be no need for a trial.

Poor little Zina, and the other little girls that he harmed forever. May he rot in jail for many years and they RIP.
Filthy should be given death.

Poor little Zina.

State grapples over bargaining with death
03:32 PM PDT on Saturday, July 28, 2007
Associated Press AP

SEATTLE - In an interview early this year, Pierce County Prosecutor Gerry Horne called Washington state's death penalty law a "farce" and suggested it is so ineffective that the Legislature should consider getting rid of it.
When time came to find an abducted 12-year-old Tacoma girl, though, he was glad to have it. Four days after Zina Linnik disappeared, Horne -- believing time was running out to find her alive -- promised not to seek the death penalty against the suspect, Terapon Adhahn, if he would tell detectives where she was. Adhahn agreed, leading them to her body in rural Pierce County.
Without the death penalty, "we would have no leverage in some instances," Horne said this week. "It's nice to have that tool in your kit."
Horne's attitude reflects the evolving considerations prosecutors in Washington weigh when dealing with potential capital cases. For generations, prosecutors here refused to use the death penalty as a "bargaining chip" in obtaining guilty pleas.

More at link….

Sex offender Adhahn had security pass at Fort Lewis
07:51 PM PDT on Friday, July 27, 2007

FORT LEWIS, Wash. - The convicted sex offender accused of killing Zina Linnik used an express lane through security at Fort Lewis for years.
Terapon Adhahn got through a background check that gave him clearance, despite his status as a Level 1 sex offender.
He had a "rapid gate pass," which allows users like pizza delivery drivers to bypass a lot of the typical security scrutiny.
The civilian company who issues the passes – called EID Passport - says it issues thorough background checks. No felonies or sex offenders are allowed.
But Adhahn had a pass while he drove a tow truck for at least two companies - Mchord and Lee towing. Those owners say Adhahn had a rapid pass going back at least until 2004, which comes as shock to some retired military folks.
"He shouldn’t bet there," said William Mueller, former member of the military, "just like they're not supposed to be near a school or a playground or children, period."
Adhahn's criminal record for serious offenses includes a 1992 felony conviction for intimidation with a weapon and a 1990 conviction of incest. Since then he's been on record as a sex offender, required to register

More at link….
He is a filthy that should be terminated. What that child had to endure makes me ill.
this guy should have been stopped many years ago!

Adhahn referred to Child Protective Services in 2004

11:19 AM PDT on Thursday, August 2, 2007

Terapon Adhahn leaves a Pierce County courtoom on Monday, July 23, 2007 after pleading not guilty to the kidnap, rape and murder of Zina Linnik.

TACOMA, Wash. - A man charged with kidnapping, raping and killing a 12-year-old girl was referred to law enforcement officers in 2004 through an anonymous tip, but the complaint could not be verified, The Seattle Times reported Thursday.

According to heavily redacted documents, released to the newspaper by Child Protective Services under a public disclosure request, the state agency was told in January 2004 that Terapon Dang Adhahn was having sex with a 15-year-old girl who was living with him.
Girl slain in Tacoma 'could have been me'

Blinded and silenced by duct tape, her hands bound, Sabrina Rasmussen feared what would happen next.

Minutes earlier, a stranger had forced the 11-year-old girl into his Dodge Ram pickup about a block from her Tacoma middle school. He threatened to stab her, muffled her screams with a nicotine-stained hand.
From above posted link:
"Don't bring your childhood into somebody else's childhood," she said. "That's your life. Don't mess up somebody else's life."

Rasmussen, who agreed to share her story so other victims can draw strength from it, is convinced police will link other missing girls to Adhahn.

"He knew exactly what he was doing with me," she said.
I'd love to be the warden in the prison they send that to.
I thought of you today. I pray for justice for you, sweet girl.
Mikhail Linnik expressed relief Friday that the man charged with kidnapping and killing his 12-year-old daughter, Zina, is expected to plead guilty next month to crimes that will send him to prison for the rest of his life.

