WARNING:GRAPHIC PHOTOS Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #8

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This is where the problem is ... Amanda saw the broken window before she went back to Raffaele's apt:

"She said that after the shower she got dressed and noticed that Meredith’s door was locked. She went into the other bathroom and said that there were faeces in the toilet. Then she went into another room and noticed that the window had been broken and that there was glass inside. She told these things to her and the other girls present. Then she related that she had gone back to Raffaele’s house and had rung Filomena. She remembered that on that occasion at police headquarters Raffaele was very calm, silent."

Motivation Report (page 38)

If I were living in a foreign country where I was not fluent in the language and discovered a break-in. I, too, might first turn to a friend from that country who could help communicate with police.
In the movie, when AK spoke to her mother on the first day of the crime, her mother wanted her come home right away. AK refused to...

Here are my questions - could AK have left the country at that time. Was her passport ever taken to stop her?

What would have happend had she left, gotten back home in the US...

If she left immediately and gone home to US, I presume she could have avoided conviction and prison. Her statements and behavior after Meredith' murder is what did her in, IMO. Had she left immediately and not talk to police I think she could very well be a free woman today.
If I were living in a foreign country where I was not fluent in the language and discovered a break-in. I, too, might first turn to a friend from that country who could help communicate with police.

Why didn't she turn to her friend, Raffaele, phone him, and ask him to come over because something was fishy about the window?

What was fishy about the window?
Why was Amanda's DNA mixed with Meredith's blood in Filomina's room? That doesn't sound right to me. Meredith's blood mixed with Filomina's DNA in Filomina's bedroom, sure ... but not Knox's DNA.

Why would Meredith be bleeding such that Knox picked up that blood and deposited it in Filomina's bedroom? We haven't heard testimony from anyone that Meredith was a bleeder and Amanda spent time in Filomina's bedroom.

How do you know which came first, the Knox DNA or MK's blood? Your question assumes the two were mixed elsewhere and then brought together into Filomena's room. How do we know that to be true?

Why not go with the obvious: AK's DNA was in Filomena's room and someone tracked MK's blood on top of it?
If she left immediately and gone home to US, I presume she could have avoided conviction and prison. Her statements and behavior after Meredith' murder is what did her in, IMO. Had she left immediately and not talk to police I think she could very well be a free woman today.

I think that Italy would have made an application to have her extradited because of the DNA on the knife, haematic substance with her footprint, evidence implicating Raffaele, mixed samples of Knox DNA with Meredith's blood, fishy window, and more.
How do you know which came first, the Knox DNA or MK's blood? Your question assumes the two were mixed elsewhere and then brought together into Filomena's room. How do we know that to be true?

Why not go with the obvious: AK's DNA was in Filomena's room and someone tracked MK's blood on top of it?

I think Knox had Meredith's blood on her foot and then she walked into Filomina's bedroom to do something with that fishy window.
I think that Amanda was asked to stay in Italy, but there was really nothing to prevent her from taking the train to Germany and then flying to the US

That's interesting too ... Edda immediately wanted Amanda to leave the country ... there was a phone call from Germany with Amanda's aunt also asking her to leave the country. I think it's a little odd that everyone was so up in arms about Amanda leaving the country after Meredith was murdered. I don't think any of the other witnesses had their mothers arrive in Perugia, or plead with the witnesses to leave the country. One of Meredith's British friends left the country the day after the murder.

If Knox had fled to Germany, she would have been brought back to Italy. If she had fled to the US, she may have avoided extradition. The PR machine has touched a neighborhood judge, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump so maybe they could have kept Knox out of jail.

AK's roommate had just been brutally murdered in their home. AK's mother and aunt wanted AK to get out of there and come home where they felt she would be safer.

That certainly would be my first reaction if my daughter's roommate were murdered. Yes, I know, one can argue that AK needed to stay behind and help LE with the investigation, but I'm not surprised a mother's first reaction was to try to get her daughter to where EM thought AK could be protected.
AK's roommate had just been brutally murdered in their home. AK's mother and aunt wanted AK to get out of there and come home where they felt she would be safer.

