Was BR involved? #2

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Yup. And no way will Burke tell the world that he whacked his sister over the head, rendering her unresponsive....and thought to be deceased. JMO

Exactly. Add that to his choice of "interviewer" and you know this is going to not only be a farce of an interview, it's going to be a huge play for public sympathy.

Additionally, what I was struck by during the OJ miniseries on FX, was how many people had little to no information on that crime, which was even more publicized than Jon Benet. In the OJ case time, and the acceptance of DNA, only makes him look more guilty (if that was possible). But looking at this case, unless you really understand the evidence, the stupidity of Lacey and the lies that have been perpetuated over a generation, the ploy could work well for the Ramsey's and I expect it will.

If I didn't know the evidence against Jeffrey MacDonald backward and forwards, as the first true crime case I ever became obsessed with, the TV shows I have watched about him in recent years would have likely convinced me he could be innocent.

I hate that Dr. Phony is giving them this opportunity, but I realize if he didn't, plenty of other media would and probably still will.
I don't remember the specifics, but the description of him swinging at her with a golf club by the housekeeper threw me over into the BDI group, and I don't think unless I hear totally new evidence I will ever change my mind, there was also a picture where he looked at her with such jealousy (my opinion) that just gave me chills.
I don't remember the specifics, but the description of him swinging at her with a golf club by the housekeeper threw me over into the BDI group, and I don't think unless I hear totally new evidence I will ever change my mind, there was also a picture where he looked at her with such jealousy (my opinion) that just gave me chills.

Do you remember anything else about the picture like was it for a photo shoot, casual, what they were wearing, ages, etc? I could try to find it.

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I know people are suspicious of Burke appearing on Dr Phil, but I'd like to think (perhaps naively) that he's genuine in wanting to find the killer and the interview isn't just a cash grab or for sympathy.
I know people are suspicious of Burke appearing on Dr Phil, but I'd like to think (perhaps naively) that he's genuine in wanting to find the killer and the interview isn't just a cash grab or for sympathy.

I'd like to think that too but (so far) from all public accounts, he's refused to talk to police.
I know people are suspicious of Burke appearing on Dr Phil, but I'd like to think (perhaps naively) that he's genuine in wanting to find the killer and the interview isn't just a cash grab or for sympathy.

Heyya apabld,

No that's super cool.
Very fortunate turn of events, for us as a group of individuals, that BR will address the public.
Never really expected it.

Any book would be ghost written for him, he has nothing to tell us because allegedly he was fast asleep, then left early that morning to play his nintendo games.

I'm looking forward to watching this Dr Phil, I've never seen him in action so for an episode or two it will be a novelty. Just what can BR be wanting to talk about, especially over three episodes?

I just cannot imagine any difficult questions. They will all have been scripted in advance, vetted for any legal issues etc. BR will have had some media coaching and will definitely get a run through prior to doing it live, this is standard these days.

Where will JR be during this process, you reckon he will sitting at home reading the papers, or will he be saying to BR, this is how you do it?

These interviews will probably make or break BR, since alike his father he is associated with an unsolved homicide case. So its likely a Ramsey PR exercise in projecting the IDI myth?

I don't expect any earth-shattering news from the Dr. Phil interview; but I'll watch it, record it, probably post it on my Youtube channel (if I can find the time). I'm guessing that the "never before known information" will simply be how difficult his life has been living in the shadow of suspicion cast on his family -- just like the parents: me, me, me. (Is that a Linda Ronstadt song I hear starting up?) After all, the Ramseys claimed all along that he slept through the entire night and doesn't know anything.

Anyway, it's interesting seeing what others expect from this. I ran across a different take here (bbm):

Will any of these new claims and pieces of information truly alter our perception of one of the most famous U.S. crime stories, however?

We doubt it, but Burke does make for a compelling subject.

Despite his youth at the time of the incident, many over the years have posited theories that pointed the finger squarely at Burke.

Now, it's widely believed that he'll offer evidence that could incriminate his father.

The promo of former journalist PW, once referenced as the Rs’ lapdog, has claimed her book will contain excerpts from JR’s diary and an interview with BR. Then in the same month as the release of PW’s book, there will be Dr. P’s interviews. It does smack of a tactical effort to flood both the airwaves and the book reviews with the Rs’ narrative, ahead of anything anyone else presents.

Yes, Ronstadt’s song fits very well. :guitar: So does the image of the guy in this video http://www.tubechop.com/watch/8250785 dancing away to his next important ‘thing’, be that a sailboat or airplane excursion.
It would be great to have Dr Lillian Glass assess Burke's body language in this Dr Phil interview.
What bothers me is that he had a chance to talk back in 2010...to the police. And he wouldn't. But now he's ready to talk to a media figure? Truly, the apple does not fall far from the tree. Your mom and pop taught you well, young man. Too bad they didn't teach you the right things!
All this time we've been wondering why Burke wouldn't talk and now we're attacking him before we've ever seen the interview. I agree that I don't expect much, but how about we back off a little bit from the mud slinging before we see what he has to say? We can attack his interview on its merits once we've seen it.