“It’s a good thing,” said Linnik, as another of his daughters, Nina, interpreted her father’s Ukrainian for a reporter. “The bad people need to be stopped.”

Linnik spoke from the living room of his Hilltop home in Tacoma, where a photograph of Zina hangs above the fireplace, a spray of silk flowers on the mantelpiece below. It is the same photo police copied and handed out when the girl went missing July 4, 2007, from the alley behind her house.

On April 7, in the courtroom of Superior Court Judge Rosanne Buckner, Terapon Dang Adhahn is expected to admit to snatching the girl, then raping and murdering her, deputy prosecutors said Friday.

Adhahn, 43, also is expected to plead guilty “as charged” to a dozen more crimes against two other Tacoma-area girls, deputy prosecutor Mary Robnett said.

Adhahn pleads guilty to murder of Tacoma girl, 12
By Christine Clarridge


Family members of 12-year-old Zina Linnik attend the plea hearing of Terapon Adhahn, who pleaded guilty to Zina's murder. From left: Valentina Linnik, Zina's mother; Mikhail Linnik, her father; and uncle Anatoly Kalchik.

Terapon Dang Adhahn, 43, appeared disconcerted to find Zina's dad, Mikhail Linnik, and other family members staring so intently at him from the jury box at his plea hearing on Monday.

Several times, he turned his head away and cast his eyes along the edge of the courtroom, looking at empty tables and a nearly bare wall inside the Pierce County Courthouse.

In a soft voice, Adhahn answered: "Yes ma'am," when Superior Court Judge Rosanne Buckner read the charges against him and asked if he understood the rights he would waive with his guilty pleas.

Fifteen times in the hourlong hearing, Adhahn said the word "guilty" — pleading to aggravated first-degree murder, aggravated first-degree rape and aggravated first-degree kidnapping in the 2007 slaying of Zina Linnik.


He's revolting :mad:
This article is a few months old, but I wanted to post it anyway. Rest in peace, Zina. We still remember you.

Tacoma Family Remembers 4th of July Tragedy
It's been two years since 12-year-old Zina Linnik of Tacoma was kidnapped and murdered.

On the 4th of July, it will have been 2-years since 12-year-old Zina Linnik was kidnapped behind her Tacoma home and murdered.

Zina's uncle Anatoly Kalchik says, "Zina was a wonderful person. Zina was a beautiful person and she had an open heart to everybody."

Zina's dad speaks Ukranian, so Anatoly interpreted for him, telling us how they're trying to go on. "But every time the 4th of July is approaching, the wound is like opened again and the family has to go through the same pain all over again," says Kalchik.

Terapon Adhahn, a convicted sex offender, was arrested and led police to her body. He pleaded guilty to rape and murder and got life in prison.


Plans are in the works to build two memorials for Zina in Tacoma. One will be at Wright Park and will feature a playground and community plaza. The other will be at the new McCarver Park and will also have a playground, along with Ukranian art and a wall that's inscribed with a poem that was read at Zina's candlelight vigil.,0,5829069.story
Zina Linnik's murderer can’t talk to his kids

The Washington State Court of Appeals has upheld a Pierce County Superior Court judge’s ruling that prohibits Zina Linnik’s killer from contacting his children while they are minors.

The appellate court announced its decision in the case involving Terapon Adhahn on Wednesday.

Adhahn had appealed a provision in his sentencing that prohibited his contacting his four children while they are under 18. When he was sentenced in May 2008 his daughters were between 1 and 2 years old, 16 years old and 18 years old; his son was 11 years old.


Adhahn is serving life in prison without the possibility of parole for the kidnapping, rape and murder of Zina, 12. She was snatched from an alley behind her Hilltop home in July 2007.
Lawsuit: Officer's sleep delayed Amber Alert for Zina Linnik

An Amber Alert about the abduction of 12-year-old Zina Linnik in 2007 could have gone out six hours earlier had Tacoma’s police spokesman not fallen asleep after receiving an early-morning call asking him to issue the alert.


The alert regarding Zina wasn’t issued until about 10 a.m. July 5 – about 12 hours after the girl was reported missing.


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