Warren Jeffs FLDS compound in Texas surrounded by police #3

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Michael Piccarreta told the Arizona Republic newspaper: "I smelled a rat from the beginning. I think the Texas authorities need to make a careful analysis of whether they have been part of a ruse."

But Flora Jessop, who left the FLDS church and now leads the Child Protection Project for escapees from the sect said that she submitted information to Arizona authorities after receiving calls from a pregnant teenager in Colorado City.

"I have been speaking to a little girl who has my guts in knots," she said. "It is a very credible, very believable, very abused little girl."

She said of Piccarreta: "That's what good attorneys do: They try to discredit the victim to free the predators."
Finally! The women have a choice! It's about dang time. Think about it; the women in this cult have not had the opportunity to learn about the last several decades of our history re civil rights/womens rights, etc. They have been brainwashed into thinking that they were the property of the old perverts who sexually assaulted and basically owned them. I mean, even Shawn Hornbeck was not so isolated in his captivity that he was unaware of the world progressing around him. To all of the young girls now opening their eyes...You are not the property of anyone. Your existence is so much more worthwhile than the criminals who have held you hostage for all of these years!

I'm so happy for these women!:clap::clap::clap: Finally a chance at a normal life free of abuse if they can get deprogrammed. I hope they are not messed up for life!
I'm so happy for these women!:clap::clap::clap: Finally a chance at a normal life free of abuse if they can get deprogrammed. I hope they are not messed up for life!

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Yes, what you said. I would love to see the younger women, older too if they are genuine, get away from these dirty old men.
He's got a hearing coming up on the 24th in Kingman, AZ. His trial could take 6-8 months and among the various charges are those of incest. His followers stood in respect as he came into the courtoom. I'm sure they're monitoring his visitors and his phone calls and so there is a lot of doublespeak and coded talk going on.

Edited to add: Since he's got Federal charges pending, I bet the FBI was interested! He could possibly face even more charges by the time he goes to trial for those.

I didn't realize Jeffs trial was this month! With all that's going on in Texas, the media will probably be putting more focus on his trial than they might have before.
Thank you! That is what I wanted to know. Just how many took advantage of getting away from the lifestyle forever.
Out of that 139 who voluntarily accompanied the others, I'm interested in learning how many went to shelters in their bid for freedom, and how many returned to the fold. I'm hoping that a majority of the women went to shelters. Perhaps we'll learn that later.
Out of that 139 who voluntarily accompanied the others, I'm interested in learning how many went to shelters in their bid for freedom, and how many returned to the fold. I'm hoping that a majority of the women went to shelters. Perhaps we'll learn that later.

Amen to that. Wouldn't it be wonderful to learn that the majority had gone to shelters?
I didn't realize Jeffs trial was this month! With all that's going on in Texas, the media will probably be putting more focus on his trial than they might have before.
I think so too, however there's been a report by a journalist that they weren't allowed to photograph him even outside the court. Since there are some of his followers going to the court, they're erring on the side of caution. An officer said there were concerns about "the possibility of a rescue/escape" and that's why they were clamping down on things.

Scary, creepy and horrifying. I wish I could watch that special.

ETA: Not because it's Scary etc! But because it looks very informative.
Me too. I think I have that channel? What I'd like to see is Banking on Heaven and to read several of the former members books.
Is there a crossing your fingers icon?

We need one. I would volunteer to go and counsel these women. Isn't one of our posters going to go and do that? A very rewarding thing to do. Blessings to her/him.
Me too. I think I have that channel? What I'd like to see is Banking on Heaven and to read several of the former members books.

Same here, my wish list for Half.com has grown alot this week.

The sheer numbers left the judge perplexed as she considered suggestions from the lawyers for how to handle Thursday's hearing.
"It would seem inefficient to have a witness testify 416 times," the judge offered. "If I gave everybody five minutes, that would be 70 hours."

I do NOT envy this judge!!!!
88 PAGES OF SOLID EVIDENCE from what I can see

BTW Nancy Grace is covering this now

I only got to see a little bit of Nancy Grace today, as I was preparing dinner. But I will watch the repeat broadcast at 10:00pm. CNN's 360 has been coving this every night since the beginning, so check for that in your time zone.
Thank you! These children are going to need all the support they can get!
How do you even prepare for the enormous task ahead. It would be so interesting if you were able to post during that time, not specifics just scenarios. This is fascinating how these cult leaders can have so much power over so many. You are to be commended for doing what you are going to do.:clap::clap:

Oh geez. Just like other "leaders" Warren Jeffs predicted in 2002, a "lifting up" in which only the devout would rise to heaven. This "rapture" was supposed to happen at several other dates that Jeff decreed it would occur. Naturally it hasn't happened yet. His father Rulon Jeffs had 75 wives.

"Members are taught that they can't get to heaven without the Prophet's help. Members believe that the prophet has direct communication with God and they treat him like God.

Jeffs was preaching blood atonement. "estimated by several different sources at about 10 pecent of the men, who would be willing to kill to protect the prophet and the religion. The dotrin of blood atonement -where it is the rigteous person's obligation to kill a sinner to gain salvation."

Individual blood atonement- teach that for certain sins one's own blood must be shed unto death in order to gain forgiveness and eternal llife."
Adult women in sect forced back at Texas ranch

SAN ANGELO, Texas - Texas officials who took 416 children from a polygamist retreat into state custody sent many of their mothers away Monday, as a judge and lawyers struggled with a legal and logistical morass in one of the biggest child-custody cases in U.S. history.

Of the 139 women who voluntarily left the compound with their children since an April 3 raid, only those with children 4 or younger were allowed to continue staying with them, said Marissa Gonzales, spokewoman for the state Children's Protective Services agency. She did not know how many women stayed.
"It is not the normal practice to allow parents to accompany the child when an abuse allegation is made," Gonzales said.
The women were given a choice: Return to the Eldorado ranch of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a renegade Mormon sect, or go to another safe location. Some women chose the latter, Gonzales said.


This is the best thing that could happen. I really believe some of the older women in the group were influencing the younger women, advising them not to give the authorities their names or information.
Ummm Glow, in answer to your post on the previous thread saying that Biblical Jews, specifically Abraham, used to be polygamous-from Molly's Watchman link:

Like early 19th Century Mormonism, the FLDS will often try to support the practice
of polygamy by citing biblical examples such as Abraham, King David, and Solomon.
Abraham did not actually practice polygamy. He never married any other woman until
after the death of his wife, Sarah. He did have an illegitimate son by Hagar, Sarah’s
handmaiden, but that was never endorsed by God. While the Bible honestly reports the
practice of polygamy by some Old Testament patriarchs, the Bible never endorses
polygamy and certainly never commands it. In fact, David and Solomon were in
violation of God’s commandment for all future kings of Israel: “I will set a king over
me…. Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away.”25
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