I really can't tell you where I'd land on this myself. On one side, I had a horrible childhood; and on the other, I wouldn't hurt the memory of my parents by dragging all of that muck out for everyone to see. Burke may have done it, may know who did it or may have no idea. Given any one of those options, what part of the media or public opinion would have been fair with him? I blame him for every choice he's made just as I blame myself for everything in my past. That's one hell of a lot of responsibility to dump on a 9 year old child. Let's not forget that his parents were making the decisions for him--and when he was 18 he was supposed to abandoned all the years of his parent's care and advice, go to the police and confess everything he knew--betraying everyone who loved or cared for him. That's a really sick way to look at the world.

I don't know what decisions I would have made if I was in his shoes. I don't know what he knows. I don't know if he's protecting himself or someone he loves. I see a whole lot of moral ambiguity here. His sister was murdered and he was whisked-off and put in a bubble. He wasn't allowed to watch TV or go to the grocery store because John and Patsy were afraid of what he might see. But I guarantee he heard it. He knew what was going on because he had friends who probably watched those programs and reported back to him. He got the news because kids see it and talk. So where does he go from there? 9 to 18. One half of his life to adulthood and he has to follow and respect his parents wishes. Did he jump out at 18 to tell the world? No. I wouldn't have either. I know someone is going to argue that this is about right and wrong--a murder is always wrong. The problem is by the time he reached adulthood, his sister had been gone for half of his life. Is it really such an easy decision to betray your mother, your father and the rest of your family and take everything you know to the police.
All this time we've been wondering why Burke wouldn't talk and now we're attacking him before we've ever seen the interview. I agree that I don't expect much, but how about we back off a little bit from the mud slinging before we see what he has to say? We can attack his interview on its merits once we've seen it.

I agree BoldBear. We shouldn't jump to conclusions too quickly. I'm sure the question of why he hasn't spoken publicly until now will be one of the first interview questions asked.

I have no idea why Burke didn't talk to police all those years ago. Maybe at the time he didn't remember anything at all and now he does, or he just wasn't prepared to talk at the time. Remember, he was still quite young when his parents were suspected by the police and the public. He would have seen first hand how his parents were treated by the media and may have been frightened by it. Perhaps he thought that if he did talk to police or give a public interview, it would make people more suspicious of him regardless of what he said.

Whatever the case, I await the interview with great interest.
What bothers me is that he had a chance to talk back in 2010...to the police. And he wouldn't. But now he's ready to talk to a media figure? Truly, the apple does not fall far from the tree. Your mom and pop taught you well, young man. Too bad they didn't teach you the right things!

I think Boldbear's post below is a great idea. I wish he would have talked with LE in 2010 as well, but I totally understand the Ramsey stonewall back in the day. Now I would like to see everybody put their egos aside and at least attempt to have dialogue. I can honestly say as an IDI that he is making a HUGE mistake if this interview comes off poorly.
Marilyn Van Derbur Atler faced similar ambiguous issues as a young adult. She never spoke about what her father had done to her until after his death. After his death she was devastated to learn that he never stopped molesting other children. I’m sure Sandusky’s son also dealt with his own demons regarding revealing his father’s past. I’m only bringing this up to reference everyone can see a very difficult internal debate as to whether to speak any truths about oneself or one’s family in a very public crime.

Kolar also dealt with the issues between writing a book to share the evidentiary facts or keeping silent in compassion towards the family. What tilted him to the former was the ongoing slander towards the police and accusations/innuendos towards innocent people whose only involvement in JB’s death was that they knew the family.

But it’s not my impression anyone on the forum is behaving vengefully towards BR, since we do know he grew up in a dysfunctional family, and he has previously chosen to keep a low profile. Perhaps only those who’ve been through this as detectives – like Kolar and Thomas – or as victims like Mark Klaas can really speak to what the Dr. P engagement means.

If BR was involved, as many believe, and one places this in the context of a huge payout, then it’s pretty normal for the arrow of the moral compass to quiver. There will be a payout involved, just as there was for the Anthonys whose only crime (as far as we know) was in protecting their daughter by lying to police and committing perjury. Here’s what Klaas said in 2011 pertaining to “Reward for Bad Behavior” -

According to all credible reports Dr. Phil did not pay the Anthony’s for the interview. Instead he donated nearly $500,000 to a “charitable organization currently being formed to honor their granddaughter called Caylee’s Fund.” Truth be told, Caylee’s Fund does not yet exist, therefore it is not a charitable organization, and therein lies the rub.
The Anthony family is handsomely rewarded for abysmal behavior. Casey gets away with murder, George and Cindy lie and parry and deny the truth, yet they receive a huge payoff from a daytime TV program seeking sky-high ratings. Caylee is still dead and the truth be damned.

Like others I also happen to see personality traits of JR reflected in BR. This isn’t shocking, since many in psychiatry state that 35-50% of our personalities are from our parents. Throw in BR’s upbringing and the values his parents bestowed, it’s not unreasonable to have quite low expectations about this interview. Perhaps we’ll all be surprised.
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