That certainly would be my first reaction if my daughter's roommate were murdered. Yes, I know, one can argue that AK needed to stay behind and help LE with the investigation, but I'm not surprised a mother's first reaction was to try to get her daughter to where EM thought AK could be protected.

Knox was staying with Raffaele, the other roommates were staying with friends ... a murder in a town isn't reason for everyone to leave town. Amanda was told to stay, and she wanted to be with Raffaele, and she wanted to help police by lying to them.
Let's take that one point at a time. Police thought something was fishy about the broken window, so Amanda did too and that's why she ignored the break in for a couple of hours?

What was fishy about the window?

I didn't say AK thought everything LE later claimed about the condition of the room.

She was confronted with a broken window, a roommate's door locked but no other sign of the roommate and nothing obviously missing. One can well imagine she may have been unsure what to do.

If it's just an accidentally broken window, then the police aren't necessarily needed. If it is indeed a break-in, then the police are needed. If something has happened to MK, the police (and perhaps an ambulance) are very much needed.

She isn't fluent in Italian (and I think we all agree she isn't the most mature of 20-year-olds). So she thinks about it awhile and then seeks the aid of her boyfriend, who is a native Italian and can better deal with police. At her boyfriend's suggestion, she calls her flatmates and the boyfriend calls his sister and then the carabinieri. More than once AK calls her mother to hear a familiar and reassuring voice.

There is nothing suspicious here UNLESS you first assume AK is guilty and then interpret each action based on that premise.
I think that Italy would have made an application to have her extradited because of the DNA on the knife, haematic substance with her footprint, evidence implicating Raffaele, mixed samples of Knox DNA with Meredith's blood, fishy window, and more.

Perhaps, but the poster's point was that none of the lies you find so damning would have been told because AK wouldn't have been in the Perugia interrogation room.

Extradition does take some time. And before Italy could have gotten AK back, prosecutors would have seen the forensic results implicating RG. There's no way to know for sure what they might have done if they got those results BEFORE they pressured AK and RS into making conflicting statements.
Well that doesn't make any sense. Amanda said there was nothing to worry about and no reason to break the door down because Meredith routinely locked her bedroom door.

Amanda never said: there was nothing to worry
about and no reason to break the door down

you're just saying she did... (otherwise, provide a link)

Amanda and Raffaele tried to get in -
even went outside to see if they could get in through her window..
wasn't it you who just said Raffaele broke the door trying to get in.
Well that doesn't make any sense. Amanda said there was nothing to worry about and no reason to break the door down because Meredith routinely locked her bedroom door.

I'm not at all convinced that's what she said. That statement sounds much too much like a statement remembered AFTER suspicion is cast upon the speaker.

I'm not sure what AK said, but I don't believe she tried to keep the police from opening MK's door. I don't believe it would have occurred to her that she had that power. After all, HER boyfriend called the police; AK had to expect the body would be found.

Why would she decide all of a sudden to try to prevent or delay the discovery of the body?

This supposed statement is just another myth--or misremembered remark--that is used to make AK appear guilty in absence of real evidence. Like so many similar "facts", it doesn't hold up under the scrutiny of common sense.
I think Knox had Meredith's blood on her foot and then she walked into Filomina's bedroom to do something with that fishy window.

That makes perfect sense if one assumes a priori that AK is guilty.

But there are any number of other reasonable explanations, none of which prove AK guilty of anything.
Do I have to see it with my own eyes before I believe what was reported by everyone at the scene? Are they all liars?

What did he put under the window and later retrieve? A couple of boxes? A ladder? A saw horse? An elevator?

Everyone took note of the perimeter at the scene? I believe it was one person whose only evidence was her own recollection. They really should have taken photos of the area of the break in. It was completely inept not to.

Do you not see that some of them ARE liars? We know at least one Postal Policeman entered the room, as would be a normal response. Yet they lied about it and said they did not. Why lie?

And I did NOT say he put something "under" the window. I said he may have put something on the sill to prevent injury from the glass and ease his entry to the cottage.
Knox was staying with Raffaele, the other roommates were staying with friends ... a murder in a town isn't reason for everyone to leave town. Amanda was told to stay, and she wanted to be with Raffaele, and she wanted to help police by lying to them.

(it was more then one) of Meredith's British friends that left town - they went back home to their parents
(they didn't even attend the vigil)

Who told Amanda to stay in town and when did they tell her because I don't think so, I don't think ever.

They told Sophie Purton because she was the last to see Meredith but not Amanda.
Knox was staying with Raffaele, the other roommates were staying with friends ... a murder in a town isn't reason for everyone to leave town. Amanda was told to stay, and she wanted to be with Raffaele, and she wanted to help police by lying to them.

Come on. You're not thinking like a mother in this reply, especially not like a mother who is thousands of miles away, doesn't speak the language and has no way of knowing what is going on in Perugia--except that somebody was just murdered within feet of her daughter's bed.

As for AK's reason for staying, the most obvious answer is that she had nothing to hide. (A quick comparison with RG is apt here.) You reach a different conclusion because, as always, you start with the assumption that AK murdered MK.
I didn't say AK thought everything LE later claimed about the condition of the room.

She was confronted with a broken window, a roommate's door locked but no other sign of the roommate and nothing obviously missing. One can well imagine she may have been unsure what to do.

If it's just an accidentally broken window, then the police aren't necessarily needed. If it is indeed a break-in, then the police are needed. If something has happened to MK, the police (and perhaps an ambulance) are very much needed.

She isn't fluent in Italian (and I think we all agree she isn't the most mature of 20-year-olds). So she thinks about it awhile and then seeks the aid of her boyfriend, who is a native Italian and can better deal with police. At her boyfriend's suggestion, she calls her flatmates and the boyfriend calls his sister and then the carabinieri. More than once AK calls her mother to hear a familiar and reassuring voice.

There is nothing suspicious here UNLESS you first assume AK is guilty and then interpret each action based on that premise.

Break ins are not language dependent. It doesn't matter where one lives. If they arrive home, there's blood where there wasn't blood the day before, broken window, door wide open, one locked bedroom ... I could understand if Amanda phoned her mom at that time, or Meredith, or even Raffaele .. but she didn't.

No one thought Amanda was guilty because of this.
Come on. You're not thinking like a mother in this reply, especially not like a mother who is thousands of miles away, doesn't speak the language and has no way of knowing what is going on in Perugia--except that somebody was just murdered within feet of her daughter's bed.

As for AK's reason for staying, the most obvious answer is that she had nothing to hide. (A quick comparison with RG is apt here.) You reach a different conclusion because, as always, you start with the assumption that AK murdered MK.

I agreed to my daughter going into Bosnia for humanitarian work when she was about 16 or 17 years old ... scary, but true. I would trust that my children would be mature and responsible if they were in a foreign country and otherwise they would be at home. If my daughter had been a screw up in Bosnia, death was the consequence ... and I trusted her. She's still alive and not in jail.
I think Knox had Meredith's blood on her foot and then she walked into Filomina's bedroom to do something with that fishy window.

How so? The footprints in Filomenas room do not go to the window. In fact I believe they only found ONE print. And all the prints were deemed "compatible" and never a definite "match".

And there are no prints in the murder room. How did she get out?

What is the proof that it was blood? or that it was Amandas? I dont care about "might be", "could be", "looks like", "compatible with". I want proof.
I think Knox had Meredith's blood on her foot and then she walked into Filomina's bedroom to do something with that fishy window.

And I think it was RG who tracked it in.

ETA: (If it was, in fact, there.)
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